[X] Forgemaster... Maybe? Of course, if you're going to be creating artifacts for your family and other heads of state, you had best d it right. As such, you should work on your smelting skills. You wouldn't want to introduce some kind of flaw for Warp Horrors to subvert the artifact through. Chance of Success: 100%. Guaranteed +15 to all Forging categories. More on better rolls.
Roll: 13+30(Learning)=43. Success.
Master Herman's wife died during the Ork raid. He doesn't blame you, though you suspect that's because she died in the opening minutes, taking a dozen Orks with her. This has led to an awkward air between the two of you, as you suspect he wouldn't take any first-year psych student bullshit very well. Of course, since you don't have a very strong bond, you also aren't sure if you really want to help him, or if you just want to get more out of your time with him, so you haven't tried it.
You did manage to make the next few steps, but you didn't make the massive progress you were hoping for.
Reward: +15 to all Forging categories. Awkward silences with your tutor.
Forging: Weapons: 20. You know how to make small, simple weapons, or large crude ones, though with your powers, you can do it anywhere by providing the rapid heating and cooling necessary. Malus to crafting weapons removed.
Forging: Weapons: 30. You know how to make most weapons that you wouldn't need a truck to haul around, though some of the more complex ones are beyond you. Minor decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Armor: 20. You can craft simple pieces of armor, though they compare favorably to beginners at the craft and few others. Malus to crafting armor removed.
Forging: Armor: 30. You can craft most pieces of armor, though they don't tend to get much larger than your current size without losing significant amounts of quality, or much more complex than the body armor used by the PDF. Minor decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
Forging: Gear: 20. You can now craft simple pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they don't look terrible either! Malus to crafting of various bits and bobs, from rings to tools, removed.
Forging: Gear: 30. You can now craft moderately complex pieces of equipment not intended for direct combat, and they don't look too bad. Minor decrease in difficulty of related Invention, Explosives, and Electronics Checks.
[X] Create Simple Charms. Now that you know how, you can try and create simple items to help keep your family and the leaders of Thernus safe from dangers both mundane and Warp-borne. Such talismans are stronger if you make them yourself. While your parents have a few already, the other loyal psykers lack your power to back the skill you possess. After the attack by the Orks, this seems a lot more urgent than it did before. Chance of Success: ???. Must pass a combined Check for Forging: Gear, and Psyker: Esoteric. Reward: On survival rolls, your parents and other heads of state gain a +10. May gain additional bonuses with greater margins of Check passing.
Once you got as much as you felt you could without pressuring your teacher overmuch, you begin your efforts. To really make a masterpiece, you would need a lot more time devoted to each individual piece, or a much greater amount of skill in forging and/or the more esoteric bits of your powers. However, you aren't after a masterpiece right now. Just some bits and bobs to help keep your parents and the other heads of state safe during events like the raid.
Combined Score Forging: Gear and Psyker: Esoteric Check: 30+ 60+ 50(Education bonus)+ 115(Education Perk bonus) +10(Psyker Perk bonus)=265. Required: 50. Pass.
265. Required: 75. Pass.
265. Required: 100. Pass.
265. Required: 125. Pass.
265. Required: 150. Pass.
265. Required: 175. Pass.
265. Required: 200. Pass.
265. Required: 225. Pass.
265. Required: 250. Pass.
Gained 90 Exp! 100/190 to Level 10.
However, just because you can't create masterpieces for each of them, doesn't mean you can't make some truly impressive artifacts. First, they each get a weapon of last resort, a knife which channels the power of the Warp against those it's bearer recognizes as their enemies. As you can analyze a person's very soul to some degree, keying the knives' more esoteric soul-cutting abilities to the souls of their intended users was easy enough, though they're still perfectly serviceable knives for everyone else. You're not sure how well it would hold up to a foe truly determined to corrupt it, but as long as it doesn't end up in the Warp or in the hands of Warp Horrors for an extended period, they shouldn't be possible to turn against their wielders. (+25 to rolls against Daemons for all heads of state and SLs.)
Second, you give each of them an amulet, which may be worn as a necklace, or simply kept on one's person, to provide a limited form of your divinatory abilities, and will warn it's owner of their imminent demise on it's own, though it lacks the power or independence to do so repeatedly. This was a precaution against Warp entities using it to give misleading visions, or otherwise corrupting it, which was far more difficult to guard against by nature of the ability it grants. Regardless, you'll check in on them once a month, just to be safe. (+50 to survival rolls, +1 survival reroll per event/year, +10 to background project rolls.)
Finally, you give each of them a modified form of the body armor worn by the PDF. It's too bulky to be worn all the time, but if they're given enough warning to get it on, it will provide protection from anything short of a city-killer bomb, including more esoteric effects such as your knives. (+25 to survival rolls for leaders, soul-cutting weapons are no longer certain death provided they get the armor on.)
Needless to say, your parents and the others are very impressed, with Cazanus proclaiming them artifacts of the highest order. You're sure you could do better, but your time and focus was too widespread, trying to make things everyone could use instead of personalizing them beyond keying them to their users souls. Ah well, you accomplished what you set out to do.
[X] Tactical Blunders. Seeing as you were able to improve on a plan made by experienced commanders in less than 5 minutes with almost no training in comparison, General Richards would like your advice on improving the tactics of his military, as he suspects that you've only improved with actual experience. + to PDF rolls dependent on check passed. SL action with General Richards.
You and General Richards settle down over a book of the current military strategies, as well as a number of papers and hypotheses on the subject, and begin to debate.
Martial Check: 25. Required: 10. Pass.
25: Required: 20. Tactics Check difficulty reduced by 50.
Combined Score Tactics Check: 45+ 50(Education bonus)+ 60(Education Perk bonus)+ 15(Psyker Perk bonus)= 170. Required: 25. Pass.
170. Required: 50. Pass.
170. Required: 75. Pass.
170. Required: 100. Pass.
170. Required: 125. Pass.
170. Required: 150. Pass.
Success! Gained 80 Exp! 180/190 Exp to Level 10.
Reward: +30 to PDF rolls permanently. SL Interlude to be put up later.
Power Roll: 46. Failed.
Power Re-roll: 95+15(Mentors)-37=73. Success. Power gains 1 point.
Power automatically gains one point. Power now 39.
Control Roll: 19. Failed.
Control Re-roll: 8. Failed.
Combat Roll: 63+15(Mentors)-19= 59. Success. Combat now 20.
With the lessons you learned from fighting yourself and having the soldiers under you fight, you have learned a great deal. However, you continue to train, in order to keep increasing your combat ability. Already, you have achieved superhuman skills to complement your superhuman body.
Combat: Melee: 50. You are on the level of an expert in direct combat. With your enhanced physique, most foes lack the ability to stand against you in a close-range fight. Difficulty of Combat Checks reduced from greater understanding of direct combat.
Combat: Melee: 60. You are above the level of an expert in direct combat. With your enhanced physique, nearly all foes lack the ability to stand against you in a close-range fight. Difficulty of Combat Checks reduced from greater understanding of direct combat. Tactics Checks reduced slightly in difficulty due to deep knowledge of combat.
Combat: Melee: 70. You are officially better at CQC than anyone besides some of the more talented members of the Defenders, who were handpicked for the greatest combat ability. With your enhanced physique, most foes without some sort of enhancement lack the ability to stand against you in a close-range fight. Difficulty of Combat Checks greatly reduced from greater understanding of direct combat. Tactics Checks reduced in difficulty due to deep knowledge of combat.
Combat: Melee: 80. You are the equal or better of anyone besides Captain Matt when fighting in close quarters. Difficulty of Combat Checks massively reduced from greater understanding of direct combat. Tactics Checks reduced somewhat in difficulty due to deep knowledge of combat.
Combat: Melee: 90. You are the equal of Captain Matt when fighting in close quarters, which makes you the second best fighter on the planet in terms of pure skill. Difficulty of Combat Checks immensely reduced from greater understanding of direct combat. Tactics Checks reduced moderately in difficulty due to deep knowledge of combat.
Combat: Melee: 100. You are the better of Captain Matt when fighting in close quarters, though you have to depend on your superior physiology in any other area of combat, which makes fighting you in CQC a lost cause for pretty much anyone else. Difficulty of Combat Checks incredibly reduced from greater understanding of direct combat. Tactics Checks reduced greatly in difficulty due to deep knowledge of combat.
Combat: Melee: 110. You are somewhat better than Captain Matt when fighting in close quarters, though you have to depend on your superior physiology in any other area of combat, which makes fighting you in CQC a lost cause for pretty much anyone. Difficulty of Combat Checks stupendously reduced from greater understanding of direct combat. Tactics Checks reduced hugely in difficulty due to deep knowledge of combat.
Combat: Melee: 120. You are much better than Captain Matt when fighting in close quarters, though you have to depend on your superior physiology in any other area of combat, which makes fighting you in CQC a lost cause for anyone else. Difficulty of Combat Checks immensely reduced from greater understanding of direct combat. Tactics Checks reduced incredibly in difficulty due to deep knowledge of combat.
Education: General: 110. You have eclipsed all experts in their own fields, and all but the most genius of researchers won't know nearly as much as you do. Immensely large Bonus to Invention, Explosives, Medicine, Electronics, etc. from deeper understanding of background knowledge.
Psyker: Manipulation: 90. You are able to fine-tune your body and those around you to an incredible degree. +45 modifier to yourself in combat, and +20 to allies within 100 meters.
Psyker: Manipulation: 100. You have achieved what was previously thought to be as far as a psyker could go in terms of flesh manipulation. From this point onward, anything you learn will be completely new territory to the Witch Hunters. +55 modifier to yourself in combat, and +25 to allies within 150 meters.
Psyker: Manipulation: 110. You are able to fine-tune your body and those around you to an amazing degree. +55 modifier to yourself in combat, and +25 to allies within 200 meters.
Psyker: Manipulation: 120. You are able to fine-tune your body and those around you to a degree that makes what is normally considered mastery seem simple and sloppy. +60 modifier to yourself in combat, and +30 to allies within 300 meters.
Psyker: Willpower: 70. You have turned your mind into the equivalent of a fortress, and can root around in the minds of non-psykers as you please, though Zeta-level psykers may notice the intrusion. Very Large bonus to attempts at mind-reading/domination, and to defending against such attempts. Daemons will find your soul nearly impossible to take by force, and almost as hard to slide past your defenses.
Psyker: Willpower: 80. You have begun strengthening your mental fortress further, and can root around in the minds of non-psykers as you please, though Epsilon-level psykers may notice the intrusion. Extremely large bonus to attempts at mind-reading/domination, and to defending against such attempts. Greater Daemons will find your soul difficult to take by force, and almost as hard to slide past your defenses.
Psyker: Willpower: 90. You have begun turned your mind into the equivalent of an impregnable fortress, and can root around in the minds of non-psykers as you please, though Delta-level psykers may notice the intrusion. Huge bonus to attempts at mind-reading/domination, and to defending against such attempts. Greater Daemons will find your soul rather difficult to take by force, and almost as hard to slide past your defenses.
Psyker: Willpower: 100. You have begun setting vicious traps within your mind to make it easier to fend off large numbers of weaker Warp Horrors, while personally dealing with any stronger ones, and can root around in the minds of non-psykers as you please, though Beta-levels will notice the intrusion. Immense bonus to attempts at mind-reading/domination, and to defending against such attempts. Daemons will find your soul effectively impossible to take by force, and may very well get themselves killed on your passive defenses whether they try force or stealth. Greater Daemons will find your soul very difficult to take by force.
Psyker: Esoteric: 70. You have learned almost every way to disrupt rituals, allowing you to combine different approaches for the most efficient one, and can casually close medium-sized rifts to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and prevent War Horrors from being summoned and/or force the weaker ones back to the Warp at will. You can reliably predict events 35 seconds into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to 5 hours hence. +35 to combat checks. Can disrupt even large-scale rituals alone with great reliability.
Psyker: Esoteric: 80. You have learned every way to disrupt rituals the Witch Hunters know, and have begun making your own. You can casually close large-sized rifts to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and prevent Warp Horrors from being summoned and/or force the less powerful ones back to the Warp at will. You can reliably predict events 40 seconds into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to 8 hours hence. +40 to combat checks. Can disrupt even large-scale rituals alone without overly exerting yourself.
Psyker: Esoteric: 90. You have begun creating your own ways to disrupt rituals, partially by combining the best parts of the old ones, and partially through experimentation, as you can brute-force a solution if something goes wrong in most cases, and can casually close large rifts to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and any Warp Horrors besides the most powerful can be sent back at your leisure. You can reliably predict events 45 seconds into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to 12 hours hence. +45 to combat checks. Can disrupt even large-scale rituals alone with near ease.
Psyker: Esoteric: 100. You have begun creating your own book of methods to disrupt rituals, with sections for different levels of power, skill, control, and variations thereof, and can close huge rifts to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and can struggle with the greater Warp Horrors to force them back to the Warp. You can reliably predict events 60 seconds into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to a day hence. +50 to combat checks. Can disrupt even large-scale rituals alone with ease.
Psyker: Esoteric: 110. You have continued creating your book of ways to disrupt rituals, and can casually close huge rifts to force Warp Horrors out of those they possess, and all but the strongest Warp Horrors can't keep your from forcing them back to the Warp. You can reliably predict events 2 minutes into the future, and get the occasional flash of events up to 2 days hence. +55 to combat checks. Can disrupt even immense-scale rituals alone with some difficulty.
E: Whoops, forgot this one. All: 100 Psyker Perk. Warp Scholar. You're greatly skilled in utilizing the Warp to accomplish myriad effects, and locking down others ability to do the same. Bonus of 50 to Psyker Checks. Malus of 50 to enemy Psyker Checks.
Gained 100 Exp! Reached Level 10! Gained 2 Perk points. 90/200 to Level 11.
AN: At this point, she's fully capable of pulling off feats associated with Tzeentch's Greater Daemons, such as changing small towns into mutants against their will in moments, and attempts to assault her psychically may very well get the attacker killed without her even noticing if they aren't a Beta-level or equivalent. Rituals practically come apart under her direct attention if they don't involve psykers in the dozens or sacrifices in the millions.
Richards SL will be up tomorrow. Perk Options will similarly be up tomorrow.