What are the end goal(s) of this quest?

  • Retake the Iron Throne.

    Votes: 36 14.0%
  • Destroy the White Walkers.

    Votes: 44 17.1%
  • Rebuild fallen Valyria.

    Votes: 43 16.7%
  • Create a new empire, forget the past and forge your own destiny.

    Votes: 74 28.7%
  • Survive. Who needs a crown?

    Votes: 24 9.3%
  • Utter domination. You are the Dragon and will not rest until you rule over all!

    Votes: 29 11.2%
  • Become the wisest of the wise. A true Loremaster. Learn the magics of old and converse with Gods.

    Votes: 40 15.5%
  • Forbidden Power - Why speak with the Gods when you can BECOME one of them?

    Votes: 64 24.8%
  • Immortality - The problem with Aegon the Conqueror is that he died. You will not.

    Votes: 79 30.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Voting Tutorial
Voting Tutorial
Condensed and Updated
Please Read & Follow
Votes that do not follow the template will not be counted!

At this time I am using a counter system, listing the number of days votes take to be put into action. However for write-in votes you don't know how many days an action may take. For this we will use the old system of Major/Minor Decisions, and I will tell you how many days/weeks/months the plan will take. Remember that every month has 28 days, and that there are 13 months in the year with New Years as a special day alone outside the months. There is no leap year, as their calendar is not accurate to that degree.

Major decisions are any new endeavors. Finding new investments. Finding new allies (specify what type, where you're looking if possible, what you want from them, etc) finding new trainers, starting new training even if it is with people you already know... Anything new.

No mixing something that would qualify as a minor decision or free action into your major votes! If you have a question about your votes, ask me.

Talking with specific people about specific subjects. You can generally only talk with one person at a time with this. There are simple logical exceptions, Husband & Wife combos can be put together as one conversation, brother & sister, stuff like that. I'll clarify if a combo is unacceptable when I see the vote. This is also for continuing any long term action. Any major decision that you have already voted to start (not just mused about in-story) can be a minor action the next time around. Continuing training that you have already begun for example. Continuing a long-term investigation or plot. Stuff like this.

Making small talk with characters. You will not learn anything special really, but it gives you more insight into their backgrounds and history, can raise/lower their loyalty or other relationship points with you, etc. Raising/lowering and how much depends on rolls.

These can interrupt any current action(s) and will take precedence over the current plan. A way to change things on the fly as you discover new information or alternate ways to potentially enhance your plan, or change it completely if needed.

Remember for all votes if you take a guard or other individual with you, you will need to write-in which guard/person you take with you (just saying take a guard or ally will leave the decision of which one up to me) and also whether Daenerys tries to use any future knowledge on the decision as well if it is one of hers or she is present. (She still may decide to try and use her future knowledge without your consent if she thinks it necessary.) These details are sub-votes.

[] [Plan] X (Current Month, Short Term, Long Term, Immediate Actions, Purchases, etc.)
-[] Major Decisions: Character name here
--[] Major Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 1
--[] Major Decision 2
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 2
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 2
-[] Minor Decisions: Character name here
--[] Minor Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Minor Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Minor Decision 1
--[] Minor Decision 2
-[] Free Actions: Character name here
--[] Free Action 1
---[] Sub-conditions
--[] Free Action 2
---[] Sub-conditions

You get the jist of this.

However, under the plan vote, you will then put a "Priority" Vote.

[] Aegon Priority: 1. Major Decision 1, 2. Free Action 2, 3. Minor Decision 1, 4. Major Decision 2, etc.
[] Daenerys Priority: 1. Free Action 2, 2. Major Decision 3, 3. Minor Decision 1, etc.

This way we can vote on the general plan, then I can separate the order of events in said plan.

Don't put V1, V2, or any other such revision information into your plan. Just leave it like I have it. Nothing extra. The tally system will update to your newest post. No need to make version markers. It just makes things harder for me.

If an action in a plan is not one for a specific character, more a general idea of what needs to be done, it will still need to go into the priority matrix.

At the end of all your votes, put your reasons explaining your vote choice. As I've said before, a plan with reasons will get more weight than one without. Because reasons matter. I care about reasons more than numbers. I need reasons to help build the characters. Get used to putting reasons into your plans, as eventually reasons will become a requirement rather than a suggestion. This post will change when that occurs.

[] [Plan] X

You may (but are not required to) put additional reasons to agree with that plan beneath your vote if there are reasons for it that the original vote creator didn't put in that you thought of. The more/better the reasoning inside explaining a vote, the greater the chance it will be added into the story.

Votes are typically closed after either 12 or 24 hours unless real life interferes. Ties will be either decided by me, or by whoever is in the forum or the Discord that has not voted already at the time. I will @ whoever is currently in the forum or Discord that I choose to be the tiebreaker.

Plans have specific timelines. Immediate Actions are obviously immediate. Current Month is similarly self-explanatory. Short Term is something that can conceivably be done within 1-3 months, and Long Term is 3-6 months.
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[X] Hire the servants
- [X] Hire the pair from Lys - 12 CW/month
[X] Hire the guards.
- [X] Boromun from the Stepstones. - 12 SD/month
- [X] Matalarr of Lys. 10 - SD/month
[X] Pay the servants and guards.
- [X] Set aside money for the entire year.
[X] Speak with your new servants. Learn more about them.
[X] Talk with the guards. You didn't get much information when you signed them on, better to learn what you can now.
[X] Find tenants for our farm.

I'm inclined to agree with you @Lunasmeow ; I cannot imagine Braavos not having militia guards that double as an army on their payroll. That's literally basic stuff that every Italian city-state had. Running a bureaucracy turns out to be way easier when the majority of your tax revenue are in arms-reach and people deal in hard currency rather than produce. The fact that Sam couldn't marry Daeron is due to the fact that the guards can't teleport to problem areas and more importantly people have an incentive to adjudicate disputes between each other because medieval justice consists of everyone being hurled into a cell until the local magistrate gets to them. If Sam had succeeded in murdering you can bet your ass someone would have called the city guard even though it would shut down business in the tavern and pissed off tons of people.
[X] Hire the servants
-[X] Hire the pair from Lys - 12 CW/month
[X] Hire the guards.
-[X] Boromun from the Stepstones. - 12 SD/month
-[X] Matalarr of Lys. 10 - SD/month
[X] Pay the servants and guards.
- [X] Set aside money for the entire year.

[X] Speak with your new servants. Learn more about them.
[X] Talk with the guards. You didn't get much information when you signed them on, better to learn what you can now.
[X] Go out into the city, looking for informationon various things.
-[X] Possible profitable business ventures
[X] Hire the servants
-[X] Hire the pair from Lys - 12 CW/month
[X] Hire the guards.
-[X] Boromun from the Stepstones. - 12 SD/month
-[X] Matalarr of Lys. 10 - SD/month
[X] Pay the servants and guards.
- [X] Set aside money for the entire year.

[X] Speak with your new servants. Learn more about them.
[X] Talk with the guards. You didn't get much information when you signed them on, better to learn what you can now.
Alright all, time is officially up!
Adhoc vote count started by Lunasmeow on Aug 20, 2017 at 7:05 PM, finished with 37 posts and 15 votes.
You See
You See​

You fall asleep in the carriage ride home. You're probably going to miss the use of this once all your business with the bank is done. You'll have to procure one of your own at some point. And a driver. These things are really too convenient to not have one. For now though, your mind wanders and you see glimpses of what might be.

You see Dany, older, stronger; proudly leading an army of Dothraki warriors from Dragonback, but you are nowhere in sight.

You see Viserys, getting molten gold poured onto his skull while Daenerys watches, but does nothing.

You see Fire and Blood, and you see that Winter Is Coming.

You see that without Fire to counter the Ice, that Night will come. Night without stars. Night everlasting.

Your view zooms outward, higher and wider. Your perspective changes and you See more than you ever did before.

You see many Lights and the Stars attempting to push back the Ice. Some bright and welcoming, some dark and shadowy, some in-between. Some lights are many clustered together, some are one shining alone in defiance.

You see seven lights, shining as one, attempting to use the Ice and the Lights and the Stars against each other, that this light may reign supreme.

You see the Stars pushing down on the earth, and a fallen Star rising from beneath the sea, themselves a danger at least as great as the Ice, yet none but you and the seven lights as one have seen the threat it carries.

Suddenly you feel a presence behind you. You turn and you see 14 flames burning, straining against both the Ice and the Stars.

You see all these things and you know one thing. That you have chosen which Light you will brighten, which flame you will set against the Ice. And that this flame must burn the Stars themselves as well.

You see a 15th flame attempting to rise, and you know that it must either never try to rise, or it must try and succeed, or all shall be lost. You know that the 15th flame is you.

You see... and then you do not.

OOC Edit: Something was removed from this post. Something you saw. And now you have not.​
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Got home and was ready to write a normal segment, then felt like giving you all visions instead.

Heh, I wonder what Aegon smoked, seems like good stuff.

Also, is it only me that thinks we need to pull Qyburn into our little group? Since he's one of the smartest people on Planetos it would benefit us greatly.
Everyone who finished reading the segment, please hit refresh and read the very last line.
Tricksy GM. We have been deceived!
Have you not yet realized that the game is not just in the quest but in the forum as well?

Have you not yet realized that my tagline in my posts didn't become "Verified Dragon Deity" until you all voted to pray to the Gods of Valyria?

You all should be paying more attention...
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