We could of course ask Qoren if he knows of a Dornish noble that needs a beard. This would both satisfy Otto's desire for a good marriage and give him some buy-in to the whole Dorne matter. He's ambitious to a fault. If he can have his grandkids sit on a prestigious throne, he'll not care that it's a Dornish one.
We are literally the heir to the seven kingdoms (soon to be actually seven yay), us being in debt is enough of a bargaining chip all by itself, not to mention that a permanent position of a trusted advisor to us is really sweet to get for a daughter of a second son, even if he's literally the Hand

Unless you mistyped "time" which yeah fair enough, AP hell
In both sense of time and thing. Every thing we can offer Otto as Heir he can take himself by being evil vizier. The last time we got favor from Otto, we got it from supporting giving Gwayne position in the city watch from a passing situation. This is part of why I was pushing for Stepstone negotiation as we can give support for Otto preferred outcome as direct favor to bargain without extra AP effort.
We could of course ask Qoren if he knows of a Dornish noble that needs a beard. This would both satisfy Otto's desire for a good marriage and give him some buy-in to the whole Dorne matter. He's ambitious to a fault. If he can have his grandkids sit on a prestigious throne, he'll not care that it's a Dornish one.
Laenor still needs a beard if it's not going to be us, and matching him to Alicent would be about as good for the Crown as marrying him ourselves, assuming we keep her close (which I do). The trouble is neither Otto nor Corlys will countenance the idea.
Laenor still needs a beard if it's not going to be us, and matching him to Alicent would be about as good for the Crown as marrying him ourselves, assuming we keep her close (which I do). The trouble is neither Otto nor Corlys will countenance the idea.
That is an idea. Would Laenor and Alicent go for fake elopement? Though that is extra risky by personally offending two powerful player if they found our role.
In both sense of time and thing. Every thing we can offer Otto as Heir he can take himself by being evil vizier. The last time we got favor from Otto, we got it from giving Gwayne position in the city watch from a passing situation. This is part of why I was pushing for Stepstone negotiation as we can give support for Otto preferred outcome as direct favor to bargain without extra AP effort.
Can he, really? This is not canon where he's the father of the Queen. The Gwayne situation illustrates his limits rather well, I think: he suggested we make the decision so that he wouldn't appear biased. We have considerable personal influence over the King, we have a dragon, and we are going to sit the throne after Viserys dies. Our cooperation and goodwill are valuable.
Can he, really? This is not canon where he's the father of the Queen. The Gwayne situation illustrates his limits rather well, I think: he suggested we make the decision so that he wouldn't appear biased. We have considerable personal influence over the King, we have a dragon, and we are going to sit the throne after Viserys dies. Our cooperation and goodwill are valuable.
My position is we better already have something we can offer to not needlessly burden us with debt. Just like Otto did when he offer to spend his debt to help Rhea annulment. An exchange of equal value because we both have equal power from relative proximity to power.

It is not that we are worthless as a favor creditor. It is a thing to consider to be the one to request favor rather than demanding a fulfillment of one. I consider it needlessly burdensome to concede favor initiative to Otto where he can extract more value from us. If we already have something in hand than it will be more of an equal exchange where he can not be too unreasonable. It is more that our cooperation and goodwill is too valuable for a free favor or an equivalent of one.
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Last time we talked about marriage specifically (it was a while ago), she called it a duty in a way that made clear she dreaded it.
Last time we talked about duty (very recently), she said that her relationship with Rhaenyra gave her more meaning than anything else, or something along these lines.
And last time we heard her opinion on children, she was frustrated about everyone being so focused on the topic.

I'm going to assume that, at the very least, she doesn't want to get married against her will, and she wants to be with Rhaenyra. I don't actually know if any man could eventually catch her attention and/or if she would eventually want children, but right now it seems like a no.
Cool. In that case we don't need to find how to reconcile our relationship with her and her having a husband provided we can stop Otto from strong arming her into marriage.
[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."

[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
Perhaps I'm being a bit paranoid, but I think that we shouldn't pick the Defiant option so many times, why because I believe this will become a defining personality trait of Rhaenyra's, if it isn't already. As in that she will not listen or just listen far less than before to other people. Or that it will just become hard for Rhaenyra to intact with others. Causing for nobles to become more difficult to deal with. As in that she could become uncompromising. We have to remember that choosing options means that rhaenyra changes just that little bit or a lot and next we know rhaenyra is maegor again.
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Perhaps I'm being a bit paranoid, but I think that we shouldn't pick the Defiant option so many times, why because I believe this will become a defining personality trait of Rhaenyra's, if it isn't already. As in that she will not listen or just listen far less than before to other people. Or that it will just become hard for Rhaenyra to intact with others. Causing for nobles to become more difficult to deal with. As in that she could become uncompromising.
It... it is a trait of Rhaenyra's. You're getting the causality wrong. [Defiant] choices mark choices we can take because we do have the Defiant trait.

[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."

[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
[X] [Tarly] "I have final say on the terms of the marriage and I will not accept a deal I find too lenient to Dorne."

[X] [Alicent] "You are my dearest friend, no matter what happens with our relationship that will hold true and I will always be there for you."

I think the knight won't like the answer about blood. It's a lawyer's answer, not a warrior's, technically correct but not in essence.
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What's interesting to me is how many things Rhaenyra couldn't do without being Defiant. Go to your girlfriend's father to negotiate for her hand continuous presence? Bold move!
What's interesting to me is how many things Rhaenyra couldn't do without being Defiant. Go to your girlfriend's father to negotiate for her hand continuous presence? Bold move!
We can do that! We explicitly can do that. The defiant option currently opened us is reassuring Alicent with a promise to speak with her father. It is a commitment option not that we can't do that previously. Emphasis mine below.
[] [Conversation] Speak with Otto Hightower
Otto was neither your friend or your enemy when it came to matters with Prince Qoren, he did not seem to oppose the marriage per say but he did seem somewhat skeptical of the matter. Otto's support would help a lot when it came smoothing over the anger this marriage would not doubt cause in the Reach and the Stormlands. And perhaps it's time to speak to him directly on matters concerning Alicent.
Perhaps I'm being a bit paranoid, but I think that we shouldn't pick the Defiant option so many times, why because I believe this will become a defining personality trait of Rhaenyra's, if it isn't already.
It is, we only get these options because it is.

Anyway, as for promises to Otto, how's "if Unwin Peake ever breaks the Queen's Peace, over my match or on some other pretext, you and your heirs can have your pick of Whitegrove and Starpike?"
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[X] [Tarly] "Any other man could try to rule in my stead, but Prince Qoren would never receive enough support from the lords of the realm to do so. I will be a stronger queen through this match."

[X] [Alicent] "You are dear to me, both as a friend and a lover. I wish for us to be together forevermore, no matter what form our relationship should take. So, please. Have faith in me, that I have fought for our love, and shall continue to do so."
[X] [Tarly] "Any other man could try to rule in my stead, but Prince Qoren would never receive enough support from the lords of the realm to do so. I will be a stronger queen through this match."

[X] [Alicent] "You are dear to me, both as a friend and a lover. I wish for us to be together forevermore, no matter what form our relationship should take. So, please. Have faith in me, that I have fought for our love, and shall continue to do so."

[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."
[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
@Teen Spirit How's this for a Tarly write-in? (Also, nice to see him called Ser Raylon in this chapter)

[] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. They will bow and they will bend. Or I will break them. "

Sorta similar to option one, but that's all about our children while this is about us. Is it true? Eh, kinda, though I doubt we'll approach it that way. As far as winning him over, though, this seems like the most convincing argument. Especially since his training made it possible. Raylon Tarly will forever be a key figure in the histories of the conquest of dorne, which seems like the next best thing to doing it at the tip of his own sword.
[X] [Tarly] "Any other man could try to rule in my stead, but Prince Qoren would never receive enough support from the lords of the realm to do so. I will be a stronger queen through this match."

[X] [Alicent] "You are dear to me, both as a friend and a lover. I wish for us to be together forevermore, no matter what form our relationship should take. So, please. Have faith in me, that I have fought for our love, and shall continue to do so."
Sure that works.

@Teen Spirit How's this for a Tarly write-in? (Also, nice to see him called Ser Raylon in this chapter)

[] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. They will bow and they will bend. Or I will break them.

Sorta similar to option one, but that's all about our children while this is about us. Is it true? Eh, kinda, though I doubt we'll approach it that way. As far as winning him over, though, this seems like the most convincing argument. Especially since his training made it possible. Raylon Tarly will forever be a key figure in the histories of the conquest of dorne, which seems like the next best thing to doing it at the tip of his own sword
[X] [Alicent] "You are dear to me, both as a friend and a lover. I wish for us to be together forevermore, no matter what form our relationship should take. So, please. Have faith in me, that I have fought for our love, and shall continue to do so."

[X] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. They will bow and they will bend. Or I will break them. "

With an approval vote for
[X] [Tarly] "Whatever the terms, Dorne yielded. Would you have me cut down a defeated, yielding enemy out of sheer bloodlust?"

Or the combination.
[X] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. Dorne yielded. Would you have me cut down a defeated, yielding enemy out of sheer bloodlust? What type of knight i would be then? You taught me to be better than just a simple brute in armor."
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[X] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. They will bow and they will bend. Or I will break them. "
[X] [Alicent] "You are dear to me, both as a friend and a lover. I wish for us to be together forevermore, no matter what form our relationship should take. So, please. Have faith in me, that I have fought for our love, and shall continue to do so."

Really like both of the write in option especially the Tarly one. Really pushing on this as conquest by other means.