[X] And you call Wiggum over: Take 'em away, boys, Burns and Smithers are arrested, then imprisoned, if the action "Reinforce Springfield Prison (Again)" fails they may escape!
Keep in mind once we really checked what burns owned, later we could have the possibility to throw the ball to the higher tribunalss for treason crimes which would probably put Burns on the way to the chair.
Keep in mind everyone....we need to shore up our defenses in the prison. Or at the absolute LEAST, keep Burns and Smithers in separate cells in more....isolated locations. That way, even if the main prison experiences a prison break, these two are going to stay locked up.
Oh I know, the quote is still relevant to our current situation. If we let him live, I have no doubts that he WILL become a problem in the future. Burns has shown in the past that he will gladly screw everyone over, including himself, just to make sure we don't win. In this world, there are numerous entities that would be happy to offer him a deal to do just that. Therefore, I think it is best to remove this threat while we have the opportunity to do so.You do realize that you are quoting a MAIN VILLAIN intent on starting WW3 there? Not a good look, pal
Oh I know, the quote is still relevant to our current situation. If we let him live, I have no doubts that he WILL become a problem in the future. Burns has shown in the past that he will gladly screw everyone over, including himself, just to make sure we don't win. In this world, there are numerous entities that would be happy to offer him a deal to do just that. Therefore, I think it is best to remove this threat while we have the opportunity to do so.
We can always do more to upgrade the Prison....We already were planning to Fix the Prison to contain Gill anyway, so it´s no added problem
Burns may have, pardon the pun, burned out.....but like Rabid Squid said, there are plenty of entities that could offer him whatever deal to screw us over.Okay pal, calm down.
This is just doomsaying on your part.
Gil over there was also set to escape and he did not do so when we upgrade the jail at any point before.
He is lterally done and expend what little he have tey to take down Abe and failed.
Finally! I can retire knowing we killed burns via making him burst a blood vessel hearing that.I say next turn to celebrate burns capture at last, we pave thoese streets in... GOLD!
I say next turn to celebrate burns capture at last, we pave thoese streets in... GOLD!
Honestly we should be able to give Herb a challenge on this.IF we can manage it amidst all the other problems, I wouldn´t be against it
Honestly we should be able to give Herb a challenge on this.
Tires that don't slips on gold.