When the Dragon Sheds Its Skin
13th of March 2007 A.D.
Knowledge is power, that was the truth of magic that superseded all other truths. Cut the right deal, speak the right ritual and you too could have powers unimaginable... Lukas slowly painted the symbols onto his flesh, oak and ash, salt and brimstone that ticketed the back of his throat. Like Sisyphus on his mountain unable to reach the top, like Tantalus standing in water under the tree so bright.
The answering machine went off, shrill and loud in the silence of the cramped apartment looking down over the crowded streets of the Lower Garden District "Lukas this is your final warning, if the money isn't paid by Sunday I will have you evicted!"
If only she knew, oh if only she knew, the man thought gingerly putting on a trenchcoat, unwilling to risk disturbing the symbols of binding. He left the copy of the Lesser Key of Solomon on the table, after tonight he wouldn't need it. On his way out the door he smashed the answering machine off the table, never hearing the next message. In another life maybe he would have, maybe he'd have listened to reason, maybe he'd have just stayed Lukas Thomson, a man with dreams hundredfold greater than his power.
This was not that life.
Cigar smoke wafted out of the club like the breath of some subterranean dragon and the light inside pulsed reds and purples and blues, like the colors behind his eyes when he passed out in a haze. The doorman, almost as broad as he was tall looked down with hooded eyes and opened his mouth in time with the bass behind him to reveal a creased stump where his tongue used to be before closing it in an uneven smile, the first time Lukas had seen a smile on the man's face.
Almost he stopped again, maybe he would have after all if at that precise moment an elderly woman, greying hair up up a French braid and rhymestone purse in hand, hadn't given him a dirty look, not even as one might a dangerous character, more like dog piss on the side of a building. Without once looking back he hastened inside.
Scenes of horror and desire assailed his senses, stuff you'd find in the grimiest, grainiest porn in the darkest corners of the Internet mixed with other stuff that was just plain weird that all the rest almost seemed to be framed around. Distantly he wondered if there was something magical about it or if they were just...
like that. Once or twice he was almost pulled in to the embrace of carnal dissolution less from desire and more from the sense of being too... clean... too ill fitting to this place, like he had stepped into a fun-house mirror where filth was normal and purity itself was foul. But no... he had to... talk to...
"Oh... no Mr. N. is busy, come on now you know the rules..." There was a sting in the back of his neck, he didn't know from what and before he knew it he'd been pushed down onto his kees. Through foggy eyes he saw a pair of club employees forcing him to his knees in the middle of a pentagram as the music turned to chanting. Echoes stretched out in the hollow room and through the haze he could see another man and next to him a woman, rows of people going through the same rite.
None of them had his protection, he would, he would...The man who had pushed Lukas to his knees laughed, a hollow speechless thing, in mockery.
A rusted blade was pressed to the palm of his right hand and though it the poison flowed, wholly untroubled by the marks copied and copied again, spells long since reft of power. Lukas dreams of binding the demon inside of himself, of using its power against the Hellfire Club were ash, no less than ash for that might once had had substance, they were burning smoke in the hand. Just another pawn... nameless... nothing.
Taking...You...With... ME
Lunging for the knife in his left hand he grabbed it poorly cutting his finger on the jagged edge and slashed is across his throat.
There was no pain, long deadened by the smoke, there was only a vague feeling of warmth that faded to cold darkness. The demon inside of him recoiled like a worm under a dragon's gaze, trying desperately to rip itself free, spilling out like tar though his ruined throat, but that cold voiceless thing paid it no mind and made instead to him,
to him, a terrible offer.
Reach out, embrace the grave and live. Through cold and timeless passage it had forgotten most of what made humans humans, all but one that still it clung on like oil on a winding sheet: spite.
Lukas Thomson hurled that name into the Mouth of the Void without a second thought and Azhi Dahaka, rose from death, winding the petty demon that had had tried to wear his flesh around one hand.
OOC: Daybreak... has come. Incidentally this is a a canon character if a very minor one, a internet cookie to anyone who figures out which one.