At the Crack of Night
13th of March 2007 A.D.
Harry Dresden was having a nice normal day for once, he has just gotten the shopping done —trying to get more into fancy cookery ever since Lash had told him his usual fare counted as 'urban survival rations', not that he was about to admit it— planning to take his daughter to a skating ring next Sunday since that was apparently a thing Americans did so he had to figure out skates. Somewhere in the back of his mind was the thought of a cushioning spell maybe.
Then the sky went black at midday, the sun ringed bloody red and spewing the light of noxious red nebulae across the horizon. It was like a cold hand had reached out for his heart and squeezed, the essence of the world transposed.
Maggie! his instincts screamed at him, but no as traffic ground to a halt with swerving cars and blaring horns he knew this didn't have anything to do with the Red Court. The closest he had ever come to feeling power like this was in the tomb under Edinburgh, but where that had been close and spun like strings this was all encompassing, nightfall outpacing the sun.
"Fuck me!" he couldn't even hear himself curse so loud was the panic outside the Blue Beetle 's window. It was a miracle no one got run over, but plenty of people had been knocked around. Without thinking he rushed out to help.
Being big guy had its perks in a crises, especially when you looked like you had a clue and shouted like you had
something important to say beyond 'let's not all run hog wild now' as Ebeneezer used to say.
Lash's in Egypt hunting the Black Court. Harry's brain caught up with his speeding heartbeat just as the sky began to lighten as day resumed its march. One might if blessed with an active imagination, which wizards definitely were imagine the birds in the trees and the mice in the hollows breathing a sigh of relief, not that he could hear anything over the din of questioning and now cranky humanity.
Something bumped against his leg, a hunting dog long legged but hairy, like the kind you'd expect to hunt on lonely moors, Lydia's, he remembered. "What's wrong?" The word 'Lassie' did go though his mind, it was perhaps a mark of maturity that he didn't say it.
The answer he got in exchange wasn't what you'd call encouraging: "Extinction wakes, its black knives fly though the air!!"
"Woah there does Extinction have a last name, a middle name at least, something that's less of a mouthful to call it?"
The dog looked at him like he was being a little silly which wasn't as much of a novel experience to Harry Dresden as it was to others, though he seemed content that Harry was willing to follow.
A laugh rang out just off the side street to his left, a blond haired man with a long beard as carefully combed as the hair on his head. "Well wise friend rejoice for we are the first of mortal kind to encounter this thing for all the long ages of the world so we get to name it for the bards to sing, assuming we live. Lyr's the name and Half-Speech will have to do for now, haven't come up with something less conspicuous for this age yet. Not sure whose idea if was to make it so this talking-at-a-distance trick could be overwhelmed by too many people talking at the same time, but 't was a bad one for a time of trouble. The lady Lydia she cannot reach you, nor the Lady Margaret with her. She bids that you summon the council of the wise and pay heed the portents."
Harry thought about it for a bit, then he thought about Molly's tendency to just run at trouble full tilt and tried to imagine what it must have taken for her to be calling in backup like this.
"Is there any good news I can give 'em?"
"I gather that all the powers and primcipalities of the earth and planes sublime and planes infernal are as suprised as we."
Harry was not very comforted.
He was halfway to the Carpenters' House and most of the way caught up on the story of how Molly, Lydia and Lash who should have known better, tried to turn the Black Court and let something worse loose, when his phone started working again... but it wasn't Molly on the phone.
"What just
fucking happened?" Harry had never heard Lara Raith curse before, and he had never heard that mix of anger and concern in her voice before. "I know you felt that. Did you have something to do with it?"
What does Harry do?
[] Explain what he knows, there's worse people to bring in than her
[] Stonwall her, he hadn't even gotten in touch with the Senior Council, the last thing anyone needed was the White Court jumping in on this
[] Write in
OOC: The universe once more decides that Harry Dresden doesn't have enough on his plate.