Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

We removed certain danger for a greater potential one, but one where we have a chance to avert it, and maybe even a chance to turn it to the side of good. That's a win, I think. If a risky one.
It will be a victory when and if we do it. But if we can even win over half of them, that's a victory of enormous proportions. Honestly, the more we play, the more it seems like no one has fixed anything and the problems that have existed since the first Exalt rebellion have not been solved by anyone... Not surprising, really.
[X] Agree, you promised to help him make a change, this is a step on that path

We already dug... out of a grave, why not follow through?
I will note. From that same Wiki page.

Or maybe I'm just not a fan of the thought that the thread is prone to engaging in cultist typical behavior, going with the flow of those that voted before them with bandwaging before leaving until the next threadmarked post instead of putting much thought into what they copy and paste for their vote...

Eh, it's likely a bit of both. People have different levels of engagement. Less engagement would encourage groupthink tendencies, if I'm giving the theory merit.

On a completely unrelated note. I agree with what everyone else has said so far and I will be voting for the same thing.

[X] Agree, you promised to help him make a change, this is a step on that path
[x] Agree, you promised to help him make a change, this is a step on that path

Cause like… at this point why rush? Going faster won't get us back into linear time any quicker imo
Molly: You, know, jumping in head-first because of a sob story already bit me in the ass twice today. Am I really gonna do this thrice?

void baby: can i c sun?

Molly: Of course!!!!! Whatever you want!!!!!
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I'd appreciate you not putting words in my mouth.

One of my issues with the discussion on releasing exaltations is that the potential for harm is minimized or ignored. They won't be universally hostile, but risk analysis is all about how likely a bad outcome is and how damaging it would be if they occurred. The greater the harm, the less likely it needs to be to be very risky to undertake.

This whole argument on statistically being okay in the end strikes me as bloodless and actuarial in a way that I'm honestly surprised you and Yog are okay with.

Let's make this more immediate. Four exaltations got out. We didn't mean to do it and have to deal with the outcome, but it still happened. Let's say they're dramatically more predisposed to "good" than "evil" by the standard set by the Bull of the North.

How much human cost are you willing to make other people pay and still call that a desirable outcome?

If one pops up in a war torn region and we end up with a Dusk who will help us fight the outside as long as we don't stop them from subjugating their neighbors is that fine? If a crime lord like Marcone has some standards that make crime less bad, but still totally extorts innocents and murders with impunity is that okay?

Perhaps I'm taking this a tad too seriously for a game, but I think one of the most common failures of leadership people make is in not imagining what it would be like to sit down in a room with the human cost of your decisions and explain yourself.

There will always be negative side effects of major actions, and that conversation would always be hard, but some versions of it are much easier than others. Sure if you compare it to death almost anything can be justified, but the standard is what else you could have done instead.
No. I normally go out of my way to make sure I'm not putting words in people's mouths. You do just assume Universal hostility because you're not doing risk analysis you're just not what you're doing can't be called risk analysis because you have no form of risk profile or management of risk at all. It is a uniform no based on assumed hostility.

Inherently when yog is speaking about controlled releases controlled understandings and killing hostile exalts they are talking about risk profile risk management and risk understanding. When you give a uniform no you are speaking in risk aversion.

No matter which context the exalted came up in no matter how much evidence yoga provides for his Viewpoint up to and including every risk management option for containing controlling and understanding exultation and who it can go to you gave no form of evidence to back your own viewpoints and stuck with the uniform no it can only be read as risk aversion.

Rather than analysis because analysis requires understanding of the source material or plans on how to reduce risk and you have none and you still have none and the heroic example that you posted just now still is incongruent with the description of the exalted in the game you can't have it both ways you can appeal to the fact that it means heroic in the bronze Greek Golden Age sense or you can stick the actual cannon that says it means heroic in every sense in the modern and classical sense because it does because it has to because King Arthur is literally in the middle of those ages and He's listed as an example of a Solar in exalted 2nd edition and the Christian myth of Arthur is completely incongruous with the myth of Hercules.

I could go on and on about how Martin Luther King Jr Gandhi Martin Luther author of the 99 theses or all listed examples of possible solar archetypes they match no classical depiction of heroism and yet they are listed as possible solar archetypes.

You have consistently failed to provide any proof against these truths the game says something different than you every single time this comes up and you fail to provide any evidence to the contrary. It can only read as risk aversion because it's not a proper risk analysis.
[] Agree, you promised to help him make a change, this is a step on that path
[X] Agree, you promised to help him make a change, this is a step on that path

I still owe replies to the thread and haven't really caught up with it, but honestly at this point anyone who wants to come harass this meeting of Ancient Superweapons Anonymous is getting their soul obliterated.

Also, we literally have the ability to split ourselves into pieces for situations like this. Once we're in the mortal world we can have our minions phone home and redirect everyone we can to finding the exalts.
How exciting!

We can tottally win over 4 exalted and absolutely nothing will go horribly wrong! Honest!

[X] Agree, you promised to help him make a change, this is a step on that path
Also, we literally have the ability to split ourselves into pieces for situations like this. Once we're in the mortal world we can have our minions phone home and redirect everyone we can to finding the exalts.
VEE. Like, we need VEE. Because it can be a tool to find and arrange positive first impression and influence them. A very versatile tool.
[X] Agree, you promised to help him make a change, this is a step on that path

Abyssal Exalts explicitly take time to exalt. We're in the least rush that we could be with a handful of exaltations loosed on the world.
We have two more chances to unleash ancient evil this turn:
1) Solar-Abyssal pair in Las Vegas
2) Hunting True Magi, possibly in Hollow Earth.
Mollys fall too villanry will be as sudden as it is unexpected!

Speaking of villainry I expect Molly will sound suitably villainous when she asks people to find the ancient evil she unleashed.
"Find them and bring them to me, alive. Do not fail me"
Arc 15 Post 59: Up Like Pyre Smoke New
Up Like Pyre Smoke

Elsewhere, Time Indeterminate

The way up seems longer than the descent, time indeterminate stretched like the innards of a dying beast, though you do not walk beneath the eyes of the angel, for which you are grateful to Aakebushu even if the path itself is not one you would have willingly walked.

No windows adorn the walls of the tower and no doors pierce its sides, but a tower it is without a doubt laying on its side against some far wall more guessed than known. It was built in three tapering tiers: a lower square section with a central core; a middle octagonal section; and, at the top, a circular section, all with a single narrow stair winding along the exterior barely wide enough to set one foot on front of the other. Where you stepped blood pooled black and sticky, as though the tower was sweating or bursting at the seams like a fresh corpse. No skeletal hands grabbed for ankles, no soul leaching cold seeped into flesh, but no matter how carefully you would step the ninth step always slipped, threatening to hurl you back into the depths. The fact that it was always the same, the pattern ironclad made it more frightening not less, giving the colossal structure the looming presence of a cat playing with its prey.

Finally Lydia asks: "Why nine, what's so special about the number?"

"That is how many steps she was forced to take before they killed her," Aakebushu answers distantly, he's the only one the tower doesn't seem to want to trip though to be fair he isn't walking on the narrow path. but crawling on the wall with his fingers and legs bent backwards like a spider.

"Her?" you prompt, a fascinated in spite of yourself. Even though it gives no power you still want to know things, to understand.

"From the street into the Caesareum there are nine steps, I think she pleaded with them nine times, not that they could hear her of course. Mobs are notoriously bad at hearing, especially what they don't want to hear."

"Hypatia of Alexandria," Tiffany says when it becomes clear the dark spirit has no interest in answering directly. "Though this isn't the temple of the Imperial Cult, this is the lighthouse. A strange place to memorialize her."

One small hand pulls free from the masonry and points up. "Pyre flame guides the way."

Before today you had known that Hypatia was killed by a mob of fanatics in what is often used as a sort of gruesome bookend to paganism in Rome, though history is rarely so neat. What you had not known was that after being killed and torn apart she had been burned and the ashes scattered, intentionally denying her any rest within the city's walls or beyond it. That one imagines is the reason this forms the one lit bridge between the depths and the the grey world of spirits wandering between one life and the next. Not that there are many spirits to greet you when you reach the apex of the tower set like a head on stony pillow against a great black gate, wide enough to pass an elephant or a giant through. The broken feet of nameless statues stand stand guard over it, just enough of them left to mark their failure.

"Nothing lasts forever," Lydia sighs with a strange ambivalence that brings to mind the darkness below, the 'nothing' that does last forever, or at least until the last grain of 'something' is finally gone.

As she touches the door you are standing again in the open passage of the forgotten temple, bright arcane lights casting into the void at your back. One mage starts flashing signals from his Sutra terminal that Clippy interprets as a password request fron IRIS... specifically for a key whose answering code is not stored on earth.

Clever... of course they would be given their job. You wonder what they would think of the thinks you roused down below. Generally speaking the troubles of the Labyrinth remained for the Labyrinth, but every now and again some new strain of virulent fungus or rare prion hitched a ride on a poorly decontaminated surface to cause trouble in the Five Cities. In a world where death was not final plagues didn't strike the same kind of terror as they did no Earth, but they could still disrupt the lives of millions, reaping a toll of lost years and memories.

"I'm going to need everyone to step back a, all the way out of the chamber, just to be safe..." you begin, though you never get all the way though the instructions

"Vat... vat did you do?" A familiar voice echoes down from the ceiling where the light doesn't reach, a formless presence filled with dread. Other Bob is nothing but two points of card red light seeping between unmortared stone of the ceiling.

For his part Lamentations of the Void isn't paying any attention to the conversation, he's looking at the revenants slowly raising a hand in front of him as though tracing a pane of glass. "Your doing?" he asks Lydia.

"VAT HAF YOU DONE!" the dark spirit you had chased all the way to Egypt screams in terror.

As bad as the day's events may yet turn out to be you can't help yourself from answering: "Made a friend."

What do you try to do?

[] Capture Other Bob, you're sure he can be of some use

[] Kill it, it's what Bob would want, that nothing of the part of himself he is so ashamed of could life on

[] Write in

OOC: From Evil Bob's persective he sent you to hell and you came back up with the Devil in tow.
Molly wins a special award for scaring enemies number two. That's almost as good as when she scared the Fomorian cult nurse into fainting in one of the early arcs.
[X] Kill it, it's what Bob would want, that nothing of the part of himself he is so ashamed of could life on

Any lore it could have we already know the location of multiple Kemmler hideouts. Any magic he could teach us we have a world of magicians even if they're not legendary status any library rating it can give us same thing and there's also a magic book store in Chicago.

Also hungy.