31st December of 2990
The Clans and Tribes of Sigar IV had gathered in their masses and multitudes, their engines howling high into the dunes and the deserts their arrival and their commitment to the City of Trade. Thousands of elders deliberated with the Warlords and their trusted advisors and the spiritual leaders of their peoples, each man and woman in better health than any could have ever dreamed in nights of feverish mania, while hundreds of thousands more joined in holy peace within and around the City of Trade to deliberate upon the future of their people aside from those in power, carrying bodies cleared of malignant and silent tumors and growths, babes seeing for the first time while children denied the ability to walk by ill-fated birth ran with glee, and praises were given unto the Divine for bringing the Furina unto their world.
There, amongst the discussions and the deliberations, arguments, and screaming matches, stood the Shimmering Petals, their presence requested as proof and witness, both of the future that could be grasped and the agreement reached amongst their peoples.
There stood the mighty Dragon, its left claw replaced by the Battle Claw that had been forged from nothing for the people of Arcanum, its right gun replaced by a quad-barrel configuration of light coilguns, its pilot all too eager to show off its deadly might and range. Aside him, the Panthers were all too eager to patrol and preen in front of the awe-struck locals, SRM4s replaced with MML-3s, and a Lance added underneath the right hand, both tools that would see their futures in war see scales adjusted to their favor. And each of the BattleMechs had seen tender care under the hands of the engineers and programmers of the UNSC, their computers humming like never before, their targeting and sensors bursting with power and accuracy that nobody had ever imagined.
Though none of their pilots were particularly eager to fight against the Löwe IIs of the UNSC after their first simulated engagement with the tanks without cover and solid strategy, yet they did so all the same in mock battle after the request of the Warlords, the computers of the Confederacy quite happy to show in virtual worlds what simulated battle failed to render for the people gathered.
Heavy Coilguns did not leave room for open caskets.
In the end, the debt of Health, Honor, and Lives owed by the Clans to the doctors and surgeons of the UNSC allowed no other course: Sigar IV would join.
Sigar IV Milestone:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Repair The Dune Fleets
The mining and home fleets of the people of Sivar IV will be repaired to the best of the UNSCs ability, reversing centuries of decay, war, and ill fortune, increasing population growth and mineral output.
[] Coordinate The Warlords
A world divided is a world quickly conquered. With Gunhallow as an example of even a united world falling before pirates, the production of Löwe IIs and military equipment from the Furina begins in earnest, the Warlords of the sands battling each other in bloodless wars for the honor to be crowned as the First Defender above all others.
[] Hail The Healers
Sickness has been removed as best as the healers of the Furina could do, with more and more removed every day whenever people reach their city and obtain a meeting. Already a craft of great honor, their works elevate them in the eyes of the natives beyond the clouds and seek to spread their teachings and drink deep from their wells of learning.
Where Sigar IV was a story of people healing and rising when given the chance, Planet 778 was a story of colonization and the rejection of those who would rather continue their ways of slavery, war, and hatred than rise above.
President Ichu has not had much success in bringing local tribes to their side or even to begin trading, with half of all trade convoys being ambushed (to no effect but a lot of dead natives and spent munitions) until all but one route was stopped.
Too primitive in their understanding to grasp what was being offered, too technologically backward to operate the machines that would see them rise above, and too hostile in many cases to be engaged in diplomacy, it may, so the President's opinion, be better for the colony to treat with the natives as the situation calls for, rather than make their enlightenment a priority, or cause of existence at all. Intense debates followed this statement.
Eventually, the colony agreed to set its sights on:
[] Native Ignorance
The colony will not engage with the natives as a priority, reacting to them for the most part. Instead, the city of the Furina De Fontaine Colonists will assume full ownership of the planet and act as its rightful government in all aspects and local decisions.
[] Native Enlightenment
Attempts to civilize the natives will continue, and they will learn better ways of living, even if it takes a century.
[] Native Domination
They are slavers who believe
'Might Makes Right.' What reason more does one need to show them how it will look if they are no longer the strongest around? What reason more does one need to break chains than that they exist at all?