Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest

Oh, and @Photomajig: I think a revision to the way ready orders are resolved is necessary. I don't want to exploit a loophole in the spirit of fairplay, but with the old way of resolving our cavalry could get 5 attacks on the enemy, only resulting in a bracing retaliation (single melee attack, one which would get weaker via causulties). This sort of 1 vs 1 is incredibly good for them and both sides are somewhat reliant of rely on ready fire from artillery and infantry to deter, or at least a ready charge from the other screens.
As we saw here. Added this to potential revisions. On one hand, just making it so that Ready Actions trigger on the next enemy action instead of specifically on their turn would address this, but it is sort of balanced as is - they now have their Readied Actions waiting for you next turn.
I mean, just to pick the numbers and stress gain for one attack here: If we put our Hob Lancer on a Ready (Charge, Charge, Move back) if enemy is in range, we would inflict 55 causulties on average, with 1 disadvantaged morale check and one base one, resulting in 5 (average from charge) + 5 stress (shock) = 10.

In return, they would inflict 20 casualties on average (1d100*5/100) and 0 stress. No other unit makes an attack, since ready action only triggers on an enemies turn.

This sort of exchange is highly favourable to cavalry and breaks the conventional ways of deterring heavy cavalry from a frontal charge, since you can neither intercept or fire with artillery on them. This could be done every turn, ignoring the inability to lancer specific inability to stay outside of artillery range there which hob hussars wouldn't face. If you "convert" an ordinary charge into a ready charge, this results in a charge that would face neither artillery, ranged attacks or enemy cavalry interception. I think this breaks intended the balance of charges.

Anydice math
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Photomajig on Jan 23, 2025 at 1:07 PM, finished with 37 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Fire and Step north
    -[X] Visualization
    -[X] Infantry
    -[X]200th Hobs: Hide, Ready (Move (NE), Brace ) [IF infantry line distance stays at least 800m]
    -[X]251st Hobs: Hide, Ready (Move (NE), Brace) [IF infantry line distance stays at least 800m]
    -[X] 148th Hum: 2*Move (NW, NE), Brace
    -[X] 72nd Hum: 2*Move (2*NW), Brace
    -[X] 45th Elv: 2* Move (NE,NW), Brace
    -[X] 42nd Elves: 3 Move (2 NW)
    -[X] 16th Half Pfd: 2*Move (NW), Ready Fire (any enemy units move into medium range)
    -[X] 19th Half Pfd: Move (NW), 2*Ready Fire (any enemy units move into medium range)
    -[X] 28th Half Pfd: 3*Move (NE, 2 NW)
    -[X] Cavalry
    -[X] Guillory Hussars: Withdraw to southern hill range, charge and disengage unprepared enemy infantry emerging on the forest edge
    -[X] 13th Hob Lanc: Ready (Charge, Melee, Move) (towards original position) IF [any non-squared unit moves into 400m range of you]
    -[X] 55th Elv Hsr: Move SE, Ready (Charge, Move) (towards tile SE of original position ) IF [any enemy non-artillery unit moves 400m close to horse artillery in line over open terrain]
    -[X] 108th Elv Hsr: Ready (Charge, Melee, Move) (towards original position) IF [any non-squared unit moves into 400m range of you]
    -[X] Artillery
    -[X] 5th h. Hob. Art.: Move NE, (Set up NW), Fire on 31st Dwa (Ambush, 73% for at least 50 casualties, avg. +12 stress and 30% for rout)
    -[X] 31st Elv Art: Set Up (NE), Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy moving into medium range]
    -[X] 10th Hum Art: Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy infantry moving into medium range], ELSE Ready Move (NW)
    -[X] 84th Hum Art: Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy infantry moving into medium range], ELSE Ready Move (NW)
    -[X] 42nd Elves: 3 Move (2 NW) 3 moves but only 2 moves specified? is this supposed to be two move and brace?
Daurstein: Round 2 New
[X] Plan Fire and Step north
-[X] Visualization
-[X] Infantry
-[X]200th Hobs: Hide, Ready (Move (NE), Brace ) [IF infantry line distance stays at least 800m]
-[X]251st Hobs: Hide, Ready (Move (NE), Brace) [IF infantry line distance stays at least 800m]
-[X] 148th Hum: 2*Move (NW, NE), Brace
-[X] 72nd Hum: 2*Move (2*NW), Brace
-[X] 45th Elv: 2* Move (NE,NW), Brace
-[X] 42nd Elves: 3 Move (2 NW)
-[X] 16th Half Pfd: 2*Move (NW), Ready Fire (any enemy units move into medium range)
-[X] 19th Half Pfd: Move (NW), 2*Ready Fire (any enemy units move into medium range)
-[X] 28th Half Pfd: 3*Move (NE, 2 NW)
-[X] Cavalry
-[X] Guillory Hussars: Withdraw to southern hill range, charge and disengage unprepared enemy infantry emerging on the forest edge
-[X] 13th Hob Lanc: Ready (Charge, Melee, Move) (towards original position) IF [any non-squared unit moves into 400m range of you]
-[X] 55th Elv Hsr: Move SE, Ready (Charge, Move) (towards tile SE of original position ) IF [any enemy non-artillery unit moves 400m close to horse artillery in line over open terrain]
-[X] 108th Elv Hsr: Ready (Charge, Melee, Move) (towards original position) IF [any non-squared unit moves into 400m range of you]
-[X] Artillery
-[X] 5th h. Hob. Art.: Move NE, (Set up NW), Fire on 31st Dwa (Ambush, 73% for at least 50 casualties, avg. +12 stress and 30% for rout)
-[X] 31st Elv Art: Set Up (NE), Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy moving into medium range]
-[X] 10th Hum Art: Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy infantry moving into medium range], ELSE Ready Move (NW)
-[X] 84th Hum Art: Ready Fire [E,NW, any enemy infantry moving into medium range], ELSE Ready Move (NW)

The loose formation of the 19th Halfling Pathfinders dashes along the forest floor like ghosts, swift and soundless. Sophie Tasse bounds along the mossy ground and rolls under branches and over roots with easy agility, but her nerves are strained. She can never quite get over the tension of battle. It buzzes under the surface, constant and bone-deep like a struck nerve, but she keeps it contained and sealed away in the back of her head. After the fighting ends, it'll terrorize her again; but for now, she will keep it in check.

They come to a halt at the treeline, her scouts crouching behind the cover of trees and laying down in the underbrush to keep themselves out of sight. The tall Kin struggle to pick a halfling out on an even field, so they have little hope of seeing them in this thick forest. She snaps commands off to her officers to spread out along the front and prepare for action. If any Nornishman in the woods across the gap from this Kirshchenholz makes the mistake of poking their head out, her riflemen will make it pop in short order.

In the distance, artillery rumbles. The enemy is trying out their guns. Some of her boys and girls look as nervous as she feels (but, hopefully, does not look - an officer must present a steady front). She squeezes the shoulder of one in a way she hopes is authoritatively reassuring. Sophie has never felt very good with people.

"No need to fret, soldier. We're safe and sound-"

The air shrieks. The first cannonball punches into the soil before the treeline and she jumps back in surprise. The forest groans as artillery fire begins to rain down into it. For a short while the world is noise and chaos, but then the barrage ends. A quick glance tells her there are only a handful of losses. Wounded are already on their way towards the rear.

How did they know the 19th was here? The enemy must have damned sharp eyes somewhere there at the edge of the northern wood. She's still trying to gauge where they might be when she notices a gaggle of her soldiers gathered around something, muttering anxiously. Sophie pushes her way into their little group and sees what they're looking at: a cannonball from the bombardment, buried in the shattered roots of a tree.

Someone has painted a halfling skull on the cannonball, still recognizable despite the shock of its impact. Beneath it reads, in rough Arnése: COMPLIMENTS OF JUNKER FRIEDRICH/CONSUMNATE MURDER, MADE-TO-MEASURE.

"What in the damned...?"

One of the soldiers pipes up. "Sir! It's Friedrich von Helstein! The locals, they said he and his brother would be marching against us. They say he's massacred thousands of Arnése in the wars. They said he likes to tie halflings up to cannonballs and fire them at their comrades. When he gets captives, sir, he nails them to trees to suffer because he likes it. He's got a whole book made of skin, sir, and he writes down everyone he kills in it before he does them in. He-"

It goes on. Sophie groans. Wherever they heard this stupidity, it'll be spreading like wildfire in the ranks. She can see the nervous jitters passing through her people, the irrational panic building. Her heart begins thundering in response. She glances towards where she thought the artillery fired from and swallows. No, whatever these tales are, they cannot possible be true. Ridiculous tall tales. The men love to share such things. Their opponent's no different from any other enemy officer.

Sophie glances at the cannonball again and shudders. True or not, there's no getting away from the fear of it now.


The enemy continues its cautious movements. Von Trotha's reputation seems to be true; his line stands resolutely in place while he gets everything where he wants them. You have the 5th bombard the dwarves in the front; von Trotha pulls them back and rotates in a fresh regiment immediately. His response is a barrage at the 148th as they hold the Rotholz Turm castle grounds. Damage appears to be minimal. A battery further back also opens up at the Kirschenholz, where your Pathfinders advance.

Time is on your side. He cannot hold back forever.


Your Turn

200th Hob Hides, Readies Action (Move, Brace)
251st Hob Hides, Readies Action (Move, Brace)

341st Elv Hsr Moves SE, SE, Readies Action (Charge, Move)
350th Elv Hsr Moves SE, E, E, E, SE, Readies Action (Charge, Move)

148th Hum Moves x2 NW, NE, Braces
72nd Hum Moves x2 NW, NW, Braces
45th Elv Moves x2 NE, NW, Braces
42nd Elv Moves x3 NW, NW

16th Half Pfd Moves x2 NW, NW, Readies Action (Fire)
19th Half Pfd Moves NW, Readies Action (Fire, Fire)
28th Half Pfd Moves x3 NE, NW, NW

13th Hob Lan Readies Action (Charge, Attack, Move)
55th Elv Hsr Moves SE, Readies Action (Charge, Move)
108th Elv Hsr Readies Action (Charge, Attack, Move)

5th Hob H Art Moves NE, Sets Up NW, Fires on 31st Dwa
5th Hob H Art Fires on 31st Dwa! (Ambush Advantage)
>31st Dwa Morale Check (Ambushed): 8+5-5=8; takes 6 Stress!
>Hits: 66, 86-20+30=96; 78 Casualties
>31st Dwa Morale Check (50+ Casualties): 16+5-11=10; takes 5 Stress!

31st Elv Art Sets Up NE, Readies Action (Fire)
10th Hum Art Readies Action (Fire), Readies Action (Move)
84th Elv Art Readies Action (Fire), Readies Action (Move)

5th Hob H Art gained +1 XP.

Enemy Turn

Enemy Orders only shown if they've been spotted by you at the start of their turn.

31st Dwa Moves NE, ??? (lost line of sight)

75th Elv Art Fires on 19th Half Pfd! (Ambush Advantage)
>19th Half Pfd Morale Check (Ambushed): 7, 1+5=6; takes 7 Stress!
>Hits: 39-20+20-30=9; 7 Casualties
>CO Trait revealed!
>>75th Elv Art CO: [9], Feared (Unit inflicts Disadvantage on enemy Morale Checks triggered by it, but recovers only half of Stress from Rest.)

60th Elv Art Fires on 148th Hum! (Ambush Advantage)
>148th Hum Morale Check (Ambushed): 3, 19+8=27; no effect
>Hits: 38, 78-20+10-40=28; 26 Casualties
>CO Trait revealed!

>>60th Elv Art CO: [11], Watchful (Unit's Spotting is increased by +2.)

66th Elv Art Fires on 148th Hum! (Ambush Advantage)
>148th Hum Morale Check (Ambushed): 10+8=18; takes 1 Stress!
>Hits: 9, 30-20+10-40=0
>CO Trait revealed!
>>66th Elv Art CO: [9], Feared (Unit inflicts Disadvantage on enemy Morale Checks triggered by it, but recovers only half of Stress from Rest.)

HM's 1st Elv Hsr Readies Action
4th Hum Readies Action
20th Dwa Readies Action
9th Elv Hsr Searches x3

200th Hob Ready Action (Move NE, Brace) if distance to enemy 800m triggered!
200th Hob Moves NE, Braces
251st Hob Ready Action (Move NE, Brace) if distance to enemy 800m triggered!
251st Hob Moves NE, Braces

10th Hum Art Ready Action (Move NW) if no enemy movement triggered!

10th Hum Moves NW
84th Hum Art Ready Action (Move NW) if no enemy movement triggered!
84th Hum Moves NW

19th Half Pfd gained +1 XP.
148th Hum gained +1 XP.


33rd Dwa spotted! (108th Elv Hsr, others)
31st Dwa lost!
75th Elv Art revealed!
66th Elv Art revealed!
60th Elv Art revealed!

+Primary Objective: Defeat the Army of the Centre.


Vote by plan, please!

200th Hobgoblin Fusiliers Regiment:
72nd Human Regiment of Foot:
148th Human Regiment of Foot:
42nd Elven Regiment of Foot:
45th Elven Regiment of Foot:
251st Hobgoblin Fusiliers Regiment:
16th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
19th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
28th Halfling Pathfinders Regiment:
55th Elven Hussars Regiment:
108th Elven Hussars Regiment:
13th Hobgoblin Lancers Regiment:
84th Elven Artillery Battery:
10th Human Artillery Battery:
31st Elven Artillery Battery:
Hobgoblin Horse Artillery Battery:

Orders for Guillory's Hussars?
[] Write-in.


Momentum: +0​

Our Units

Str.APMorale Mod.Stress
251st Hob4/5
1000/10003+40+010/105/5072Cabot Musket
HobgoblinVeka Bonheur
200th Hob0/20
1000/10003+60+2010/105/5052Cabot Musket
HobgoblinAlho Kléber
Offensive Genius
72nd Hum5/10
1000/10003+100+2010/105/5052Cabot Musket
HumanGereon Oberlin
148th Hum3/3
974/10003+81+010/105/5052Cabot Musket
HumanLiberté Chastain
42nd Elv0/20
1000/10003+50+1010/105/5072Cabot Musket
ElvenM. de Montmorency
45th Elv2/20
1000/10003+7**0+1010/105/5072Cabot Musket
ElvenJean de Sangeaux
16th Half Pfd0/10
1000/10003+50+1010/105/5252Falke Rifle
HalflingMaiwen Firmin
19th Half Pfd4/10
993/10003+57+1010/105/5254Canard Rifle
HalflingSophie Tasse
28th Half Pfd3/10
1000/10003+50+1010/105/5252Canard Rifle
HalflingGeorges Villiers
55th Elv Hsr5/20
500/5003+50+105/5077SabresElvenBerenicy de Toucy
Defensive Genius
108th Elv Hsr10/40
500/5003+60+205/5-177SabresElvenAugustin de Goyon
13th Hob Lan1/10
500/5003+50+105/5-155LancesHobgoblinKaro Bonnaire
10th Hum Art1/20
50/503+110+3010/105/5051Field ArtilleryHumanDavid Granger
Offensive Genius
84th Elv Art8/20
50/503+50+1010/105/5091Field ArtilleryElvenJules de Maistre
31st Elv Art10/20
50/503+50+1012/127/7071Field ArtilleryElvenMarie de Lamartine
5th Hob H Art25/40
50/503+70+307/83/3054Horse ArtilleryHobgoblinArka Faucher
*Affected by Casualties
**+2 from Inspired Command March Event
Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0
Lances: Wounding +1, Concealment -1, Movement -2, additional Charge Advantage
Cabot Musket: Wounding +2, Range 100m/200m/400m
Field Artillery: Wounding +5, Range 200m/700m/1400m
Canard Rifle: Wounding +2, Range 200m/300m/500m
Falke Rifle: Wounding +3, Range 100m/300m/500m
Horse Artillery: Wounding +4, Movement +3, Range 200m/600m/1200m, may Set Up for free


Allied Units

UnitXPStr.APMorale Mod.StressCombatMun.Spl.Con.Spt.Mov.EquipmentTraitsCO
350th Elv HsrTrained500/5003+00+0-5/5077SabresElven
Mana Bosquet
341st Elv HsrTrained500/5003+00+0-5/5077SabresElven
Giovanni di Mirova
Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0


Enemy Units

Str.APMorale Mod.Stress
HM's 1st Elv HsrProfessional500/5003+?0+20?077SabresElven
1st Roy Elv LanProfessional500/5003+?0+20?-175LancesElven
Son 8th Elv HsrTrained500/5003+?0+0?0?7?7SabresElven
Son 9th Elv HsrTrained500/5003+?0+0?0?7?7SabresElven
Mrk Nym RngProfessional910/10003+?0+20??0?52Falke Rifle
Ott 4th HumTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?5?2Erlkönig Musket
Ott 17th HumTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?5?2Erlkönig Musket
Ott 109th HobTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?5?2Erlkönig Musket
Wür 15th DwaTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?5?2Erlkönig Musket
Wür 31st DwaTrained^898/10003+3 (+5)^16?-10 (+10)*^??052Erlkönig Musket
Wür 33rd DwaTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?5?2Erlkönig Musket
Neu 20th DwaTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?5?2Erlkönig Musket
Neu 155th ElvTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?7?2Erlkönig Musket
Son 74th ElvTrained1000/10003+?0+0??0?7?2Erlkönig Musket
28th Elv ArtExperienced50/503+?0+30??0?7?1Field ArtilleryElven
60th Elv ArtRegular50/503+?0+10??0?7?1Field ArtilleryElven
66th Elv ArtRegular50/503+?0+10??0?7?1Field ArtilleryElven
75th Elv ArtProfessional50/503+?0+20??0?7?1Field ArtilleryElven
Prov. Elv ArtRegular50/503+?0+10??071Field ArtilleryElven
Offensive Genius
Hum Vol ArtTrained50/503+?0+0??0?7?1Field ArtilleryElven
14th Elv H ArtExperienced50/503+?0+30??0?7?4Horse ArtilleryElven
^Affected by Brilliant
Bayonets, Sabres: Wounding +0
Erlkönig Musket: Wounding +2, Range 100m/200m/400m
Falke Rifle: Wounding +3, Range 100m/300m/500m
Lances: Wounding +1, Concealment -1, Movement -2, additional Charge Advantage
Field Artillery: Wounding +5, Range 200m/700m/1400m
Horse Artillery: Wounding +4, Movement +3, Range 200m/600m/1200m, may Set Up for free

Flavoring the Feared trait for artillery is a bit tricky, but hopefully that made some kind of sense!
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Ok, Trotha rolled decently well on the CO's again. I'm reconsidering a dice tribunal.
>CO Trait revealed!
>>75th Elv Art CO: [9], Feared (Unit inflicts Disadvantage on enemy Morale Checks triggered by it, but recovers only half of Stress from Rest.)

>CO Trait revealed!
>>66th Elv Art CO: [9], Feared (Unit inflicts Disadvantage on enemy Morale Checks triggered by it, but recovers only half of Stress from Rest.)
Feared is actually quite good on artillery in the current system, provided you occasionally move for an ambush. Actual question regarding a specific ruling @Photomajig: If a feared unit contributes to a shock roll from casualties alongside others, when does the roll get disadvantage? Does feared only apply when feared units cause causulties, or if they contribute a minimal percentage?
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Second note: Trotha has an elf just W of Sarnscheid, on the wooded. That's the only way the 19th could have been seen us without being seen in turn, though him wasting a turn on firing on them is a fortunate misplay. Putting your second-strongest artillery piece on overwatch against the forest should probably also be considered a misplay. (This could also indicate a preparation to assualt the forest, though that is more dubious. So, guess we will move the halflings back and prepare a hiding action. Might also need more infantry on the western flank for screening.

Also, I think we forgot about depicting our HQ. Based on the orders in the first turn, it should 2 SW of the 10th Hum Artillery. Probably won't matter due to combat being quicker, but should set them up for reloading.

Also @Photomajig : This isn't super-impactful, but I don't think the elven artillery should have been able to fire on the Rotholz fortress as they did. Rotholz has a wood tile NE of it, which artillery could only fire over from hills if I remember the rules correctly.
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Also @Photomajig : This isn't super-impactful, but I don't think the elven artillery should have been able to fire on the Rotholz fortress as they did. Rotholz has a wood tile NE of it, which artillery could only fire over from hills if I remember the rules correctly.
Not under the new rules. Woods do not block artillery, Forests do. Unless I'm mistaken.

Second note: Trotha has an elf just W of Sarnscheid, on the wooded. That's the only way the 19th could have been seen us without being seen in turn, though him wasting a turn on firing on them is a fortunate misplay. Putting your second-strongest artillery piece on overwatch against the forest should probably also be considered a misplay. (This could also indicate a preparation to assualt the forest, though that is more dubious. So, guess we will move the halflings back and prepare a hiding action. Might also need more infantry on the western flank for screening.

Also, I think we forgot about depicting our HQ. Based on the orders in the first turn, it should 2 SW of the 10th Hum Artillery. Probably won't matter due to combat being quicker, but should set them up for reloading.
Can't that unit be considerably closer as well? I am worried he has his Nymphs Hiding and Spotting in that forest, which could also explain why the halflings were seen. I would advise caution on that front, the Pathfinders will crumble like tissue paper if they are charged by hidden Elven Cavalry or Nymphs.
Inspiring really is pretty great. The 148th can just sit there indefinitely and sing revolutionary anthems to pass the time.

The flipside of that is that yeah, Feared on artillery is nasty. The Stress hit on the 19th is ugly but unless von T intends to launch an infantry attack on that side it doesn't amount to much in the end. But I think that's a pretty strong sign that he does intend to attack there eventually because, yeah - that artillery can only really have an impact if it's supporting an advance on those tiles.

Cycling units into that tile to hold it doesn't really seem feasible. They won't take significant casualties but they'll stress pretty fast. Pull the 19th back and set up a two-unit ambush on anything that walks into the Kirschenholz, maybe? The 75th doesn't have the Spotting to see deeper on its own and the spotter unit doesn't have a hill with LOS, so it'd have to pay for multiple forest tiles. Even elves can't do that. (My spotting math could be wrong of course)

As for the rest of the turn, I think we're basically in a similar spot to last, waiting for von T's big move. He doesn't really have good targets to inflict casualties with his artillery. His big pile of ambush morale checks from arty can rout or near-rout a unit if burned together but not in any way that really sets up an attack. Eventually he'll have to try and make something happen.
Not under the new rules. Woods do not block artillery, Forests do. Unless I'm mistaken.
I can't really find it in the patch notes. And I do remember prolonged discussions about the wood tiles blocking artillery in the tutorial, which would be null and void by this rule.
Can't that unit be considerably closer as well? I am worried he has his Nymphs Hiding and Spotting in that forest, which could also explain why the halflings were seen. I would advise caution on that front, the Pathfinders will crumble like tissue paper if they are charged by hidden Elven Cavalry or Nymphs.
I mean, maybe? Would be a rather significant waste of a unit though all things considered, since you either put one cavalry in a forest tile for very little reason or put one of your best units for clearing a forest on scouts there. Also, halflings have only +1 wounding treshold, they wouldn't downright crumble.
I can't really find it in the patch notes. And I do remember prolonged discussions about the wood tiles blocking artillery in the tutorial, which would be null and void by this rule.
It's right here.
Some Terrains continue to block line of sight altogether (Hill, Urban, Fortified, Forest), while others decrease effective Spotting range (Woods, Wetland, Village).
Woods do not block LOS, thus they do not block artillery shots, is my interpretation.
Oh, and @Photomajig: I think a revision to the way ready orders are resolved is necessary. I don't want to exploit a loophole in the spirit of fairplay, but with the old way of resolving our cavalry could get 5 attacks on the enemy, only resulting in a bracing retaliation (single melee attack, one which would get weaker via causulties). This sort of 1 vs 1 is incredibly good for them and both sides are somewhat reliant of rely on ready fire from artillery and infantry to deter, or at least a ready charge from the other screens.

I mean, just to pick the numbers and stress gain for one attack here: If we put our Hob Lancer on a Ready (Charge, Charge, Move back) if enemy is in range, we would inflict 55 causulties on average, with 1 disadvantaged morale check and one base one, resulting in 5 (average from charge) + 5 stress (shock) = 10.

In return, they would inflict 20 casualties on average (1d100*5/100) and 0 stress. No other unit makes an attack, since ready action only triggers on an enemies turn.

This sort of exchange is highly favourable to cavalry and breaks the conventional ways of deterring heavy cavalry from a frontal charge, since you can neither intercept or fire with artillery on them. This could be done every turn, ignoring the inability to lancer specific inability to stay outside of artillery range there which hob hussars wouldn't face. If you "convert" an ordinary charge into a ready charge, this results in a charge that would face neither artillery, ranged attacks or enemy cavalry interception. I think this breaks intended the balance of charges.

Anydice math

Yeah, Ready Actions will need another pass after the battle. Thank you for the insights.

Also, I think we forgot about depicting our HQ. Based on the orders in the first turn, it should 2 SW of the 10th Hum Artillery. Probably won't matter due to combat being quicker, but should set them up for reloading.

Also @Photomajig : This isn't super-impactful, but I don't think the elven artillery should have been able to fire on the Rotholz fortress as they did. Rotholz has a wood tile NE of it, which artillery could only fire over from hills if I remember the rules correctly.

Woods no longer block LoS, though I need to update the Terrain infographic to reflect that. If that was not the case in the tutorial, that's my bad.
It's right here.

Woods do not block LOS, thus they do not block artillery shots, is my interpretation.
Ok, fair enough. I sort of assumed blocking fire and sightlines were disconnected with the changes to the spotting system, but that part isn't hugely problematic. Honestly, it provides an incentive for Trotha to engage in a slow and wasteful bombardment of their position, time we can use to gradually weaken his remaining frontline units.
Would be a rather significant waste of a unit though all things considered, since you either put one cavalry in a forest tile for very little reason or put one of your best units for clearing a forest on scouts there. Also, halflings have only +1 wounding treshold, they wouldn't downright crumble.
I kind of disagree about the Nymphs, they move at normal speed in forests and have combat bonuses in them. Keeping them in the center makes less sense than putting them in the forests on either flank.

Although them potentially being west of Sarnscheid is yet another indication he may intend to push there. I would advice caution, either by moving some cavalry over there to intercept or shifting our Southern line slightly West.

However, what is the plan now? Only our horse artillery is in medium range, is the idea to mive up the rest of the cannons as well? He is already shooting, we are not. We should change that.

At least for the horse artillery, it could move NE, E and fire at his cavalry in Medium Range, right? That seems like a nice target.
I kind of disagree about the Nymphs, they move at normal speed in forests and have combat bonuses in them. Keeping them in the center makes less sense than putting them in the forests on either flank.

Although them potentially being west of Sarnscheid is yet another indication he may intend to push there. I would advice caution, either by moving some cavalry over there to intercept or shifting our Southern line slightly West.

However, what is the plan now? Only our horse artillery is in medium range, is the idea to mive up the rest of the cannons as well? He is already shooting, we are not. We should change that.

At least for the horse artillery, it could move NE, E and fire at his cavalry in Medium Range, right? That seems like a nice target.
I'm busy with plan making at the moment, but our horse artillery is easily capable of outdamaging his line infantry (+10 ~ 43 vs -40 ~ 8). As long as his own horse artillery fails to make an apperance (risky, due to having to end his turn in our cavalry range), we are fine. I would also focus on the infantry line, the cavalry is unlikely to charge.
Moving the main position up is a risky move. That one might work if he didn't put any artillery behind his own line, though that is a bit questionable. He might also decide to move SW after this turn, considering just how bundled his whole formation is. One could make a plan variant for both scenarios, one with a standard ready fire or one repeating the plan from this turn.
Alright, basic plan for going forward:
  • Rotholz position can stay how they are and prepare for a charge [I'm thinking Brace, 2* shooting] for inflicting maximum damage. Despite worse terrain, muskets benefit from higher impact here mathwise.
  • G. Hussars can continue doing what they are doing right now (ready charge & disengage) for moral effects.
  • 19th Halflings need to be pulled back a bit and we need some overwatch on the area east. I would favour a scouting run with one of our hussars on the hillside NE of the Kirschenholz (just 11 movement for either). The artillery presence isn't a super big deal due to halfling ranged disadvantage + terrain, they just got one lucky shot in we can heal.
  • The main position should stop where they are and wait for a proper ambush. The 31st can get an ambush shot in, something I would like to do for building up stress. 5th can get another shot in and disappear behind the hills, preparing us for one more ambush advantage next turn. Keep the pressure high, he will be forced to attack soon due to us outdamaging him.
[] Draft Keeping The Pressure Up
-[] Visualization
-[] Infantry
-[] 200th Hob: 2*Hide, Brace
-[] 251st Hob: 2*Hide, Brace
-[] 148th Hum: Brace, Ready 2*Fire (any enemy in medium range)
-[] 72nd Hum: Brace, Ready 2*Charge (any enemy at least 1 NE in medium range)
-[] 45th Elv: Brace, Ready 2*Fire (any enemy in short range)
-[] 42nd Elv: Ready Charge*3 (any enemy in range), let hussars pass first
-[] 16th Half: Hide, 2*Move (W) [go after 19th Half Pfd]
-[] 19th Half: Hide, 2* Move (2 SE)
-[] 28th Half: 3* Hide
-[] Cavalry

-[] Guillory Hussars: Charge and disengage any enemy units 2 on the forest edge
-[] 13th: Ready Charge, Move (towards original position), Charge IF any unit moves into range
-[] 55th Elv Hsr: Move W Ready Charge, Move (towards original position) IF any unit moves into 500m
-[] 108th: 2*Move NW, 3 W, 4NW, SW, * Ready Charge IF any enemy move into 300m
-[] Artillery
-[] 5th Hob H Artillery: Fire on 33rd [43 causulties average, 48% for simple stress roll], Move (SE, E)
-[] 31st Elv. Art.: Fire on 33rd [Ambush check, 21 causulties on average 75% for simple stress roll], Move NW
-[] 10th Hum. Art.: Set Up, Ready Fire (enemy infantry moves into medium range)
-[]84th Elv. Art.: Set Up, Ready Fire (enemy infantry moves into medium range)
-[] HQ: Move NW

Inkscape file for this plan.

* Move onto the hill would ordinarily expose them to risk from the 75th, but is currently riskless thanks to them having spent their shot already. Triggering medium fire is quite unlikely, as all readied artillery that's ready should have shot at the 148th already.
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Also, to comment on the writing: I like the characterization of the feared artillery, that was pretty neat. And I also love that Raka is thinking the same things as we are.
The enemy continues its cautious movements. Von Trotha's reputation seems to be true; his line stands resolutely in place while he gets everything where he wants them. You have the 5th bombard the dwarves in the front; von Trotha pulls them back and rotates in a fresh regiment immediately. His response is a barrage at the 148th as they hold the Rotholz Turm castle grounds. Damage appears to be minimal. A battery further back also opens up at the Kirschenholz, where your Pathfinders advance.

Time is on your side. He cannot hold back forever.
Based on the current pattern, it seems to be true. We have killed 100 of his dwarves, he's killed 26 humans. Delaying with a static position wouldn't end well, especially if we dare to move one tile up.
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Alright, might as kick the voting period off in 30 minutes. This is a rather standard plan, keeping mostly the same formation. I'm shifting one hussar to the east as a scouting run and protection force, while shuffling halflings around. I also prepare Rotholz to start doing damage, which should hopefully force a bloody assault soon. The h. artillery fires and goes behind the hills to skirmish, alongside a longshot from the 31st to damage cohesion.

[X] Plan Keeping The Pressure Up
-[X] Visualization
-[X] Infantry
-[X] 200th Hob: 2*Hide, Brace
-[X] 251st Hob: 2*Hide, Brace
-[X] 148th Hum: Brace, Ready 2*Fire (any enemy in medium range)
-[X] 72nd Hum: Brace, Ready 2*Charge (any enemy at least 1 NE in medium range)
-[X] 45th Elv: Brace, Ready 2*Fire (any enemy in short range)
-[X] 42nd Elv: Ready Charge*3 (any enemy in range), let hussars pass first
-[X] 16th Half: Hide, 2*Move (W) [go after 19th Half Pfd]
-[X] 19th Half: Hide, 2* Move (2 SE)
-[X] 28th Half: 3* Hide
-[X] Cavalry

-[X] Guillory Hussars: Charge and disengage any enemy units 2 on the forest edge
-[X] 13th: Ready Charge, Move (towards original position), Charge IF any unit moves into range
-[X] 55th Elv Hsr: Move W Ready Charge, Move (towards original position) IF any unit moves into 500m
-[X] 108th: 2*Move NW, 3 W, 4NW, SW, * Ready Charge IF any enemy move into 300m
-[X] Artillery
-[X] 5th Hob H Artillery: Fire on 33rd [43 causulties average, 48% for simple stress roll], Move (SE, E)
-[X] 31st Elv. Art.: Fire on 33rd [Ambush check, 21 causulties on average 75% for simple stress roll], Move NW
-[X] 10th Hum. Art.: Set Up, Ready Fire (enemy infantry moves into medium range)
-[X] 84th Elv. Art.: Set Up, Ready Fire (enemy infantry moves into medium range)
-[X] HQ: Move
(2W, NW)

Inkscape file for this plan.

* Move onto the hill would ordinarily expose them to risk from the 75th, but is currently riskless thanks to them having spent their shot already. Triggering medium fire is quite unlikely, as all readied artillery that's ready should have shot at the 148th already.

Alright, basic plan for going forward:
  • Rotholz position can stay how they are and prepare for a charge [I'm thinking Brace, 2* shooting] for inflicting maximum damage. Despite worse terrain, muskets benefit from higher impact here mathwise.
  • G. Hussars can continue doing what they are doing right now (ready charge & disengage) for moral effects.
  • 19th Halflings need to be pulled back a bit and we need some overwatch on the area east. I would favour a scouting run with one of our hussars on the hillside NE of the Kirschenholz (just 11 movement for either). The artillery presence isn't a super big deal due to halfling ranged disadvantage + terrain, they just got one lucky shot in we can heal.
  • The main position should stop where they are and wait for a proper ambush. The 31st can get an ambush shot in, something I would like to do for building up stress. 5th can get another shot in and disappear behind the hills, preparing us for one more ambush advantage next turn. Keep the pressure high, he will be forced to attack soon due to us out-damaging him and exhausting his munition supplies.
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Damn, von Trotha is an idiot. How can i think about what he could do when hes doing moves this bad?