Voting is open
[X] Plan: We have found the first UNSC ambassador! (With Factory!)
-[X] Provide Arms and Armaments.
-[X] Prolonged Health Gene-Therapy
-[X] Restore the factory.
--[X] Promise to do so once Myomer Research is finished, which should be done in approximately a year unless something happens.
-[X] Ask if they know of any other people/faction somewhat that they interact with or at odds with or if there are any we should be wary of if they're fine with indulging us with such information as we're strangers to this universe...

[X] Plan: We have found the first UNSC ambassador! (With Factory!)

Getting more info on other locations is a must.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 21, 2025 at 3:49 PM, finished with 7 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: We have found the first UNSC ambassador! (With Factory!)
    -[X] Provide Arms and Armaments.
    -[X] Prolonged Health Gene-Therapy
    -[X] Restore the factory.
    --[X] Promise to do so once Myomer Research is finished, which should be done in approximately a year unless something happens.
    -[X] Ask if they know of any other people/faction somewhat that they interact with or at odds with or if there are any we should be wary of if they're fine with indulging us with such information as we're strangers to this universe...
    [X] Restore the factory.
Backflipped Out Of The Nearest Window
3rd December of 2988

Grandmaster Wu-Lu calmly sipped from the hot tea one of his apprentices had prepared, considering the last year that had passed, the occasion that had brought him and his four oldest and dearest friends back together again. He had not agreed with Oracle Li regarding the strangers but had nonetheless bowed to her wisdom in allowing them to prove themselves.

Their insistence in creating not only weapons and equipment for the Crosscuts to use in the Tournament but also inspecting and repairing their mothballed factory to the best of their ability once they could do so spoke well of their honorable nature and their confidence that Arcanum would see its future within the bounds of the United Nations Stellar Confederacy.

However, he wondered why Oracle Li summoned the four of them to her house nearly a year after she had essentially vanished from public sight. He had thought she would have preferred to live the last of her days, sad as he was to agree with her, in the company of those that were family by blood, water, and feud.

Just as he was about to ask the others, the door opened, and a bombshell of a woman walked into the room, draped in the surprisingly tightly form-fitting clothing of a Grandmaster and a smirk of smug authority on her face. Blinking, he looked at the woman who couldn't be older than her late 30s, with curves and meat in all the places his younger self would have found worthy of starting a brawl with her other suitors over.

Then he blinked.

That smug smile was familiar...

His eyes widened.

"Oh~, finally realized it?" Oracle Li, miraculously de-aged, purred in all her youthful glory and stretched like a self-satisfied cat in the sun, making a few of the apprentices tasked with preparing the tea spill the drinks while staring; one of the girls even unable to close her mouth.

Grandmaster Wu-Lu, on the other hand, had already jumped to a standing position...and backflipped out of the nearest window, slamming it shut and dooming his comrades in arms to Li's rejuvenated wiles.

They would forgive him.

He heard Li's cackling.

He should run faster.

When the decision was made to try and gain the goodwill of Arcanum by providing them with new weapons and equipment for the Crosscuts, the first question asked by the engineers was, "You mean those giant robots with a chainsaw and claw arm?"

The second was, "And how large is our budget again?"

The response was somewhere in the region of: "This was a mistake, wasn't it?"

You must create 3 Melee Weapons and 3 Melee Equipments for the Crosscuts.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)

Examples: Pile Bunker, Laserlance, Mech Shield, Smoke Shield.
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Pile Bunker and Laserlance sound good, shield sounds like a burden for a mech as it will slow them down
Want to introduce Mech Shields honestly if that's fine? They're a niche of sorts. Sword-attachment (though the cutting part is covered by a regular chainsaw anyway...), Lance/Spear/Pile Bunker and Mace/Battle Fist-attachment for the weapons?

Then Small Mech Shields (meant for Light Mechs which the 30-ton Crosscut counts as) and not sure on the other two Equipment... Smoke Shield seems... Dishonorable, mind you. Something-something melee.

Hell, if we really want to, not!Mech HarJel (Healing Potion but for Mechs!) for the lols but I feel like QM will skin me alive. :V

Huh, maybe Jump Booster? For Jumping Attack shenanigans?

...don't let me do all the thinking, everyone! D:<

Also lol on the young Granny prank. Something must have happened in the past for them to scram for their life...

EDIT: For reference!

Category:Melee Weapons

Category:Melee Weapons

We could probably pick three from this if we're lazy, though the Melee Equipment seems iffy... Definitely want Mech Shields though!
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Mech really should not have melee weapons, if a other mech that your are fighting is so close that it can be hit by melee, something has gone wrong
Mech really should not have melee weapons, if a other mech that your are fighting is so close that it can be hit by melee, something has gone wrong
This is for Ritualistic Mech Dueling. Not sure if you were paying attention to the whole faction we are currently talking about in the Info Tab. Though do agree, but if any melee combat will happen, I'd rather it be with Battle/Barrel Fist Quirks or the trusty kicks rather than relying on additional melee weapons which takes up space. @_@;
[?]'The Rubicon Kiss'--Two Pile Bunkers mounted on either side of the head for mechanized Glasgow action

EDIT: Should I edit in more ideas on this post or make more posts? Because I feel like the latter is just reaction farming.
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Fine, I'll do it myself. :X

[X] Back To Basic!... Actually Oh God Why?!
-[X] Melee Weapons
--[X] Claws (Hand to Hand Combat?, better 'Lift Hoist'?)
--[X] Dual Saw (Better Chainsaws...?)
--[X] Sword (Slash)
--[X] Vibroblades
--[X] Mace (Blunt)
--[X] Flail
--[X] Lance (Pierce)
--[X] Pile Bunker
--[X] *insert other Canon weapon here*
---[X] ... actually, we should totally ask the Monks on their kinds of weapons. There might be someone that prefers nunchucks (flail?) or maybe even a staff (a very long stick of metal...) or something along those lines ... We shouldn't discriminate!
-[X] Melee Equipment
--[X] Mech Shields (for Small Mechs... for now.)
--[X] Mech Helmet(?) (Like the Pre-Nerf Cowl Quirk?)
--[X] One Shot(?) Jump Booster Equipment (Dash Forward! Jump Upwards! Once!)
---[X] ...same as above, build equipment that suits the Monks by asking them. We -totally- are in over our heads on this one...
-[X] O-On the bright side, we have our first foray on Mech Equipment designing, so this will totally help in the long run once we make our own Mobile Suits/Mechs! Hopefully...

^For Jumping Shenanigans. No, it's not because a certain Grand Master gave the inspiration, no sirs and maams! :V

Yes, it's more than three weapons, but I can't decide on which one to introduce.

The Claws are actually the Solaris thingy one, not the Lift Hoise one that is being used with the Crosscuts...
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Attention Dear Questers; I've decided to punt you back 10 years in the timeline for some shenanigans to happen.
Also lol on the young Granny prank. Something must have happened in the past for them to scram for their life...
Imagine four of the most stereotypical (non-sexist/rapist) Wuxia Young Masters you can...led by the Overlord of all Chaos Gremlin Girlfailures whose destined to grow into the Queen of Amazonian MILFs once she stops causing planetary upheavals.

The four straight up had a PTDS flashback, Wu-Lu was just the first to act on it. :V
[X] Back To Basic!... Actually Oh God Why?!
-[X] Melee Weapons
--[X] Claws (Hand to Hand Combat?, better 'Lift Hoist'?)
--[X] Dual Saw (Better Chainsaws...?)
--[X] Sword (Slash)
--[X] Vibroblades
--[X] Mace (Blunt)
--[X] Flail
--[X] Lance (Pierce)
--[X] Pile Bunker
--[X] *insert other Canon weapon here*
---[X] ... actually, we should totally ask the Monks on their kinds of weapons. There might be someone that prefers nunchucks (flail?) or maybe even a staff (a very long stick of metal...) or something along those lines ... We shouldn't discriminate!
-[X] Melee Equipment
--[X] Mech Shields (for Small Mechs... for now.)
--[X] Mech Helmet(?) (Like the Pre-Nerf Cowl Quirk?)
--[X] One Shot(?) Jump Booster Equipment (Dash Forward! Jump Upwards! Once!)
---[X] ...same as above, build equipment that suits the Monks by asking them. We -totally- are in over our heads on this one...
-[X] O-On the bright side, we have our first foray on Mech Equipment designing, so this will totally help in the long run once we make our own Mobile Suits/Mechs! Hopefully
Huh, thinking about it QM, how are the (space worker) Mobile Suits made and how are they usually operated? I think you mentioned if we picked that option at the start, people would have seen the Mobile Suits bleed red or something? Do they have Neural thingy control going on? Direct Neural Interface thingy? Or just simple Easy to Pilot quirk to the extreme? o_O?
Huh, thinking about it QM, how are the (space worker) Mobile Suits made and how are they usually operated? I think you mentioned if we picked that option at the start, people would have seen the Mobile Suits bleed red or something? Do they have Neural thingy control going on? Direct Neural Interface thingy? Or just simple Easy to Pilot quirk to the extreme? o_O?
Your own Mobile Suits would've been a cross between Industrial Power Armor and Space Mecha, with the option to have them based on biotechnology. Basically making them half-meat half-metal constructs. You also would have gotten invasive MMI (without any problems, get fucked Battletech) from the get-go.

As for Mechs in this continuity, you should wait until you got the Fusion Engines unlocked to start your first attempt with self-chosen perks like weird Chimken Legs or Melee Specialization. :V
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