Half-born Horrors
13th of March 2007 A.D.
Setting her feet more firmly into the earth in a manner that brings one more of a mind to a sumo wrestler than a sixteen year old girl Lydia calls sylables like stones sinking into dark water, falling between the thumps of the breaking walls.
"Watch out!" Tiffany's voice breaks the rhythm as the feeling above her breaks and something-once-human starts to crawl with the alien grace of a spider towards her... but the corpse stops moving, all along the corridor leading back to the surface the blacked mummified zombies still, here an arm dangling loose out of the broken limestone, there an eye peering though burning red.
"It's alright, I have them, though they don't feel right." She shakes her head, then finally looks up at the one that had been about to attack her, eyes wide in surprise.
Having your corpse expert be surprised by a corpse isn't a very good as the explorers all around show. Thankfully Lydia doesn't take long explaining: "These aren't just zombies, not just shells. They feel more like sketches in charcoal."
"Sketches of what?" you ask
Her answer is a single word, instinctively hugging herself as she looks at the improbably suspended corpse: "Vampires."
What?" It is probably not a very imperial look, but for all Harry called the Black Court 'Super-Zombies', but that was just Harry pissing off monsters not an example of undead taxonomy, or whatever one wanted to call the ordering of unnatural beings.
"They have some of the powers look they can crawl on walls..." she motioned to some of the nearest mummies which proceeded to demonstrate a profound unconcern with gravity that would be wholly at home in Stoker's seminal book.
"And they're all
linked together, I'm controlling sixty six of them even though I only reached for one."
"Do they feel,
hungry?" Tiffany asks even as she gingerly steps away from the reverent closest to her. Obviously not interested enough to take a closer look herself, not that you can blame her for it.
"No..." She frowns. "They feel heavy, but like those doors, perfectly balanced so that they can be moved with the merest touch. Where did Reverent Morris go?"
"One suspects he decided to absent himself of our company when you commanded the very hosts of the underworld," Tiffany sniffs a little too dramatically.
One of the explorers, a Sutra in a decapod chassis painted with black and green patterns sparks off a synthetic laugh, only a little nervous. Earthly death and those who profane it are new to the people of Sanctuary, but to take on the mantle of explorer is to accept, almost invite the presence of fresh horrors.
"Keep one back and send the rest ahead to deal with any traps," you suggest. On the one hand the people who once inhabited those shells deserve a a resting place that isn't this. On the other if they are animate and in Lydia's control better that they run into danger than your subjects.
The temple so far had been reasonably free of sand or other contaminants, sure there were flakes of paint and bits of residue that might once have been grain or oil dried fruits and beer in tall jars, but nothing remarkable. The lower level puts it to shame. The polished limestone floor looks
sterile, clean enough to eat off assuming one were insane enough to try.
"Priests lived here and embalmers though the language doesn't make a distinction between the words," Tiffany runs her hand just above the carved symbols curved like sickle blade. "If I were to hazard a guess, this was a society which believed that the truth of life was to die. That only in death could they be realized."
"Free from hunger and want," you say half to yourself, remembering the story Lydia had told before, but she can only shrug. What she told you is what she knows, the people of the Old Kingdom did not remember the builders of this complex as anything that a fading remnant withering among the sands.
As you step into the next room to take a closer look a wave of vertigo strikes you, strong enough that you tear Usum out to fight... but it's not an attack, not directed at all. Against your cheek the air flows ever so slightly for the first time since the entrance way, cold and dry and dead. No, not the air, you realize. The very essence of the tomb has changed to death, more than a tomb, manse that focuses necrotic energy.
No wonder Lydia's corpse puppets don't feel hungry.
The satisfaction of a mystery solved is tempered by the knowledge that the master of this place would have surely found other uses for all thay aspected power.
When you explain this to Lydia she stops to think a moment, then suggests slowing down to study the glyphs, learn more about what might be down here instead of just 'charging in.' After all, she argues, it's not like the whole expedition can faster than your quarry.
Lydia Essence 5/7
Molly Essence 16/18
What does Molly think?
[] Press on, once you reach the heart of the manse its master will have to defend it
[] Establish a perimeter, and learn what you can, with Tiffany's help it shouldn't take long and the information could be invaluable
[] Write in
OOC: Enjoy.