Honestly, I'm of the opinion of just making Combat dice not D20's
Like the Turn Actions and stuff- sure! Everything works fine for that. Combat? It feels so much better to say, roll a 7 on a D8 then a seventy on a 1d100.
I mean, it depends on the game, but numbers then to mean
more when their smaller-
Or when you have bars. Bars help ALOT
Still... hard choice- cause I like the movesets and stuff, their neat! You can have a large array of movesets while still keeping it simple to under stand-
Like for instance, going with the concept of each spirit armor being more flexable and all of them allowing for write ins:
(Finishing Move)
DC 77
Enrapture an enemy in red chains, and kick and shock them for a mixture of 3d7 Cyber damage and 3d7 Electric damage. Then, they cannot take action for their next two turns. This does not trigger the finishing move clause if it did not end the fight or kill an enemy. After, revert back to base M∀LICE form.
This move could stay the same in theory, but chains are
useful you know? Locking up doors, connecting two things together, wrapping people up in chains-
So like... choices choices...