[X] Refuse, you do not have the time to deal with him yet, but you have better offers of friendship than the crime boss of Chicago
Is it a reasonably pragmatic decision to support Marcone's expansion in the setting? Yes.
Organized crime is a vector for supernatural influence in the setting and is something to keep an eye on, and Molly herself has neither the aptitude nor the inclination to involve herself in policing the criminal underworld, nor does she have the ruthlessness to shoot people in the back of the head for, say, underage prostitution.
Or doing deals with Red Court-backed drug traffickers. Or kidnapping and selling minor talents to the fomor.
But is it something that Molly Carpenter, daughter of Michael Carpenter and associate of Harry Dresden would do? I doubt it.
Even aside from the arguments about how it complicates her other relationships.
Not while her Intimacies with Michael and Harry remain what they are, and while her Mentor 5 remains who he is.
Molly is not Odin. Becoming(one of) Marcone's supernatural backers doesnt seem like something she would do.
Even in her Ragged Lady days in canon, when she was half-mad, living on the streets and arranging the deaths of people who were working for or associated with the fomor, she only dealt with John Marcone at arms length.
And that was when Marcone was literally paying for the Chicago Alliance.
About the closest I would reasonably expect is something like the relationship she has with the White Court.
All Tiffany can do is heal her. She cannot reverse age.
Yes, she does and is. We'll see more from her later don't worry.
Flesh 5.
Reversing physical age should be well within Tiffany's capabilities, even without making a pact; Child is a Physical Flaw in oWoD. So should giving life extension. The problem there is legal, not physical, because ex-cons like Helen Beckett dont suddenly come into possession of minor age children whose legal paperwork is...wonky.
Teenage Amanda Beckett, who has spent a decade unconscious in a longterm care facility, is explained as a paperwork mixup that lost her unconscious child in the system and gave her the body of some other poor dead child.
The dates line up, DNA tests will corroborate, and the scale of the fuckup will discourage further official govt scrutiny.
A de-aged four or six year old Amanda Beckett is a whole different issue.
Since Helen Beckett would have been in jail when she was born. The math doesnt math, even with DNA, and a lot of well-meaning people and institutions would get involved to get the child away, or try to.
Organized crime collapses hard, once the risks outweigh the benefits. A few target Exalted level calls for people to be more moral and ethical and crime disappears in a year.
The First Age Solar Deliberative at the height of its power, with all 700 Celestial Exalts, a million Dragonblooded, god knows how many enlightened mortals and all the infrastructure of empire, could not stamp out organized crime.
And this is not First Age Creation.