[X] The White Tide- Hiding it from your class went out the window with Initiation- anyone who sees them, who looks at your feet, will make the connection, and immediate danger to civilians is not the time to hold back. Every single Process unit you can muster, now, for the sole purpose of saving those people and killing those Grimm. Damn the consequences; let loose the bots of war.
-[X] Replace, Recycle, Re-contain- It's time for another visit of the Ship of Theseus question. Have the Process eat the entire ship, cages and equipment included, and then recapture the Grimm in new cages. Any Grimm that put up too much of a fight to be captured get put down. With the Process matter and the Process's records, rebuild the ship as it was before the Process ate it (and if it gets a couple upgrades you're sure nobody will mind). The captain will get the weirdest ship in the world out of the deal, one that never needs to care about maintenance and repair costs. Prioritize keeping the survivors alive first, containment second, eliminating threats third, and ship conversion fourth.
We built a building sized super laser and used it to fry two giant Grimm in one go earlier, and then used it to stop a WF terrorist plot a little earlier. I'm not super concerned about holding back when there's lives on the line here.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
[X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
[X] The White Tide- Hiding it from your class went out the window with Initiation- anyone who sees them, who looks at your feet, will make the connection, and immediate danger to civilians is not the time to hold back. Every single Process unit you can muster, now, for the sole purpose of saving those people and killing those Grimm. Damn the consequences; let loose the bots of war.
-[X] Replace, Recycle, Re-contain- It's time for another visit of the Ship of Theseus question. Have the Process eat the entire ship, cages and equipment included, and then recapture the Grimm in new cages. Any Grimm that put up too much of a fight to be captured get put down. With the Process matter and the Process's records, rebuild the ship as it was before the Process ate it (and if it gets a couple upgrades you're sure nobody will mind). The captain will get the weirdest ship in the world out of the deal, one that never needs to care about maintenance and repair costs. Prioritize keeping the survivors alive first, containment second, eliminating threats third, and ship conversion fourth.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
[X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
[X] Strike Team- a gaggle of Badcells, some Creeps, and maybe a couple Jerks. Enough to protect you and the others while you work. It's time to reveal them to the class, but the scale… you can hold back on the scale, right?
Process weaponry is already known from what we did with Weiss, at least to a limited degree. I don't want to go full-on "we are as gods" and eat the ship but trying to keep everything locked down is overly limiting.
While Slash and Grab is a bad idea, it could be a good one with a bit of modification.
[X]The BadCell Rush:
-[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
-[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
--[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
It's not so much that, it's the lesson the Process might take away from our action here. Human lives are in danger, and here and now we have a clutch choice to make about secrecy versus the value of life in general. Do we want to teach it that it's worth it to trade lives like that?
Granted, this is a bit of hyperbole, and I may be looking deeper than it really is - but it seems the sort of thing Prok might have going behind the scenes vis. our slowly teaching this baby god.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
[X] Strike Team- a gaggle of Badcells, some Creeps, and maybe a couple Jerks. Enough to protect you and the others while you work. It's time to reveal them to the class, but the scale… you can hold back on the scale, right?
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
[X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
I am torn. On the one hand, I really want to go with the ship of theseus vote, it would be a lot of fun.
On the other though, while teaching the process not to keep secrets if doing so would harm others is very important... the secret of the process' capabilities is a very important secret at the moment. It also would help to not cause a gray goo panic in the populace.
I feel like this plan strikes a nice balance, though I may change to ship of theseus later on.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
-[Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
And as to the second part of the vote,
[X] Strike Team- a gaggle of Badcells, some Creeps, and maybe a couple Jerks. Enough to protect you and the others while you work. It's time to reveal them to the class, but the scale… you can hold back on the scale, right?
Just a quick message while goofing off at work, I love the ideas floating around so far- just going to remind people that if your plan isn't formatted with [X] or [x] in front of each part, the tally program will not pick that part up, and at worst will end up arbitrarily splitting apart votes, depending on where it is.
Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Dec 18, 2024 at 8:23 AM, finished with 28 posts and 19 votes.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. [X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
[X] The White Tide- Hiding it from your class went out the window with Initiation- anyone who sees them, who looks at your feet, will make the connection, and immediate danger to civilians is not the time to hold back. Every single Process unit you can muster, now, for the sole purpose of saving those people and killing those Grimm. Damn the consequences; let loose the bots of war. -[X] Replace, Recycle, Re-contain- It's time for another visit of the Ship of Theseus question. Have the Process eat the entire ship, cages and equipment included, and then recapture the Grimm in new cages. Any Grimm that put up too much of a fight to be captured get put down. With the Process matter and the Process's records, rebuild the ship as it was before the Process ate it (and if it gets a couple upgrades you're sure nobody will mind). The captain will get the weirdest ship in the world out of the deal, one that never needs to care about maintenance and repair costs. Prioritize keeping the survivors alive first, containment second, eliminating threats third, and ship conversion fourth.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. -[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them [X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. [X] Strike Team- a gaggle of Badcells, some Creeps, and maybe a couple Jerks. Enough to protect you and the others while you work. It's time to reveal them to the class, but the scale… you can hold back on the scale, right?
[X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. -[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them [X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical. [X] Strike Team- a gaggle of Badcells, some Creeps, and maybe a couple Jerks. Enough to protect you and the others while you work. It's time to reveal them to the class, but the scale… you can hold back on the scale, right?
See? I'd suggest placing it under a vote name, like, I dunno, "Badcell, No Biscuits," just so people voting for it can vote on one thing that definitely works, or at the very least making sure that the brackets are valid for votes.
[X]The BadCell Rush:
-[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
-[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
--[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records] -[Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
heads up to anyone using my modified plan- it should now be under the plan name []The BadCell Rush, and has been edited so it all appears in the vote tally correctly (hopefully)
I'm kinda surprised how bad it goes for the grimm catchers, I would have thought that people that seems to have been doing that activity for years seems so unprepared to such eventualities or lack even beacon student level workers.
[X]The BadCell Rush:
-[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
-[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
--[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
Seems good enough compromise between keeping secret, people getting used to it.
[X]The BadCell Rush:
-[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
-[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
--[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
[X]The BadCell Rush:
-[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
-[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
--[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
heads up to anyone using my modified plan- it should now be under the plan name []The BadCell Rush, and has been edited so it all appears in the vote tally correctly (hopefully)
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
[X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
-[X] Syntheic in the Chair- Have Process continue to link up Phones and have both a Hunter and Evacuation Channel to help direct people, make sure to Port is heard and heeded as he is the most experienced.
We really need to set limitations on how big we go with Process physically so we can at least try and pretend it's part of our Semblance and not Grey Goo. Both our MC and Process needs time to grow as people and to not be viewed as tools for the betterment as mankind and controlled for the greater good. The bag has a few pin pricks already but punching a big ass hole in it will just dump more water and threaten to drown us both.
It's not so much that, it's the lesson the Process might take away from our action here. Human lives are in danger, and here and now we have a clutch choice to make about secrecy versus the value of life in general. Do we want to teach it that it's worth it to trade lives like that?
Granted, this is a bit of hyperbole, and I may be looking deeper than it really is - but it seems the sort of thing Prok might have going behind the scenes vis. our slowly teaching this baby god.
Yes. Because being responsible means considering the consequences of your actions. If you sacrifice an entire kingdom to save a single person in trouble, you are making the wrong choice.
The Process should learn that saving people is important, but saving literally everyone should not override even higher priorities (like not assimilating the world ASAP).
I don't really understand Blue point here. Both of those were almost the exact same thing, so it wasn't really new. His semblance built a not-so-hypothetical design to accomplish a goal / answer high priority questions then walked Jaune through building it. If he wanted to bring up a new thing, Blue should have brought up the GRASPING ARM.
Process units, even the ones that seem to be based on actual animals, or people, aren't derived from outside sources. As far as Jaune can tell, they seem to be baked in default forms that the Process is, not exactly developing so much as unearthing from its own code.
I'm kinda surprised how bad it goes for the grimm catchers, I would have thought that people that seems to have been doing that activity for years seems so unprepared to such eventualities or lack even beacon student level workers.
It's actually not all that bad- one dead, or possibly severely injured, three more hiding on the ship, and the vast majority of the crew making it off with relatively minor injuries. They rolled like shit, then okay, and the Imp rolled a Yahtzee's worth of 6s just to get to where it is now.
Don't get me wrong, trappers are very well-prepared for Grimm making a break for it- young Beowolves squeezing through the bars of their cage like cats, Boarbatusks managing to hook the padlock, that kind of thing. But every now and then, there's a smart little bastard who finds just the right moment to cause as much chaos as possible, like unlocking the other cages. Felt the ship come to a stop, saw cages getting unloaded- maybe even understood a little bit of what people around it said, saw a Grimm getting locked up once. It saw an opportunity in there somewhere, and didn't feel sleepy for the first time in a while- that's all it needed.
Who knows? Maybe you can ask when you meet him.
But seriously, it's like Captain Vuur said- Grimm think. They adapt. Well, Imps are very adaptable- comes with being a Grimm Stretch Armstrong action figure. This one's had a long time with nothing to do but think, and even the most paranoid trapper generally doesn't have 'the Grimm reenact an average Tuesday at Arkham Asylum' on his bingo card, because at that point, you just abandon ship anyway and hope you make it. If this had happened even an hour ago, everyone on board would be dead or on liferafts and hoping Grimm can't swim. It really is that kind of out of left field catastrophe.
As for why there's no Aura on the crew besides Tucker and maybe a couple others- Huntsmen gotta eat. Ships don't generally store more food than they need for their journey, even with the intent of frequent resupplies, as far as I can tell.
Meanwhile, people with Aura, even without working out like absolute madmen or constantly using Aura to survive fights, still eat two to three times as much as a regular person just to maintain it. Giants like Naia, and to a lesser extent Cardin, polish off six meals a day just to stave off starvation. It's the same reason not every single person in a village has Aura- they simply don't have the ability to grow, rear, or hunt that much food, so it becomes a matter of figuring out where that line is, or, you know, taking the hit of hosting travelling Huntsmen for a while, who are still very capable of eating a village out of house and home if they have to stick around long enough.
Ships suffer this problem with even more restrictions- you can't fish well enough at open sea to feed a crew unless you're a trawler, you're limited to products that will last the length of a voyage, Hunter-specific rations, a) are expensive compared to other shelf-stable food, and b) taste like hot ass, neither of which is great for morale. All of this is only compounded when the ship's run by such a consummate skinflint as Gideon Vuur, a man unwilling to pay to have his artificial liver and kidneys inside his body.
I dunno if you got a different impression from him than I was aiming for, but he's not exactly winning Captain Of The Year over there for anything bar his crew's wages.
All Hunters are adrenaline junkies to some extent, it's basically part of the person specifications for the job. Even the ones that are ostensibly calm, level-headed people, like Ren, need to be able to deal with some level of excitement. It's just when they start chasing that high in unhealthy ways that it starts to become a problem.
Yes. Because being responsible means considering the consequences of your actions. If you sacrifice an entire kingdom to save a single person in trouble, you are making the wrong choice.
The Process should learn that saving people is important, but saving literally everyone should not override even higher priorities (like not assimilating the world ASAP).
Don't read that far into it at this juncture. Even if this was, hypothetically, an important choice, you're still at the point where you can course-correct minor whoopsies.
'straight off' works better here, in the sense of him having been painted on
but the near
I don't really understand Blue point here. Both of those were almost the exact same thing, so it wasn't really new. His semblance built a not-so-hypothetical design to accomplish a goal / answer high priority questions then walked Jaune through building it. If he wanted to bring up a new thing, Blue should have brought up the GRASPING ARM.
Fixed first and third, keeping the middle as a stylistic choice- it just makes more internal sense to me. Call it a dialect difference, or, too much Mario 64 as a kid, dealer's choice. Thank you anyway!
Also, Blue's point is- oh, hm. That is an old draft of that sentence, how'd that slip the net? Anyway- Blue's new and shiny point is that Jaune is intimately familiar with Semblances growing in strength in the things they already do, not just evolving new abilities out of nowhere. Ruby got to pull people into her rose petals, Ren gave an entire airship Prozac, and Jaune built a world-altering artificial intelligence almost entirely divorced from physical reality.
... Sometimes you do buy the winning lottery ticket, who'd've thunk it?
Also it turns out there are some drawbacks to writing 4000-ish words in 3 days, who'd've thunk it.
Anyway, currently, according to the tally, and only according to the tally, I'm not going back through and counting votes that are still invalid at closing, Slash And Grab is the clear winner for general plan, but right now it's neck and neck between not using the Process at all (outside of making walls doors), and Plan Badcell. Votes close tomorrow at 8pm GMT, AND I'M SETTING AN ALARM THIS TIME.
Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Dec 18, 2024 at 7:35 PM, finished with 38 posts and 23 votes.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. [X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
[X]The BadCell Rush: -[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. -[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them -[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical. --[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them. --[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one. -[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
[X] The White Tide- Hiding it from your class went out the window with Initiation- anyone who sees them, who looks at your feet, will make the connection, and immediate danger to civilians is not the time to hold back. Every single Process unit you can muster, now, for the sole purpose of saving those people and killing those Grimm. Damn the consequences; let loose the bots of war. -[X] Replace, Recycle, Re-contain- It's time for another visit of the Ship of Theseus question. Have the Process eat the entire ship, cages and equipment included, and then recapture the Grimm in new cages. Any Grimm that put up too much of a fight to be captured get put down. With the Process matter and the Process's records, rebuild the ship as it was before the Process ate it (and if it gets a couple upgrades you're sure nobody will mind). The captain will get the weirdest ship in the world out of the deal, one that never needs to care about maintenance and repair costs. Prioritize keeping the survivors alive first, containment second, eliminating threats third, and ship conversion fourth.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. [X] Strike Team- a gaggle of Badcells, some Creeps, and maybe a couple Jerks. Enough to protect you and the others while you work. It's time to reveal them to the class, but the scale… you can hold back on the scale, right?
[X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it. -[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you. [X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them. -[X] Syntheic in the Chair- Have Process continue to link up Phones and have both a Hunter and Evacuation Channel to help direct people, make sure to Port is heard and heeded as he is the most experienced.
[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
[X] Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe- No. There are over forty people here trained to kill Grimm. No matter what you do, that will be enough for a cargo ship full of them.
-[X] Syntheic in the Chair- Have Process continue to link up Phones and have both a Hunter and Evacuation Channel to help direct people, make sure to Port is heard and heeded as he is the most experienced.
Updating to the closest name-equivalent to my original vote.
[X]The BadCell Rush:
-[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
-[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
--[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]
[X]The BadCell Rush:
-[X] Slash And Grab- This is a bad idea, but it's a fast one, and speed is of the essence right now. Between you, the Transistor, and the Process, you can probably make it past whoever's escaped and save the stragglers. Once that's done, you can fight the Grimm without worrying about people. Don't bother with fighting if you can help it, just get in, grab the civvies, and hoof it.
-[X] Use the Transistor's sensors and the Process to pass through the walls and floors to avoid Grimm and reach survivors quickly. And create walls as needed to block pesky Grimm after you.
-[X] Use the BadCell network to guide other hunters in- and send BadCells in ahead to split and guard the rest of the survivors before reinforcements get to them
-[X] Strike Team[2]- BadCells On Site. Fabricate a BadCell for for each hunter pair to coordinate, another for each Scroll Signal still in the ship. Use them to 'direct' your process- making walls or breaching hull for each team. Lets reveal them to the class, but the scale… lets keep it tactical.
--[x][Scroll] BadCells can use Process matter replacement to breach straight through the ship to protect the survivors- coccooning them in Process 'Eggs' might keep them stable/safe if needed- other wise seal doors and walls around them until Hunters can reach them.
--[x][Scroll] Remember to be Gentle and Polite, these are civilians. Panic helps no one.
-[x][Hunter] BadCells can guide you all in for Breaching/Clearing. Have them alert for Grimm and show maps of the terrain. Tactical mapping for everyone- [Process should record and assess the Grimm involved to be added to Library() records]