@DragonParadox I am a bit confused here. We went for the Dragonblooded first with the intent of addressing the dragon and what he swallowed after knowing that we had water travel to teleport over to him to initiate dialogue. We learned more about EvilBob then decided to go after whatever Lily of summer told us about when we learned that's what they're after. We voted not to tell Odin several times because we wanted it for ourselves.
Should it have been understood that in talking to the Dragonblooded we gave up talking to the Dragon before the month closed out even with some hours left?
When you spoke to the Dragonblooded they offered you a chance to bid for the thing, but they did not know you found the dragon so it's understood you have to wait for the Kingfisher to find its resting place. Flying off to talk to it anyway after you approached them would have been something of a diplomatic faux pas.
-[X] MOLLY PRIME: 6 AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
--[X][INVESTIGATIONS] A friend in need. You promised Rosie that you would help and so you will: 1 AP ---[X]Moving out. The sooner you get Rosie out of that house the better --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] The Other side of the Mirror: Secure Nevernever areas corresponding to the Last station: 1 AP --[X][ARCANE ALLIES] NEW Getting Lydia a Good Boy: assist Lydia in getting a dog, maybe a magical one. Mouse might be interested in helping. 1 AP --[X][ARCANE ALLIES] NEW Training... Wizards?: Carlos would like to meet with you. 1 AP --[X][CRAFTING] New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential(0/10 AP)[+1d4 AP Joe Magarac + 4 AP Tiffany]: 1 AP + 2 Malcoffee AP --[X][CRAFTING] NEW [SGI] A Train for Porter: Though he is a lot more happy for the company and the rush of energy though hidden cables Porter retains his fascination with trains(0/4AP): 1 AP + 3 SGI AP -[X]SPLINTERED GALE INCARNATION: 21/24 SGI AP
--[X][SCHOOL][SGI] Attend school: 1 SGI AP --[X][INVESTIGATIONS][SGI] Look into the Minor Talents of Chicago: 3 SGI AP ---[X] Alphas, friends of Harry, close to you in age ---[X] Friends in Low Places, she might work for Marcone but Grad was really cool ---[X] Spirit Speaker, Mortimer Lindquist is the real deal --[X][INVESTIGATIONS] Updated [SGI] Higher Education: Engage with mundane side of getting into Harvard: 2 SGI AP --[X][INVESTIGATIONS][SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be in Sanctuary: 6 SGI AP --[X][INVESTIGATIONS] [SGI] NEW Teachings of Winter: Teach unknown Paths to the spirit binders of Sanctuary.Your presence, in some manner will help smooth matters. 3 SGI AP --[X][ARCANE ALLIES] Cauldron Bubble, your new friends in the Ordo Lebetis could use more help ---[X] Updated [SGI] Online presence, See if you can convince the others to set up a strong online presence. 1 SGI AP --[X][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] Updated Family Unknown, Even if they didn't you have other more distant family in Boston that it would be cool to meet. 1 SGI AP --[X][FAMILY TIME][SGI]NEW Introductions to more of you: Twin jokes. Get your family used to other yous: 1 SGI AP --[X][WRITE-IN: CRAFTING] ALCHEMY: Making potions of Astarte Veneria and Nabu Mercury: 3 SGI AP
When you spoke to the Dragonblooded they offered you a chance to bid for the thing, but they did not know you found the dragon so it's understood you have to wait for the Kingfisher to find its resting place. Flying off to talk to it anyway after you approached them would have been something of a diplomatic faux pas.
@DragonParadox I don't remember if these had a part written for us.
--[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] The Other side of the Mirror: Secure Nevernever areas corresponding to the Last station: 1 AP ---[X] Spirit Speaker, Mortimer Lindquist is the real deal --[X][INVESTIGATIONS] Updated [SGI] Higher Education: Engage with mundane side of getting into Harvard: 2 SGI AP --[X][INVESTIGATIONS][SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be in Sanctuary: 6 SGI AP --[X][INVESTIGATIONS] [SGI] NEW Teachings of Winter: Teach unknown Paths to the spirit binders of Sanctuary.Your presence, in some manner will help smooth matters. 3 SGI AP --[X][ARCANE ALLIES] Cauldron Bubble, your new friends in the Ordo Lebetis could use more help ---[X] Updated [SGI] Online presence, See if you can convince the others to set up a strong online presence. 1 SGI AP --[X][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] Updated Family Unknown, Even if they didn't you have other more distant family in Boston that it would be cool to meet. 1 SGI AP --[X][FAMILY TIME][SGI]NEW Introductions to more of you: Twin jokes. Get your family used to other yous: 1 SGI AP --[X][WRITE-IN: CRAFTING] ALCHEMY: Making potions of Astarte Veneria and Nabu Mercury: 3 SGI AP
I dont know if we complete this first one because it was my opinion that we would create defenses, but when we were doing the investigation we found the spirit of the volcano and everything spiraled from there, so I don't remember if we actually did any security there.
I would like the opinion of others to confirm because my memory is poor and our adventures are so long that they get confused in my mind. But at least you can now remove this option as there are many repeated in the new vote.
I dont know if we complete this first one because it was my opinion that we would create defenses, but when we were doing the investigation we found the spirit of the volcano and everything spiraled from there, so I don't remember if we actually did any security there.
We didn't build any defenses, we did explore several parts around the NN side of Last Station. We didn't look into one of them because it would've required making a pathway to an unknown direction that whatever was in that direction could potentially use later. Those spirits Merlin made which are on the exact opposite side of the Last Station and not in any particular direction agreed to protect that cave place from intruders IIRC.
Is that arranging a later meeting between Kristin and the Knights going to be something that we're going to have to spend AP on, or is it something that we can just do like we just had the opportunity for? DragonParadox?
-[] MOLLY PRIME: 6 AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
--[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE]In the Sky a Thousand Eyes: Satellite cyberdevils. 1AP --[][PERSONAL TRAINING] The Bridges of the Spirit: Continue your training in the Bridge of Dreams. 1AP + 1 Malcoffee AP -[][INVESTIGATION] A Friend in Need. You promised Rosie that you would help. 1AP + 1 Malcoffee AP --[]Dreaming True: Rosie is doing great so far, but still needs more training (0/15 progress) -[][CRAFTING] Attune and Study the Dark Rider: 1 AP
--[] NEW... or you could give it to Harry as a loan [Free Action] -[][CRAFTING] Updated New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential(8/10 AP) [+ 1d4 Joe + 1 Tiffany]: 0 AP -[][INVESTIGATION] Secure the Shard of Gold: See if you can get them to accept more protections. 1AP -[][INVESTIGATION] The Queen and the Kingdom: Get to know one of your lands and peoples. 1AP --[] Introduce the Jade Dogs in general to your kingdom, some will likely prefer a world where they dont have to hide -[]SPLINTERED GALE INCARNATION: 24/24 SGI AP
--[][SCHOOL][SGI] Attend school: 1 SGI AP --[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] Updated [SGI] A Big Score: Crown Lottery. 1 SGI AP --[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Chicago Real Estate: 1 SGI AP --[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base. 1 SGI AP --[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: 1 SGI AP --[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Gun Running: 2 SGI AP
---[] High explosives and similar materials, Medical equipment
---[] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of. --[][INVESTIGATION] [SGI] Crown and Scepter: See what good your talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 2 SGI AP --[][INVESTIGATION] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes: 2 SGI AP
---[] True Magi: From Africa and Asia, from Europe to Australia... and even some talk of Nazis in the Nevernever of all things
---[] Evil Bob: Last you heard he was somewhere in Egypt, or at least the monster he bargained with was --[][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] NEW Introductions To More of You: Twin jokes aside it's going to take time and care: 1 SGI AP --[][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] UNDER PRESSURE: Forthill and Von Triers both confirm an ongoing smear campaigns at the Church by an unknown third party. Investigate. 1 SGI AP --[][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] IMMIGRANT SONG: Ensure the Mendozas are settled in and secure. 1 SGI AP --[][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] HELLMOUTH: Study how to close the portal to Sanctuary in the Amazon. 3 SGI AP --[][WRITE-IN: CRAFTING] ALCHEMY: Making potions of Astarte Veneria, Nabu Mercury and Malcoffee: 4 SGI AP --[][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION]: WHOLE NEW WORLD: Introduce Rosie to Sanctuary and more of your safer new friends and associates(Cauldron, Olivia, Lydia,Thomas, Harry, Tiffany, reintroduction to your family with baby): 3 SGI AP --[][WRITE-IN: ARCANE ALLIES]: TOYS FOR TOTS: Off the shelf armor(Fae mail equivalent, Armor 3, no penalty) + other starter gear for baby Wardens in training. 1 SGI AP
@DragonParadox I don't remember if these had a part written for us.
I dont know if we complete this first one because it was my opinion that we would create defenses, but when we were doing the investigation we found the spirit of the volcano and everything spiraled from there, so I don't remember if we actually did any security there.
I would like the opinion of others to confirm because my memory is poor and our adventures are so long that they get confused in my mind. But at least you can now remove this option as there are many repeated in the new vote.
Is that arranging a later meeting between Kristin and the Knights going to be something that we're going to have to spend AP on, or is it something that we can just do like we just had the opportunity for? DragonParadox?
---[X] Spirit Speaker, Mortimer Lindquist is the real deal --[X][INVESTIGATIONS] Updated [SGI] Higher Education: Engage with mundane side of getting into Harvard: 2 SGI AP --[X][INVESTIGATIONS][SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be in Sanctuary: 6 SGI AP --[X][ARCANE ALLIES] Cauldron Bubble, your new friends in the Ordo Lebetis could use more help ---[X] Updated [SGI] Online presence, See if you can convince the others to set up a strong online presence. 1 SGI AP --[X][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] Updated Family Unknown, Even if they didn't you have other more distant family in Boston that it would be cool to meet. 1 SGI AP --[X][FAMILY TIME][SGI]NEW Introductions to more of you: Twin jokes. Get your family used to other yous: 1 SGI AP
These are all the things I'd expect to see writing for, that didn't come up between all the madness. I suppose that the Carpenter fluff is easily discarded (and put in notes as 'no more Splintered Gale worry), but could we get some notes on the progress of the Online Presence, or our general results in Sanctuary and Harvard? (I'm also curious as to what Molly thinks of Mortimer in this timeline)
Also, I'm loving all the new options for planning… but gaaaaah. We need more power-ups for our Splinters, honestly; if we can just give them a couple artifacts, I'm sure they could pick up more of the slack on 'getting all these amazing opportunities." We're infernal; multitasking is our specialty! We literally can make more of ourselves; how do we still not have enough Mollys… Mollies? I dunno how to say this.
Great. If passing on the free action to meet the dragon now had turned into costly action and no meeting the dragon until later, then that would have sucked.
Ok, so here it is, my Magnum Opus of a plan. You can now point and laugh (please don't laugh, I worked quite a bit on it, and would appreciate constructive feedback). @DragonParadox I would be very grateful if you looked it over because a lot of parts are custom.
In order to argue for my plan, I would first like to outline our overall goal which the implementation of this plan serves to achieve. I will define Molly's overall goal in the quest as ensuring that the transition to the next Age of the World results in an outcome favorable to Molly's values.
This stated goal implicitly assumes that we at least accept the transition as unstoppable and unavoidable, if not desire it ourselves. I will admit that a large part of this position is due to my personal views on change vs. stability social argument, and personal dislike of conservatism as an ideology. However, I will also argue that at this point of time the Age change is unavoidable, and likely was from the moment Molly exalted due to inherent ability of exaltations, and especially of infernal exaltations, to cause their hosts to grow, and Molly's nature as a nascent Primordial. In fact, as far as I understand it, the coming of the nest Age is unavoidable even in Dresden Files canon, which has been stated to be planned to cover the Apocalypse.
In order to reach that goal we need, and have been, complete several broad tasks, or categories of tasks. They are:
1) To prevent the end of the world. This involves stopping Outsiders, Neverborn, potentially some of the abyssal from destroying it.
2) To identify, understand, and study the mechanisms of the world, and the change of Ages, the processes involved in it, their causes and effects. This involves intelligence gathering, learning ancient sorcery, learning deep lore of the world, including exalted lore, Starborn lore, identity and nature of White God, etc.
3) To accumulate power, both hard and soft, enough to be able to transform the world in ways we desire. This involves gathering and empowering allies, resources, weapons, and actionable lore, i.e. ancient sorcery and magic.
4) To diminish the power of our enemies. Fighting denarians, destroying Red Court, sabotaging fomori etc are all parts of this.
5) To implement changes to the world we desire. Masquerade breakdown, uplifts of any kind, etc. are in this group
We have our Circle – close sworn allies that operate together with us and can be assumed to share the common goal. They, however, have their own goals (motivations) too:
1) Lydia is the least defined, but so far her motivation can be pretty much summed up as "become the worthy shepherd of the dead". This pretty much falls under the third task outlined above, i.e. accumulation of power, with a small side order of information gathering task due to the mysteries involved in her creation, and legacy left behind by her father.
2) Tiffany is mostly defined by antagonism with denarians, and specifically with Lasciel. Her goals and motivations, including current year-long quest to set up a trap for Lasciel, fall under our fourth task – diminishing our enemies
3) Olivia desires reform in how mortal magic practitioners are policed and police themselves. That's squarely third and fifth tasks.
We also have close ally in Harry Dresden, who, while not a circle member, is important to us. His motivation is, as I understand it, to defend his home turf. Since he became the Warden, it almost certainly expanded to keeping the Demonreach prison intact and functioning. On a personal level, he is also a lover of magic, meaning that overall his motivations and personals quests fall under first two tasks.
With the framework of how I view our strategic goal tasks, let's discuss our current position.
Over the course of this quest, as I see it, we have leaned very heavily into tasks 1 and 4 at the expense of other tasks. This is understandable, both on the Doylist, and Whatsonian level, because in many cases our enemies were one or at most two steps from implementing long-term plans with catastrophic potential results, and because other tasks generally involve more management and design, as opposed to adventuring playstyle. We have waged aggressive military campaigns and enacted special-ops operations against the following opponents:
a) Outsiders – our operation in Las Vegas, purging of Nemesis from both Winter and Summer courts, our operation against White Court, even though it was reactive, the discovery and alerting Archive of voluntary extinction society's existence.
b) Red Court – our assassination of Red King's daughter, Las Vegas operation, just recently our attack on their war party during the course of their ambush, and rescue of their imprisoned god,
c) Yomi Wan, both Kakuri, even though that was retaliatory, and Wicked City, where we went above and beyond and basically nuked it, likely setting it back centuries
d) Warlocks and associated conspiracies – that's both what we did with True Magi, and earlier, with Gorfiel (I think the name was) brotherhood (the one of which Katrina Holt was a member)
e) Fomori, when we went with Iku-Turso gossamer milking operation
In comparison, tasks 2, 3 and 5 are somewhat lacking behind, I feel, especially task 3, to the dangerous extent. We generally do not follow up or dedicate specific effort to investigating the deep lore, or to building ourselves up. No, that's not fair. We do build our own position, but it's mostly due to obligation, or sheer necessity. In the quest we have so far:
a) Established our kingdom. That's probably the greatest singular boost to our standing and power we did. I don't be denying that. Though I will point out that we didn't capitalize on this in a significant way yet, and haven't explored our kingdom in detail yet either. Hopefully with the dedication of 6 clone AP to the process, this will start to change.
b) Established and fortified Last Station, and elevated its elemental dragon – our greatest Earthside stronghold. Also our object lesson in not doing enough fortification effort, and the site of the only death in our service so far. I'll note that it started as an unexpected opportunity, and most of our actions so far have been due to obligations, not our own initiative. We rebuilt it due to promise to Porter, we elevated Porter due to promise to Porter, we increased security due to demonstrated success of Kakuri in attacking the station.
c) Established Chicago synthetics – by consensus this was done in as minimalistic way as possible, to run itself in the background and be represented by 4 dots in the resources category.
d) Obtained a film making studio from White Court. So far we have done nothing with this resource.
e) Created Tiffany. This is both denying our enemy power, and expanding our own.
f) Created Bane the least god. That was accidental, even if we intended to participate in a communal working for social reasons.
One could also argue that Harry becoming Warden of Demonreach falls under this, but since that was a result of him failing a roll, I won't attribute this to us.
Despite how we can rightly be proud of how many teeth we kicked in, there are still a mulitude of factions and agents, such as fomori, denarians, USa government, subverted or not, etc, that have operational capacity to attack us. This is a serious issue, because we have, due to our actions, a number of points of vulnerability – relatively soft targets that are associated with or important to us. They are:
1) Our and Rosie's apartment – Rosie and little Amanda are our softest and most vulnerable connections. Not combatants, low willpower, magical enough not to have any protections, close enough to us that their subversion would hurt a lot. Little Amanda getting Nemesised to become a sleeper agent would be disastrous.
We have just recently moved in, and it's an apartment in a multi-apartment building located on one of the top floors. And we are renting, not owning it. Someone pulling Kiritsugu Emiya and topping the building is a possibility. Stuffing other apartments with enemy operatives is a possibility. Lots of things are a possibility. The place needs warding at the very least. We are a head of state, our place of housing requires serious protections, and a permanent bodyguard heavy detachment nearby.
2) Homes of most of Order of Cauldron members – a relatively loose network of minor practitioners that we put under our protection and which we claim a membership in. This makes them arcane links to Molly, and a softish target to attack in a political conflict with her. We already saw them attacked by White Court, even if the attack wasn't connected to Molly.
We created Bane for one of them, but I think the same level of warding is ultimately required for every member of Order of Cauldron, ideally with spirits networking between each other and helping each other. Bane, if I recall correctly, was stated to be a match for naagloshii on their home turf. Five or more Bane-like or more powerful spirits working together if the attack is localized (i.e. 1 spirit from the place of residence, and four arriving as support) should probably be able to stop even denarians.
3) Olivia's home – Olivia is our circle member, first specimen of a new magical species, a social activist in an incredibly politically dangerous society (magical practitioners), and a descendant of Ravana's brother, which puts her, at least theoretically, in running for Lanka's throne, something which her association with us actually puts within the realm of possibility after our demonstration against Wicked City. The number of factions who have reason to attack her, as well as vectors through which she can be attacked is immense. She has legal identity, still needs to sleep and eat, and participates in mundane world.
Her housing has, at best, mortal practitioner level of magical defenses, and no mundane defenses besides her very illegal sci-fi guns.
4) Chicago Synthetics – both the location itself and the legal entity. Right now, and let's not kid ourselves about it, it's a front to launder money through. With our developing geopolitical standing and connection to USA government, this situation is not perfect in the long term
5) Our film studio – we have done literally nothing with it.
6) Karrin Murphy and Special Investigations department. Unlike in canon, SI here is far more active, and has lots more support. Karrin was promoted, has backing and contacts of Library of Congress. Other members of SI than her have been inducted into the spiritual affairs to the point that guarding a ghost party with actual ghosts, and taking ghost testimony as matter of course is no longer extraordinary. As the world progresses to the next age and the Masquerade collapses more and more, SI is likely to become a nucleus of the police reform in at least Chicago, and plausibly in USA. And yet, they have almost no protections, either on the legal level or on the physical / magical levels. Library of Congress counts for something, but probably not for too much.
7) Las Vegas, including Cult of Ra Descending and the solar shard delivery system. As previously discussed, we have direct quotation on the "godbot" statue that works as exaltation delivery system almost running out of power. The actual "boots on the ground" are mostly mortal level practitioners, not even full wizards. We have arranged basing rights in Vegas, but have not exercised them yet. This presents political issue.
8) The portal to Sanctuary – while currently guarded on Sanctuary side, the defenses are not optimal and are ad hoc.
9) Arguably the forge, once we finish it. It has a powerful fae guarding it, but we know for a fact that they can be defeated and held captive. And the value of the completed forge is global. I fully expect attempts to be made to gain access to it by various forces. Both through negotiation, and through military force.
As one can see, six out of nine identified vulnerable targets associated with us are located in Chicago. Eight out of nine are within USA, and seven out of nine are within mortal-accessible USA, i.e. within reach of USA government and affiliates.
[] Plan Foundation Establishment
-[] Molly Prime
--[] Fortress construction: Organize, improve, create defenses around the portal to Sanctuary, 1 AP + 2 bonus AP ---[] Devote 2 of Sanctuary management SGI AP to helping this ---[] Involve Olivia in this -[] NEW A God for Chicago: The city could use a protector for when you're not around and you even know where to start... you think (0/12 AP) -[] Secure the Shard of Gold: The Temple of Ra Descending holds a mechanism of ancient wonder at the heart of which rests a shard of power born of past ages. While they have been good swards to it until now it still worried you that such a thing should be protected only by mortal magic and faith. See if you can get them to accept more protections -[] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes: As many many ships of the damned as you sank last month plenty of rats managed to abandon them in time --[] True Magi: From Africa and Asia, from Europe to Australia... and even some talk of Nazis in the Nevernever of all things --[] Evil Bob: Last you heard he was somewhere in Egypt, or at least the monster he bargained with was -[] A friend in need. You promised Rosie that you would help and so you will, with problems material and ethereal -[] NEW Convention Time: You did promise and Rosie is doing a lot better. There's the baby to consider sure, but you have a whole world in your soul, keeping Amanda there on the go should be fine -[] Molly Clones
--[] [SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 6 SGI AP --[] [SGI] Making money, 5 SGI AP total ---[] Updated [SGI] A Big Score, your Crown isn't really made for picking out random numbers in a mundane draw, but it is still your power so you can push it that one time to win a lottery... any lottery. You will have to find the balance between payout and anonymity and some place to park the money but that seems reasonably doable with some help from mom and dad, and unlike some of your other plans they are unlikely to object to this form of cheating at gambling ---[]NEW [SGI] Big Screen: Work on turning your movie studio productive. Olivia is studying to be a professional performer, so she might be a good future star, or know aspiring talents you might want to recruit. And surely Sanctuary has both the stories to tell, and special effects far in advance of the best of Hollywood, which can be applied through the already established studio. ---[] NEW [SGI] Entertainment from the courts: – cartoons, video games, card and board games are a worldwide phenomenon, present in all cultures, and far easier to transfer from Sanctuary to Earth due to the nature of both happening in imaginary worlds. You can use Harry and Alphas to test what works best for Earthly players. ---[] NEW [SGI] Advanced materials: High temperature superconductors, advanced steels and alloys, nanotubes and more exotic materials still – your Courts understanding of material science is far superior to the best Earth has to offer. Time to start leveraging that advantage. Look into starting exports and/or production Earthside of materials that Earth doesn't have analogs of. Nothing too advanced at first, of course. --[] Real Estate. 3 SGI AP ---[]NEW [SGI] Chicago Real Estate: With the real estate crash merely blunted and delayed, but not averted, and seed money coming in, it's time to start investigating what to buy. ---[] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base. ---[] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: no matter how fictitious it is, having claim on the Earthside land around the portal, or at least preventing Red Court from having it prevents at least some troubles from arising --[] NEW [SGI] Gun Running: Coordinate giving Saint Giles some real backing in a mix of material transfers and operational support. 1 AP/Each ---[] Sutra cyber attack squads stealing everything they can get their hands on from the red court and funneling it their way. ---[] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of. --[] Personal Actions. 3 SGI AP ---[] Babysit for Rosie: Young Amanda is precocious and you are her godmother. Babysit for her so Rosie has time for further education. 1 SGI AP ---[] [SGI] Attend school you have friends at school and you would like the memories of senior year and graduation even if they won't be teaching you anything worthwhile ---[] Family activities. 1 SGI AP --[] Magic. 5 SGI AP ---[] [SGI] Alchemy, 4 SGI AP total ----[] Alchemical production, 3 SGI AP ---[] Ancient Studies: Teach Harry, Lydia, and Tiffany, if she can learn, Awakened Eye of the Dragon Ancient Sorcery, 1 SGI AP ---[] From the pen of: start writing books "soulgazing made safe" book. 1 SGI AP -[] Free actions
-[] Updated New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential, a wild seed so near to the world of form is no easy thing, but once it's done you are sure it will pay for itself in full FREE ACTION --[] 1 AP from Tiffany
--[] Crown Questions
---[] What are the consequences of Harry becoming the Warden of Demonreach that the spirit of Demonreach is unable or unwilling to tell him about? ---[] What has Thorned Namshiel learned from their encounter with us? --[] Get Tiffany to boost Molly's and Lydia's physical parameters to 5 permanently --[] Quartermaster's prep: assemble items for later use via DPM ---[] Weapons: guns, explosives and such ---[] Mundane protective equipment: gas masks, fire extinguishers
Now, let me explain what each of the points of my plan is aimed at achieving.
The main thrust of the vote, as follows from its name, is to establish our foundation, to firm our defenses, so that we can move without fearing (too much) the enemy attack on our friends and subordinates. It also covers moving our funds to organizational level. However, it also only spends 3 AP on purely buildup things, with 3 others going to "adventure style" actions. So you cannot accuse me of just turtling.
Let's go point-by-point, starting with Molly prime's actions:
1) We have a sudden and unexpected portal into our realm (does this count as a soul piercing?). We need to secure it. There are two ways – destroy the connection, or fortify it enough to stop it being a security risk. I am firmly of the "destroy it" opinion, by the way. At least ultimately it should be closed, Why am I then voting to create a mega-fortress on the Sanctuary side with exalted craft? Three main reasons.
First, we cannot close it right now. The Earthside portal is in enemy, or at least unsecured territory. It needs immediate securing.
Second, while this portal should ultimately be closed, we know that we can make more. After Chicago is properly defended (see below), I favor establishment of a secure portal there. A facility we make could serve as "Stargate command" of sorts. A secure facility from which connections are made to outside world.
Finally, I want to see large scale exalted craft happening, and this is the best place for Molly to do so. While in sanctuary, she can use constant shintai (let's put Eschaton Shintai aside for now). This gives her bonus dice to dexterity. A combination of Lord of the Land, both as a signature (-1 DC) and as an active ability to shape the world, Mind-Hand Manipulation which enables and accelerates large scale projects X2, Tool-Transcending Constructs, and Exalted Craft Charm, as well as abundance of magical mininos to help should allow us to build something respectable even by First Age standards. Since we now have Proxy Servant Protocols, a number of those minions will be working with 20+ craft dice, which should further improve the construction. Olivia now has Mana Manipulation 3 dot ritual, and absurd DC adjusters. There should be other Mana Manipulator architects and engineers who also would benefit from Proxy Servant Protocols.
This choice synergies with an SGI action of looking to buy (or at least prevent Red Court from buying) land around the portal Earthside, and with Sanctuary management. Yes, this wouldn't help meaningfully with an attack, but it would allow us to more openly construct there, and it would deter mundane attention.
Total count of AP allocated is 6 to 8: 3 Molly Prima AP (1 normal AP, 2 Malcoffee AP), and 3 SGI AP - 2 from Sanctuary management (for logistics), and 1 from real estate (securing land Earthside). The two actions spent on buffing St Giles society (gun running and cyberattacks) also help here, as they keep the pressure on Red Court.
2) Raising the Spirit of Chicago is first foremost a bandaid to city-wide security. As I outlined above, we have a lot of assets in Chicago who are utterly unsecure. Eventually we'll need to secure them all, but that is going to require a lot of time which we cannot afford right now. So, we should do what we can for Chicago security with what time we have. I consider making a City god to be the best choice in terms of results to effort ratio.
Eventually, I see the security of Chicago as a multi-layered thing. Raising the Manse, which will generate a city-wide charm-grade effect, which can be tuned to be protective. Creating a City god and a court of spirits, both localized and specialized as active defenders. Spirits on their own territory are quire powerful. Sadly, in order to mass-produce spirits we need to have a manse, so we can't do that now in full. Enchanting Chicago SI after vetting them and generally boosting police. Stationing at least some troops in Chicago, and creating a secure portal to Sanctuary, so reinforcements can be sent quickly. That's the bare minimum.
With Harry now Enlightened and being able to throw a legendary success on demand, and Olivia with absurd DC adjustments (-3 from mana, -2 from Hell Weaving, -2 from Higher Purpose, -1 if we are doing at least some of this near the Last Station for the total of -8 DC), not to mention exalted craft, I am confident in success. And with Maggie now living in Chicago, I am fairly sure Harry would volunteer Little Chicago as the focus, since this would likely also cement his position as one of co-holders of the city.
With 25 AP required, this is not a project we'll finish in one turn, obviously. But this is all the more important to start now. I feel we need both the Spirit of Chicago, and the Manse in Chicago to feel safe. Possibly also the portal redirected from South America to Chicago. All of these will take a lot of time, and I want them done before we confront Lasciel in less than a year's time.
3) Securing the shard of Gold. I make no secret of wanting more exalted stuff in the story, including having more Exalted in the story. I believe, and have ample proof based on canon sources that controlling who gets an exaltation with a high degree of success is possible. However, right now, this vote, I am not talking about releasing it. Rather, I am talking about securing it. We know that it is guarded by an automaton, which has either ran out of power, or is on its last reserves, and a host of spirits who might owe a debt to Black Court. Aside from that, its only defenses are anonymity, something which is likely gone already, and mortal grade sorcerers, who are not adequate for the task at all. Both theft, and destruction of the automata connected to it are possible. The range of possible consequences for such is great and cannot be fully predicted, but varies from "random Joe with no context of what's going on gets a solar exaltation" to multimillenial time paradox requiring direct archangelic intervention to fix", and includes "bad guys gain at least one Abyssal on their side".
This choice is synergetic with and supported by looking into real estate of Las Vegas.
I'll reiterate – I am not talking about releasing it. Not unless we learn that it's under Should the Sun Not Rise, and talk to the Pharaoh spirit to settle on Daniel or some other suitable candidate (and I really want Daniel), or something similar happens. If we had VEE, that would be a different story. We don't, so I won't be pushing for this. Get more Ancient Spells (at least up to 5 known, including Emerald Spirit Binding, Iron Shade Binding, probably Argent Miracle Binding, and at least one of Dragon's Blessings spells, to deduce the generalized principles of binding and blessings from those.
4 and 5) I am very surprised this can be relegated to SGI actions. In any case, I am not prepared to relegate them to clones. Especially because I expect them to actually be the same action / to be connected. Bob is in Egypt, right? And most of True Magi are in Africa, which is also Egypt. There's bound to be a connection here.
Chasing after True Magi – I am not prepared to fight Deathlord Gilgamesh riding a necrotech sphinx warstrider. And that's what we are risking. Africa has seen at least one solar, one abyssal and up to three infernals within recorded history. Africa is the birthplace of the modern iteration of humanity, home of the most ancient and likely powerful magic. The forces there are likely digging up something. I don't want them to succeed. We can't afford for them to succeed. Wizards strive on preparation and so we should deny it to them and strike as soon as possible.
6) Finally, going to convention with Rosie. This will be supported mostly by the meta argument of "I want to read about E4 infernal exalt cosplaying and having fun in a convention with her friend, potentially with hijinks involving low level talents and some punk whampires up to no good". Most of the actions in this plan are driven specifically by practicality. They are not driven by "let's have fun with this". Ok, no, I actually want to see what kind of fortress Molly can raise, and to see the God of Chicago and reactions to it. Ok, this wasn't fair of me. Let me rephrase it – most of the things I put in my plan are there to make sure we are in the best possible position to act later. They are stepping stones on the path towards longer goals. This one isn't. It's an indulgence because we are ultimately here to have fun. I hope other voters feel the same and we can have fun together with this. Obviously, I am willing to compromise on this one.
Now, onto Molly's clones. Here, I'll go mostly block by block, rather than by individual points, because there are so many of those and I already rambled a lot here.
1) Crown and Scepter – our people are our greatest strategic strength, our greatest resources, and our most devoted followers. We owe them our best and thus should devote as many AP as we can to them, meaning 6 SGI AP. I am planning to vote for going into the Labyrinth next month, unless something arises, so we also will need to do prep.
2) Making money – first of all, I am not voting or planning to move this quest into an empire management territory. I am not here for that, and we have people for that in our kingdom. It should be abstracted as much as possible. That said, we do need more resources. We are people rich. We need to become organization rich, as per tasks 3 and 5 of my list above. To do that, I have identified the following possibilities and resources we have:
a) Big Score. We need clean seed money. I think that's pretty much enough said.
b) Our film studio. This is twofold. One, Olivia is an aspiring already superhuman performer. This would be a good resource to give to her (in the sense of making her central there), if she wants to, as it increases her resources and allows her to affect the world more.
c) A diverse group of profitable ventures. I tried to identify those that will be profitable, not overtly masquerade breaking, and diverse. At the moment, for me those are Fivefold Court entertainment and advanced materials.
Entertainment is everything that is not live action TV or Movies. Cartoons, role playing games, speculative fiction, videogames (those would be hardest to translate technologically). Those are an untapped resource, and are not masquerade breaking. Animated and written fiction is often placed in fictional worlds, sometimes very exotic ones. High quality speculative fiction from the Courts is not going to make people think Courts are real. It's going to make people think Courts (if the setting is the Courts) are a great work of fiction. And because we won't actually be producing them, but rather using what has already been produced, the profit margins should be very high, even accounting for marketing, translation, etc.
The materials, even if they are magical, are subtle magic. They are better than what Earth has, but it's not something that a person should notice. The normal person would note how more durable, or lightweight, or heat resistant a material is. This is a good way to start sneaking in masquerade dismantling on our own terms, as per task 5, and to accumulate power in the scientific community as per task 3, in addition to getting tons of money.
3) Real estate – I covered that in Molly Prime's section. Those are synergetic options to her actions. In general, these are actions looking at, and purchasing, or at least making a list of possible purchases of real estate.
4) Personal actions – I don't think I need to explain these. There's some give here, in family time, I think. I'll comment on going to the convention with Rosie. This will mostly be the meta comment of "I want to read about E4 infernal exalt cosplaying and having fun in a convention with her friend, potentially with hijinks involving low level talents and some punk whampires up to no good". And I am said that I can't fit it in. Hopefully we'll get at least an interlude about that. Is that too much to ask? I want my Scooby Doo adventures, with low stakes and hilarious hijinks, instead of having to be responsible and forward-thinking all the time.
I am also putting in an action to specifically babysit for Rosie with our clone. Can we just foster Amanda to caretakers from the court? Yes, absolutely, and we'll get an essentially unlimited choice of professional elite caretakers. But Amanda also needs Earthside culture, and I think this is just good for Molly's mental health and sense of attachment to small scale.
5) Magic. First, a general commentary – a lot of actions here are meant to lower XP costs of purchasing things later. Let's start with alchemy, which is its own subsection. We need to keep brewing, this doesn't need explaining. Secondly, Fivefold courts should have tons of recipes ready to be learned. This is a good opportunity to expand our repertoire.
The other three actions within this category are all "reduce XP costs later". I believe we have reached consensus that we need to study and buy Sight. Writing a book about how to make Sight safer should be worth at least one XP saved, and will be helpful in-character for a number of allies.
Finally, we should try to teach Harry, Lydia and Tiffany Ancient Sorcery, specifically Awakened Eye of the Dragon. We know Harry can learn. Lydia being able to learn will be further clue about her being an actual exalt. Tiffany I am curious about being able to learn. We could try seeing if the knights can learn, but I am iffy on this one.
6) Gun Running - this is to keep pressure on Red Court, and to more thoroughly take it over (in the sense of MiS). Cyberstuff is because it's the safest. Guns are because they are the simplest. May switch to explosives and medicine (strange combination, really)
Now, what can be changed in my plan?
Much as I dislike it, we can get rid of going to the convention, by shuffling it into SGI AP. To free time there, we could get rid of either one real estate option (Las Vegas probably), or babysitting (hire someone from the courts). After that, Spirit Raising can be discarded if needed, but I am reluctant to do this. I really want to do this.
I also do some free actions, specifically two questions that we noted to need to ask, and making some prep with items to carry in DPM. If anyone has any suggestions for those, I welcome them and will add them as possible.
We can also trim down on the income options, I guess.
suppose that the Carpenter fluff is easily discarded (and put in notes as 'no more Splintered Gale worry), but could we get some notes on the progress of the Online Presence,
I forgot that was picked. Thanks for mentioning this, the Paranet thing was actually a huge concern of mine since the plot point which had it implemented in canon has already passed. We do need some kind of update on that stuff.
Ok, so here it is, my Magnum Opus of a plan. You can now point and laugh (please don't laugh, I worked quite a bit on it, and would appreciate constructive feedback). @DragonParadox I would be very grateful if you looked it over because a lot of parts are custom.
The plan looks fine from what I can see, though it should be noted that mass cyber attacks even aimed at the Red Court are going to draw some heat. The financial system doesn't know what a vampire is, but it does know what mass hacking looks like. You might panic some people.
The plan looks fine from what I can see, though it should be noted that mass cyber attacks even aimed at the Red Court are going to draw some heat. The financial system doesn't know what a vampire is, but it does know what mass hacking looks like. You might panic some people.
Ok, I'll have to think of it, and get feedback from voters. What would we need to do to mitigate real world consequences? Talk to someone in the government? Which one?
I forgot that was picked. Thanks for mentioning this, the Paranet thing was actually a huge concern of mine since the plot point which had it implemented in canon has already passed. We do need some kind of update on that stuff.
Indeed. Personally, I am worried about Family Unknown action, and whatever plot threads are there. Paranet setup too, especially because in this iteration it'll likely involve sanctuary Sutra.
Wait what are you talking about? That fae, Joe Magarac, we contracted to build it (DP told @Degorium that it may be finished already so you should ask) isn't being contracted to guard it. Is there someone else?
I didn't realize that would cost so much AP. Assuming we put 1 AP towards it a month that's a full in story year and so far the Quest lifespan has been less than a full story year. If we want that done anytime soon we'd need to dedicate more AP towards it at some point.
Aside from that, its only defenses are anonymity, something which is likely gone already, and mortal grade sorcerers, who are not adequate for the task at all.
I already said why believing that it doesn't have any other defenses just because you didn't see them is odd logic but I will say that as Godbot is suffering from some kind of critical system error and since we didn't kill Evil Bob's partners, whom Molly drew a connection to whomever tried pulling the Blampire away from Murder is Meat in Vegas, it probably is overdue to follow up on at this point.
Indeed. Personally, I am worried about Family Unknown action, and whatever plot threads are there. Paranet setup too, especially because in this iteration it'll likely involve sanctuary Sutra.
Honestly I think messing with the distant family relatives plotline was a mistake since those guys weren't relevant in the books, and even if this isn't the books, the Carpenter household has Angelic detail so it's not like they're getting bloodline cursed. Still that plotline was pursued so Pandora's box it is.
Wait what are you talking about? That fae, Joe Magarac, we contracted to build it (DP told @Degorium that it may be finished already so you should ask) isn't being contracted to guard it. Is there someone else?
It's not finished, it's an 8/10 construction. I was under the impression (not sure why at the moment) that Joe basically tokk the Forge as his residence and would be providing some protection for it. If not, we'll need to arrange guards as soon as it's finished.
I didn't realize that would cost so much AP. Assuming we put 1 AP towards it a month that's a full in story year and so far the Quest lifespan has been less than a full story year. If we want that done anytime soon we'd need to dedicate more AP towards it at some point.
A reminder that Last Station was 8 AP. On several occasions we got awarded several AP worth of progress depending on the rolls. There's also Harry, Tiffany, Lydia, etc, who'll most likely be contributing. So, yeah, multimonth project, and we'll probably need to put in bonus AP in there on several occasions, but within the scope of the quest.
I already said why believing that it doesn't have any other defenses just because you didn't see them is odd logic but I will say that as Godbot is suffering from some kind of critical system error and since we didn't kill Evil Bob's partners, whom Molly drew a connection to whomever tried pulling the Blampire away from Murder is Meat in Vegas, it probably is overdue to follow up on at this point.
Honestly I think messing with the distant family relatives plotline was a mistake since those guys weren't relevant in the books, and even if this isn't the books, the Carpenter household has Angelic detail so it's not like they're getting bloodline cursed. Still that plotline was pursued so Pandora's box it is.
There is a long list of possible issues we might uncover, and neither Michael nor Molly (and arguably not Daniel by this point) enjoy angelic protection, so there are concerns.
We really need Degorium's quote that he showed me earlier.. IIRC He asked if it was going to be finished last turn and the answer he got was basically, maybe but to be sure assign more AP.
There is a long list of possible issues we might uncover, and neither Michael nor Molly (and arguably not Daniel by this point) enjoy angelic protection, so there are concerns.
Yeah well, there's only so far you can go with that while at the same time not having them be relevant to the Carpenter's in the books in the security sense.
Molly is fine, for obvious reasons. That's what Micheal signed up for, and yeah I forgot about people voting to allow Daniel give up his Angel detail. I'm not even going to say anything about that.
We really need Degorium's quote that he showed me earlier.. IIRC He asked if it was going to be finished last turn and the answer he got was basically, maybe but to be sure assign more AP.
Yes. Joe generates 1d4 AP worth of progress. Right now it's at 8/10 progress. Tiffany is ready to donate up to 4 AP for the project. So, Joe by himself has 75% chance to finish. By also adding 1 Tiffany AP to the project, we guarantee completion next turn.
-[] MOLLY PRIME: 6 AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
--[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE]In the Sky a Thousand Eyes:Satellite cyberdevils. 1AP
--[] New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential, a wild seed so near to the world of form is no easy thing, but once it's done you are sure it will pay for itself in full (8/10 AP) Crafting a place of potential (8/10 AP) [+ 1d4 Joe + 1 Tiffany]: 0 AP
--[] Prodigious Artifact:Whether it be for Daniel or some other 'mere' mortal caught up in the world of vampires, warlocks, sorcerers and demons you've had a thought for a working... a ring perhaps to grant a power both flexible and strong 1 AP
---[] Warding Garments of Death ●●● Splendor - Lydia's Blood ---[] The Long Arm ●● Prodigy Prima Metallum Greatsword
---[] Extended Hands of Mercy ●●● Splendor - Tiffany's Pinion ---[] The Refined Cauldron ●● Prodigy
---[] The Alembic of Refining ●● Prodigy
---[] Peach Tree of Immortality ●●● Splendor - Arianna Ortega ---[] Ever Ready Draft Roller ●● Prodigy
---[] Lock in Choker ●● Prodigy
---[] The True Staff ●● Prodigy
---[] S.T.O.N.E. Structural Tectonic Optimization and Navigation Engine Invention
---[] Ring of Will ●●● Splendor - Gossamer ---[] High Quality Prima Metallum-Weave Armour ●● Prodigy x4
---[] Tempestes Domini ●●●● Splendor - Lord of Outer Night ---[] Internal Synthetic Infernal Symbiote ●●● Variant Golem Arcana
---[] Storm Heart ●●●●● Splendor - Heart's Blood of Iku Turso --[] Fortress construction: Organize, improve, create defenses around the portal to Sanctuary, 2 AP --[][PERSONAL TRAINING] The Bridges of the Spirit:Continue your training in the Bridge of Dreams. 1AP + 1 Malcoffee AP
--[] Trading in lore, you have started down the path of learning alchemy from Bob... and revealing some of the deepest secrets of Yomi Wan, both very good things as far as you are concerned. (0/25) 1 AP+ 1 Malcoffee AP
-[][INVESTIGATION] A Friend in Need. You promised Rosie that you would help. 1AP --[]Dreaming True: Rosie is doing great so far, but still needs more training (0/15 progress) --[][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE]In the Sky a Thousand Eyes:Satellite cyberdevils. 1AP
--[] [SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 6 SGI AP --[] [SGI] Making money, 5 SGI AP total ---[] Updated [SGI] A Big Score, your Crown isn't really made for picking out random numbers in a mundane draw, but it is still your power so you can push it that one time to win a lottery... any lottery. You will have to find the balance between payout and anonymity and some place to park the money but that seems reasonably doable with some help from mom and dad, and unlike some of your other plans they are unlikely to object to this form of cheating at gambling ---[]NEW [SGI] Big Screen: Work on turning your movie studio productive. Olivia is studying to be a professional performer, so she might be a good future star, or know aspiring talents you might want to recruit. And surely Sanctuary has both the stories to tell, and special effects far in advance of the best of Hollywood, which can be applied through the already established studio. ---[] NEW [SGI] Entertainment from the courts: – cartoons, video games, card and board games are a worldwide phenomenon, present in all cultures, and far easier to transfer from Sanctuary to Earth due to the nature of both happening in imaginary worlds. You can use Harry and Alphas to test what works best for Earthly players. ---[] NEW [SGI] Advanced materials: High temperature superconductors, advanced steels and alloys, nanotubes and more exotic materials still – your Courts understanding of material science is far superior to the best Earth has to offer. Time to start leveraging that advantage. Look into starting exports and/or production Earthside of materials that Earth doesn't have analogs of. Nothing too advanced at first, of course. --[] Real Estate. 3 SGI AP ---[]NEW [SGI] Chicago Real Estate: With the real estate crash merely blunted and delayed, but not averted, and seed money coming in, it's time to start investigating what to buy. ---[] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base. ---[] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: no matter how fictitious it is, having claim on the Earthside land around the portal, or at least preventing Red Court from having it prevents at least some troubles from arising --[] NEW [SGI] Gun Running: Coordinate giving Saint Giles some real backing in a mix of material transfers and operational support. 1 AP/Each ---[] Sutra cyber attack squads stealing everything they can get their hands on from the red court and funneling it their way. ---[] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of. --[] Personal Actions. 3 SGI AP ---[] Babysit for Rosie: Young Amanda is precocious and you are her godmother. Babysit for her so Rosie has time for further education. 1 SGI AP ---[] [SGI] Attend school you have friends at school and you would like the memories of senior year and graduation even if they won't be teaching you anything worthwhile --[] Magic. 5 SGI AP ---[] [SGI] Alchemy, 4 SGI AP total ----[] Alchemical production, 3 SGI AP ---[] Alchemy Procedure Research 2 SGI AP
Warding Garments of Death time expectation ( 24 Minutes )
The Long Arm time expectation (11 Hours 12 minutes)( 2 Days 8 hours no TTC)
Extended Hands of Mercy time expectation ( 24 Minutes )
The Refined Cauldron time expectation (1 Hour)( 5 Hours no TTC)
The Alembic of Refining time expectation (3 Hours)( 15 Hours no TTC)
Peach Tree of Immortality time expectation ( 24 Minutes )
Lock in Choker time expectation (3 Hours 12 Minutes)( 16 hours no TTC)
The True Staff time expectation (2 Hours )( 10 hours no TTC)
Ever Ready Draft Roller time expectation (2 Hours 24 Minutes)(12 hours no TTC)
S.T.O.N.E. time expectation ( 1 Day 11 hours 30 minutes)
Ring of Will time expectation ( 24 Minutes )
HQPMWA time expectation (14 Hours 24 Minutes)( 3 Days no TTC) X4
Tempestes Domini time expectation (24 Minutes)
Internal Synthetic Infernal Symbiote time expectation (2 days 2 hours 24 minutes)
Storm Heart time expectation (36 Minutes)
Expected full craft time 125 Hours or 5 Days 4 hours 48 minutes, 43 hour buffer time
Form of Verdant Wood (1 pt. Form Element)
Transformation (3 pt. Root Element)
Elongation of the Curse (1 pt. Mystic Element) X3 (or Elongation X2 + Mystic Fortification). This is the dicey part that I need approval for. It raises the rating of the splendor to 3 from 1, using the added points in an almost-allowed way to make the transformation permanent.
Growing in the hidden corner of the world the Tree of Immortality is a promise and a hope that the coming Sixth Age will not be that of Ruin, but instead of a glorious rebirth and newly minted Legends. The peaches it produces are almost illuminated from within by a light of the sun, and anyone fully consuming one will be gifted with a chance to walk the Path Unending. Not all, however, is as rosy as can be assumed at the first glance. The Tree of Immortality and its fruits are a product of their age, when the whole world hangs on the edge of Oblivion. Those taking the first bite of the offered fruit would find the taste far discordant with the enticing visage. Foul and revolting, it tastes like all the sins and atrocities in the world. A strong will (willpower roll against difficulty 8) is required to consume it all, flesh and pit alike, and grasp the offered chance.
3 dot Arcana
Willpower 3 (carry over from before transformation)
Clones are, for most intents, mortals, although they're immune to the Delirium (see W20). They can only soak bashing damage. A clone may be either a genetic replica of a single person, or a hybrid of the features of multiple tissue donors — essentially a "child" of the donors, created in a clone tank.
Superior Body
Superior Mind X2
Superior Poise
If the Arcana is capable of natural healing, then it now heals at the same rate as Exalted do.
The years seem to pass you by. Time moves on, but you
remain essentially the same physical age as you were when this
Merit stopped your aging process. Maybe you discovered the
Fountain of Youth, upgraded yourself to perpetual stability,
assumed an odd relationship with the time stream, or entered
an uncanny bargain that preserved your current age. And so,
although you continue to accumulate the scars, experience,
and perspective of age, your body maintains a consistent state
of chronological development. Note that this is not the same
thing as immortality – injuries and sickness can kill you just as
surely as they'll kill any other person. Age-based decrepitude,
however, is not something you'll have to worry about.
Blessed with great vitality, you heal injuries with heroic speed and ease. Your own injuries from lethal damage heal as if they were bashing damage (see the Healing Damage chart in Mage 20, p. 406), and aggravated damage heals as if it were one level higher than it is. (Wounded-level damage, for instance, would heal at the Injured-level rate.) Bashing damage, regardless of its extent, heals within an hour.
If you're trying to heal someone else, you subtract -2 from the difficulty of the roll, even if that roll involves casting a Life Sphere healing Effect. (The usual +3 maximum modifier and minimum difficulty of 3 still apply – see Mage 20, p. 503.) As long as you remain in physical touch with the injured party, that character uses your healing
rate as her own. Your touch also soothes minor pains – muscle spasms, headaches, and so forth – within a minute or two.
Beyond its healing powers, this rush of life-energy simply feels good, too. Your aura shines with bright vitality, and your Resonance reflects your strong connection to the primal life-force. On the inevitable downside, vampires find your blood delicious – twice as potent as normal human vitae (worth double the usual blood points, for players of Vampire: The Masquerade) – and unspeakably refreshing.
According to the surviving myths and stories, in the forever lost Age of Legends, this level of ability was just barely enough for one to challenge Heavens and to start their journey on the path of immortality. Whether this is true or not, in modern age, the Immortal Cultivator Body transformation requires an investment from a celestial. Upon consuming the fruit of the Tree of Immortality, the mortal target will be wracked with symptoms reminiscent with strong food poisoning. For a night and a day they will be affected by high fever and delirium, diarrhea, vomiting and copious sweating, as their bodies are being remade and impurities are expelled in a form of black tar-like foul smelling toxic sludge. Surprisingly enough, they don't require medical care to last through the process, as their bodies are actually growing in strength and vitality through it.
When the process completes itself, the target will find themselves rid of almost all blemishes and imperfections, as if they spent a day with a professional makeup artist. They will feel a spark of life burning in their body, the vitality overflowing them, and their strengths raised almost to the peak of human ability. Their senses will be far sharper and, if they didn't have it before, they will find themselves with awareness and instinctive understanding of the supernatural forces of the world they are now part of.
in the days, years and centuries to come they will find that normal human limits no longer apply to them. With diligent cultivation of their new potential, they will be able to rise to superhuman capability in all their aspects. Those who reach truly enlightened states will discover that it is their minds that are most transcendent, even if at first glance the transformation is aimed at the physical body.
Basically, an unaging rapidly healing super-vital mortal with a potential to train to superhuman levels and baked in supernatural awareness
The Splendor takes the form of something otherworldly. It may be a religious symbol, an overtly
magical object such as a wand or pentacle, or a strange haze. It may be an inchoate thing of
coalesced light which can be held and touched. This Element defines the Splendor's physical
form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the power of the Spirit World.
Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor can be summoned directly into the Umbra when made to manifest, if its owner
desires. As the basis for an Adornment, it grants its user the ability to see and interact with spirits
on the other side of the Gauntlet. As the basis for a Fascination, it can interact with both the
physical world and the Spirit World.
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
This Splendor defines that which cannot threaten those within its influence, according to the
Splendor's character as defined by appropriate Form Elements.
It provides immunity to damage from wind, cold, and electricity (air); being crushed, cut, or
pierced by stone or metal (earth); being burned (fire); being drowned (water); being poisoned or
struck by wooden objects (wood); disease (death); possession (spirit); or the twisting of the mind
by supernatural powers (dreams). If its protection is bestowed by a Fascination, it lasts for a
number of hours equal to the Splendor's rating, and may be set to persist indefinitely while
within the Splendor's influence in the case of Forms such as Form of the Hearth.
If more than one characteristic is drawn upon when this Element grants its Protection, then
instead of invincibility, damage is simply downgraded from aggravated to lethal, lethal to
bashing, and bashing damage cut in half after soak (round down), while immunity to possession
and thought alteration become the ability to make a Willpower roll at difficulty (10 – Splendor's
rating) to immediately shake the effect off, and immunity to disease becomes the ability to make
a Stamina roll at difficulty (10 – Splendor's rating) to immediately shake the infection off.
The Splendor's power is flawed, and its curses and blessings cannot maintain their hold for long.
Select one Element of the Splendor whose effects last for a limited time. That Element's maximum duration is decreased by one category (from one month to one week, one week to to
one day, and so on). If the duration is already "one day," the Element is reduced to one hour.
Taking this Element grants one additional Element point, which must be spent on a Mystic
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is hot, or brightly-colored, or energetic. It might
be decorated with flame-like markings, it might actually be on fire, or it might simply be a free-
standing flame which does not burn its owner. This Element defines the Splendor's physical
form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the elemental power of fire.
Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor cannot be burned. As an Adornment, it lowers the difficulty for its user to soak
damage from heat or fire by two, or allows them to soak their Stamina to soak such damage if
they're not normally able. As the basis for a Fascination, it may generate the creator's choice of:
sufficient warmth to provide protection from freezing weather; sufficient light to see for
(Splendor's rating) x 10 yards around the Splendor; or may be literally ablaze with the intensity
of a bonfire.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is solid and durable and sturdy. It might be made
of stone, metal, or mineral deposits. It might be a crystal or gemstone. It might be dirty and
roadworn. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that
character is aligned with the elemental power of earth. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor is extremely rugged, and the first attempt to damage or destroy it in any scene
automatically fails. As an Adornment, it grants its user one extra die of soak. As the basis for a
Fascination, it may generate the creator's choice of: useful tools for a certain kind of work; an
aura of quiet and serenity; periodic foreboding tremors in the earth.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is graceful, or cold, or crackles with electricity, or
is marked with decorations evocative of winds and clouds. It might be made of ice. This Element
defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with
the elemental power of air. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor cannot be harmed by wind, cold, or electricity. As an Adornment, increases its
user's basic movement speed, before any multiplication by Charms or other powers, by
(Splendor's rating) yards per turn. As the basis for a Fascination, it may generate the creator's
choice of: clear skies; specific constant (nonviolent) behavior of the wind (blowing north to
south at a brisk but not dangerous speed, for example); or specific whimsical behaviors of the
wind (whisking away people's hats, bookmark, or other loose items and depositing them next to
the Splendor, for example).
The Splendor takes the form of something that is vital, or lively, or green, or fecund, or, most
likely, something made of wood. It might even be a living plant. This Element defines the
Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the
elemental power of wood. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor easily blends into natural surroundings when it would be useful for it to be hidden,
and immediately stands out when its owner is looking for it, or to those it wishes to attract. As an
Adornment, increases its user's Initiative modifier by two. As the basis for a Fascination, it may
generate the creator's choice of: fragrant scents; an area encompassing (Splendor's rating x 5)
yards in which animals and insects will not attack; enticing fruit, which may act as the focus for
a Root Element; or an aura of peace and tranquility.
The Splendor is shrouded in a psychic ward that makes it unthinkable to even consider harming
it in any way. Anyone attempting to do so must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty (4
+ Splendor's rating) and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do
harm to the Splendor.
Composed of innumerable strips of material that to a mortal unaugmented eye looks like finest Tocatli silk, each as tough as the best synthetic armor weave the Fivefold courts can produce, the form this powerful artifact takes when manifested is closest to that of the holy wrappings of the honored dead of the ancient kingdom of Kemet, known to modern man as Egypt, wrapping tightly around the body of its master like second skin to fit under most any clothes without restricting movement. Each strip of cloth is engraved with holy symbols of protection, sanctity, defense and certainty, all forming an endless loop of prayer meant to ensure the sanctity of one's self. It is so comfortable that it can be worn indefinitely. A hood is cleverly hidden in the form, easy to slip on when needed
The writings acquire internal glow, resembling, depending on the mood and situation, the cozy fires of a hearth, or a merciless light of the scorching desert sun. Symbols of the holy sun and sacred fertile earth are now intermixed into the complex writings fillings the strips of cloth. Unless directly under attack, the glow is faint enough to be entirely concealed by the clothing worn over the protective garment. A thin exoskeleton of pure elemental iron the likes of which hasn't been seen in the world of man for at least an Age is now attached to the cloth strips the underlying clothing form, bands of unyielding metal resembling nothing more than a human skeleton, and protecting more than just the vitals.
If the strips of metal formed a skeleton, then the wooden growths now attached to them, look almost early like living muscle. The whole arrangement of cloth "skin", metal "skeleton" and wooden "muscle" is rearranged in such a way that it looks as if every step the weater makes is full of grace, elegance and speed, almost as if they were one with the winds themselves. Its form is a poen in motion, a living scultpture of something out of this world.
+2 soak dice (equivalent of Concealed Kevlar Vest from C20)
The adornment splendor only lasts 1 day when summoned, instead of 1 week
The user can freely interact with spirits on the other side of the Gauntlet (I assume this either means the ability to interact with incorporeal entities, or to interact with NeverNever without transitioning there)
Stamina+Occult rolls cannot botch, always generate at least 1 success, 2 if opposed
The Warding of Divine Ancestry grants +3 DC to attempts to affect Lydia by shaping (to transform, infect, taint, transport, or control her body or spirit) instead of +1 DC
Lydia is immune to possession - this is a perfect effect
+3 soak dice (+2 from craftsmanship + 1 from Form of Steadfast Earth)
First attack in a scene that tries to damage the armor fails
Soaking heat and fire damage is done at -2 DC
The adornment lasts 1 week before it needs to be renewed
The Splendor cannot be burned.
In addition to previous immunities Lydia is immune to being crushed, cut, or pierced by stone or metal and being burned. If more than one characteristic is drawn upon when this Element grants its Protection (for example, being stabbed with a flaming sword), then instead of invincibility, damage is simply downgraded from aggravated to lethal, lethal to bashing, and bashing damage cut in half after soak (round down), while immunity to possession become the ability to make a Willpower roll at difficulty 6 to immediately shake the effect off
adornment lasts 1 month when summoned
Lydia's moving speed is increased by 5 yards per turn before any other multipliers
The Splendor cannot be harmed by wind, cold, or electricity
The Splendor easily blends into natural surroundings when it would be useful for it to be hidden, and immediately stands out when its owner is looking for it, or to those it wishes to attract
Lydia's initiative modifier is increased by 2
In addition to previous immunities, Lydia gets immunity to damage from wind, cold, and electricity, being poisoned or struck by wooden objects
Anyone attempting to harm the splendor (i.e. attack Lydia through the armor she is wearing) needs to pass DC9 willpower roll, and to spend 1 WP per turn
A custom built symbiotic organism slash organ system in the same way a mytochondria is a symbiotic microorganism, or gut flora are flora. It takes place and functions of liver, kidneys, stomach, parts of intestines. It works at the very limit of what is possible with organic technology (because calling it simple biology is doing it a disservice). It is capable of processing any organic material for nutrients, including plastics, no matter how toxic (merit: cast-iron stomach, poison resistance). It automatically neutralizes all mundane poisons, toxins and drugs (merit: Alcohol /Drug Tolerance): those taken orally by directly digesting them before they can enter bloodstream, and those breathed in or injected by constantly processing and filtering the blood. It identifies bacteria and viruses in the blood, drink, food it processes, and catalogues them, forming long-term immunity to all diseases, even ones that normally don't allow for such (merit: Eidetic Memory). It constantly floods the bloodstream with a highly potent mixture of stem cells, stimulants, clotting agents, etc, resulting in rapid healing of even the worst wounds (special advantage: Healing Lick, heal 1 level of agg damage per round). It is unaging (arcana feature) and, through processing the blood and producing its healing cocktail shares the trait with the host organism (arcana feature: unaging). It is capable of regenerating large amounts of damage to itself, like a starfish or a human liver (special advantage: regrowth at 4 points). It is armor plated, thermally stabilized, and internally reinforced, and capable of shrugging a lot of damage (can soak agg at difficulty 8). While it signals to the host body its status, it doesn't ovewhelm it with pain (no wound penalties from damage to the ISIS, ISIS itself doesn't suffer wound penalties). Finally, if triggered by the host, it's capable of flooding the body with a potent combat cocktail, though it can't do so too often.
System-wise it works like this:
variant Golem
Design notes (non-standard rule applications and variants):
1) Attributes: strength, dexterity - not applicable, reduced to 0. Social attributes not applicable - reduced to 0. Mental - mostly not applicable, kept at animal level with wits 1 intelligence 1. Total number of attribute dots used - 4, total number of attribute dots sacrificed - 9 from chargen + 2 from golem type of arcana (from strength) + 6 from attribute floor level = 17. If converting to freebie points at 2X discount rounding down, i.e. for 2 freebie points per attribute dot, that's 34 freebie points.
2) Abilities inapplicable - in total 22 dots of abilities sacrificed. That's 22 more freebie points for conversion.
3) Seven points of flaws. Animal mind and dependence on the blood of their host.
4) So, total 15+34+22+7=78 freebie points.
5) In addition to normal merits, I am using two special advantages from Gods and Monsters. Since those are very powerful, I am buying it at 5X point cost. Ie I am equating one point of special advantage to one attribute dot. I think that's fair enough.
6) The special advantages I am buying are a 6 dot healing lick, which heals 1 point of aggravated damage per turn, and regrowth at 4 points, which allows the ISIS itself to regenerate from major trauma. This costs me 50 freebie points, and leaves me with 28 more.
7) I use 21 freebie points to buy 3 additional arcana features
• Environmental Adaptation: The Arcana's body is immune to environmental or movement
penalties and incidental damage from a certain type of harsh environment. This can protect it
against arctic cold, poisonous fumes, or the burning heat of a desert, but not against intense perils
such as industrial acids or molten lava.
• Hardened Form: The Arcana's body is made of tougher stuff than others of its kind. If the
Arcana could normally only soak bashing damage, it can now also soak lethal damage. If the
Arcana could normally soak lethal damage, it can now also soak aggravated damage at difficulty
• Rapid Healing: If the Arcana is capable of natural healing, then it now heals at the same rate
as Exalted do.
• Superior Body X2: The Arcana gains three additional dots of Physical Attributes, which may
increase its traits to 6. Taking this Feature a second time provides only two bonus dots, but raises
the permitted cap to 7.
• Unaging: The Arcana is designed with especially durable enchantments, or has had its genetic
profile modified to disable ageing, or has had its corpse sprayed with remarkably efficacious
preservatives. If the Arcana is of a variety that would normally get older (or wind down over
time) and eventually die, it doesn't. Phantasms and golems don't normally need this Feature to
endure indefinitely, unless the golem is made of something notably prone to wear and tear like
soft wood or wax.
• Unfeeling: The Arcana cannot feel pain. It reduces all wound penalties by two, and takes no
wound penalties at all from bashing damage. Horrors cannot take this feature, as it is already
built into them.
• Reinforced Body: The Arcana has been reinforced with armored plates. It rolls three extra dice
to soak damage.
The Arcana has the mind of a beast. While it can still understand its master's commands, it
cannot understand anyone else's speech, and cannot use language. It cannot be designed to
possess the following Abilities: Academics, Computer, Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms,
Finance, Larceny, Law, Science, or Technology.
The Arcana has either a highly specific need that must periodically be met for it to remain alive
and animate. It must either be fed a very specific substance, ritually recharged with magic from a
Dragon Nest by one of the Chosen, or recharged with a highly specific fuel or power source.
Each time its dependence period goes by and the Arcana is left unsatisfied, it suffers one level of
aggravated damage that cannot be healed by any means until the dependence is satisfied. The
value of this Flaw depends on how often the Arcana needs to be fed or recharged: One point for
every month, two points for every two weeks, three points for every week, three points for every
three days, or five points for daily.
You can eat more or less anything without gagging.
Squirming bugs, synthetic goop, a freshly-gutted carcass with
the innards still hanging out… hey, it's all food, so chow down!
Anything you can physically devour and digest is yours for
the eating. This Merit does not in any way protect you from
the effects of said substances (rotted meat can still poison
you), but you can keep down a meal that would make the
average person puke from its mere proximity… an especially
useful gift if you have the supernatural Flaw:
Bizarre Hunger (see p. 87).
You can drink folks under the table or otherwise party
till everybody else drops. System-wise, this Merit lets you
make a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) to shake off the effects of
intoxication – a useful talent for hard-pounding Ecstatics and
tough-as-leather Black Suits!
In its one-point form, this Merit functions only for "natural"
drugs (booze, pot, cocaine, etc.), not for lab-synthesized concoctions
(LSD, meth, krokodil, etc.). For two points, however, the Merit can
neutralize the psychoactive effects of any drug unless that drug has
been created as the vector for a Sphere-based magickal Effect. (That is,
say, a pill that delivers a Life 3 /Mind 3 Effect to the person who
takes it, as opposed to an "ordinary" pill that a mage takes as part
of the focus instruments Drugs and Poisons or Brews, Potions,
and so forth, as detailed in Mage 20, pp. 588-600.) In the latter
case, the character needs to use countermagick; this Merit will not
help to counteract such drugs. "Awakened" substances, however
(as per Mage 20, p. 443) are treated as "synthesized concoctions"
even if they are, in all other forms, "natural.
For a more comprehensive resistance to toxins, see Poison Resistance, below.
Toxins may sicken you, but probably won't kill you. Although
magickal poisons may be the exception to this rule, your body
shakes off the worst effects of natural and synthesized poisons.
When attacked by such substances, add two dice to your
character's Stamina roll when resisting their effects; a successful
roll reduces the intensity of powerful toxins, and eliminates
the deadlier effects of lesser ones altogether. Sure, she might
feel a little woozy and could get seriously ill, but even if you
fail that roll your character probably won't die.
Although it works against toxic bacteria, this Merit does not
protect against diseases spread from viruses, genetic conditions,
and so forth. For details, see Drugs, Poisons, and Disease in
Mage 20, pp. 441-444 and 456. And because intoxicants are
toxins too, this Merit helps you survive overdoses of booze or
drugs – see Alcohol /Drug Tolerance, above.
Gifted with the proverbial photographic memory, you
clearly recall details about something you read, view, or other-
wise experience. A serious boon for ritual magicians, field ops,
and tech-minded magi, this Merit lets your character remember
stuff even if you, the player, do not.
Under most circumstances, your character easily recalls
the memories in question. Really detailed memories, or ones
gathered under stressful conditions, might require a Perception
+ Alertness roll before the character can remember essential
elements of the moment she's trying to recall.
Memory, of course, is subjective, and so while this Merit
allows you remember things as you perceive them, those memories
will still be based upon your perspective – internal as well as
external – which is not the same as having access to some ob-
jective god-view of that experience! Especially in a game about
subjective reality, that's an important distinction – one that
also keeps this Merit from becoming a potential game-breaker.
Folks with such memories are often subject to PTSD, as in
the Flaw of that name. That's especially true when people face
Things Man Was Not Meant to Know, as described in Mage
20, p. 407. Vivid recall has its drawbacks, and in the traumatic
world of a mage, some things really are best forgotten!
The host character gains three temporary Bruised health levels,
ignores wound penalties, and adds two dice to her Strength
and one die to her Stamina until every enemy within easy reach
or sight is dead or incapacitated. The boost lasts for a scene.
This cannot be activated more than once per day
The symbiont secretes healing solution that heals 1 bashing level of damage per turn.
Lethal and aggravated damage are healed at the following rate:
Bruised 12 hours
Hurt One day
Injured Two days
Wounded Two days
Maimed Three days
Crippled Five days
Incapacitated Ten days
The blood of the hydra flows in your veins… or at least,
it seems that way sometimes. To an extent, you can regrow
severed body parts. It'll hurt, and it takes time. Given enough
opportunity, however, your body can restore itself.
The extent to which you can pull a Deadpool depends
upon the points invested in this Advantage. For two points,
you can regrow fingers, horns, claws, a tail, or some other
secondary appendage. For four points, you can regrow gouged
eyes, severed limbs, a ripped-out tongue, and a secondary
organ or two if their absence won't cause immediate death.
And for six points, you must be burnt to ashes, dissolved in
acid, poisoned to death by sickness or toxins, or otherwise
consumed entirely before the restoration process ends for good.
Again, this is a painful process. The Advantage does not
in any way alleviate the agony of losing body parts, and the
damage heals at a steady pace unless it's being enhanced by
other magical means. A severed finger or missing eye takes
roughly a day to grow back; damaged limbs or non-essential
organs take three days or so before they're functional again,
and essential organs, your head, your spine, and other com-
plex, essential body parts demand a week or so. Missing limbs
will start out small and then grow back gradually (again, as
per Deadpool), and organs will function poorly until they've
been restored to health. Penalties for things like missing legs
or blinded eyes are yours to endure, and you must spend
a point of Willpower in order to regrow vital organs, your
heart, your head, and so forth. Still, given enough points in
this Advantage and plenty of time to heal, you can survive
almost anything…
Except fire or acid. If such caustic or cauterizing sub-
stances are applied to the injured area, you're not growing
that part back again without some serious favors owned to
high-powered magical healers.
A thunderstorm packed into the soul a powerful weaving of concealed ancient sorcery, an imitation of power innate. While dislodged from its home/Host it appears to be an orb containing a pitch black thunderstorm with the occasional crack of yellow lightning. While embedded the bearer fears not the sting of a storm whether that be chill,sleet or lightning.
They can also shape the seething lightning and raging winds to their whim, in some cases even becoming one with it drawing upon the crackling yellow lightning and the shroud of clouds from the bearer's soul. If the bearer has the power to imbue the embedded Storm heart they may activate its dread transformation.
An invocation of the storm that bathes the bearer of the storm heart in lightning suffusing their form and transforming them into a being of Lightning, Clouds and Raging Winds.
System: Construction/Generation of Wind/Cloud/Lightning objects due to the 'uniqueness' of the medium simple monobody/featureless constructs are fast & easy ranging from Difficulty 3 rough spheres to difficulty 5 pole/rod/javelin everything in that range can be made reflexively. Featured/Complex forms require a turn to shape and range from Cube (difficulty 6) to Glove/Boot (difficulty 8) needing to spontaneously generate the given Cloud or Lightning increases the difficulty by 1. Weapons maintain both base difficulty and Mode(Attribute + Ability) when made of Wind/Cloud/Lightning.
By default Wind/Cloud constructs deal Bashing and Lightning Deals Lethal changing this requires an additional success on the craft roll. By default lightning cannot be made solid enough to resist Solids or forces though constructs of lightning deal damage on contact where Wind and Cloud constructs do not. Single turn constructs can either dissipate or release their compressed content indiscriminately. Objects with no successes in duration must be used on the turn they are created and are subject to multiple action rules. Additional successes on these craft rolls can be allocated in different ways from blast area, difficulty of wielding the construct or the soak of said construct (neither of which cannot be lowered by more than three), to the amount of Health levels a construct (1 success per Two health levels) possesses.
Coaxing water in the air to condense or Electricity from sockets to coalesce is a Manipulation + Awareness roll; this roll's base difficulty starts at 5 but rises higher if you're trying to alter a large or rarer amount of that element (Water from desert or arid air, Electricity from a Sparking transformer/Lightning Bolt) and can be lowered by favorable conditions (High humidity or fog, Electricity from power station or power lines). Additional successes on this roll may reduce the difficulty to shape Lightning/Cloud/Wind by up to -3 difficulty. In Shintai the character is considered to have all three on hand ready to shape (No difficulty break either way for craft actions).
How long lasting and how damaging a given construct is follows the Base Damage or Duration table (page 504 Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition) as a Force spell rolled with (Splendor rating + Essence, P'o, Faith, Arete/2, Mana) dice at difficulty 5, duration can't go above a scene. Static constructs and Armor count damage as soak with no auto success.
● (Optional) Condense/Coalesce (Manipulation + Awareness)(1 action)
● Create Quality- Form (Wits + Craft) (Reflexive at Difficulty 5 and below) (1 Action)
● Stats (Splendor rating + Essence,P'o,Faith,Instinct,Arete/2,Ritual,Mana)(Reflexive)
● Create-Stats One action, Two rolls such as with Violence as Focus Examples
Exalted Sen takes a turn to make a vague lightning sword with a defined edge; they generate the lightning and so make a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 7; Scoring 2 successes they succeed in forging the blade while reducing the difficulty to wield it by one.
They then roll (Stat)8 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 4 successes one automatic success on damage(Force) they allocate 2 to duration making the construct last a scene the rest are allocated to damage making a blade that deals 6 damage and hits on difficulty 5 if left impaled in a target they take 6 damage per turn until they make a difficulty 9 strength roll to dislodge the construct.
The final enemy begins to flee from them so they rear back their hand and shapes a small sphere. Making a reflexive Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 4(3) they score 4 successes lowering the difficulty to strike their target by 3 and increasing blast radius by one.
They then roll (Stat)8 dice against difficulty 5 and score 6 successes, one automatic success on damage(Force) they allocate none to duration and all to damage. This bolt hits on difficulty three and deals 14 Lethal Damage in a ten meter radius where it hits.
Fin the Dhampyr while being pursued by his 'family' through the city needs armor and armaments for the fight about to begin so begins to draw power from the nearby street lights he makes a Manipulation + Awareness roll against difficulty 6 he scores 3 successes 2 more than he needs reducing his craft roll difficulty by -2.
He then makes the gloves and so makes a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 6(8) he scores 4 successes 3 more than he needs so succeeds in forming the gloves while reducing the difficulty to hit by 3 imbuing his fist with the speed of lightning. He then rolls (Stat)6 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 3 successes one automatic success on damage(Force) he allocates 2 to duration making the construct last a scene the last is allocated to damage making his hands brawl weapons that deal Strength + 4 damage on a successful hit at difficulty 3 and will last a scene.
Though this is not quite enough to protect him from his ancestors' disciplines so he gathers the wind around him to compress into armor. Making a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 8 to compress the wind around his form but not to constrict his movements.
He scores 3 successes 2 more than he needs so succeeds in forming the Wind body plate that blunts the impacts that connects by lower Soak difficulties by two. He then rolls (Stat)6 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 4 successes he allocates 2 to duration making the constructed armor last a scene the last two are allocated to Soak (damage) meaning Fin has Stamina + 2 Soak dice rolled at difficulty 4 against all damage for the rest of the scene.
Temna the Sorceress seeking to further occlude her path and slow her pursuers in the fog seeks to cause the fog to thicken to a near white out. The perfect condition for Cloud shaping(-3) and The volume of Fog(+3) she is trying to manipulate cancel out meaning she rolls her Condense roll of Manipulation + Awareness at base difficulty 5 scoring 4 successes getting -3 difficulty on the crafting roll.
Trying to make a largely amorphous mass she then makes a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 3 due to a great roll for condense she begins with three automatic successes making the roll she ends up with 9 successes that she dedicates for Area(Blast radius) making a ninety meter cloud of near white. Counting as difficult terrain with +3 Difficulty to most actions of anyone not Temna.
Believing she has shaken her Pursuer she dips into an alley and raises a fog wall behind her. Due to Great conditions that she herself has already set up she begins her condense roll with one automatic success and difficulty 3. She rolls then scores five successes plus the automatic success due to low difficulty for six successes total which lowers the subsequent shaping roll by three. Forming a more solid featured mass in the alley.
She then makes a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 3(5) with one automatic success making the roll she ends up with 6 successes that she dedicates to the soak difficulty of the wall (-3) and Health levels of the wall (0/0/0/0/0/0). She then rolls (stat) 9 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 6 successes she allocates 2 to duration making the constructed cloud wall last a scene the other 4 are allocated to Soak (damage). The Alleyway is blocked by a Cloud wall with 6 health, 8 Soak, that soaks damage at difficulty 3.
This transformation works largely like the Shintai transformation of The infernal exalted. Except it only cost one mystical resource and one Willpower rather than two of each. Additional attempts to activate this false Shintai requires a roll of (Splendor rating) Dice, beginning at difficulty 6 and increasing by +1 with each subsequent attempt, to a maximum of difficulty 9. If the difficulty Is already 9, No more rolls can be made.
Failure on any of these rolls causes the shell of the storm to crack, botches cause 2, after receiving four such cracks the storm shell ruptures causing the storm to Rampage on the inside of the bearers soul causing them (Splendor rating) x 2 Dice of aggravated damage that can only be soaked with stamina. Should the bearer manage to ride out that storm. The heart cannot be used again until the next story or 28 days past whichever comes first.
As an emulation of innate power No Lunar, no Solar if they possess Supernal - Final Ray of Light, No Abyssal should they possess Apocalyptic - Birth of Sanity's Sorrow nor Any exalt that possesses Birth of the Perfect Ego Juggernaut Form and Finally as the origin no Infernal may Activate this thunderous heart.
Thunder Bringer Shintai
The character assumes a modified version of her own human form, a living thunderstorm surging with lightning and wind but still fundamentally recognizable as the character as Trails of clouds and lashing winds abound.
Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Stamina +3 Appearance ≤ 3
Golem (Storm) Health Levels: 0/0//0//0//0//0//-3//Inc Arcana Features:
-Elemental Frame (Air): Immune to damage from electricity, it cannot be moved against its will by powerful winds and is immune to falling damage.
-Reinforced Body : +3 Soak
-Flight: the Arcana is capable of flight at its normal movement speed
-Superior Body (x2): Strength +1, Dexterity +3 Stamina +1
-Unfeeling: The Arcana cannot feel pain. It reduces all wound penalties by two, and takes no wound penalties at all from bashing damage. Merit / Advantages:
-Soak Aggravated Damage (5 pts.)
-Alacrity (6 pts): 3 Extra actions per turn where Willpower is spent for this effect.
-Armor (2 Pts): +1 Soak
-Flexibility (2 pts) +2 to Athletics for (escaping ropes, grappling an opponent, and so forth) You may also tuck yourself into spaces that a creature of your size would not usually be able to squeeze into, and might (depending on the situation) be able to slither between bars, coil around branches, and so forth.
Form of Graceful Winds (1 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor takes the form of something that is graceful, or cold, or crackles with electricity, or is marked with decorations evocative of winds and clouds. It might be made of ice. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the elemental power of air. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor cannot be harmed by wind, cold, or electricity. As an Adornment, increases its
user's basic movement speed, before any multiplication by Charms or other powers, by
(Splendor's rating) yards per turn.
Form of the Hero's Shadow (2 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor manifests in the world as an enchantment embedded in a specific person present at the time of its summoning, chosen by its owner. If it has no other Form Element, then it appears as a mark like a tattoo somewhere on the infected individual's body. Wherever they go, so too goes the Splendor. If it has a physical Form Element, then it appears in the infected individual's possession, and will always return to them at the beginning of each scene even if thrown away, left behind, or given away. If its physical Form is something immobile like a tree, then the targeted individual is going to find that tree wherever they go for the duration of the Splendor's manifestation.
If the Splendor is an Adornment, then this Element allows its benefits to be enjoyed by the person to whom the Splendor is attached, even if they're not its owner and not attuned to it. Even if they're not Exalted at all.
Transformation (3 pt. Root Element)
The Splendor causes a transformation in accordance with its character, as defined by Form
Elements such as Form of Graceful Air. The nature of the transformation depends on the Form or Forms in play, but might include transformation into things like a sparrow (air), pig (earth), a living flame (fire), a fish (water), a stag (wood), a walking corpse (death), a semitranslucent spirit (spirit), or a fantastic beast such as a sphinx (dreams). These are meant to be examples, and not an all-inclusive list.
As an Adornment, this Splendor requires a point of Willpower and a turn spent in transformation to either assume the characteristic form or return to the user's native form.
Sacred Protection (3 pt. Root Element)
This Splendor defines that which cannot threaten those within its influence, according to the Splendor's character as defined by appropriate Form Elements.
It provides immunity to damage from wind, cold, and electricity (air); being crushed, cut, or
pierced by stone or metal (earth); being burned (fire); being drowned (water); being poisoned or struck by wooden objects (wood); disease (death); possession (spirit); or the twisting of the mind by supernatural powers (dreams).
Mystic Fortification (1 pt. Mystic Element)(x2)(Sovereign Elemental Sway)
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
Sovereign Elemental Sway (1 pt. Mystic Element)
The Splendor manipulates and reshapes that which resonates with its character, as defined by Form Elements such as Form of Crackling Fire and Form of Ash and Dust. The benefits
provided depend on whether the Splendor is an Adornment or Fascination, and on which Form or Forms it has incorporated.
Incorporated into an Adornment, this Element allows the Exalt to use Craft actions to sculpt
wind, water, and fire as though they were clay, creating impossible works of art or short-lived elemental tools. Living wood can be induced to grow into patterns the Exalt desires in the same fashion, while the difficulty to work with stone or metal is reduced by two. The difficulty to craft dead flesh into Arcana may be reduced by two as well. The Exalt can raise or lower the Gauntlet by one degree per success on a Crafts roll to modify it, and can rework the chimerical identity of things.
Taking the Form of a 2x3 inch tattoo of A stately emblem, emblazoned with storm-charged clouds casting snow and lightning over a desolate wind-scoured field. While dislodged from its home/Host it appears to be a Cloud of flowing silver Cumulonimbus wreathed in lightning. Gives the bearer the power to manipulate and control the Weather as well as all the elements therein. While granting protection from them all.
System: Taking control of existing weather events is a difficulty 7 Power roll (Splendor rating + Essence, P'o, Faith, Instinct, Arete/2, Ritual, Mana). Enhancing or reducing an existing phenomenon is also a Power roll in which its difficulty is the desired intensity with the number success between the current intensity and that intensity. Example: Killing Frost to cold breeze is a difficulty 4 roll that requires 5 successes. A Dense Fog to a Monsoon is a Difficulty 8 roll that requires 3 successes.
The Spontaneous generation of Weather phenomenon (ie, enclosed spaces and dead calms) works by taking two turns. The First turn is making a Generation roll (Manipulation + Awareness) against a difficulty of the Scale of the phenomenon ( 4 - 100 yards in diameter, 5 - Effects about a half-mile area, 6 - Up to 2 miles in area, 7 - An area roughly five miles in diameter, 8 - An area 20 miles in diameter, 9 - An area nearly 100 miles in diameter).
Successes on this roll determine the duration of the generated weather phenomenon ( 1 Success 3 rounds, 2 Success 1 Minute, 3 Success up to an hour, 4 Success up to a day, 5 up three days, additional Successes follow the days per success 6 Successes 6 days 7 Successes 7 days ect…) Successes in excess of the chosen duration may reduce the difficulty by up to -3 on the Intensity roll.
Storm Forging is potentially two rolls in one action that dictate the intensity, control and power of a phenomenon. The first is an Intensity (Wits + Craft) roll made at the difficulty of the well intensity of the event. Difficulty 4 is small changes in the environment: a sudden cold breeze, a slight drop in room temperature, difficulty 5 are Minor changes to the environment summoning up a dense fog, ensuring that skies are cloudy or creating favorable winds.
At Difficulty 6 The rains and winds are at your command. Rain Showers come when you call them, and strong winds blow where you will. You can change the local temperature by as much as 30 degrees in either direction and can calm strong storms and winds that can generate moderately difficult terrain +1 difficulty on enemy actions.
Difficulty 7, Storms move and surge where you will; powerful rains, gale force winds and cold snaps (changes of up to 40 degrees in temperature) You can also take control of existing weather patterns Or use the generated pattern; with an additional (Reflexive) Power roll at difficulty 7 which allows you to direct some phenomenon of the storm (hailstones, powerful waves, lightning bolts, smashing winds, etc.) at a specific target. These attacks do (the wielders Force successes) in damage; a new roll must be made for each attack. Lightning bolts do lethal damage (aggravated if the subject "botches" the soak roll), other attacks do either lethal or bashing damage depending on their exact effects. Additional successes on the Intensity roll can generate difficult terrain up to + 3 to the difficulties of various rolls.
Difficulty 8, Control over the thunderstorm is absolute. Great winds surge and crash when you command, and no man can stand when you send the winds against him. The blizzard and the drought are your weapons. Additional successes on the Intensity roll can generate difficult terrain up to + 3 to the difficulties of various rolls. Elemental attacks sent against others do 3 health levels + wielder Force successes on a difficulty 7 Power roll.
Difficulty 9, Summon the most destructive of weather patterns: tornadoes, hurricanes and monsoons, killing Frosts and raging thunderstorms. Additional successes on the Intensity roll can generate difficult terrain up to + 3 to the difficulties of various rolls. Their elemental attacks can kill even the most powerful of men; attacks do a base of 5 health levels + wielder Force successes on a difficulty 7 Power roll.
Construction/Generation of Wind/Cloud/Lightning objects due to the 'uniqueness' of the medium simple monobody/featureless constructs are fast & easy ranging from Difficulty 3 rough spheres to difficulty 5 pole/rod/javelin everything in that range can be made reflexively. Featured/Complex forms require a turn to shape and range from Cube (difficulty 6) to Glove/Boot (difficulty 8) needing to spontaneously generate the given Cloud or Lightning increases the difficulty by 1. Weapons maintain both base difficulty and Mode(Attribute + Ability) when made of Wind/Cloud/Lightning.
By default Wind/Cloud constructs deal Bashing and Lightning Deals Lethal changing this requires an additional success on the craft roll. By default lightning cannot be made solid enough to resist Solids or forces though constructs of lightning deal damage on contact where Wind and Cloud constructs do not. Single turn constructs can either dissipate or release their compressed content indiscriminately. Objects with no successes in duration must be used on the turn they are created and are subject to multiple action rules. Additional successes on these craft rolls can be allocated in different ways from blast area, difficulty of wielding the construct or the soak of said construct (neither of which cannot be lowered by more than three), to the amount of Health levels a construct (1 success per Two health levels) possesses.
Coaxing water in the air to condense or Electricity from sockets to coalesce is a Manipulation + Awareness roll; this roll's base difficulty starts at 5 but rises higher if you're trying to alter a large or rarer amount of that element (Water from desert or arid air, Electricity from a Sparking transformer/Lightning Bolt) and can be lowered by favorable conditions (High humidity or fog, Electricity from power station or power lines). Additional successes on this roll may reduce the difficulty to shape Lightning/Cloud/Wind by up to -3 difficulty. In Shintai the character is considered to have all three on hand ready to shape (No difficulty break either way for craft actions).
How long lasting and how damaging a given construct is follows the Base Damage or Duration table (page 504 Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition) as a Force spell rolled with (Splendor rating + Essence, P'o, Faith, Arete/2, Mana) dice at difficulty 5, duration can't go above a scene. Static constructs and Armor count damage as soak with no auto success.
● (Optional) Condense/Coalesce (Manipulation + Awareness)(1 action)
● Create Quality- Form (Wits + Craft) (Reflexive at Difficulty 5 and below) (1 Action)
● Stats (Splendor rating + Essence,P'o,Faith,Instinct,Arete/2,Ritual,Mana)(Reflexive)
● Create-Stats One action, Two rolls such as with Violence as Focus Examples
Exalted Sen takes a turn to make a vague lightning sword with a defined edge; they generate the lightning and so make a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 7; Scoring 2 successes they succeed in forging the blade while reducing the difficulty to wield it by one.
They then roll (Stat)8 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 4 successes one automatic success on damage(Force) they allocate 2 to duration making the construct last a scene the rest are allocated to damage making a blade that deals 6 damage and hits on difficulty 5 if left impaled in a target they take 6 damage per turn until they make a difficulty 9 strength roll to dislodge the construct.
The final enemy begins to flee from them so they rear back their hand and shapes a small sphere. Making a reflexive Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 4(3) they score 4 successes lowering the difficulty to strike their target by 3 and increasing blast radius by one.
They then roll (Stat)8 dice against difficulty 5 and score 6 successes, one automatic success on damage(Force) they allocate none to duration and all to damage. This bolt hits on difficulty three and deals 14 Lethal Damage in a ten meter radius where it hits.
Fin the Dhampyr while being pursued by his 'family' through the city needs armor and armaments for the fight about to begin so begins to draw power from the nearby street lights he makes a Manipulation + Awareness roll against difficulty 6 he scores 3 successes 2 more than he needs reducing his craft roll difficulty by -2.
He then makes the gloves and so makes a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 6(8) he scores 4 successes 3 more than he needs so succeeds in forming the gloves while reducing the difficulty to hit by 3 imbuing his fist with the speed of lightning. He then rolls (Stat)6 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 3 successes one automatic success on damage(Force) he allocates 2 to duration making the construct last a scene the last is allocated to damage making his hands brawl weapons that deal Strength + 4 damage on a successful hit at difficulty 3 and will last a scene.
Though this is not quite enough to protect him from his ancestors' disciplines so he gathers the wind around him to compress into armor. Making a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 8 to compress the wind around his form but not to constrict his movements.
He scores 3 successes 2 more than he needs so succeeds in forming the Wind body plate that blunts the impacts that connects by lower Soak difficulties by two. He then rolls (Stat)6 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 4 successes he allocates 2 to duration making the constructed armor last a scene the last two are allocated to Soak (damage) meaning Fin has Stamina + 2 Soak dice rolled at difficulty 4 against all damage for the rest of the scene.
Temna the Sorceress seeking to further occlude her path and slow her pursuers in the fog seeks to cause the fog to thicken to a near white out. The perfect condition for Cloud shaping(-3) and The volume of Fog(+3) she is trying to manipulate cancel out meaning she rolls her Condense roll of Manipulation + Awareness at base difficulty 5 scoring 4 successes getting -3 difficulty on the crafting roll.
Trying to make a largely amorphous mass she then makes a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 3 due to a great roll for condense she begins with three automatic successes making the roll she ends up with 9 successes that she dedicates for Area(Blast radius) making a ninety meter cloud of near white. Counting as difficult terrain with +3 Difficulty to most actions of anyone not Temna.
Believing she has shaken her Pursuer she dips into an alley and raises a fog wall behind her. Due to Great conditions that she herself has already set up she begins her condense roll with one automatic success and difficulty 3. She rolls then scores five successes plus the automatic success due to low difficulty for six successes total which lowers the subsequent shaping roll by three. Forming a more solid featured mass in the alley.
She then makes a Wits + Craft roll against difficulty 3(5) with one automatic success making the roll she ends up with 6 successes that she dedicates to the soak difficulty of the wall (-3) and Health levels of the wall (0/0/0/0/0/0). She then rolls (stat) 9 dice against difficulty 5 and gets 6 successes she allocates 2 to duration making the constructed cloud wall last a scene the other 4 are allocated to Soak (damage). The Alleyway is blocked by a Cloud wall with 6 health, 8 Soak, that soaks damage at difficulty 3.
Form of Graceful Winds (1 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor takes the form of something that is graceful, or cold, or crackles with electricity, or is marked with decorations evocative of winds and clouds. It might be made of ice. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the elemental power of air. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor cannot be harmed by wind, cold, or electricity. As an Adornment, increases its
user's basic movement speed, before any multiplication by Charms or other powers, by
(Splendor's rating) yards per turn.
Form of the Hero's Shadow (2 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor manifests in the world as an enchantment embedded in a specific person present at the time of its summoning, chosen by its owner. If it has no other Form Element, then it appears as a mark like a tattoo somewhere on the infected individual's body. Wherever they go, so too goes the Splendor. If it has a physical Form Element, then it appears in the infected individual's possession, and will always return to them at the beginning of each scene even if thrown away, left behind, or given away. If its physical Form is something immobile like a tree, then the targeted individual is going to find that tree wherever they go for the duration of the Splendor's manifestation.
If the Splendor is an Adornment, then this Element allows its benefits to be enjoyed by the person to whom the Splendor is attached, even if they're not its owner and not attuned to it. Even if they're not Exalted at all.
Sacred Protection (3 pt. Root Element)
This Splendor defines that which cannot threaten those within its influence, according to the Splendor's character as defined by appropriate Form Elements.
It provides immunity to damage from wind, cold, and electricity (air); being crushed, cut, or
pierced by stone or metal (earth); being burned (fire); being drowned (water); being poisoned or struck by wooden objects (wood); disease (death); possession (spirit); or the twisting of the mind by supernatural powers (dreams).
Mystic Fortification (1 pt. Mystic Element)(x2)(Sovereign Elemental Sway)
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
Sovereign Elemental Sway (1 pt. Mystic Element)
The Splendor manipulates and reshapes that which resonates with its character, as defined by Form Elements such as Form of Crackling Fire and Form of Ash and Dust. The benefits
provided depend on whether the Splendor is an Adornment or Fascination, and on which Form or Forms it has incorporated.
Incorporated into an Adornment, this Element allows the Exalt to use Craft actions to sculpt
wind, water, and fire as though they were clay, creating impossible works of art or short-lived elemental tools. Living wood can be induced to grow into patterns the Exalt desires in the same fashion, while the difficulty to work with stone or metal is reduced by two. The difficulty to craft dead flesh into Arcana may be reduced by two as well. The Exalt can raise or lower the Gauntlet by one degree per success on a Crafts roll to modify it, and can rework the chimerical identity of things.
This ring appears as a band of polished, metallic green encircling the wearer's finger, their surfaces sleek and unblemished, as though carved from a single piece of celestial ore that pulses faintly with an emerald light, almost as if it's alive, responding to the strength of the wearer's inner resolve.
The glow of the Ring of Will is unmistakable: a vivid, ethereal green that radiates in soft waves, casting an otherworldly light across the wearer's hand. This light seems to shift and intensify, reflecting the emotions and focus of its bearer. When in use, the ring hums with energy, and the green aura grows brighter, sometimes sparking or flickering like charged plasma. The ring is bound to its owner's very spirit, responding only to the strong-hearted and to those unyielding in their commitment.
System: Creation of projections of Conviction objects vary due to the cerebral nature of the medium. Easily comprehensible constructs are fast & easy ranging from Difficulty 3 rough spheres, sticks, Cubes, Rectangular prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, Sheets to difficulty 5 brick walls, slides, sledgehammer, anvils, swords, Spears, gloves clothes everything in that range can be made reflexively. Complex and/or Articulated forms require a turn to shape and range from additional sets of functional arms (difficulty 6) to a Jet (difficulty 9)
Constructs that are meant to increase speed increase the characters movement speed double with every two successes ( starting at 30 meters per round 45 M with one success, 60 with two, 90 with three, 120 with four and so on).
By default Conviction constructs deal Bashing and Lethal as form dictates even fire made from Conviction is lethal. Aggravated damage requires an additional allocated success on the Willpower roll.
Conviction constructs that use ammunition(Guns, Bows) or are directly munitions (Grenades, Dynamite) must make a Willpower roll as damage when they are used.
Additional successes on craft rolls can be allocated in different ways from blast area, Fire intensity, difficulty of wielding the construct or the soak of said construct (neither of which cannot be lowered by more than three), Speed the construct grants, to the amount of Health levels a construct (1 success per Two health levels) possesses.
Building confidence in a construct is an Intelligence + Empathy roll; this roll's base difficulty starts at 5 but rises higher if you're trying to make a large or ridiculous construct (A crane or Robot/Tyrannosaur shell) and can be lowered by creating familiar constructs or things the character already has confidence in, in relation to their abilities (Cars for drive, Spears for Melee, Ak's for Firearms) successes on this roll may reduce the difficulty to hold forge Conviction by up to -3 difficulty.
How long lasting and how damaging a given construct is follows the Base Damage or Duration table (page 504 Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition) as a spell rolled with Willpower dice at difficulty 5, duration can't go above a scene. Static constructs and Armor count damage as soak. Constructs that accentuate attributes (Overlaid muscles, exosuit Actuators) add one per success on the Willpower roll.
Forged by Molly to deal with significantly physically larger threats such as the Dragon of Vegas, the Thousand headed and thousand horned, the lord of the Wicked City's Abominations and most recently the strange form of Thorned Namshiel. She forged her Long Arm.
A magnificent Greatsword formed from a near-black Metal, its lightweight metals and enchantments of its construction means it can be wielded with alacrity and accuracy with one hand as well as two. Its imposing presence is enhanced by a dark hue reminiscent of the night sky with a completely absent Fuller giving the strange appearance of an elongated bident with an array of seemingly glowing dots in vibrant shades of green and white, this weapon possesses an otherworldly allure the void of its Fuller seems to be waiting for a miracle to fill the void. These luminescent dots, scattered across its surface like stars in a dance. A weapon of divine quality.
The Long Arm is a large European Straight Greatsword roughly four and a half feet long. Attacks made with it are rolled at difficulty 5, it inflicts Strength + 4 damage against opponents larger than a rhino it deals an additional dice of damage. It does not require Attunement.
Greatsword EXvsWOD pg. 309 - Strength + 4 damage difficulty 7
Prima Metallum - lightness, -1 difficulty
Prodigy construction - +1 Damage to large foes, -1 difficulty
Directly patterned after her court's Silver Weave and using the same materials with a significant addition from her own stock of Alchemical materials. The Prima Metallum weave armor is made of interwoven ice spider silk, Military grade Alchemical ballistic gel and Prima Metallum. Covered in a near carapace of woven metal near invisibile sigils of the Court of Fate seem to move across the still weave of the surface independently of any motion, their magic seeming to buoy the wearer.
Prima Metallum Weave Armor appears to be a form-fitting suit of a particularly lustrous and dark metal and silver weave. Due to its prodigious construction it does not burden the wearer and grants 6 Soak and lowers the difficulty to soak damage by one. Requires attunement.
Apparently a staff sized mass of clay this unfinished staff is a prodigal construct within its alchemically treated form lies power waiting to resonate and amplify and a form waiting to be defined and fired by its promised wielder. When attuned the staff takes its first and final form it is not capable of being used by any other person with the same level of efficacy or efficiency.
The True Staff when attuned acts as a unique and specialized instrument (Mage The Ascension 20th Anniversary pg.503) for the master of the staff and grants one dice to their magic casting rolls.
Rationale: it is initially a three dot prodigy but when not wielded by its first and only Master this Divine Craft work becomes maybe not a paperweight but it's a very nice memorial or a very nice display piece when not in the hands of the person who is meant for or the person who attuned it first. So it has the flaw of being extremely picky.
Lock in Choker the slight enchantment on this Clockwork choker locks the back when it detects the emotional state of the owner requires complete attentiveness and unlocks when the user calms again. This is largely an interesting party trick but should the need arise the owner can also pay one willpower. To force the locking mechanism to open. Does not require Attunement.
Rationale: Its a one dot Prodigy directly in the same vein as the ever lucky set of cards or dice or the cup that neutralizes all poisons essentially a mood ring that has a lock on it. That's elevated to two dots by its lack of Attunement cost. it is particularly or well actually useful for us but as far as I know that doesn't effect dot rating.
An odd vessel with 5 clawed feet, 2 meters wide and 1.5 meters wide with sprawling runes emanating from the points towards the rim of the almost person sized oddly gleaming brass Cauldron
System: Reduce the difficulty of alchemy rolls performed with the Cauldron by 1 Reduce the time required to brew by half or double the brewing speed. Does not require atunement.
Rationale: it is essentially exceptional equipment using converted weapon bonuses, replace minus one difficulty to hit with minus one difficulty to brew, replace double the range with double the speed. Dot rating increases to two because it does not require Attunement.
Any paper that goes through this press is perfectly ruled and design features and line making is immaculate seemingly drawn from the very intent of the person applying marks to it.
Drafting or designing on this paper multiplies the speed at which Preparations (Designs, Blueprints, Schematics ect...) can be done by 2. The paper gives no protection against 'Bad' design if the design is faulty or very obviously flawed the lines and the drafting will be perfect but the mechanisms won't be. Does not require Attunement.
Rationale: it's a magical press that makes drafting paper. The drafting paper contains the effect imparted by the Press. I don't want to say it's exceptional equipment drafting paper but it's not exactly overtly supernatural either.
A pair of elegant five finger chain rings, both the bracelet and the rings are made of solid brass, while the chains connecting them seem to be spun of solidified shadows, which, at closer inspection, turn out to be obsidian, worked into the shape by means no mortal can hope to replicate without at the very least decades of efforts and resources of a modern nation.
An adornment remains manifested for a scene. It costs 1 Faith point to manifest
The difficulty to affect Tiffany with hostile works of glamour increases by 1
Mortals take a willpower roll at DC5 to notice magical effect
Tiffany gains ability to use medicine from 5 yards away. This means that she can use Lore of Flesh and Lore of Awakening from 5 yards away.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of the fantastic. It might be a child's
toy, a brightly-decorated banner, a monster or carnival mask, or a treasure chest. It might be a
kaleidoscope, or a bundle of bright balloons. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form
and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the power of the Dreaming. Other
Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor stands out as a powerful work of magic when seen with chimerical eyes or mystic
scrutiny, but it seems nigh-impossible to credit it with any specific significance if observed with
purely mundane senses. Even when presented with compelling evidence that there's something
weird about the object, anyone who hasn't made a magical survey of the Splendor must make a
Willpower roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) to accept such a conclusion.
As an Adornment, it raises the difficulty to affect the user with hostile works of Glamour by one.
As the basis for a Fascination, it may have one minor impossible feature such as floating in
defiance of gravity, reflecting people's true selves when looked into, or aging backwards in time.
This Element can only be part of an Adornment.
The Splendor allows the Exalt to use one particular Ability, such as Larceny or Brawl, from
much farther away than she really ought to be able. The Exalt can act from (Splendor's rating) x
5 yards past her normal limits.
The design of the bracelets evolve. Instead of a plain, if polished and obviously high quality bracelets, now miniature dragons, the perfect reproductions of the Dragons of Dark and Light encircle their wearer's wrist, forever trying to consume themselves. The rings are now inscribed in language that might, to some learned scholars, resemble enochian script, proclaiming to the world the absolute surety of their master's will and their doman over all forms of life.
It now takes 1 Faith point for the splendor to stay manifested for a day
The distance Tiffany can use medicine rolls from is now 15 yards
Tiffany cannot botch Intelligence + Medicine rolls and gets either +1 (unopposed ) or +2 (opposed) successes on those rolls
Tiffany rolls Intelligence + Medicine at -2 DC
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
The Splendor's power is flawed, and its curses and blessings cannot maintain their hold for long.
Select one Element of the Splendor whose effects last for a limited time. That Element's
maximum duration is decreased by one category (from one month to one week, one week to to
one day, and so on). If the duration is already "one day," the Element is reduced to one hour.
Taking this Element grants one additional Element point, which must be spent on a Mystic
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
Designing stage has both TTC and Ever Ready Draft Roller
Splendor Construction time intervals 12 Minutes
● 7 Successes 99.9999% chance of success in one Interval
●● 14 Successes 81.3542% chance of success in one Interval
●●● 21 Successes 0.4077% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes two intervals in craft time calc
●●●● 28 Successes 0.000006% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes two intervals in craft time calc
●●●●● 35 Successes 0.000000003% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes three intervals in craft time calc
Invention Planning time intervals 8.4 or 8 hours and 24 minutes
Assuming average rolls (3 Successes) assume it takes 3 intervals for craft time calcs
Invention Construction time intervals 2.4 or 2 hours and 24 minutes
Assuming average rolls (3 Successes) assume it takes 4 intervals for craft time calcs
Arcana Planning time intervals 16.8 or 16 hours and 48 minutes
● 3 Successes 99.9999% chance of success in one Interval
●● 6 Successes 99.9572% chance of success in one Interval
●●● 9 Successes 97.8534% chance of success in one Interval
●●●● 12 Successes 77.1950% chance of success in one Interval
●●●●● 15 Successes 28.9822% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes two intervals in craft time calc
Arcana Construction time intervals (Golems) 33.6 hours or 1 day and 9 hours 36 minutes
● 5 Successes 99.9999% chance of success in one Interval
●● 10 Successes 99.5672% chance of success in one Interval
●●● 15 Successes 67.1250% chance of success in one Interval
●●●● 20 Successes 2.0666% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes two intervals in craft time calc
●●●●● 25 Successes 0.00003% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes two intervals in craft time calc
Arcana Construction time intervals (Phantasms) 67.2 Hours or 2 Days and 19 hours 12 minutes
● 4 Successes 99.9999% chance of success in one Interval
●● 8 Successes 99.9754% chance of success in one Interval
●●● 12 Successes 96.1255% chance of success in one Interval
●●●● 16 Successes 49.4176% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes two intervals in craft time calc
●●●●● 20 Successes 28.9822% chance of success in one Interval } Assume it takes two intervals in craft time calc
The hope is while we set up the satellite Network so we can essentially see everything Tiffany and Joe will finish the forge and then we can really get to work the construction of S.T.O.N.E will enable more efficient construction for The Fortress in South America as well. With the lock-in collar will be able to lock in at any time triggering CCC with Tempestus Domini and the storm heart built we can have a extra party member with their own version of shintai that very specifically compliments our powers so they can trigger BSM for us or we can trigger our own. With proper armor paired with splendors and a sword meant to cleave down giant monsters.