What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Dunno. You'll be running with 2 Actions if Yes wins until that is finished, so math from that.

Oof. Okay.

That hurts, but I think we need to bite the bullet, we put off expanding so long that we're functionally a smol bean, and we're not so far ahead of our neighbors that we can full Quality over Quantity either, since all the other powers have their own bullshit that they knew what to go for from the start.

Still, losing a third of our action economy for what's probably the rest of the game hurts. To the point where I almost feel like this is supposed to be a no brainer "Of course you want to come as a liberator" choice like the Qulach's Forge debacle was supposed to be.

We'd at least start getting benefits from this over the course of the time invested, right? It wouldn't be something like "Benefits only start coming in once all 14+ actions are invested?"
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It would be 14 turns? Wouldnt it? 1 action per subsector.
IMO, its still worth it.
Sure. It means we lose like 1/2th our Rp all told. But i think its worth it.
Needs must when the devil drives

I know, and we'd be functionally doubling our held territory out of this, putting us on par with Mashan and the Grove while still retaining our benefits of being Tol, it's just me being an irrational baby about how even our wins feel like we fucked up somewhere because if we did things differently we wouldn't be in this position to begin with. "If you expanded more aggressively, you wouldn't have to pay this giant tax if you wanted to make damn sure you put the boot in" and all.

Still, as I said, we're functionally doubling our held territory from this, and that's after our recent integrations. Even if the benefits are only trickled in, that should put us to begin a genuine regional powerhouse in our own right rather than just being the weird nerds in the middle that we were before.
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We'd at least start getting benefits from this over the course of the time invested, right? It wouldn't be something like "Benefits only start coming in once all 14+ actions are invested?"
I think so, to me at least it seems that our songs make it so we don't get lowered dev and we bring up the standards and quality of federation one subsector at the time each turn.

If my hypothesis is true then 1 action for the subsector is worth it if we get bonuses from one each turn or 2
[] Yes.
(Every Sub-Sector conquered will incur a 1 Action cost to integrate. This requires 1 Action each Turn, with >nothing< applying to boost said Action anywhere.)
Just to make sure, but while we can't boost the action, it still generates Mechandrite AP and if turned on Cry to the Future AP, right?

I guess what really fucks us here is that we can't Unto Works Generational it.
They're toast anyway, the question is if we directly administer the territories and bring them to our standards or leave them to their own devices. Given the fact we've got a Tzeentch cult fucking around in the area and these regions were heavily Chaos controlled for a while, I think we've got to pay the tax, at least then we can be sure the clean-up will go over well.
We should get more clues on the Tzeenidots with the new song See The Seer, - it gives us pointers to anybody scrying on us, and we put in enough choirs to point it in four directions at once. That should let us find the Tzeentch cult and send a few battlefleets their way.

I'm generally in favor of
[] Yes.
It's a simple solution to us building tall instead of wide for so much of the game. Now we get to go wide, increasing our production/fleetcap/choirs/everything else that's holding us back. 2 actions a turn will... actually not make our turns too much worse. We'll be able to choose between:
5 action military turns. (until the Agenda runs out)
5 action psykana turns (Once the warp calms down we can sing a new symphony to squash the Symposium and pick up some new songs with the new melodies)
3 action general turns (Mechandendrite - let's grab the Aethermetric engines ASAP)
4 action research turns (Glint of Genius)

It also nerfs Cry for the Future pretty badly... but that's ok. Maybe we'll finally have reason to chase other symphonies.

Just to make sure, but while we can't boost the action, it still generates Mechandrite AP and if turned on Cry to the Future AP, right?
My reading is that no, it doesn't. Which is still fine! But I do want to hear QM response.
About to call an emergency to help with integration jk. In all seriousness we should take the land. Frankly the remnant states will be cooked. So let us go and eat our fill...we will deal with the growth as is
Since we are going to be expanding, we should also backfill the subsectors we still have available to colonize.

Plus, we have to formally absorb the Confederacy. The other actions can be spent on building more ships/ titans or getting more songs.
The words "nothing" and "anywhere" do not mean "something somewhere." They mean "Nothing."
I feel like I have a way of phrasing things that irritates you, for which I apologize. My reading of it was that nothing could boost the action, as in, we couldn't unto works generational it, we couldn't idk, Green Horizons it, whatever, but it was ambiguous if it was otherwise a normal action spent or not since Mechandrite isn't boosting the action, so to speak. Sorry about the confusion, I appreciate you clearing it up. My bad.

Anyways, yeah, we should definitely pick these guys up. Eating Black Ash boosted our shipbuilding from 1400 to 1900, which was from about ~3 sub sectors. If that's any indication of what eating 14 is like, no brainer. We're literally going to double our size, god knows what this'll do for our choir intake.
14 turns(maybe less depending on if we can use actions to speed it along) of 2 actions per turn...it's gonna smart but at least we get actions. As for the symphony...yeah we are gonna a new one to harmonize with. Honestly depending on how things go, the overtime integration might lower the total cost but I am not counting on it. Still we are at war with the rest of the jackasses so we are probably gonna continue to push and damn the costs.

Anyways, yeah, we should definitely pick these guys up. Eating Black Ash boosted our shipbuilding from 1400 to 1900, which was from about ~3 sub sectors. If that's any indication of what eating 14 is like, no brainer. We're literally going to double our size, god knows what this'll do for our choir intake.

Our choir intake is gonna be high but we are probably losing a few choirs because of all the planets we are about to grab.
[X] Yes.

It's gotta be done, anyone else might give those fuckers a chance to make a comeback, we're the only ones who have enough institutional level Chaos Fuck-Offitude to not have a huge risk of relapse.
Setting aside my reading comprehension devil victimhood...

A new offensive is upon the Federation, armed and equipped to the best that can be created, with fresh troops and fresher ships sailing forth to replace the losses. Retrofitted ships emerge from the hastily refitted yards of the former Ascendancy to ensure their massive ships can be put to use on the frontlines against the Duelists and Maggots now that Festerspire has been eliminated and the entire war seems on the brink of tipping in favor of sanity.
Huh, that's interesting. The "massive" ships of the Ascendancy? That's quite the term. What's their design philosophy like? And are we going to get their designs, or nah? Maybe they took some kind of different version of Void V or X, maybe? That Diskyard is still very wacky to me.

That does not mean the war on the front goes well or quickly, quite the opposite, as with its major shipyards lost, its head cut off, and with no other direction but seemingly forward, the Maggots come to the shores of the Federation and Confederacy, they come against the Duchy and the Unfallen. They come with all they have, bearing pestilence beyond the pale, they come with sickness that kills as quickly as it puppets your body to be used by a new master, they come with weapon and numbers uncounting, a miasma thick and pungent pushed before their armadas as they declare their holy task to spread the "Gifts" of their "Father" to all they could in repentance for failing him.
Hmmm, so they pushed hard against the Unfallen, huh? Well, it might be worth considering some method to reach out to the Unfallen if we're pushing hard into things. Confederacy we seek to eat, so once that's shaken up it might be worth using that free slot to make contact with them.

The Black Cat's Claw burns in the void of space, turrets, batteries, and prow weaponry speaking the Ultimate Argument against the Ruin-Raped husks of xenoships turned to the service of the Maggots until the very same try to eliminate the mighty anchor with scrapcode most malicious. A costly mistake, as the Black Cat does not brook such insult, and thus its Machine Spirit wakes in a fury, the ship shuddering as its lesser spirits behold true transcendence enact its will upon the mortal world and reaches out with the same hand that turned the digital attack away and rips out all previous directives within the ships and overrides it with only one primal law: feed.
Was not expecting the Black Cat's Claw to go that hard. I guess Deus Machina can go in our favor every so often? But wow lol, I guess they made the Maggot ships turn back into Tyranids, that's wild.

The Phoenix fights with brave valiance, its batteries singing their dire dirges into hull and plate, just as the Lepus let forth its roars and laughter, missiles hurled in such endless swarms that even the industrious Aquarius-Tenders fail to resupply them in time.
The Lepus perhaps did in fact reach The Limit Of Questions lol

It'll be interesting to see the maps next turn. Not sure if we're going to still want to merge with the Shipwrights, actually, considering the limited time left in the game. If we are though, especially if we absorb the Confederacy, we're going to become bigger than them once this integration is done, which'll make things easier.

[X] Yes
I suppose even corrosive auras can't kill a Ultra-Heavy Missile before it hits you, huh?
I suppose even corrosive auras can't kill a Ultra-Heavy Missile before it hits you, huh?
The GM did state that the issue with using missiles against Nurgle 'blessed' vessels is the sheer regen dampening the ability of the chip-damage from missile swarms (compared to the hammer blows of macrocannons or lances) from overwhelming the target. Leaving it not very effective.