Salutations thou who beds thy own mother
Really? That seems entirely dependant on how PSP is used. That isn't my read of it at all.The FCF multi attack is nice, and in terms of essence burden it trades the requirement to have minions around for the ability to be significantly more mote-efficient than the alternatives.
I believe that Proxy Servant Protocol will cause problems due to how it encourages paranoia essence spending and aiming for 'perfect' instead of 'adequate' results in every team combat encounter at the cost of making them all more expensive which will increase the effectiveness of mote draining tactics being used on us by a noticeable degree and decrease our combat power during back to back combat heavy time sensitive Arcs if we end up in fights with not enough essence to spare to activate our normal combat suit because we kept using PSP to get maximum results out of party members during every combat scene when it wasn't necessarily needed and they've made do without such before now.
In the most recent Arc we ended up starting a fight with the final boss with 2 motes without this sort of Charm being passively used. Scenes were said way earlier to last 15 min by the GM. It's only because the GM was being rather generous that our Shintai and scene long excellencies were still in effect by the time we had to fight him.
Hopefully if we end up with PSP spam becoming a staple of party combat going forward Violence is Worship will handle the increased drain so that we can still afford our normal combat effects and the like in back to back no regen time in between time sensitive combat Arcs.
Otherwise this could become a deeply unpleasant experience if it ties up our essence.
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