End of the Road
18th of February 2007 A.D.
"Tarnation! What's the boy gone and done now?" Maybe you are starting to get a little loopy after everything that happened today because the first thing that pops into your mind is that you never heard someone use that word genuinely. Fortunately the second thing is more useful: "He's become Enlightened, not morally, not necessarily morally Harry is a good person, but this is more like being an Olympian of the soul, embracing and reflecting the essence of all things that dwells in the human soul just as it does in all other times and places and in between times and places too. "
"Aren't you a little young for those riddles?" the old wizard asks, shaking his head in frustration. "Come on, we have to..."
Sophia's voice breaks the silence, a roar echoing forever in the depths of the Labyrinth sinking down into some secret well of healing and from there drawing the power to awaken Harry.
Awake he does and not gently, rolling onto his blasting rod. In an instant it's pointed at her and the runes along its length white-hot in the span of an instant before recognition shows on his face.
"This is real right...?"
Before you can consider how one even goes about proving he throws a mote of white hot Essence at you like he's pitching and its the ninth inning. You don't so much catch it as absorb it by proximity.
Gained 1 Essence -> Now at 7/18
"Good nough, don't want to risk opening my Sight. I saw enough in there to last me a lifetime even with it closed."
Alas the night is not quite done with revelations, down and in your go, past rows of bones fist laid down in the long years that history now best recalls for the ages before and after, the middle ages, victims of plague and war, want and the simple advance of time now holding each other fast by command of a king long past their time. They seem almost to whisper, conspiring behind you. Had it not been for Lydia you might have passed your presnce over them and stripped lingering wraiths from hollow bone, but according to her there is no malice to it, more in the manner of arena full of sports fans might place a bet on a match. Fair's fair, there probably isn't much to do in death especially around here. Only so many times you can read the plaques.
At last you come to signs of battle, not suntle ones either, a heavy iron door of the kind that shouldn't be down here blasted open and the smell of blood filling the air. A dozen bodies most of them young, all of them wizards lay screwn on the floor while an exhausted looking Arthur Langtry his robes stained with soot, blood and other less identifiable things stands in the middle of the room physically holding closed an iron maiden bearing the mocking likeness of an angel. Lines of blue while magic are really doing the sealing but physical exercion lends weight to the warding.
"Ebeneezer, Dresden," his tone, much to your surprise does not sour on the second word. "I'd ask you what you are doing here, but I imagine the same thing as I, stumbling though ambushes we should have seen coming."
"What is that?" Lydia is the first to ask.
"A rather nasty device that contrary to its appearance doesn't imprison people, it lets them loose, in fact given how its' been empowered it would let the whole city of Paris loose, right into the Nevernever. It drops the veil to nothing, no more. Not that it would have to do more, it would be utter pandemonium, that many ignorant sous throw into the out in one place. Everything with a taste for man would be out in force and every single citizen an exposure risk under the Accords. It would have been quite clever if it hadn't been so psychotic."
"What did you do?" Ebeneezer asks his eyes laser-focused on the other wizard.
"I did not kill any despite..." he waves at the air. "Everything. Some of them did kill each other trying to get through my wards. The enthralling force damaged their ability to asses risk even within the context of the scenario they had been implanted with. As outnumbered as I was I couldn't afford to hold back. Three Lawbreakers, four dead and five or six broken swords. A dark day indeed."
Now its Harry's turn to glare at him, probably for counting swords and deaths in the same breath, but the Merlin does not seem to notice.
How do you remove the veil-ripper artifact?
[] Let the Blackstaff handle it
[] Try to destroy it yourself (Risk of taking considerable damage from backlash)
[] Try to take it into Sanctuary for study (Risk of going off and serving as a beacon in the spirit world for predatory and malicious entities)
[] Write in
OOC: Enjoy.