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I know we all like to think of Papa Palps as this cunning manipulator who has contingencies upon contingencies and endless schemes and plans, but for me in this timeline, I imagine he's currently hyperventilating in his apartment surrounded by empty wine bottles.

every once in a while palps is caught with his pants down where there is no way he can actually influence the outcome

>anakin and obiwan crash landing doku's ship
>the zillo beast trying to kill him
Imagine if jar jar decides to hire "gungan veterans" as his guards, that alone would givw them prestige as the chosen guard of the 1° non human chancelor in 800+ years. And war veterans to boot.

Naboo would get a LOT of fame rather quickly that way
With All the talk of security…

I never did tell you how the assassination rolls begin…

Spoilers but:

They've already started. :V

We've pissed so many disparate people off that the clock is now ticking and you will have your style of political assassins after your head.
Military analysts should at least be looking at how amazing Gungan shield tech is, as well as their anti-Droid weapons. Imagine being able to outfit local planetary defense forces with Gungan shields - would be an excellent deterrent.
Military analysts should at least be looking at how amazing Gungan shield tech is, as well as their anti-Droid weapons. Imagine being able to outfit local planetary defense forces with Gungan shields - would be an excellent deterrent.

If I had to guess it uses materials unique to naboo, and there would be some real bombad costs involved to make it on the large scale.
Military analysts should at least be looking at how amazing Gungan shield tech is, as well as their anti-Droid weapons. Imagine being able to outfit local planetary defense forces with Gungan shields - would be an excellent deterrent.
the only military force on coruscant with personal plasma shield tech now imagine them in powered armor cortosis weave suits as well
With All the talk of security…

I never did tell you how the assassination rolls begin…

Spoilers but:

They've already started. :V

We've pissed so many disparate people off that the clock is now ticking and you will have your style of political assassins after your head.
...wa-how? We barely did anything? Like, first political turn: We talked to Palpatine, build out our department heads, talked to the Jedi, and then got a speech coach who we were able to fire without any blowback due to our high roll. And it can't be the second political turn since you're saying that the assassination rolls has already started. Which leaves the legislative turn... of which we only passed two minor laws? Were those seriously enough to start having people plotting after ourheads? If so, I'm really worried what the hell will happen when we pass a major, or even a reform law.
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We are alien

We have disrupted the status quo

We have done more job in the first two turns of our work compared to the last 1000 years of chancellors

Sidious is mighty pissed but needs to be subtle

The Trade Federation wants us gone

The Core Purists cannot abide a Rimjob as the leader of the Republic

Take your pick.
Our only real political ally is Palpatine who is likely regretting his decision to puppet us in the first place, of course we are seen as a disposable target
You know— what's to say some of the assassinations won't be against Palpatine? Think about it— Jar Jar is the Chancellor, and thus, likely heavily guarded, whereas Palpatine, is 'just' a senator, is from the Chancellor's home world, one of the Chancellor's closest friends and confidant, is seemingly the only one (outside of the Chancellor's cabinet) 'helping'/openly allying with the Chancellor, AND endorsed the Chancellor's nomination to chancellorship/dropped out in favour of Jar Jar. If they can't get the Chancellor… well why not the Chancellor's most 'trusted' confidant, advisor, and close personal friend?

While I (kind of) doubt this may occur— I find the idea of it a tad bit funny.
ehh. give it time. when Jar Jar is still alive and the number of assassins has tripled with no notable successes they'll expand their list with targets of opportunity. Tarkin first if we keep making military reforms and they have any impact on hutt profit margins.
Given Canon political assassinations involve a mastermind telling an apprentice to hire a Bounty Hunter to hire a DIFFERENT Bounty Hunter to send a Droid to drop some bugs on the target, I expect some goofy shenanigans :V
Given Canon political assassinations involve a mastermind telling an apprentice to hire a Bounty Hunter to hire a DIFFERENT Bounty Hunter to send a Droid to drop some bugs on the target, I expect some goofy shenanigans :V
That was actually very clever of both Palpatine and Jango since it's so indirect that it would be hard to trace it back to them.Well,more to Palps,Jango is very close to the end of the stick
With All the talk of security…

I never did tell you how the assassination rolls begin…

Spoilers but:

They've already started. :V

We've pissed so many disparate people off that the clock is now ticking and you will have your style of political assassins after your head.
....we must replace the Senate Guard with people who don't suck at thier job fast then
(Unrelated to talks of Assassination and instead towards future laws) We should try and fund/create some Academies. One of the issues we're experiencing, is a shortage in manpower (in part due to budget, but also because we're bloated and stretched thin). We're going to (eventually) need capable administrators, intelligence officers/operatives, navy personnel/more judicial personnel, etc. We should take the steps necessary to make recruitment easier/more accessible (because increased number of academies means not having to trek across half the galaxy and making the Republic's pool of skilled/educated workers/officers/recruits more representative of the galaxy and not just primarily workers/officers from the core/inner rim), that way when we do have to expand our administration/get ahold of the budget, we're prepared and able to actually use it. Not to mention— these academies would also help our issue with expanding the Judicial Forces, by increasing accessibility to the education/expertise required, and thus making the idea of joining more feasible (or at least, increase the pool of recruits that think it is). As helpful benefit— we could also balance the budget/pay for the academies by charging people for tuition via credits, or make the tuition 'free' (in spite of the Core/Megacorps) and grant people the opportunity to pay the Republic/Academies back for the education they were 'freely' given, by instead charging them for a number of (free) years in the service of the Republic such as… the Judicial Forces/Intelligence Department. The implementation of this, would likely make it so that recruitment would be more feasible in the Outer Rim/less developed sectors, raise the standards of education in the area, make the Republic's government more representative of the galaxy/the mid and outer rim, siphon power from the Core due to their academies no longer being as significant in their existence, and possibly also drum up public support in the process so long as the act is worded properly, while also easing the burden on the budget.
Here's the current vote. I would personally prefer one of the more succinct responses instead of the longwinded speech. And yes, I'm shamelessly plugging for my vote.
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Oct 19, 2024 at 9:05 AM, finished with 116 posts and 43 votes.

  • [X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
    [X] "As I said before, with my life."
    [X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
    [X] "To be loyal to me? No. To be loyal to the republic? Yes. And that's fine, I suspect that if I were to turn from the republic, you would do all in your power to stop me.
    [X] "Yes Isard I choose to put my trust in you. Not the least for what you have already revealed to me, but also because sometimes you just have to have faith in people and accept the risk of being wrong."
    [X] "As I said, with the safety of the Republic, and with my life."
    [X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more
[X] "As I said before, with my life."
[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
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