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[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.

Godzilla had a stronk reading this and freaking died. /s
[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
Man if we can actually turn Isard towards Jar Jars side that would be pretty big. The Intelligence department actually doing it job and not work for Palpatine. Can't underestimate this especially once Intelligence gets more help.
We have gained a lot of political power this turn, it is better to spend a little on one or two more minor laws, instead of accumulating it to reliably make a Major Law or, if God wills, a Reform in the future, to continue showing the citizens of the Republic that we are here for them and to act as much as possible before our enemies get our measure and join specific opposition groups against us.

One of the measures that I want to see if we can do as a Minor Law is to reduce the amount of bureaucracy only in the judiciary (because if it were in the entire administration of the Republic, as we all wish, it would certainly be a Reform and would be fought with all the power of HyperCorps and Criminal Syndicates), to reduce the weight that our first law added to something that was already at its limit, and hopefully improve the previous situation.

Another is that using the larger budget we have this time, we created some kind of law to strengthen our intelligence sector that will help both in the execution of the Naboo Law and in the future operations of our new starfighter force, thus using our previous laws as justifications and aids for the new ones, like any good politician.

This is because in my opinion the biggest problems of the current Republic, and thus those that we need to be seen to be solving in order to be reelected, are the Military, Corruption and Intelligence. We focused on the military and took a tiny bite out of corruption in turn 1, now in turn 2 we should focus on strengthening our intelligence sector and try to eliminate this excess of corruption so that the gears of the Republic continue to turn, even if very, very slowly.

The budget is not so worrying because as a galactic entity that controls the tariffs between systems and federal taxes, as we reduce bureaucracy and corruption, more of our money will magically appear.

We just have to make sure not to make laws that cost money during the periods of drought and instead go silently accumulating political power to make a bigger law when the budget breathes.
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[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
[ ] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.

[X] "As I said before, with my life."

EDIT: Changed my vote.
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[ ] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.

[X] Tap the dataslate, and replay the clip one more
time. "I said this when I had no idea you were listening. Why would I change my answer when you ask me to my face?"
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[X] "To be loyal to me? No. To be loyal to the republic? Yes. And that's fine, I suspect that if I were to turn from the republic, you would do all in your power to stop me.
And that? That's good.
That said, you will be going through your colleagues' offices for bugs. And I will be briefed on the ones you've planted."

Side note, I think the multiple lines on this write-in are causing only the first one to be counted by the Vote counter.
[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
Continuing my thought (I had to go out to do some work and couldn't complete my previous post), if we are certain of Isard's support we need to get as many intrigue options as possible, we need intelligence yesterday and it's the only way to start to truly remove corruption.

Isad will be our main method of hunting down corruption within the system and preventing it from being abused by HyperCorps, Tarkin prepared to defend us from external actors and give us more time to make changes, Jesen ensuring that we have the money for it and us and Bail providing political and diplomatic cover to protect the others' efforts. This is my dream team.
[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
So what should be done as a Minor Law? Organizational/Operational Changes to this branch tends to be Major Law.
I don't know yet, honestly.

Many of the changes we need in the Legislative section to reduce bureaucracy and corruption are Major Laws and Reforms, so if new law don't seem like a necessary option, let's not add to the bloated mess that is our files. I prefer to spend a legislative turn in silence accumulating more political power (and spending it against any horrible proposal if it appears), then a normal turn fixing our intrigue and then proposing a Major Law to simplify administrative processes. After all, it's not like we're obliged to propose a new law every time.

(That's how it goes, right? Legislative Turn - Normal Turn - Legislative Turn)
I don't know yet, honestly.

Many of the changes we need in the Legislative section to reduce bureaucracy and corruption are Major Laws and Reforms, so if new law don't seem like a necessary option, let's not add to the bloated mess that is our files. I prefer to spend a legislative turn in silence accumulating more political power (and spending it against any horrible proposal if it appears), then a normal turn fixing our intrigue and then proposing a Major Law to simplify administrative processes. After all, it's not like we're obliged to propose a new law every time.

(That's how it goes, right? Legislative Turn - Normal Turn - Legislative Turn)
correct on that...

Though its political power then legislative turn.
[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.
[X] "Yes, I trust you. You, like myself, are used to being dismissed by the ambitious power brokers of the Republic. To them I am underdog figurehead. Propped up that I may fail and, in that failure, create opportunity for their gain. You they see as a tool and weapon, useful or dangerous, but not an ally to grant a say in the path forward or extend trust. But I know that people can be so much more than that, if you give them the chance. If I am to make the republic a better place, a more righteous government, with a brighter future, I must first believe it can become such, and I must believe in the men who I have chosen to stand beside me and work to bring about that brighter future. Today, Isard, I believe I have gained the greatest treasure a sentient can earn, a friend I can trust to be honest with me, and it is all thanks to you, and your willingness to recuperate my trust by confronting me for to get answers and trusting that the answer I gave would be honest.

Eloquent Jar-Jar :V
[X] "To be loyal to me? No. To be loyal to the republic? Yes. And that's fine, I suspect that if I were to turn from the republic, you would do all in your power to stop me. And that? That's good. That said, you will be going through your colleagues' offices for bugs. And I will be briefed on the ones you've planted."
[X] "As I said before, with my life."

As Isard told us, he bugged our office and overheard that statement, hence why this conversation is happening. When we said that, we didn't know that he was Palpatine's mole, now he's told us, and in my eyes, telling him that our previous statement stands even knowing that will mean more than any speech ever could.
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