Voting is open
So I'm just going to say this.

I have plans for the reactions of you crazy bastards to see.

Mostly involving two kinds of people.

Those who want chaos to engulf the republic.

and those who dig.

You are the ones who dig. :V

Because digging is the only thing you can do to save the republic.
Would You Like to Know More? New
Would You Like to Know More?

The holoscreens of Coruscant glimmered with the familiar glow of the alternative news site Federal News Network, bringing the latest developments to every corner of the galaxy. As the image flickered to life, the emblem of the Galactic Republic spun into view, accompanied by the familiar chime of the broadcast.

A smooth-voiced announcer filled the airwaves, his tone measured and authoritative, perfectly suited for the serious tone of the day's headline.

"In a galaxy at the edge of crisis, the Senate takes action once more." The camera panned to the towering Galactic Senate building, bathed in golden light under the setting Coruscant sun. "In a surprising move today, Supreme Chancellor Jar Jar Binks has introduced a bold legislative motion that may redefine the Outer Rim's relationship with the Republic."

Cut to a live feed from inside the Senate chamber. The great hall echoed with murmurs of deliberation and debate, the air thick with tension. At the heart of it all stood Jar Jar Binks, the Gungan politician whose unexpected rise to power had become the subject of both admiration and controversy throughout the galaxy. His wide, expressive eyes reflected a fierce determination as he addressed the assembly.

"Mesa proposin' we give da brave folks joinin' da Outer Rim Self-Defence Forces a little helpin' hand!" he declared in his distinct accent, his voice amplified by the Senate's hovering droids. "Dey help protect da borders of our Republic, dey fight to keep ussa safe from da rising threat of pirate gangs and da crime lords. Mesa say, dey deserve better! Mesa proposin' a tax break!"

The feed cut back to the FNN anchor, the camera zooming in on his impassive face. "The Supreme Chancellor's motion seeks to provide beneficial tax incentives to any citizens enlisting in the Outer Rim Self-Defence Forces, a coalition of planetary defense units formed to protect systems far from the Republic's core. With tensions between the Republic and fringe systems growing, and the looming shadow of the pirates and slavers expanding across the galaxy, Chancellor Binks argues that more needs to be done to encourage recruitment and bolster the defenses of the Outer Rim."

A holographic map of the galaxy lit up on the screen, highlighting the vast, scattered systems of the Outer Rim Territories. Planets like Ryloth, Tatooine, and Saleucami blinked into view, showing how vulnerable they had become as hostilities with pirates, slavers, and Separatist forces increased.

"Critics of the motion, however, argue that this proposal could have far-reaching consequences." The camera now shifted to a pre-recorded interview with Senator Takel Sordido of Chandrilla, his calm, refined features a stark contrast to the Chancellor's boisterous demeanor.

"While I understand the need to incentivize recruitment for these forces, we must be cautious. Offering such tax breaks could potentially destabilize the Republic's fragile economy. We need to ensure that resources are allocated wisely, and that the military's expansion is measured and controlled. Otherwise, we risk further division between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim," Senator Sordido said, his voice laced with concern.

The segment returned to the FNN newsroom. "Despite opposition, support for Chancellor Binks's proposal has been steadily growing, especially among Outer Rim Senators. Representatives from Ryloth, Felucia, and Malastare have voiced approval, stating that their systems have long been neglected by the Republic's central government and are in desperate need of stronger defense measures."

A quick flash of interviews with these senators followed, their faces worn with the hardship of representing systems on the edge of civilization. Each spoke of lawlessness and the threat of invasion, all too eager to welcome any measure that might bring them relief.

"Analysts predict a heated debate in the coming days, with the fate of the motion still hanging in the balance. Will the Republic continue to tighten its grip on the galaxy, or will the Outer Rim be granted the resources it needs to protect itself from the ever-looming dangers? As always, the future of the galaxy rests in the hands of the Senate."

The camera panned away from the studio, zooming in on the skyline of Coruscant once more, the sprawling city stretching far beyond the horizon.

The screen suddenly shifted, and a bold, flashing banner appeared across the bottom:



Then another segment goes in seamlessly:

"In the halls of the Galactic Senate, support for Chancellor Jar Jar Binks's controversial tax incentive proposal is gaining momentum, with powerful voices from the Outer Rim and Agrarian factions adding their weight to the growing movement."

A new segment began, zooming in on the towering spires of Coruscant, where senators gathered in the vast rotunda of the Senate building. The Chancellor's motion had sent ripples across the galaxy, igniting fierce debate. But for those from the Republic's fringes, the message was clear: "About damned time."

The screen cut to footage of Senator of Mon Cala, flanked by several other Outer Rim representatives, his face twitching with determination as he addressed the press droids. "For too long, the Outer Rim has been left exposed—vulnerable to raiders, slavers, and the rising threat of other non state actors taking advantage of the situation. Our people have been living in fear. Chancellor Binks's proposal is not just welcome, it is long overdue. It's about damned time that the Republic gives us the tools we need to defend ourselves."

The sentiment was echoed by other Outer Rim senators, each representing systems battered by years of conflict and neglect. From Felucia to Saleucami, voices were rising in favor of the Chancellor's plan.

Senator Gume Saam of Malastare, known for his stern, pragmatic stance, stated bluntly: "The Republic's core may have the luxury of debating defense policy, but we don't. Our worlds face real threats. This proposal offers us hope, and for the first time in years, we see the Republic taking our concerns seriously."

The camera shifted again, this time to the Agrarian faction, comprised of senators from the Republic's farming and agricultural worlds, whose systems often lacked the heavy military presence found in more industrialized sectors. Senator Aang Ma of Agamar stood before the assembled press, his voice carrying the weight of generations of rural isolation.

"Our people have been left to fend for themselves for far too long. Piracy, raids—we've endured it all. The Republic's forces are spread thin, and there's only so much they can do. It's about damned time we took control of our own security. With these tax breaks, our people can defend their homes and their livelihoods without being crippled by the financial burden. It's a necessary step."

The FNN anchor returned to the screen, his face illuminated by the holographic display. "The motion, which provides tax breaks to able-bodied sentients who can prove their combat readiness and join legally recognized Outer Rim Self-Defence Forces, is rapidly gaining support among factions that have long been critical of the Republic's inability to protect them. Representatives from Ryloth, Lorrd, Dantooine and Sullust, among others, have thrown their full support behind the legislation."

As the camera zoomed out to a galactic map, the Outer Rim territories and vast agrarian sectors blinked in red, illustrating just how vast and vulnerable these regions remained. "These systems, far removed from the Republic's core, have suffered from neglect and are all too familiar with the dangers that come from a lack of protection.

The anchor's voice interjected once more, emphasizing the growing divide between the Republic's core and its frontier worlds. "While the Core Worlds remain hesitant, the Outer Rim and Agrarian factions are pushing forward, energized by the Chancellor's bold initiative.

With the Senate expected to vote soon, the fate of the motion—and the future of self-defense in the galaxy's farthest reaches—hangs in the balance."

As the segment neared its conclusion, the screen once again flashed with the familiar banner:

Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Oct 13, 2024 at 11:03 AM, finished with 77 posts and 44 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
    -[X] Right to Request Investigation Law
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X] Gives systems the right to directly request the Republic Office of Criminal Investigation (ROCI) and/or the Jedi Order send representatives to officially investigate breaches of Republic Law within their space. The request can be issued by either the systems' legislative body, Head of State. or Senatorial Representative. Any investigation request can only countermanded by the majority vote of the Senate.
    ----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions
    -[X] Starfighter Reaction Force program
    ---[X] Start a naval program for awarding a defense contract for the design and procurement of a new Starfighter design. The starfighter must be hyperdrive equipped, and possess shields and sufficient armament.
    ---[X] Setup a volunteer recruitment and training program for the creation of several starfighter squadrons under the Republic Security Force, that will serve as QRFs in response to attempts by criminals groups to attack, blockade, or extort member planets of the Galactic Republic.
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Military Reformists (Republican Security)
    [X]Plan: would you like to know more?
    -[X]The militia act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X] it's contents:
    ----[X] political power spent: 500 to propose
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 for outer rim and agrarian factions
    -[X] better prepared training act
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 to outer rim and agrarian factions
    [X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
    -[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones and sonar emissions and infrared skin-colors can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
    ----[X] 500 Political Power Points
    -[X] the Archival Audit and Assessment Act, or the Triple-A Act
    ---[X] A new senatorial sub-commitee and special ministerial commission granted full access to inspect, review, and condense the multifarious precedents and minor technicalities of Senate business and actually assemble in one digestible form the exact number of delegations in the Senate, the exact ways in which every delegation is appointed and/or elected, and what's actually on the books of ancient decrees and what's simply customary manners. All under a gloss of preparing to streamline Senatorial traditions and start getting rid of countless governmental inefficiencies and useless laws against deadsteel duels between Senators and such (and with the larger aspirations of making the Senate more business-like and lobbying dependent, more centralized, or more democratic, left up to the imagination)
    ----[X] 500 PPP
    -[X] the Civic-Senatorial Programming and Info-feed Network Act, or the C-SPIN Act
    ---[X] In conjunction with the FAR Act, build up a public HoloNet service broadcasting all open hearings and Senate business, as well as Supreme Court proceedings, normal pubic announcements, and edu-tainment programs on how to petition your local Senator and how the Galactic Constitution was historically developed with the Four Sages of Dwarti and the Ruusan Reformation and so on. General feel good measure that everyone can join in on (and can give Jar Jar his later chance to create his own Fireside Chat Holocasts)
    [X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
    -[X] Right to Request Investigation Law
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X] Gives systems the right to directly request the Republic Office of Criminal Investigation (ROCI) and/or the Jedi Order send representatives to officially investigate breaches of Republic Law within their space. The request can be issued by either the systems' legislative body, Head of State. or Senatorial Representative. Any investigation request can only countermanded by the majority vote of the Senate.
    ----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions
    -[X] Starfighter Reaction Force program
    ---[X] Start a naval program for awarding a defense contract for the design and procurement of a new Starfighter design. The starfighter must be hyperdrive equipped, and possess shields and sufficient armament.
    ---[X] Setup a volunteer recruitment and training program for the creation of several starfighter squadrons under the Republic Security Force, that will serve as QRFs in response to attempts by criminals groups to attack, blockade, or extort member planets of the Galactic Republic.
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Military Reformists (Republican Security)
    [X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
    -[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones and sonar emissions and infrared skin-colors can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
    ----[X] 500 Political Power Points
    -[X] the Archival Audit and Assessment Act, or the Triple-A Act
    ---[X] A new senatorial sub-commitee and special ministerial commission granted full access to inspect, review, and condense the multifarious precedents and minor technicalities of Senate business and actually assemble in one digestible form the exact number of delegations in the Senate, the exact ways in which every delegation is appointed and/or elected, and what's actually on the books of ancient decrees and what's simply customary manners. All under a gloss of preparing to streamline Senatorial traditions and start getting rid of countless governmental inefficiencies and useless laws against deadsteel duels between Senators and such (and with the larger aspirations of making the Senate more business-like and lobbying dependent, more centralized, or more democratic, left up to the imagination)
    ----[X] 500 PPP
    -[X] the Civic-Senatorial Programming and Info-feed Network Act, or the C-SPIN Act
    ---[X] In conjunction with the FAR Act, build up a public HoloNet service broadcasting all open hearings and Senate business, as well as Supreme Court proceedings, normal pubic announcements, and edu-tainment programs on how to petition your local Senator and how the Galactic Constitution was historically developed with the Four Sages of Dwarti and the Ruusan Reformation and so on. General feel good measure that everyone can join in on (and can give Jar Jar his later chance to create his own Fireside Chat Holocasts)
    [x] The Criminal Operations Combat Law
    [x] The Criminal Operations Combat Law
    [X]Plan: would you like to know more?
    -[X]The militia act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X] it's contents:
    ----[X] political power spent: 500 to propose
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 for outer rim and agrarian factions
    -[X] better prepared training act
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 to outer rim and agrarian factions
    [X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
    -[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones and sonar emissions and infrared skin-colors can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
    ----[X] 500 Political Power Points
    -[X] the Archival Audit and Assessment Act, or the Triple-A Act
    ---[X] A new senatorial sub-commitee and special ministerial commission granted full access to inspect, review, and condense the multifarious precedents and minor technicalities of Senate business and actually assemble in one digestible form the exact number of delegations in the Senate, the exact ways in which every delegation is appointed and/or elected, and what's actually on the books of ancient decrees and what's simply customary manners. All under a gloss of preparing to streamline Senatorial traditions and start getting rid of countless governmental inefficiencies and useless laws against deadsteel duels between Senators and such (and with the larger aspirations of making the Senate more business-like and lobbying dependent, more centralized, or more democratic, left up to the imagination)
    ----[X] 500 PPP
    -[X] the Civic-Senatorial Programming and Info-feed Network Act, or the C-SPIN Act
    ---[X] In conjunction with the FAR Act, build up a public HoloNet service broadcasting all open hearings and Senate business, as well as Supreme Court proceedings, normal pubic announcements, and edu-tainment programs on how to petition your local Senator and how the Galactic Constitution was historically developed with the Four Sages of Dwarti and the Ruusan Reformation and so on. General feel good measure that everyone can join in on (and can give Jar Jar his later chance to create his own Fireside Chat Holocasts)
    [X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
    -[X] Right to Request Investigation Law
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X] Gives systems the right to directly request the Republic Office of Criminal Investigation (ROCI) and/or the Jedi Order send representatives to officially investigate breaches of Republic Law within their space. The request can be issued by either the systems' legislative body, Head of State. or Senatorial Representative. Any investigation request can only countermanded by the majority vote of the Senate.
    ----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions
    -[X] Starfighter Reaction Force program
    ---[X] Start a naval program for awarding a defense contract for the design and procurement of a new Starfighter design. The starfighter must be hyperdrive equipped, and possess shields and sufficient armament.
    ---[X] Setup a volunteer recruitment and training program for the creation of several starfighter squadrons under the Republic Security Force, that will serve as QRFs in response to attempts by criminals groups to attack, blockade, or extort member planets of the Galactic Republic.
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Military Reformists (Republican Security)
    [x] The Criminal Operations Combat Law
    [X]Plan: would you like to know more?
    -[X]The militia act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X] it's contents:
    ----[X] political power spent: 500 to propose
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 for outer rim and agrarian factions
    -[X] better prepared training act
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 to outer rim and agrarian factions
    [x] The Criminal Operations Combat Law
    -[x] Minor Law
    -- [x] It's contents:
    --- [x] Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose + 500 to increase the chance of passing the vote).
    ---- [x] Factions negotiation:
    [X] Laying building blocks
    -[X]The Eriadu Naval Competency Pilot Program (TENCPP)
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X]A new program to train Judicial fleet officers with a focus on competency based in the outer-rim. This program also seeks to find officers from the outer rim that might be able to provide new perspectives, knowledge and talent to reinvigorate the Judicial forces and prepare them for future anti-piracy actions. Should the program prove effective it may also be expanded upon in the future. This will also further streangthen the bonds between the core and outer rim.
    ----[X] 500 POINTS
    -----[X]Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points, Military Reformists 500 points
    [X] Leaning on the Jedi
    -[X]The Expedited Jedi Intervention Act (TEJIA)
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X]In light of the events on Naboo and many like it, there must be a swifter deployment of Jedi Resources. This act will allow for the bypass of normal procedures should it be deemed necessary by the Jedi council when assistance is requested by planetary representatives (Goverments, Senators, Major local political figures) in the outer rim.
    ----[X] 500 POINTS
    -----[X]Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points, Republican Constitutionalists 500 points
    [X] Leaning on the Jedi
    [X] Right to Request Investigation Law
    [X]Plan: Legitimizing Ourself
    -[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones, sonar emissions, infrared skin-colors, and any other way, can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
    ----[X] 500 Political Power Points
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points
    -[X]The Expedited Jedi Intervention Act (TEJIA)
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X]In light of the events on Naboo and many like it, there must be a swifter deployment of Jedi Resources. This act will allow for the bypass of normal procedures should it be deemed necessary by the Jedi council when assistance is requested by planetary representatives (Goverments, Senators, Major local political figures) in the outer rim.
It seems that there are two plan prevent another Naboo.

I'm going to use the one that has the most votes, and the one that is formated correctly.
You know,

Magoose, is 2000 PP the starting one for every legislation Action - or is it required to gain more PP in the political power turn to restore it to 2000?
You know,

Magoose, is 2000 PP the starting one for every legislation Action - or is it required to gain more PP in the political power turn to restore it to 2000?

You gain political power for every political power turn action you succeed.

So doing lots of political power actions, and succeeding in them, will give you more.
I'm not sure how reliable Wookieepedia is but it seems to be fairly widely quoted in star Wars quests I've seen on SB and SV. That said, talking of federal government agencies and a defence force, I found the following refernce under the Wookieepedia article on the Judicial Department of the Republic.

Under the ROCI umbrella was the Republic Security Force, whose agents were more commonly known as Judicials and were recognizable due to their distinct blue or red tunics. The Judicial Forces were the primary officers of the ROCI, and at large, the Judicial Department. As such, the Judicials were the Republic's "military" forces, which had ground and space units for military peacekeeping operations, and would be supervised by a Jedi at times. The Judicials attended the Judicial Academy to learn military tactics.[1] Judicials investigated corporate and government organizations, and at times fought organized crime and pirates. The Republic Security Force maintained a large fleet to support local patrols, anti-piracy operations, and special crimes.[5] The Judicials also at times served alongside the Senate Guard on special missions.
Sector Rangers were special police officers of the Republic Security Force who were assigned to specific sectors of space, and were responsible for pursuing criminals that were too dangerous for local law enforcement. Members of the Sector Rangers were considered part of one of the oldest institutions, and as such, were dependable trackers and warriors. Sector Rangers typically operated alone or in small groups to hunt the notorious criminals of the galaxy. Sector Rangers had the legal right to deputize any local law enforcement officer to aid with the pursuit of dangerous criminals.

So the description of the Republic Security Forces reminds me of a gendarmerie- style paramilitary force like the Italian Carabinieri merged with the United States Coast Guard, with more emphasis on law enforcement and anti-piracy roles rather than the rescue and disaster relief roles the Coast Guard is mostly associated with. So that sounds like a good place to start if we want to focus on building a Republic-wide defence force. Considering that Jar Jar's popularity is in the Mid-Rim and Outer Rim territories, which are described as being plagued by pirates and raiders, building up the RSF's role against pirates and and raiders could be quite popular.[/URL]

These are the basic BB codes that this site supports. Please study them and learn to use them cause this post of yours formatting is horrible because of lack of proper Quote BB codes.
Legislative Turn 1 Results New
Legislative Turn 1 Results:

-[X] Right to Request Investigation Law
--[X] Minor
---[X] Gives systems the right to directly request the Republic Office of Criminal Investigation (ROCI) and/or the Jedi Order send representatives to officially investigate breaches of Republic Law within their space. The request can be issued by either the systems' legislative body, Head of State. or Senatorial Representative. Any investigation request can only countermanded by the majority vote of the Senate.
----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
-----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions

The Debate: D100 + 35 => 83

The Following is a Transcript from the Galactic Senate to Debate SB 1343, Right to Request Investigation (Also Known as the Naboo Act):

Chancellor Jar Jar Binks (CJB): And with this bill in place, there will no longer be delays when a criminal crisis arises between member nations. No more will the Senate be paralyzed by internal investigations, hampered by the time-consuming politics of jurisdiction and bureaucracy. The Naboo Act ensures swift and impartial oversight, protecting the integrity of the Republic and the safety of its citizens.

Member of the Opposition (MO): Yet, Chancellor Binks, this bill reeks of overreach. Would it not violate the rights of member systems, threatening their autonomy? Never in the past thousand years has such a law been proposed, a law so flagrantly against the core principles of our constitution. This act threatens to undermine the very balance that has kept the Republic united for millennia.

Chancellor Binks (CJB): With respect, this proposal in no way infringes on the sovereignty of the constitution or the member systems. It merely grants them the power to request an independent third-party investigation into matters of mutual concern. This is not a mandate. It does not strip systems of their rights, but rather empowers them with an unbiased mechanism to ensure that republic law is upheld fairly across all borders.

Member of the Government (MG): Hear, hear!

A chorus of applause rises from the government benches, echoing across the grand Senate hall. It swells, filling the vast chamber, as senators from allied systems rise to their feet in support. The applause lasts for five minutes, a thunderous endorsement of the proposed legislation before the Speaker calls for order.]

Speaker/Vice Chancellor Bail Organa: Order! Order! The Senate must remain in session.

[The applause gradually fades, though murmurs of approval continue to ripple through the assembly. The opposition remains seated, stone-faced, their silence a pointed refusal to join in the ovation.]

Member of the Opposition (MO): I must remind the Senate, and you, Chancellor Binks, that allowing a third party to investigate the internal affairs of a sovereign system is a dangerous precedent. The risk of abuse is undeniable. Who will oversee these so-called impartial investigators? What is to stop them from overstepping their bounds, turning an investigation into an occupation?*

Chancellor Binks (CJB): The safeguards are clear, my esteemed colleague. These investigators will report directly to the Senate Oversight Committee, with representatives from every system ensuring transparency. The act is designed with checks and balances to prevent any abuse. If a system feels that their sovereignty is being infringed upon, they can appeal directly to the Senate.

[A low rumble of conversation spreads across the chamber, as members consider Binks' words.]

Member of the Opposition (MO): I fear you underestimate the consequences of centralizing such power. Once we allow a body to interfere in the affairs of a member system, we open the door to corruption, and we weaken the very fabric of this Republic.

Chancellor Binks (CJB): I see no weakening here, only strength. Strength in unity, strength in accountability. The Republic is built on trust between systems, and this act merely fortifies that trust. We have the opportunity to lead by example, to show that no system is above the law, not even our own.

Member of the Government (MG): Well said! The people of Naboo will remember this day.

[Another wave of applause begins]


The Study: D100 + 35 => 89

Member of the Government: We have found over two hundred cases in the last 100 years where a member nation was exploited by another member nation or another force that could have been acted on quicker than the Republic did in actuality. That is two incidents every year.

How can we claim to represent the sentients in our systems, when we are allowing such exploitation of their rights and allowing such criminal activities to happen and get ignored?

Public opinion changes.

The Vote: D100 + 35 => 120

It passed with a majority of the Senate voting for it.

It would not do more than help… but at least a crisis like Naboo could at least be brought to the attention of the Senate far sooner than it happened.

Reward: The Bill passes. As it is a minor law, it pushes and prevents several State of the galaxy statuses to fall.

Yellow occurs.

1 out of 5 legislative actions passed.

Palpatine impressed. Happily so.

-[X] Starfighter Reaction Force program
--[X] Minor
---[X] Start a naval program for awarding a defense contract for the design and procurement of a new Starfighter design. The starfighter must be hyperdrive equipped, and possess shields and sufficient armament.
---[X] Setup a volunteer recruitment and training program for the creation of several starfighter squadrons under the Republic Security Force, that will serve as QRFs in response to attempts by criminals groups to attack, blockade, or extort member planets of the Galactic Republic.
----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
-----[X]Factions negotiation: Military Reformists (Republican Security)

The Debate:D100 + 10 => 35

Reroll (Vice Chancellor:)D100 + 10 => 96

The Following is the closing statement Transcript from the Galactic Senate to debate SB (Senate Bill) 2134, Starfighter Reaction Force program (Or known as the Starfighter Armament Corps):

BO: Why should we see armament among the Judicials? They have the ships, the crews and the firepower to handle this. Yet here we are, standing on a more dangerous galaxy than ever. We have reports of pirates operating in the mid-rim. Criminal cartels have started to run wild. Spice runners have all but destroyed many systems with their poisons… and we have pirate kingdoms that are better armed than our own government! How can we provide the sector's security, when we cannot assure the pilots and captains who fly them, are able to meet them out in space or in the atmosphere of the planets?

The Study: D100 + 10 => 107
The Vote:D100 + 10 => 71

In a rare public session, the vote was neck and neck… but then it passed the budget of over 10 billion credits to allow the study, production, and use of new starfighters for the Republic security forces and the Judicials.

It passed with a small majoraty, but it was enough for… Chancellor Binks enemies to not… do anything that would cry fowl.

Reward: The Bill passes. As it is a minor law, it pushes and prevents several State of the galaxy statuses to fall.

Yellow occurs.

2 out of 5 legislative actions passed.

Tarkin now thinks one thing… He made the right choice accepting this position.

AN: I wrote the entire first one in a large, awesome style...

Then I got board and wrote the other one with a very... small vote.

What I'm tired and am going back to bed.
Voting is open