Voting is open
[X] Laying building blocks
-[X]The Eriadu Naval Competency Pilot Program (TENCPP)
---[X]A new program to train Judicial fleet officers with a focus on competency based in the outer-rim. This program also seeks to find officers from the outer rim that might be able to provide new perspectives, knowledge and talent to reinvigorate the Judicial forces and prepare them for future anti-piracy actions. Should the program prove effective it may also be expanded upon in the future. This will also further streangthen the bonds between the core and outer rim.
----[X] 500 POINTS
-----[X]Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points, Military Reformists 500 points

Total cost 1500

This plan is basically laying a few building blocks that we can use in the future to hurt the trade federation longer down the line. With a new judicial program in the outer rim there will be a small increase in Judicial presence and will allow us to later expand upon that area. If we can increase anti-piracy activity in the outer rim the Trade federation will automatically weaken as the Systems will no longer have to rely on the trade federation for protection against piracy and keeping their trade lanes safe. And it will start us on the path to strengthen Tarkins loyalty to us.
The bill is interesting for the Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions because it means more of their people can join the Judicial forces and its good for the Military Reformists because they can start to lay the foundation for their future vision.

I also have another plan
[X] Leaning on the Jedi
-[X]The Expedited Jedi Intervention Act (TEJIA)
---[X]In light of the events on Naboo and many like it, there must be a swifter deployment of Jedi Resources. This act will allow for the bypass of normal procedures should it be deemed necessary by the Jedi council when assistance is requested by planetary representatives (Goverments, Senators, Major local political figures) in the outer rim.
----[X] 500 POINTS
-----[X]Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points, Republican Constitutionalists 500 points

Total Cost: 1500
This will give the Outer Rim more Jedi support and aid that can give them support against piracy and the like. With the Republican Constitutionalists their interest lies in that it is on expedited on request basis, meaning they won't be a forced Jedi intervention by the senate to weigh things in their favor.
This Bill is something that i think we can pass at a later turn though.

Both plans saves 500 political power for usage in case we need it later.
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Yes, I just included it in the Political Power Spent line.
Those are different things though, increasing the chance of passing the vote does not mean you can include a faction, that costs a separate 500 for the faction to join.
So that would mean your plan would be 3000 points if everything is included as is.

Edit: Or it costs to invite them, i don't think it's a lock even if you spend power points to invite them.
I am seeing a lot of plans with either no faction invites (meaning that even if we pass a law it will probably be amended to our detriment)
or with invites with no accompanying power point investment, meaning they will most likely not join in.
Am i missing something?
Here's my plan, took two I like from different plans, with a minor change for the FAR act to make it for even more species.

[X]Plan: Legitimizing Ourself
-[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
--[X] Minor Law
---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones, sonar emissions, infrared skin-colors, and any other way, can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
----[X] 500 Political Power Points
-----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points
-[X]The Expedited Jedi Intervention Act (TEJIA)
---[X]In light of the events on Naboo and many like it, there must be a swifter deployment of Jedi Resources. This act will allow for the bypass of normal procedures should it be deemed necessary by the Jedi council when assistance is requested by planetary representatives (Goverments, Senators, Major local political figures) in the outer rim.
----[X] 500 Political Power Points
-----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Oct 13, 2024 at 9:47 PM, finished with 190 posts and 35 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
    -[X] Right to Request Investigation Law
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X] Gives systems the right to directly request the Republic Office of Criminal Investigation (ROCI) and/or the Jedi Order send representatives to officially investigate breaches of Republic Law within their space. The request can be issued by either the systems' legislative body, Head of State. or Senatorial Representative. Any investigation request can only countermanded by the majority vote of the Senate.
    ----[X]Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose, 500 for Faction negotiation).
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions
    -[X] Starfighter Reaction Force program
    ---[X] Start a naval program for awarding a defense contract for the design and procurement of a new Starfighter design. The starfighter must be hyperdrive equipped, and possess shields and sufficient armament.
    ---[X] Setup a volunteer recruitment and training program for the creation of several starfighter squadrons under the Republic Security Force, that will serve as QRFs in response to attempts by criminals groups to attack, blockade, or extort member planets of the Galactic Republic.
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Military Reformists (Republican Security)
    [X]Plan: would you like to know more?
    -[X]The militia act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X] it's contents:
    ----[X] political power spent: 500 to propose
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 for outer rim and agrarian factions
    -[X] better prepared training act
    -----[X] faction negotiation: 500 to outer rim and agrarian factions
    [X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
    -[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones and sonar emissions and infrared skin-colors can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
    ----[X] 500 Political Power Points
    -[X] the Archival Audit and Assessment Act, or the Triple-A Act
    ---[X] A new senatorial sub-commitee and special ministerial commission granted full access to inspect, review, and condense the multifarious precedents and minor technicalities of Senate business and actually assemble in one digestible form the exact number of delegations in the Senate, the exact ways in which every delegation is appointed and/or elected, and what's actually on the books of ancient decrees and what's simply customary manners. All under a gloss of preparing to streamline Senatorial traditions and start getting rid of countless governmental inefficiencies and useless laws against deadsteel duels between Senators and such (and with the larger aspirations of making the Senate more business-like and lobbying dependent, more centralized, or more democratic, left up to the imagination)
    ----[X] 500 PPP
    -[X] the Civic-Senatorial Programming and Info-feed Network Act, or the C-SPIN Act
    ---[X] In conjunction with the FAR Act, build up a public HoloNet service broadcasting all open hearings and Senate business, as well as Supreme Court proceedings, normal pubic announcements, and edu-tainment programs on how to petition your local Senator and how the Galactic Constitution was historically developed with the Four Sages of Dwarti and the Ruusan Reformation and so on. General feel good measure that everyone can join in on (and can give Jar Jar his later chance to create his own Fireside Chat Holocasts)
    [x] The Criminal Operations Combat Law
    [x] The Criminal Operations Combat Law
    -[x] Minor Law
    -- [x] It's contents:
    --- [x] Political Power Spent: 1000 (500 to propose + 500 to increase the chance of passing the vote).
    ---- [x] Factions negotiation:
    [X] Laying building blocks
    -[X]The Eriadu Naval Competency Pilot Program (TENCPP)
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X]A new program to train Judicial fleet officers with a focus on competency based in the outer-rim. This program also seeks to find officers from the outer rim that might be able to provide new perspectives, knowledge and talent to reinvigorate the Judicial forces and prepare them for future anti-piracy actions. Should the program prove effective it may also be expanded upon in the future. This will also further streangthen the bonds between the core and outer rim.
    ----[X] 500 POINTS
    -----[X]Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points, Military Reformists 500 points
    [X] Leaning on the Jedi
    -[X]The Expedited Jedi Intervention Act (TEJIA)
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X]In light of the events on Naboo and many like it, there must be a swifter deployment of Jedi Resources. This act will allow for the bypass of normal procedures should it be deemed necessary by the Jedi council when assistance is requested by planetary representatives (Goverments, Senators, Major local political figures) in the outer rim.
    ----[X] 500 POINTS
    -----[X]Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points, Republican Constitutionalists 500 points
    [X] Leaning on the Jedi
    [X]Plan: Legitimizing Ourself
    -[X] the Fair Accommodations within the Rotunda, or the FAR Act
    --[X] minor law
    ---[X]A refurbishment of current Senate pods and legislative procedures to provide holo-emitters and advanced protocol droids to every delegation, so that instead of having to be proactively fluent in Basic, Sentients who naturally communicate in pheromones, sonar emissions, infrared skin-colors, and any other way, can more fully participate in Senate proceedings, and can still participate even on lengthy Outer Rim constituency business or when back in their underwater or human-poisonous home. (And also making it completely transparent whenever a Senator is absent without leave and is ducking a vote call)
    ----[X] 500 Political Power Points
    -----[X]Factions negotiation: Agrarian and Outer Rim Factions 500 points
    -[X]The Expedited Jedi Intervention Act (TEJIA)
    --[X] Minor
    ---[X]In light of the events on Naboo and many like it, there must be a swifter deployment of Jedi Resources. This act will allow for the bypass of normal procedures should it be deemed necessary by the Jedi council when assistance is requested by planetary representatives (Goverments, Senators, Major local political figures) in the outer rim.
Oh this is a close vote, come on people service guarantees... A tax break. But you should still vote for steps towards a citizen Republic.

Would you like to know more?

Partially because Pirates aren't considered pirates unless they cross systems.

Think of it like crossing state lines to make it a federal charge in America...

Most pirates are smart enough to have thick enough alibis to be seen as quirky merchants with guns.

Everyone dosen't belive it, but the paperwork oftentimes is enough. :V

unfortunatly no. While Slavers are arrested and the slaves are freed, that legislation to punish them are rather... outdated. fines are to low.

Ships are too cheap and can be easily replaced so taking them away is nothing...

and finally, there is no will in the republic to stop it.
What if we make the fine be "ajusteted for inflation... Retroactively... See how they get scared.

Or pull an al capone and make slaves "ilegal goods" and make them count for "tax evasion reason to audit" suddenly any pirate with a client list or organization found on them is in danger
What if we make the fine be "ajusteted for inflation... Retroactively... See how they get scared.

Or pull an al capone and make slaves "ilegal goods" and make them count for "tax evasion reason to audit" suddenly any pirate with a client list or organization found on them is in danger

That'll threaten Senators in the Senate that benefits from that whole thing, which as you can guess - would get Veto'd hard with some strange reasoning, bribes, and what not.
As an argument against the right to request investigation law, this puts way more power in the hands of a centralized government but risks massively increasing the burocracy as we'll need people to look through the requests for investigation, people to organize the response, people to handle the logistics. So on and so forth.

All the tax break system for the militia act will require is a change to the tax code. And all the better prepared training act will require is a standardized list of requirements for militia members who wish to have further tax breaks. This will have the add on effect of increasing the standard of living for the militia men who will have further disposable income from the reduced taxes and will improve the economy as people will circulate greater amounts of currency and goods.

That being said I do like the second law in the nabboo plan. I just worry about making the already bloated Republic bigger
As an argument against the right to request investigation law, this puts way more power in the hands of a centralized government but risks massively increasing the burocracy as we'll need people to look through the requests for investigation, people to organize the response, people to handle the logistics. So on and so forth.
I won't lie, I did consider if the ROCI would be up to the task, considering how anemic most of the Republic Institutions seem to be. But then again, it is an already existing law enforcement agency of a Galactic government, so most of the framework and procedures should already be there. And between it being a 'request' not a order, and most local governments probably not wanting to invoke it due to justification issues unless there's an emergency, I don't think it should result in too much bloat.

It's basically intended to be an emergency 'Call for Help' button if anyone is stupid enough to try to repeat the TF's Blockade/Invasion. At worst I can see some of the more unstable or corrupt system governments trying to use the threat of Federal Intervention to try to maintain power against anti-republic or proto-seperatist opposition, which might make the Separatism movement grow stronger, but I think it is worth the risk.
[X]The Criminal Operations Combat Law
[X]Plan: would you like to know more?
[X] Plan Building the Tools to Build the Tools
[X] Plan: Prevent another Naboo
Voting is open