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Well atleast in my head canon or in irishs story jar jar is becoming Chancellor and quite successful at that but Well you cant win them all and it seems most guys want the one who comes close to papa palps but not quite if you think about it the logical route for the republic is the grave and out of the ashes the empire or something different but still with a senate or oversight commitee but Well lets see how it goes.

Let's turn that into an Omake Series like those Negaverse stuff that's popular in many stuff for this Quest. "What would Jar Jar do in this situation and what would've been the result?"
Well, to be fair, sometimes what makes a character stand out is less 'absolute uniqueness' and more relative uniqueness.(Looks to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and the office worker gym leader.)

I mean, one could have part of things being that logic clashes with politics. Though part of the factors will be the players themselves here. 😅
I mean, the idealist is the only role with a major incentive to push general issues.(That +30 seems pretty high.)
Well atleast in my head canon or in irishs story jar jar is becoming Chancellor and quite successful at that but Well you cant win them all and it seems most guys want the one who comes close to papa palps but not quite if you think about it the logical route for the republic is the grave and out of the ashes the empire or something different but still with a senate or oversight commitee but Well lets see how it goes.
Hey, he DID show himself being pretty decent in a politics role in the movies....

Mostly empowering Palpatine but still!
Well, to be fair, sometimes what makes a character stand out is less 'absolute uniqueness' and more relative uniqueness.(Looks to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and the office worker gym leader.)

I mean, one could have part of things being that logic clashes with politics. Though part of the factors will be the players themselves here. 😅
I mean, the idealist is the only role with a major incentive to push general issues.(That +30 seems pretty high.)

Hey, he DID show himself being pretty decent in a politics role in the movies....

Mostly empowering Palpatine but still!
Yea and he was politcal savy enough to stay as a representatives in the republic so he was not stupid just clumsy asf but Well im ready and loaded for the negaverse as i see us not getting 8 more votes to negate the leading vote as bleak as it sounds.
Yea and he was politcal savy enough to stay as a representatives in the republic so he was not stupid just clumsy asf but Well im ready and loaded for the negaverse as i see us not getting 8 more votes to negate the leading vote as bleak as it sounds.

I've actually commented on the point of Jar Jar's competence in a number of other threads, both here and on SV.

I'm not sure he's so much dumb as just naive, plus a generous heaping of clumsy. He doesn't exactly make a good showing in Episode 1, but we see Jar Jar acting as a Senatorial representative in Episode 2, which implies that he's managed to prove himself competent enough that Padme trusted him in the role and eloquent enough that people actually take him seriously as a political entity (which obviously got torpedoed after Episode 3).

Hell, we see his speech patterns aren't even unique to him. Every Gungan talks like he does, up to and including Boss Nass, the Gungan leader, part of which can just be attributed to Basic not being their first language. For all we know, the Gungan language doesn't actually have things like personal pronouns or has a completely different sentence structure.

As for his clumsiness (at least on land), that can be attributed to his species spending most of their time in the water. Jar Jar, as of Episode 1, just wasn't used to being on dry land.
[x]plan [ESCALATION]
-[x]name: Taylor Hebert
-[x]the naive outsider

She even already come with a pre-made guy you really shouldn't be friends with!

[x]Plan At least it's not JarJar
-[x]name: Erebus
-[x]the cunning powerbroker

This one is definitely not just a joke
[X] Plan Master of the Senate
[X] Plan Definately Didn't Ask for This

Go Go Gadget Big Cyber Johnson! Activate and save the Republic!
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Seeing as I am going to expand the vote timmer:

Here is some of the things that you need to keep an eye on besides legitimacy, which is something I will always have on the turn.

So, here is some of the things we will affect.and a brief explanation of what they are.

Senate Cohesion: A cohesive Senate ensures that decisions can be made efficiently and that the Republic remains stable and effective. High cohesion leads to faster decision-making and unified response to crises, while low cohesion results in gridlock, infighting, and political instability, often allowing external threats like the Separatists or criminal organizations to gain more influence. This will be represented by bonuses for each level above the neutral level, as well as gaining more political power during your political power turn.

internal Intelligence network: A strong and well-coordinated intelligence network allows the Republic to preempt and counteract espionage, corruption, criminal enterprises, and separatist activities. With a Weak or disorganized intelligence leads to the Republic being blind to internal conspiracies, making it vulnerable to infiltration or sabotage by both the Separatists and powerful corporations with their own agendas. It may also be infiltrated by the sith, making it more likely for them to create chaos and coup your ass when the time comes.

If it reaches the highest level, then, and only then, can you launch an investigation into the identity of the sith, and get to the Bottom of who the sith is that is causing such a headache.


Army Power: As the galaxy edges closer to open war, the power and preparedness of the Republic's army become critical especially since there have been disgruntled and powerful military officers from sector defense fleets and other freeboating captains who want the honor and glory of battle. A powerful army can defend the Republic from Separatist forces and external threats, while a weakened or underfunded army leaves the Republic vulnerable to defeat in large-scale conflicts.

However, if the army grows too powerful, you will need to work on curtailing the power of your officers to avoid a Ceaser scenario, where a general or admiral takes their forces and marches on the Capital.

At the start of the game, the Galaxy's army will be, placed at Disarmed...

Any talk of a here unknown clone army in the outer rim, are pure speculation, propaganda, and otherwise... separatist talking points that will do nothing but stoak the fears of the enemies of the republic
Navel Power: The Republic's naval power is key to maintaining control over the galaxy's hyperspace lanes and protecting vulnerable systems from pirate attacks, blockades, and enemy fleets. A strong navy allows the Republic to project power across the galaxy and keep order, while a weak navy opens up trade routes to disruption and emboldens separatist and criminal elements.

Like the army, if it grows to powerful, you will need to keep your officers in check.

However, here is something to note about the navy... You are going to need to get one and fast. Because as Naboo has shown the galaxy, large ngo's and corporations can and will screw up a planet's day, and you will be powerless to stop it without the jedi.

Jedi Order: the Jedi Order traditionally serves as peacekeepers and diplomats, mediating conflicts and providing a moral compass for the Republic. Their strength and involvement in the Republic's affairs can be a unifying force, but if their influence wanes or they become too embroiled in politics and war, it could lead to internal fracturing and loss of public trust in both the Jedi and the Republic.

This one is actually rather straightforward: If the Jedi order falls, the Republic will most likely, fall with it... or be in for a rough couple of centuries.

The Jedi are, in some ways, the moral center. if it goes, bad things will happen.

However, unlike most other things on this list, if it bottoms out, and the jedi order falls... it will not be an automatic game over. Just the beginning of some very bad shit.

Economy: A strong economy provides the financial resources needed to fund the military, social programs, and public services. Economic prosperity promotes stability and loyalty among systems, while a weak economy, marked by corruption or imbalances, leads to dissatisfaction, unrest, and systems being more likely to align with the Separatists or criminal syndicates seeking to exploit economic instability.

To note: The Economy helps you gain political power (the currency of this quest) and needs to be used to fund whatever projects you want to make.

if it bottoms out... well you're going to get thrown out by your... successor for failing to provide something basic for the state.

Criminal: Criminal organizations thrive in the shadows, exploiting weaknesses in the Republic's legal and enforcement structures. As their power grows, they can undermine political and economic stability, facilitate corruption, and even provide weapons and resources to Separatist forces. High levels of criminal influence indicate rampant lawlessness, while low influence means effective law enforcement and reduced criminal activity.

To note, your biggest non corperation threat, are going to be the black suns and the hutts.

They are the large assholes who really are fucking things up for most of the galaxy. Lets just say that... if you even manage to lower piracy and cut deals with the hutts that do something to move the needle, you will be one of the best chancellors in the history of the republic.

Separatism: Growing separatist sentiment is a sign that systems are becoming disillusioned with the Republic and are contemplating breaking away to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). High separatist support increases the likelihood of civil war and division within the galaxy, while low separatist sentiment indicates a stronger, more unified Republic.

Want to prevent a civil war... You better start cutting deals, making concessions, and keeping your constituents in line while trying to stop the powder keg.
Social Order: Maintaining social order ensures peace and prosperity within individual systems and the Republic as a whole. Inequality, corruption, and oppression can breed unrest, leading to riots, protests, and systems turning to extremist groups for solutions. A stable social order indicates that the Republic is addressing the needs of its citizens fairly, while unrest signals that the Republic is failing to maintain harmony within its borders.

If this gets higher, many bad modifiers that can and will affect you will fall, and or disappear.
And the republic might live to see another century.

Slavery: Slavery remains a pervasive issue in certain areas of the galaxy, especially in territories outside the Republic's direct control. The Republic's ability (or inability) to address and abolish slavery is a reflection of its moral authority and commitment to justice. If slavery is rampant, it suggests either indifference or corruption within the Republic, weakening its moral standing and potentially pushing more systems to seek independence or align with the Separatists who may exploit such labor forces.

I'm just going to say this.

Going John Brown will not solve the issue of slavery in the Galaxy. The jedi already tried that, but were hands strung by both the republic, and the times they lived in.

and please, remember, just because slavery is a thing, does not mean it is immortal...

You can stop it.

It just requires a bit of... touch that a good politician can bring.

Also backed by superior firepower. :V
and please, remember, just because slavery is a thing, does not mean it is immortal...

You can stop it.

It just requires a bit of... touch that a good politician can bring.

Also backed by superior firepower. :V
The economic benefit is....

debatable. But well, like the IRL USA slave-holding south, it's probably to a degree cultural in many places at this point. Of course, it doesn't help all the seeming similarities that slavery has with the generally accepted alternative, droids. 😅

So well, it's gonna be a long and multipronged battle here.
[X] I Definatly didn't Ask for this!

The memes are tempting, and I honestly figure Magoose for being able to convincingly write Jar Jar in a way that wouldn't be soul-crushingly cracky ALL the time, but I personally like the appeal of a guy just trying to get shit done suddenly being thrust into actual importance by accident.
Slavery can be defeated.

Unfortunately even if I gave you the John brown method there is no way to get the republic citizenry in side for it.

Because it's out of sight out of mind….

So you need to be the good politician and give the citizens the will to destroy it
A major front imo would be either Ryloth or Tatooine.
And Ryloth in particular....

...Well, their economy is kinds so in the gutter that well, it's a major factor for their troubles in the first place, fueling the market given the one thing their planet is known for. Which, doesn't have any clear answer except, perhapse turning to the somewhat morally dubious answer of turning to Gambling and other Las Vegas mainstays.
Slavery can be defeated.

Unfortunately even if I gave you the John brown method there is no way to get the republic citizenry in side for it.

Because it's out of sight out of mind….

So you need to be the good politician and give the citizens the will to destroy it
...An one thing that might emphesize things, is the clone army. I mean, there is at least one or two (Edit:Fanfic) that basically took the angle of having the narrative of the clones being no different than the droids they fight as far as whenever they were sapient or not. And to be fair, that blasted chip really blurs the line, in spite of the mechanical/biological difference. 😅
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Which, doesn't have any clear answer except, perhapse turning to the somewhat morally dubious answer of turning to Gambling and other Las Vegas mainstays.
For another worst case scenario, we could try to recruit them as a militia for their area in exchange for resources to send back home.

Granted this would take time, and Senator Taa would be a roadblock, but it would give them at least some power and authority if all goes well.

Developing Titans would be great too, since in that 'verse Pilots are just highly trained normal soldiers with great gear, no biological enhancements.

Of course that also runs the risk of having them used against us.
For another worst case scenario, we could try to recruit them as a militia for their area in exchange for resources to send back home.

Granted this would take time, and Senator Taa would be a roadblock, but it would give them at least some power and authority if all goes well.

Developing Titans would be great too, since in that 'verse Pilots are just highly trained normal soldiers with great gear, no biological enhancements.

Of course that also runs the risk of having them used against us.

Would be very much playing with fire there, not only with the senator, but basically everyone invested with the system would very much see that as a direct threat to the system they benefit from. Far more risky than going for more legal but not necessarily moral casino's that would grow the economy without causing the shadow leaders to freak out at us arming and training the locals.
Would be very much playing with fire there
Oh yeah for sure, that's why I said worst case. Ideally it would never come to that, but I wanted a nuke option available if we needed one.

I do still want Titans though, as even a few can turn the tide of a battle on its head. Even then, we're in peacetime so it's not exactly on the forefront of what we need anyway.

They're also very much ground units from my understanding, so they would be sitting ducks in space.
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