[X] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Party

Ah yeah, confirmation we can "take a break" during the progress to catch the birth is nice

As the days went on, little news came in from the Stepstones. Daemon wasn't winning as fast as he had been in the first months, but he hardly seemed to be losing. The Crabfeeder was adapting to fighting a dragon, but could not manage to figure out a way to actually win against one it seemed. Simply surviving and keeping up the fight was a small victory in of itself though.
Ah seems like the canon "wait till Daemon gets bored" approach is in play. Well here he isn't raring to return to Kings Landing to creep on Rhaenyra at least? Probably planning something against her though.

I'd also like to get in a study: martial or study: diplo or train: ride. While @Teen Spirit has said every action has advantages, so I'm sure there is one, I'm not sure why we'd be sneaking out into the city? In show canon, I think this pretty much only disadvantaged Rhaenyra. While a lot of the reasons for that are not present here, I don't really see any benefits we know about and it could still start unpleasant rumors. Also, IC-wise, show!Rhaenyra does this to get some freedom and escape her responsibilities, while quest!Rhaenyra is already taking her freedom and doesn't want to escape her responsibilities.
It's kinda meta in that the narrative specifically called out the city looking very active so questers wanna poke at it.
[X] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Gwayne
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
-[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
-[X] [Action] Study Music

[X] Plan Pregnancy, Music, and Party
[X] Plan: Sneakery, Songs, and Progress
[X] Plan: Progress, City, and Training
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery

Really want to do some sneakery this turn. It is very in-character, isn't going to damage our reputation anymore than it's already been damaged (in fact, these are really the kinds of shenanigans the heir to the throne is expected to get up to), would get us a chance to interact with the smallfolk before the Progress, and is a time-limited opportunity.
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If we start the royal Progress next turn (which seems to be the way the votes are going right now), we should cover the North whilst it is still Autumn and make sure we are in the Southern Riverlands or the Northern Stormlands during turn 9, so we can attend our siblings birth then continue our royal Progress.
The plan names all sound too similar :confused:

[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
-[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
-[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
-[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
-[X] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress
I got to say, I'm rather worried by hte decision to skip on training, again.

1) It's starting to feel like a slippery slope, we went from mandatory to 3/4, to half in a very rapid pace. Especially when the issues that are causing it are not particularly pressing, like the city isn't going to run away, and neither is poetry. These are "nice to have" actions, not time critical affairs. Combine that with the fact that the Royal Progress, The pregnancy, Rhaenyra's birthday, and fall are all rapidly coming up and it's easy to imagine that our current leisurely state will not in fact remain. The pressure to drop training actions in the future is going to mount, not decrease.

2) There appears to be some arguments that are currrent progress is good, and thus justifies dropping training. But reducing effort on every success is just a recipe for mediocricity.

3) Training is actually time critical. We took the choice of having a less tourney focused training schedule, and with fall now approaching, the window of tourneys is closing. Once winter shuts down travel, what tourneys remain will be third rate affairs, and stories of Rhaenyra's mystery knight won't spread and have impact. This means that we need her debut either before Fall's end, or just postpone altogether.
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Man, that is a lot of votes to skip training. Admittedly, there's a lot of interesting options, so I get it. But still.

Interesting that Rhaenyra seemed at least somewhat receptive of Rhea despite courting Alicent? I imagine that's gonna come to a vote at some point how monogamous we want to be. Or well, as monogamous as a married woman with a mistress can be.
Anyway, voting for what I'm suprised to find is literally the only plan that thinks to do training.

[X] Plan So Much To Do

[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training
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It's kinda meta in that the narrative specifically called out the city looking very active so questers wanna poke at it.

I want to point out that on the low end this is just "the city was active because we're getting a new Prince/Princess" and we wind up catching some equivalent of the canon play, and wind up learning that surprise, smallfolk are sexist too, and then we maybe get some actions into improving our perception with the common people.

Which isn't nothing, sure, but it's 1) not time critical, we're going to learn that sooner or later and 2) something that could plausibly be accomplished eventually by becoming involved in the city watch.

Reading the description… I don't think this is actually yellow paint "there's something cool go here now." I think this is just "something's changed with this."
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
-[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry
-[x] [Action] Prepare for a Royal Progress

Like so?
That sounds good.

[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Training

I almost want to wait on dueling Gwayne until we can afford to talk to him, since that seems obviously synergistic.

But the other training plan has us dueling Gwayne as well and would have us talking to Harold but not Johanna.
Reading the description… I don't think this is actually yellow paint "there's something cool go here now." I think this is just "something's changed with this."

It's complicated. Part of it is I just flat out wanted more attention on the option to explore the city for a number of reasons and going into the city got very little attention before now. while also part of it is that going into the city while there's clear partying going on will lead to different things compared to the city on a less busy night.
1) It's starting to feel like a slippery slope, we went from mandatory to 3/4, to half in a very rapid pace. Especially when the issues that are causing it are not particularly pressing, like the city isn't going to run away, and neither is poetry. These are "nice to have" actions, not time critical affairs. Combine that with the fact that the Royal Progress, The pregnancy, Rhaenyra's birthday, and fall are all rapidly coming up and it's easy to imagine that our current leisurely state will not in fact remain. The pressure to drop training actions in the future is going to mount, not decrease.
First of all, we never said anything about mandatory 3/4 training actions per year, the consensus was that was that we should train at least 2 times per year and train with Syrax at least once per year...

And considering that the QM confirmed that training with our sworn sword counts as doubling down we have already reached that...
2) There appears to be some arguments that are currrent progress is good, and thus justifies dropping training. But reducing effort on every success is just a recipe for mediocricity.
Rhaenyra progress is at leat as good as wunderkind like Jaime Lannister or Barristan Selmy... So I can't see how doing what we are doing is a "recipe for mediocrity"

3) Training is actually time critical. We took the choice of having a less tourney focused training schedule, and with fall now approaching, the window of tourneys is closing. Once winter shuts down travel, what tourneys remain will be third rate affairs, and stories of Rhaenyra's mystery knight won't spread and have impact. This means that we need her debut either before Fall's end, or just postpone altogether.
First of all, Nyra's dream is to become a knight, the rest is at most accessories, and Teen Spirit has told us time and time again that all of our goals are long term objectives that we should not blindly rush towards them...

So waiting until she is closer to 20 is not that much of a big deal as you are implying

Having said that if people want training this turn I will provide a few options to do so without starting the Royal Progress...

[X] Plan Pregnancy, Music, Training and Party
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
-[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
-[x] [Action] Study Music

[X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Lord Commander Harrold Westerling
-[X] [Conversation] Speak With Queen Johanna Westerling
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
---[X] [Duel] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Action] Sneak out and Explore the City
-[X] [Action] Learn to Compose Poetry

And approval vote for these
[X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
[X] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Party
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery
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Well, Rhaenyra just casually shouldered a 60kg or so deer carcass, so we are probably on our way to get Maelys the Monstrous strength on top.
Hmmm, I admit I was fully on the "the city isn't interesting, let's ignore it" train, but given the QM says he wanted more attention on the city…

Approval voting these as well:

[] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
[] Plan Pregnancy, Music and Party

Side note that I do feel like since we're very much martial focused we need to actually study: martial heavily at some point, (and maybe also spend more time with Syrax). But I feel like either music or poetry so we can serenade Alicent is mandatory.
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We tend to do once per every two turns and last turn we did it.
First of all, we never said anything about mandatory 3/4 training actions per year, the consensus was that was that we should train at least 2 times per year and train with Syrax at least once per year...
The original plan defintively wasn't half, but I guess this is a neat illustration of my point. What at one point was supposed to be a one time exception became the norm within the same turn.

And again, as I noted, future turns are likely to be busier, which means we might get forced to skip training then. Especially if people also want to fit Syrax in there.
Rhaenyra progress is at leat as good as wunderkind like Jaime Lannister or Barristan Selmy... So I can't see how doing what we are doing is a "recipe for mediocrity"
At their age, and then they did a lot of training and became legends. Cutting down on training instead is how we do not become that good.

First of all, Nyra's dream is to become a knight, the rest is at most accessories, and Teen Spirit has told us time and time again that all of our goals are long term objectives that we should not blindly rush towards them...

So waiting until she is closer to 20 is not that much of a big deal as you are implying

Having said that if people want training this turn I will provide a few options to do so without starting the Royal Progress...
It's not a blind rush to be consistent about a plan?

Like, if there's any blind rushing here, it's people chasing after the latest shiny.
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