Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Well that was fun. Though I do wonder if any questions along the lines of what a Pinnacle Abnormality looks like will occur, because this is (for the most part) the first interaction with an ALEPH, as NT wasn't really working as strong as it could be for most of the fight, not visibly anyway. Probably would be funny is something like "ah sorry compared to four others, one of which is me, they're kinda a push over and wouldn't ever have a chance of winning?" happens, though that would be slightly out of character with that phrasing. I don't really think that the highest tier Abnos have been mentioned other than like at the lightest level and this fight gives a good example of why they're horrifying.

[X] Help him recover fully

I mean Argalia is handle-able and I mean, he's probably ok with E.G.O. and killing him would be a bad example.
I see I see!

So it was X. Just not our X.

I suppose this would be...the Canon X?

The one that faded into the Light alongside Ayin. But our X did that too.

Are they both sides of the same coin? One who lived in the past and one who wishes for the future?

Would that be Yin-Yang or would it be more like aberrations?
I wonder if we even are an Ayin-fork like the X that entered the light? There's a part of me that suspects we're only X insofar as, say, Scorched Girl is the little match girl she's based on. In that light, we would be X, but something fundamentally based on the person who ran LobCorp HQ rather than really the same person.

If that were the case, the very start of this quest would be a little odd. On the other hand we never quite saw, directly, the period prior to being an unembodied mind falling through the Light, so that doesn't completely invalidate this hypothesis.
[X] Help him recover fully

Mercy's rarely a mistake, as Disco Elysium puts it, and even though he's vanishingly unlikely to ever change his goals or personality, he's a Distortion, not an Abnormality; that chance isn't zero until he's dead. It's also kind of a dick move to repay someone helping out to the extent of ending up in this condition with Wing-style retirement. Even if it's been an alliance of convenience, it sets a bad precedent - we've seen how that style of thinking has ended for the Adult.

In a more practical sense, if we decided to let him die, and he then did not, we'd now have made an enemy of an Argalia who knows exactly what we care about, after a fight that has exhausted everyone.

And Leonie would be upset : (
And Leonie would be upset : (
Not just Leonie. I can't even imagine trying to justify it with a straight face to Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, and Yuma.

"Oh, no kids, this uncle might be dangerous in the future, so murdering him in his weakened state after he risked his own life trying to help us out is perfectly justifiable."

Just the idea of having to swat away their hesitation for it feels sleezy.
Not just Leonie. I can't even imagine trying to justify it with a straight face to Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, and Yuma.

"Oh, no kids, this uncle might be dangerous in the future, so murdering him in his weakened state after he risked his own life trying to help us out is perfectly justifiable."

"I am totally not the monster the Adult told I was! Now be a good puppet kid and help Mommy kill all the bad guys I designate without any explanation!"
"I am totally not the monster the Adult told I was! Now be a good puppet kid and help Mommy kill all the bad guys I designate without any explanation!"
It hurts even more because I know the kids will 100% go along with it even if they dislike it simply because of their trust in X.

Even if we make a good explanation for it, it's still way too 'gray' of an act for the fairly moral figure X has been so far.

It feels so wrong for X to act like that.

Luckily, this is a massive landslide, so it's no big worry.
It hurts even more because I know the kids will 100% go along with it even if they dislike it simply because of their trust in X.
Kyoko'd go along with it, she's found Argalia a bit creepy since she met him and is used to solving problems with violence.
Mami'd go along with it because it's X who suggested it, and this point you could ask her to do it herself and she probably wouldn't hesitate.
Homura'd go along with it because she's open to that sort of "problem-solving" and she looks up to X.
Sayaka is on the fence, but she would definitely fold to any justifications X could have used. If Argalia's evil, he needs to go.
That just leaves Madoka, who wouldn't be okay with it, but would be pressured by everyone else not to speak up.

Wow, you sure are good at getting children to endorse murder! Or could be, if you wanted to be.
Wow, you sure are good at getting children to endorse murder! Or could be, if you wanted to be.
Oooh, that's bad.

Kyoko, Sayaka, Homura, and Madoka are similar to how I expected.

But Mami is...we still need to chip away at that trigger-happy mentality of hers, or atleast tackle her extreme dependency on X.

It's not a problem right now, and shouldn't be a problem as long as X is around, but that's no way for a child to grow up.
Wow, you sure are good at getting children to endorse murder! Or could be, if you wanted to be.
To be fair, I think this is more a sign of how fucked the cast of PMMM is then anything else. Sayaka and Madoka are like the only people who don't have years worth of trauma on that list- and Sayaka really does need to not put everything into boxes of black and white while Madoka... well, she just needs more of a spine for social situations.

[X] Help him recover fully
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Sep 23, 2024 at 3:55 PM, finished with 39 posts and 24 votes.

Extremely decisive! There will be one more chapter in Act 2 cleaning things up, at which point some long-term voting will occupy the hiatus before Act 3 starts. Basic things like deciding what to do with your prisoners, confirming alliances, and whether or not you tell Madoka's parents what actually happened to their daughter.
and whether or not you tell Madoka's parents what actually happened to their daughter.

Mister and Miss Kaname, you daughter has died for our sins before coming back to save us all in a glorious display of kindness. I am taking her to one sin and thousands of good deeds so she can have a proper discussion about how far you can take your messianic archetypes.

That is all.
Anyone can parrot back cutesy catchphrases about hope never being wrong, but if you aren't willing to back those words up by, say, entering a self-destructive relationship under some dubious pretense of 'redeeming' the other party, then you're obviously just a poser.
It's a pity X has been quite busy for some time now for that plan to get the go-ahead.

But hey, now that the immediate threat of the Adult is gone, maybe we can chillax with more social votes and actually have some slice-of-life moments?

The Adult really took up a lot of our time. Since both Argalia and Leonia were mostly occupied all the time in dealing with her.

I wonder what is Argalia's plan now? Outside of the vague "Make the World Of Distortion".

Since...in the first place, it was only possible with Angela's Library was a huge battery bank of Light.

But with X...she's basically the Pillar of Light herself. How would that even happen?
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Slice of life, or sliced up life? Project Moon is half of this crossover, the distinction is needed, especially since the line is blurred because of it.

I'm pretty sure Slice Of Life is the name of a dish somewhere in District 23 anyway.