Salutations thou who beds thy own mother
Last one.Fixed, including the British thing that I did not realize was British![]()
It's "then" because it's talking about time.
Last one.Fixed, including the British thing that I did not realize was British![]()
It's "then" because it's talking about time.
Are they planning to literally blow up the supports of the Hidden Halls or are they talking about magical shields or... Do they want to disrupt the masquerade again and does Nemesis still want to use this plan?
I am fairly sure Lydia is onto something here, and I am a bit surprised the wizards aren't really affected by her royal bearing.Maybe to offer another distraction Lydia clears her throat. "I don't think he was controlled but rather convinced. He thought, still thinks there's something worth dying for here."
"Those who deal with Outsiders soon find they have nothing worth living for," Zadock says with just a hint of condescension for the silver haired girl who doesn't seem to notice or maybe just doesn't care.
"He was irrational, on the verge of willfully crossing over in the hopes of compelling us to keep him company then he blurted out a name he shouldn't have and finally antagonistic but coherent. The reactions are too genuine for a thrall, too chaotic for a true believer but rather something in between. If we could pull out his soul to talk... "
"Later, come on!" you call, reflecting that at least Lydia had drawn the wizard's wary eyes to her.
It won't. A wizard war in the streets will fry every recording devise for miles around. Yes there will be a bunch of eyewitnesses, but that just means another urban legend in a city that has been the center of the white council for centuries. There are already tones of urban legends here to explain why people are making up this one.The important part is not "tear down the Halls". It's "Wizard War in the streets". This is another attempt at catastrophically breaking down maquerade.
Never split the party.
Odin's messenger didnt make it in time.Didn't we tell Odin, and he say he'd tell Arthur?
I have a hard time seeing how they'd rip up the wards while the leader of the council is literally a warding specialist and aware of the problem. Especially because the whole point of the grave peril plotline was predicated on needing external actors to do that.
If the conspiracy was able to break the council in this manner they should have done it years ago. Yeah sure they're super paranoid about losing the opportunity, but if they're able to smuggle arbitrary amounts of explosives and position people to break centuries of wards on short notice it strains credulity to believe they'd be as indirect as they are.
It's been less than 6 hours and only a handful of people knew what was about to happen. How is the council more screwed than it was in canon? Especially with the grey council counter conspiracy being a thing.
The gross incompetence of the council in all things at all times across this plotline is verging on parody.
However we got here, at this point we're far enough into crisis mode that I'm willing to risk more crown exposure. The traitors somehow destroying the hidden halls would be catastrophic.
Yeah, but I expect a decent level of competence both ways - Peabody should have a decent idea of what he might be able to get away with with some error to account for is incomplete knowledge of who is aware of what.To be fair, the conspiracy plans to destroy the Hidden Halls, but that doesn't say anything about their chances at doing so. This could be their hail mary last-ditch effort to get something out of centuries of infiltration and effort, before Molly can clean up shop.
Not going to happen the Senior council are both the only people are we are sure not infiltrated and the least likely to die.So, hypothetically speaking, how much trouble do y'all think it would be if we had to replace the governing apparatus of the White Council because most of them got killed?
We could import personnel from Sanctuary, interface with surviving wizards who prove cooperative, and hand out IDU empowerments to a few select individuals.
We named names to Peabody; Odin knew exactly who he was dealing with.COMMENTARY
Warden zero-tolerance instincts come to the fore.
This is one of those times that demonstrates these are meaningful decisions; when the QM offers an option to interfere in whether a person lives or dies, there are often knockon effects down the line.
Im getting the impression that Peabody has been spreading quiet lies among parts of the wizard population, sprinkled with portions of the truth and a liberal dosage of mind control magics.
Im guessing Odin didnt get through to Langtry in time, did he?
This wouldnt be going down as it is if the rest of the Senior Council, or even any of the senior wizards like Montjoy, Gomez, Luciozzi, Schneider or Klaus was in the Halls and active. Or maybe they are in the Halls and....indisposed.
*checks Summer Knight and sees how Wardens seal wizard meeting rooms from the outside before meetings start*
*remembers that Peabody has mindcontrolled a lot of serving Wardens including the Captain*
We need to get to the Senior Council rooms.
I suspect they are going to need one or more people with superhuman counterspelling capacity right the fuck quick.
Never split the party.
Our entire authority for Molly's Circle being here in the Hidden Halls as friends instead of invaders is that we are in the company of duly authorized, senior, respected Council members. Carlos is too young to have the respect regardless of title, Harry is...controversial, and their boss is Luccio who is mindcontrolled.
Without them, entirely innocent wizards would be reasonable to attack the rest of us on sight.
Especially since the War Weavers are notably inhuman, which might be a cool esthetic in isolation, but have negative PR when you are trying to reassure nervous people about your friendliness in a stressful situation.
We dont want to have to cut our way through a bunch of misinformed wizards as meatshields. Thats why we brought Morgan and McCoy. Splitting up and leaving them behind is dumb.
Also, the old guard Wardens with us are demonstrably notably zero-tolerance, and it might be necessary to have Molly present to force people to consider stepping back, taking a breath and reassessing shit.
Else we're going to have unnecessary casualties, or lose priceless intelligence.
Odin's messenger didnt make it in time.
Or Langtry didnt realize how far up the infiltration went.
Peabody is the Senior Council secretary; he would receive any messenger before they got to the Merlin.
Dont you remember that McCoy said he almost got time trapped in the NeverNever?
What do you think are the odds that the conspiracy invested that much effort in researching and creating something like that and were only going to use it on one Senior Council member?
How difficult would it have been for a trusted functionary to wait for them to assemble for an emergency meeting with a courier from Odin and then set it off? Or to do it during a meeting with a lot of other wizards, and blame it on anoth
This is pretty close to what happened in Turn Coat with the mistwraith, only here they have no warning.
There might even be more than just Senior Council wizards in said trap.
From Summer Knight's Council meeting:
Given as standard wizard meeting protocol appears to involve Wardens sealing the perimeter magically, there is a significant chance there's a bunch of Senior Council members, possibly a LOT of wizards, sealed inside some barrier while Peabody and his mindcontrolled minions run amok.The Wardhound growled again and then appeared to lose interest, pacing back over to sit down beside its mate, suddenly inanimate again.
I turned my eyes to Morgan and stared at him, hard. "Satisfied?" I asked him.
For a second I thought he would meet my gaze. Then he shoved my staff back at me as he turned away. "You're a disgrace, Dresden. Look at yourself. Because of you, good men and women have died. Today you will be called to answer for it."
I tied the bandage back on as best I could and gritted my teeth to keep from telling Morgan to take a long walk off a short cliff. Then I brushed past the Wardens and stalked into the theater.
Morgan watched me go, then said to his partner, "Close the circle." He followed me into the theater, shutting the door behind him, even as I felt the sudden, silent tension of the Wardens closing the circle around the building, shutting it off from any supernatural access.
I hadn't ever actually seen a meeting of the Council—not like this. The sheer variety of it all was staggering, and I stood staring for several moments, taking it in.
The space was a dinner theater of only moderate size, lit by nothing more than a few candles on each table. The room wouldn't have been crowded for a matinee, but as a gathering place for wizards it was positively swamped. The tables on the floor of the theater were almost completely filled with black-robed wizards, variously sporting stoles of blue, gold, and scarlet. Apprentices in their muddy-brown robes lurked at the fringes of the crowd, standing along the walls or crouching on the floor beside their mentors' chairs.
The variety of humanity represented in the theater was startling. Canted Oriental eyes, dark, rich skins of Africa, pale Europeans, men and women, ancient and young, long and short hair, beards long enough to tuck into belts, beards wispy enough to be stirred by a passing breeze. The theater buzzed in dozens of languages, of which I could identify only a fraction. Wizards laughed and scowled, smiled and stared blankly, sipped from flasks and soda cans and cups or sat with eyes closed in meditation. The scents of spices and perfumes and chemicals all blended together into something pervasive, always changing, and the auras of so many practitioners of the Art seemed to be feeling just as social, reaching out around the room to touch upon other auras, to echo or strike dissonance with their energies, tangible enough to feel without even trying. It was like walking through drifting cobwebs that were constantly brushing against my cheeks and eyelashes—not dangerous but disconcerting, each one wildly unique, utterly different from the next.
The only thing the wizards had in common was that none of them looked as scruffy as me.
A roped-off section at the far right of the hall held the envoys of various organizations of allies and supernatural interests, most of whom I had only a vague idea about. Wardens stood here and there where they could overlook the crowd, grey cloaks conspicuous amid the black and scattered brown ones—but somehow I doubted they were as obtrusive as my own faded blue-and-white flannel. I garnered offended looks from nearly everyone I walked past—mostly white-haired old wizard folk. One or two apprentices nearer my own age covered their mouths as I went past, hiding grins. I looked around for an open chair, but I didn't spot one, until I saw Ebenezar wave at me from a table in the front row of the theater, nearest the stage. He nodded at the seat next to him. It was the only place available, and I joined him.
On the theater stage stood seven podiums, and at six of them stood members of the Senior Council, in dark robes with purple stoles. Injun Joe Listens to Wind and Martha Liberty stood at two.
Arianna Ortega paralyzed the White Council with a covert bioweapon in Changes, delivered under flag of truce.I wasn't joking when I said this feels like parody. The council dropped the ball pretty hard here in canon, but this situation feels like the conspiracy gets a presumption of competence where we don't know precisely what they were doing but the council is obligated to suck at everything unless someone is holding their hand.
If we did, that wouldnt mean that Odin would pass on uncorroborated intel.We named names to Peabody; Odin knew exactly who he was dealing with.
We told him the same shit we told Carlos. And we didnt tell Carlos about Peabody.Then you pull out Donnar's card... Given his reputation some of the Senior Council may not thank you for involving him, but that's OK since it means there will be a Senior Council to get upset.
"We have an Outsider problem..." you start recounting the same things you did to Carlos, the presence, its awareness of you and the previous suspicions of traitors in the Council. "You need to warn the Merlin and the Gatekeeper."
The old man waits through your whole account, not interrupting once then asks bluntly: "How do you know it's an Outsider problem? No, let me rephrase that, how do you know it's an Outsider problem significant enough to warn the Gatekeeper?"
If Peabody specifically could do this then it throws lots of other plot points into question. Grave Peril happened specifically for the sake of getting someone strong enough to break the Hidden Halls.Arianna Ortega paralyzed the White Council with a covert bioweapon in Changes, delivered under flag of truce.
And then subsequent intra-Council turmoil meant Harry could call on not a single wizard for help during Chitchen Itza, and the Grey Council had to act autonomously.
There's precedent for this, is what Im saying.
Parts of canon were a close run thing. If the Merlin had fumbled a split second in Turn Coat when the mistwraith showed up, if Peabody had been more interested in destruction than survival, if there had been two or more inkwells, he could have decapitated the Senior Council and killed a significant chunk of the adult wizard population.
Never mind the events of Dead Beat
It's not actually clear because the vote doesn't specify and we give a vague longer account to him. I thought that included names.We told him the same shit we told Carlos. And we didnt tell Carlos about Peabody
Why not use the crown to get directions to the explosives and cut off the plot before it gets too far along? We have McCoy, he should be able to tell us about that sort of thing if needed.VOTE
[X] Head right for the Senior Council Chambers
-[X]Molly: All Things Betray: 1m
-[X]Tiffany: Lore of Flesh 3(Perception) + Lore of Awareness 3(if necessary): 0
-[X]Sophia: Secret of Gaia + Sense The Unnatural: 1WP
Molly: 10/18m, 7/9WP
Sophia: 12/14WP
Tiffany: 3/3 Faith
Olivia: 3/5 Mana, 3/3 Demon Chi
Lydia: 11/8m
Dont split the party.
We have no authority to be here with a war party absent Deputy Captain Morgan and Senior Council wizard McCoy, and we dont want to fight our way through misinformed wizards who are under the impression the hell-queen is an invader.
Not to mention that any legit defenses are more likely to respond to a Senior Council member and the deputy Warden commander than a bunch of Teenagers With Attitude(TM)
The Hidden Halls originally belonged to the Fae. The Senior Council chambers are the likeliest spot for a map/controls to the entire complex, who can tell us what is happening where. And we have McCoy, who has a right to be there.
So we should go there first.
Molly activates ATB to reduce the DC of all Perception rolls by -3
Sophia uses Secret of Gaia to reduce the DC of her Perception rolls by -3, to see into the NeverNever, to extend her sensory range by several miles, and to add +1 dice to all her non-combat rolls.
While Sense The Unnatural allows her to sense supernaturals and supernatural activity. Roll Perception + Occult.
Tiffany has her miniSight ability, which rolls Perception + Awareness at DC7 over [Permanent Faith] miles.
So increasing her Perception with Lore of Flesh 3 makes her better at detecting whatever supernatural activity is going on.