Hi, Everybody!
Leaving hundreds of guitar picks irrevocably destroyed.
In lighter news, we at Channel Six have discovered a tale of endurance, courage and the indomitable human will to live. Here's Kent Brockman, (which is me) with the story.
"Camera cuts to a hospital door that swings open"
Brains, Braaains!
(group cheering) Hi, Dr Nick!
Beloved Doctor Nick Rivera was just an ordinary man struggling to survive under the dome that covered our small town, until it all came crashing down. Literally.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YnPPXi1Zm0
We all thought it was the end for Dr Nick until what psuedoscientists the world over are calling a medical miracle occurred. Yes, you see through a one in a billion chance the neurons in his brain put him in a state of suspended hibernation moments before he expired. Keeping him alive only to wake up in his own tomb. Not to be discouraged by several feet of wood and dirt Dr Nick dug his way out with his bare hands.
"Dr Nick begins chewing on a chair."
Fellow Doctor, Springfield's own Julius Hibbert had this to say. On the return of his longtime colleague.
When Nick returned to us I was bubious at best. His sanitation had taken a turn for the worst and he kept trying to bite my head. But a little time and some hehe disciplinary measures" Feed cuts to a nurse spraying Dr Nick with a squirt bottle." And he's been better than ever! The old Dr Nick didn't know a scalpel from a stethoscope but now he's... well vaguely competent. And I swear his accent's gotten less thick. I used to not know a word he was saying. HAHEHEHE!
But Don't just take his word for it, hear it from the man himself in our exclusive interview.
Dr Nick: Brains, Braaains!
Kent Brockman: Yes yes Hello Dr Nick.
So Dr Nick tell us. How does it feel to be left for dead, but claw your way back to civilization?
Dr Nick: Brains brains brians, BRAINS braaains. BRains brains braiins. Brains braIns brains brainS brains. Brain's brains brAins brains BRAINS.
Kent Brockman: I see, And how have people treated you now that your back?
Dr Nick: Brains brians brians braaains brains brains. BRAINS brains braIIINS Brains, brains brain's brains. BRRRains brRrains, "Brain's brains brains brains. Brains bRaiNNNS brainSS brainsss bbrraaiinnss. Brains.
Kent Brockman: Hehe, yes it does feel like that sometimes doesn't it. Do you have anything you'd like to say to our viewers?
Dr Nick: Brains, brains, brains BRains brainns brains brain's bRains? Brains braaains brains brains brainss braains.BrRRains braains braaains brains, brains braains brains brrains brain's brains brains brbrrains brains brains
Brains brains brains?
B r a i n s!!! bra-ins brains bRAINS brains brains brrains brains braains brains brains.
Brains braiiiins brains brains brains brAins brains braaains brains. Brains braiIIIns brainssssssssss brains brains brrains? BRAINS! BRainns bBrains brains brains brains "braaaaaains bBRains brrrains brain's brains brains brains" braains!
Kent Brockman: Sniff, beautiful.
I'm sorry that's all the time we have. This has been Kent Brockman with Channel Six News.
"Blows into a tissue"
I just thought this'd be funny.