The Chaos Founding

[X] rise o necromancy

[X]Plan: Nagash was weaknot

"The goal is not to make the galaxy better. The goal is to find new and interesting ways to make it worse!"
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[X] Plan Buggy
-[X] Maggotswarm:
A parasite that never leaves its larval phase, in the more advanced stages of infection the sheer number of grubs within the host's body actually lets them repair it in the event of damage, utilizing the silk that would normally go into making a cocoon to stitch their carrier back together.
-[X] Cenetan: This Daemon world is in truth a planet sized centipede, curled up around itself in slumber. It is, naturally, also infested with killer centipedes of many sizes, though none quite so massive as their progenitor.
Honestly, my inspiration for such "device", is "Stylish Rank" system from Devil May Cry series
This is one possible outcome yes.

A notable bit about Slaanesh based Warbands is that that instead of plagues the second choice is 'obsessions' which are... well obsessions except instead of getting a description you get a single word/short sentence and have to reason out how that obsession will actually impact the chapter.
So if Nurglite Warbands get "plagues" and Slaaneshi Warbands get "obsessions", then what Khornate and Tzeentchian Warbands get?