What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters

And I think Kiri Milize will be our Trump Card with her loadout. She's got a dagger that's able to inject Malevolent Machine-Spirits and a caustic Spore Sprayer. This is some pretty nasty stuff that I'm surprised was allowed due to how "dishonorable" one could claim they are, so I'm thinking our strategy should be based around allowing her to get close enough to do her work with the others distracting the Target.
That's likely, but she's also the least survivable. Xexes has the shield-gauntlet that can probably block a single hit before needing to recharge, while Violet Skies has the jump-pack for dodging & mobility.

Draft plan, feel free to modify it:
[] Plan: The War Pack Hunts
-[] The primary objective will be for the three pilots to harass and flank Marie-France, prioritizing avoiding blows over getting in decisive strikes. The goal will be to surround her and strike from behind, outside the arc of the Gallant's Ion shield.
-[] Kiri Milize is designated as the primary striker, as her weaponry is excellent for wounding the Knight Gallant and making it more vulnerable for the kill. The others are not to pass up good opportunities, but their initial goal is to distract Marie France and punish any gaps in her defense.
-[] Mobility is king, and not letting anybody get pinned down and picked off is a priority.
High Queen Catherine De Villiers politely clapped as the latest bout in the dueling fields ended in a draw; the two contestants, some minor noblewomen who had been chosen to act as light entertainment between the official duels, bowing in their Knights as they limped out of the field, swarms of menials and mechanics swarming the same the second propriety allowed them to do so, their hands swiftly busying themselves with cleaning and salvaging all the metals and materials that had been lost in the fight.

"I am still convinced that this is a trap," Lisia De Villiers, her little sister, said in ominous tones, her face shadowed in her grey-black robes, bones of animals clinking beneath the same as she muttered spells over them. "To have one of our-I mean your systems be taken by a foreign power so quickly as to leave? There are foul magics at work here, my Queen," she said in dark whispers, leaning over to stare at her with shadowed eyes.

That is until Catherine rolled her eyes and pulled the hood of her sister back, revealing her golden hair and bright green eyes that had enamored so many boys at court. "Could you please act your age? You are already 13 cycles old; stop doing...this," she said, gesturing at the whole outfit her sister had dressed in today.
Ah right that does tend to happen, the break times with side shows or duels meant for filling up the space during breaktime.

pfffft this little sister is Chunni. or going through her goth/witch phase, could be either one. She is legit trying to dress like how she thinks witches are and trying the creepy/evil advisor trope. I do like the little bit of humor here and just humanizing bit with dealing with this in the Family of the reigning monarch.

She's not wrong though as they wasn't just a friendly gift and it was very quick and suspicious how fast they jumped on board with joining us. No Psykana at work there though, just chocolate and a high SoL with the thing that come with it. Oh and the ability to pump out enough Armigers to as a quick gift.

"No way! You don't have any Dark Advisors, and if I don't play the role, someone else will, and they may actually pull this off! Can't you imagine the damages that would happen if there was someone at court whispering poison into your ears?" Her little sister denied immedieatly, pulling her hood back on with a cute pout, squinting her eyes and scrunching up her nose as she did so, her freckles adding to the image.

Chuckling, Catherine ruffled her hair without care as Lisia tried to stop her. Tried being the operating word here, Catherine had her little sisters body-weight in muscle on her frame. A testament to the little sister needing some more "secret" visits to the kitchens at night to pilfer the larders for sweets. "Oh, if I only had your innocence. No, the scorpions in court are far too clever to wear dark robes and weave darker spells. They smile pleasantly and wear good perfume to mask the stench of politics clinging to them, dressed as they are in finery and jewelry. Besides, the Glimmering Federation may be queer about their views on gender, but they are honorable enough to be host to Her Angels for over a millennium. No, Brans is taken as a man on his way to the altar to be wed, there is no dark magic happening here. They'll come to their senses even if we lose. You'll see, they'll return."
Oh, that poor innocent sister. She really does mean well but things aren't that simple and she is trying to help in the way she thinks she can. Nice positive sister relationship and funny bit of sweet tooth and lack of nutrition affecting growth. And Catherine speaks truth of how it wears a friendly face and pretends to be your friend while plotting your downfall.

Ah, There's the swapped gender roles that the Black Ash Clan has had for ages. It took a second read on this but I think she means Bruans is like a maiden head over heels and blinded by love, so taken they're blinded to the truth or all such a union would entail. Which would track considering what the Federation brings to the table and can build them up.

HAHAHAHA, nope. If they do join I don't think they'll have a reason or incentive to rejoin.

"I don't know. Have you seen the Armigers they have sent? They are, to the last, freshly produced and perfectly maintained. The Federation has even sent Scions from their Knight Orders to partake in the duels and rites! Even if one of them is an Abhuman, they clearly have strings to pull Brans along." She paused for a moment, taking one of the snacks she had plundered from passing servants and munched it down in moments. "Not to speak of the-"

"One more word about those harlots, and I will throw you into a pigsty," Catherine half-jokingly threatened her sister, utterly done with hearing about the clone pilots of the Federation. Yes, they were novel; yes, it showed that the Glimmerlings had some sense in them, but Lisia was infatuated by them beyond propriety. "Couldn't you be more interested in the men they have sent along? I, for one, am more interested in the strapping Order Master of the Blazing Sun. Wouldn't mind taking him for a stroll, if you know what I mean," she joked, eliciting a retching sound from her little sister.
The little sister is both innocent and insightful/suspicious with being right on the money. the Armigers were freshly produced for this situation and occasion, it wasn't something we had lying around in hangars or the like for decades or centuries and we had experienced pilots for the Armigers with. Not just a few good ones to impress the locals and some recruits to train them up as they go, all decent and experienced pilots one and all. We do have the means to arrange them and we did.

....Oh dear. The sister likes the Thules and is curious if the rumors about them are true. Its always the ones you least expect. And of course the side-comment of the Federation having the Sense of having women pilot and control/dominate the strikecraft with 90 percent or so. They only allow the women to pilot the Imperial Knights here and that shows.

pfffft, The Queen is looking for a Consort and seems to be after the GrandMaster of the Blazing Sun. or just a fun night. Which takes on quite a different approach when you see how other women of the noble and knight houses would view such men and what roles they would be if they married and stayed there. and of course disgusts her sister for placing that image in their mind. Its a nice relaxing chapter with some light hearted moments.

"I was actually about to talk about their casual use of sorceries and magics, but you do you, pervert," Lisia muttered, staring into the distance to where one of their 'Choirs' stood, the five witches doing Empress-knows-what as they drew cards and laid them onto a table. From the briefings and information given by the royal advisors and the Federation itself, she knew they were called 'Hymnals' due to using song to manifest their powers into existence, but beyond that the only thing she liked about them was the Mythos they had woven around their founder. Bnuy the First Hymnal had been depicted as a Bunny-Woman in every pict they had been sent, and she couldn't fault them for portraying her as such. Bunnies were fearsome creatures, fierce and loyal to their mates and pack, with wise foresight and quick in mind and foot alike. Still. Magic.

Bad juju and all that, she thought, munching on another snack.
hahaha, love the sisterly banter. Still the little sister is paying attention and on point for all the stuff that matters, even if she doesn't know how close she is. QM did note our Choirs and way of using Psykana is one of our core strengths and able to punch up to a ridicilous degree with being able to use planetary level psykana consistently and easily. Always interesting to see how other view the Choirs.... and they're doing tarots or playing poker right now.

pffft wait they depict Bnuy, Teeln's wife, as a bunnygirl? like just the ears? and the little sister thinks its amazing because of her own view on things. its adorable and true in a way with how rabbits are.

"ANNOUNCING THE FINAL DUEL BETWEEN THE HONORABLE CHAMPIONS OF THE BLACK ASH CLAN AND THE GLIMMERING FEDERATION!" The announcer finally screamed, her voice carrying through the speakers set around the stands and into the cities around the planet via vox and pict.


With great fanfare and more tremendous cheer, the giant Knight Gallant strode unto the field, its entire form etched with artwork and poems, roses featuring prominently amongst them, its gauntlet raised in honor to the High Queen and to rouse the crowds to higher cheering.


Another cheer rose as the trio of Armigers, smaller than the Knight on the field of battle, strode from their pens, presenting a united front in their black and yellow and gold colored Armigers, the banner of their Order carried by Violet and the pole from which it flapped in the wind driven into the ground once they were at the specified position with one swift strike, their faces of noble animals painted white with swirls of gold and black with red tears enlarged upon the hovering pict-feeds showing details to the assembled crowds. And as the seconds passed, so too did the servo-skulls carrying the pict-recorders swerve around the trio, recording the painted hands upon their backs and zooming unto the oaths etched into the thigh plates of each.

Cool Name for the Knight House and name of the Knight. I will admit I thought we would just supporting and propping up a local Knight house to fight for us but they are allowing a Pack to fight in a 3v1 and they will need it. I do hope we win so we can keep this up, I like the dynamic and interaction so far with the Black Ash Clan. it'd be a shame if things fell through and we'd have to do this with the military and get in a war.

1. If put into the 'faction/nations as human forms' what would you imagine the scene of the Federation barging into the Sub-sector here with the Knight Orders and 100 fresh Armigers out or seemingly nowhere to a Black Ash Clan and Black Cat Company?
2. what exactly are the rumors floating around about the Thules for the Black Ash Clan? and what was it about female pilots again for this faction? women take over piloting or just certain roles/job are gender specific?
I think the Black Ash Clan could fairly easily be roped in, I don't think they're invested in ruling so much as they're invested in the RP, and I think we can work with them on that. I'm just glad we could shake loose this action to unfuck our sleepwalking because this would have gotten ugly. As things stand, even if we lose, we've let everyone save face.
I do wonder if we're going to be able to build bigger Knights for our War-Packs after we get our hands of some of the Black Ash Clans?
I do wonder if we're going to be able to build bigger Knights for our War-Packs after we get our hands of some of the Black Ash Clans?

I think we'll probably be able to introduce actual proper Knights into our formations if we can integrate them safely, yeah. Mind you, our Armigers are absolutely cracked at this point, having gone through a few rounds of iteration and directly STC derived to boot, and our dudes are skilled enough we can probably project what we've learned onto the full scale ones too.
I think the Black Ash Clan could fairly easily be roped in, I don't think they're invested in ruling so much as they're invested in the RP, and I think we can work with them on that. I'm just glad we could shake loose this action to unfuck our sleepwalking because this would have gotten ugly. As things stand, even if we lose, we've let everyone save face.
Actually, us winning is the only way everyone saves face, b/c I think Brans joining us is a foregone conclusion based on how we've infiltrated them for over a century. This duel is just to give the Black Ash Clan an honorable way to stomach the loss.

and what was it about female pilots again for this faction? women take over piloting or just certain roles/job are gender specific?
Basically, I think it's safe to say that this is pretty much Space!Bretonnia except Genderbent with the gender norms to match, so expect any position with actual power or prestige to be women only, so expect Men to just be common laborers, homemakers, and probably foot soldiers.
Trust my girl Kiri. If she is anything like either of her (86 anime) parents she will pull her weight.

[X] Plan: The War Pack Hunts
-[X] The primary objective will be for the three pilots to harass and flank Marie-France, prioritizing avoiding blows over getting in decisive strikes. The goal will be to surround her and strike from behind, outside the arc of the Gallant's Ion shield.
-[X] Kiri Milize is designated as the primary striker, as her weaponry is excellent for wounding the Knight Gallant and making it more vulnerable for the kill. The others are not to pass up good opportunities, but their initial goal is to distract Marie France and punish any gaps in her defense.
-[X] Mobility is king, and not letting anybody get pinned down and picked off is a priority.
They are in their sixth sphere of expansion right now. So guess on that.

Sorry, I might be being a bit literal-minded here, but to say that the Tau are on their sixth sphere of expansion I think (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) implies that they have either had a second schism which has been resolved or a second schism never occurred.

However as the Tau Pathfinder fleet(s) still exists and now serve the Star Child, does this also imply that the social pressures that could lead to a second schism have essentially been gradually released over time by a trickle of dissidents joining the Pathfinder fleet(s) working as an effective "pressure valve" (which may lead to no second schism occurring), or does the Pathfinder fleet(s) only consist of descendants of the first Tau schism (which I think refers to the Farsight Enclaves and rebellion, but I'm not 100% sure)?

It's possible I'm just reading far too much into this in my ignorance so forgive me if I've missed the obvious intended answer here or read far beyond the scope of your answer. Thanks again for the wonderful quest and thread interaction, as always!
pffft wait they depict Bnuy, Teeln's wife, as a bunnygirl? like just the ears?

1. If put into the 'faction/nations as human forms' what would you imagine the scene of the Federation barging into the Sub-sector here with the Knight Orders and 100 fresh Armigers out or seemingly nowhere to a Black Ash Clan and Black Cat Company?
2. what exactly are the rumors floating around about the Thules for the Black Ash Clan? and what was it about female pilots again for this faction? women take over piloting or just certain roles/job are gender specific?
Bruh, Bnuy was a literal bunny anthro.

1. Imagine the Federation Nun lying naked on the ground in a sexy pose with only her head-dress, naughty bits strategically covered by toy Armigers, as she blows a kiss at Brans while her troupe strike Jo-Jo poses in the background.
2. Daring female pilots putting it all on the line in the line of duty as they fly against the worst of the galaxy within deadly and fragile strike craft. Who also enjoy carnal distractions with more than two people participating a bit too much.
How large are our SDF's now with our current Void Industry Development?
Twice as large.
implies that they have either had a second schism which has been resolved or a second schism never occurred.
I'll let Cow Tools decide this one.

And what Star Child worship? They only met them once, and that was when they were lost and paddling around in the Materium for a bit.
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Bruh, Bnuy was a literal bunny anthro.

1. Imagine the Federation Nun lying naked on the ground in a sexy pose woth only her head-dress, naughty bits strategically covered by toy Armigers, as she blows a kiss at Brans while her troupe strike Jo-Jo poses in the background.
2. Daring female pilots putting it all on the line in the line of duty as they fly against the worst of the galaxy within deadly and fragile strike craft. Who also enjoy carnal distractions with more than two people participating a bit too much.
Really? I don't remember that but I don't think I read the beginning in some type or passed over it somehow. Huh, our prophet was a furry.......

1. pfffffftt hahaha, I laughed hard not at the fact of what the Federation nun was doing but the trope doing JoJo poses in the background WHILE she does it. Also damn the Federation is a honey trap using mechs and nun to lure and tempt the poor Brans. This truly is just Federation Nun's reverse Harem.
2. hahaha, oh I see now. So the build up and idolization of them of their jobs and duty..... and then finding out the 'work hard, play hard' culture they have. I have a feeling the Thules are hits in the Black Ash Clan behind closed doors.

So what that's Two SBG's worth of SDF ships with a Defense Station that is worth one SBG... well damn. That is going to be a pain in the ass for ANY factions if they aren't deathballing like the Orks or Tyranids that is going to be a pain in the ass since EVERY System is going to be like that and cause attrition, not to mention you will have to deal with 3 SBG worth in addition to any SBG's we sent to reinforce the defenses there.

And what Star Child worship? They only met them once, and that was when they were lost and paddling around in the Materium for a bit.
I think he's confusing the Tau Pathfinder for the Iconoclast Blazing Pathfinder Fleet.
So what that's Two SBG's worth of SDF ships with a Defense Station that is worth one SBG... well damn. That is going to be a pain in the ass for ANY factions if they aren't deathballing like the Orks or Tyranids that is going to be a pain in the ass since EVERY System is going to be like that and cause attrition, not to mention you will have to deal with 3 SBG worth in addition to any SBG's we sent to reinforce the defenses there.
Wait? Is 20 Light Scouts, 6 Heavy Scouts, and 2 Light Cruisers worth 2 SBGs? That doesn't sound right?
Wait? Is 20 Light Scouts, 6 Heavy Scouts, and 2 Light Cruisers worth 2 SBGs? That doesn't sound right?
Well the thing was we have a SBG equivalent in SDF ships and then one SBG equivalent in the Defense Stations due to the Initiative. If we got double the size of it then it should.... wait scouts? where are you getting that? the non-warp travel versions are Monitors and each SDF does their own doctrine and builds. Each SDF has a Heavy Cruiser Flagship as that was the main thing when we crossed the threshold a long while ago. it has far more light cruisers and frigates then you are giving it.

where are you getting that info from?
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Well the thing was we have a SBG equivalent in SDF ships and then one SBG equivalent in the Defense Stations due to the Initiative. If we got double the size of it then it should.... wait scouts? where are you getting that? the non-warp travel versions are Monitors and each SDF does their own doctrine and builds. Each SDF has a Heavy Cruiser Flagship as that was the main thing when we crossed the threshold a long while ago. it has far more light cruisers and frigates then you are giving it.

where are you getting that info from?
That would make way more sense. I was assuming that Cooky was saying to double the SDF numbers I was quoting from back when we got Void Industry V.
And what Star Child worship? They only met them once, and that was when they were lost and paddling around in the Materium for a bit.

"Hmmm~, let's see...the blazing Pathfinding Fleet, the war-smithing Calculated Consecration, the hidden Benevolencia Cults, the marching Chainbreaker Tyrants, or the singing Glimmering Federation..." a difficult choice to make, especially as they didn't feel like peering at more than one nation at the moment. Some ship was approaching them in realspace, and the...T'au? T'au Xenos within didn't feel like they would be able to direct them to Terra. Especially within the Warp.

Apologies, I had somehow gotten my wires crossed and conflated the Pathfinding Fleet with the Tau Pathfinders (scouting forces), and from there I had made the assumption the only Tau sub-faction heterodox enough to reach a point of helping an alien nascent warp entity would be some, presumably migratory offshoot of the Farsight Enclaves. That's my bad, sorry for the confusion.