Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

[X] Accept, this is precisely what we need
[X] Lieutenant-General Morgane Ardern
I don't think seeing Kanes exact numbers is even that useful, especially because we can use this directors bonuses to do better in our mandates, thereby most likely getting more favor. And I am not super interested in the at least somewhat negative mysteries box.
[X] Gideon Raveshaw

I like the utter unison people had at a like "Hey, want to turn this giant religious volcano into a super weapon. Why yes, it's not even a question"
[X] Gideon Raveshaw

I like the utter unison people had at a like "Hey, want to turn this giant religious volcano into a super weapon. Why yes, it's not even a question"
The Council of Shamans are very forward thinking. They know that they can keep religiosity high by pointing to how their god's favorite volcano is now powering a world saving superweapon.
[X] Accept, this is precisely what we need
[X] Lieutenant-General Morgane Ardern

I mean if they built a superweapon powered by the willingly given blood of a god I'd start worshipping too honestly.
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Well at least I'll have an easy way to decide who the second-in-command should be :V
These two will get along like a house on fire.

Flames, screaming...

I like the utter unison people had at a like "Hey, want to turn this giant religious volcano into a super weapon. Why yes, it's not even a question"
When the representative of the religion in question just says "What, a superweapon, on our holy mountain? Enthusiastic consent, that sounds totally metal," you do not pass that up.
So as of this counting, as I understand it, we are nearly neck-and-neck between Raveshaw and Ardern, with Raveshaw being one vote ahead, with exactly one vote each for the other two candidates.

As someone who is profoundly conflicted about which of the two candidates he wants to see, and so voted for both, this suits me pretty well.
Mystery boxes and god weapons, what's not to love?
Just to be clear, Grimely has made comments that make it pretty clear that the "???" is a negative. Because he said "Ardern has the least impressive positives because she's the only candidate with no negatives." Gideon has no visible negatives, so by process of elimination...

Honestly, I've talked myself around to voting for Ardern. Gonna go back and edit accordingly.

EDIT: Though that still puts Raveshaw ahead 12-11.
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Just to be clear, Grimely has made comments that make it pretty clear that the "???" is a negative. Because he said "Ardern has the least impressive positives because she's the only candidate with no negatives." Gideon has no visible negatives, so by process of elimination...

Honestly, I've talked myself around to voting for Ardern. Gonna go back and edit accordingly.

EDIT: Though that still puts Raveshaw ahead 12-11.
Negatives can be fun and engaging, too. And therefore a perfectly good reason to vote for a character.
[X] Accept, this is precisely what we need
[X] Dr. Einar Cherdenko

I'm sorry, we have a choice to place someone who sounds like an absolute mad scientist in charge of building our giant death laser in an active volcano base. I need to vote for this even if it doesn't have much of a chance by this point.
I'm sorry, we have a choice to place someone who sounds like an absolute mad scientist in charge of building our giant death laser in an active volcano base. I need to vote for this even if it doesn't have much of a chance by this point.
I dunno. To me, Cherdenko doesn't give mad scientist vibes so much as "boring normal science bureaucrat" vibes.

He's certainly not a bad choice to run your secret weapons project, but he's not going to be cackling and building superweapons singlehandedly, so much as just being incredibly sarcastic and smug when he points out other people's errors and evaluates the grant proposals.