Daemon respects strength, the Lords respect strength. Let's kill this bum.

[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Furious. Your uncle had threatened your position and insulted you and your late brother. You are not going to take this quietly. You are going there and you are going to let your pathetic excuse for an uncle know exactly how you felt.
[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.
[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.
The problem I see with the "furious" approach is that we would just be making a fool of our selves. I don't think it would come to actual battle, so I don't think we would be in physical danger. But we would just be ranting and raving at Daemon while being unable to do anything, which would just end up embarrassing ourselves. And worst case, Daemon takes us as hostage.

The problem I see with the "calm" approach is that it also really only has bad outcoems. Okay, we make our position clear to Daemon. Then what? We only speak for ourselves, so at best we may come to a private understanding with Daemon - but thread consensus so far has been that we very much do not want any sort of "private understanding" with Daemon. And worst case, again, he takes us as hostage.

The problem I see with the "do nothing" approach is that the more Otto handles things, the more power he has, of course. If we do nothing, we also have no chance to influence anything.

But delivering ourselves to Daemon may be worse options, tbh. All we can achieve that way is, at best, the very thing we want to avoid. And at worst, we end up a hostage.
[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.
[X] Stay in the Red Keep. There is no need for you to take part in Daemon's farce.

We are 14 now, with a single below-average dragon. There is shit all we can really do at the moment.

The best outcome would be a private understanding with and getting closer to Daemon, which is explicitly what we do not want. The worst outcome would be running into Daemon's trap.

We are just not equipped to deal with this.
[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.
The problem I see with the "furious" approach is that we would just be making a fool of our selves. I don't think it would come to actual battle, so I don't think we would be in physical danger. But we would just be ranting and raving at Daemon while being unable to do anything, which would just end up embarrassing ourselves. And worst case, Daemon takes us as hostage.

The problem I see with the "calm" approach is that it also really only has bad outcoems. Okay, we make our position clear to Daemon. Then what? We only speak for ourselves, so at best we may come to a private understanding with Daemon - but thread consensus so far has been that we very much do not want any sort of "private understanding" with Daemon. And worst case, again, he takes us as hostage.

The problem I see with the "do nothing" approach is that the more Otto handles things, the more power he has, of course. If we do nothing, we also have no chance to influence anything.

But delivering ourselves to Daemon may be worse options, tbh. All we can achieve that way is, at best, the very thing we want to avoid. And at worst, we end up a hostage.
I don't mind coming to an understanding with Daemon? Short of killing Caraxes Daemon is going to be one of the most formidable dragonriders in Westeros whatever we do. Better to have him inside the tent pissing out then outside it pissing in, so to speak.

Also, house Targaryen kind of needs him right now. There are currently four dragonriders in all of Westeros, us, Daemon, Laenor and Rhaenys. Between us and Daemon and Laenor and Rhaenys the balance of power between house Targaryen and house Velaryon is somewhat evenly matched. Take Daemon out of the equation and the only thing keeping our father on the throne and us as heir is the stigma against kinslaying and whatever objection the non dragonriding lords would have to a Velaryon take over.

Anyway Otto going in most likely means that the attempt to dislodge Daemon from Dragonstone fails, because we see that Daemon has no intention of doing what he's told by him. Whether that failure also results in Otto's death is an open question.
The problem I see with the "calm" approach is that it also really only has bad outcoems. Okay, we make our position clear to Daemon. Then what? We only speak for ourselves, so at best we may come to a private understanding with Daemon - but thread consensus so far has been that we very much do not want any sort of "private understanding" with Daemon. And worst case, again, he takes us as hostage.
TBH, the private understanding with Daemon is likely to go together with managing to difuse the situation and not ending with Otto and ser Harold burnt to a crisp, which seems like a pretty good outcome to me...
TBH, the private understanding with Daemon is likely to go together with managing to difuse the situation and not ending with Otto and ser Harold burnt to a crisp, which seems like a pretty good outcome to me...
In and out of itself I wouldn't mind Otto biting it too much. The problem is that once Daemon escalates to the point of killing the hand of the king Viserys has no choice but to escalate against his brother only to find out that he... Can't, since Daemon has Caraxes, and the crown has us and none other. It would mean the crown either having to make major concessions to the Velaryons in order to get Rhaenys to show up there with Meleys, and as a dragonrider we'd probably have to go there to, or the crown appearing incredibly feckless as Daemon shows that he can take over Dragonstone, steal a dragon egg, kill the hand of the king and the lord commander of the kingsguard without the crown being able to do anything about it.

We're actually on the cusp of a major legitimacy crisis here in which it may become clear how weak the crown has gotten in terms of dragonpower. Given that Daemon is also squatting in the castle of the heir to the throne its also our legitimacy that at risk of taking a beating here.
Take Daemon out of the equation and the only thing keeping our father on the throne and us as heir is the stigma against kinslaying and whatever objection the non dragonriding lords would have to a Velaryon take over.

There has been so much incestuous Velaryon/Targaryen intermarriage that I would basically see Velaryon as simply a rival family branch... not much different to what Daemon himself is, tbh. Maybe even preferable to Daemon.

In and out of itself I wouldn't mind Otto biting it too much. The problem is that once Daemon escalates to the point of killing the hand of the king Viserys has no choice but to escalate against his brother only to find out that he... Can't, since Daemon has Caraxes, and the crown has us and none other. It would mean the crown either having to make major concessions to the Velaryons in order to get Rhaenys to show up there with Meleys, and as a dragonrider we'd probably have to go there to, or the crown appearing incredibly feckless as Daemon shows that he can take over Dragonstone, steal a dragon egg, kill the hand of the king and the lord commander of the kingsguard without the crown being able to do anything about it.

If it comes to war, we could actually do something, because then we would be part of a larger operation and not just by ourselves. And, as a dragonrider, even of a younger dragon, we would be a crucial part of the campaign. It would allow us much more freedom to do something, basically, and allow us to gain reputation, whereas currently there isn't much we can do by ourselves.

And as I have indicated, I would prefer Rhaenys and Laenor over Daemon. I would be sad to see Otto killed because, well, Alicent - but an actual war against Daemon, now, that wouldn't be the worst outcome, and leave us with a much stronger position in regards to getting the throne.
There has been so much incestuous Velaryon/Targaryen intermarriage that I would basically see Velaryon as simply a rival family branch... not much different to what Daemon himself is, tbh. Maybe even preferable to Daemon.
In that case then of the branches we are the weakest around. Daemon's has Caraxes, ours has Syrax and the Velaryon has Seasmoke and Meleys, so what makes us the one who should sit the Iron Throne? As is the Velaryons know that Daemon would fight any take over against Viserys they might have tried. He even raised an army during the great council in case they tried to dispute the succession by force.

If it comes to war, we could actually do something, because then we would be part of a larger operation and not just by ourselves. And, as a dragonrider, even of a younger dragon, we would be a crucial part of the campaign. It would allow us much more freedom to do something, basically, and allow us to gain reputation, whereas currently there isn't much we can do by ourselves.

And as I have indicated, I would prefer Rhaenys and Laenor over Daemon. I would be sad to see Otto killed because, well, Alicent - but an actual war against Daemon, now, that wouldn't be the worst outcome, and leave us with a much stronger position in regards to getting the throne.
War with what? I don't care for the idea of us having to take Caraxes on in a 1v1 right now.
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War with Daemon right now would Guarantee a marriage with Laenor as our real only shot of winning that war, Because corlys could very easily play kingmaker with having two dragons to both sides 1, and we would need Meleys while Daemon would really only need Corlys as neutral party to win if it came to war(discounting here, the fact that Daemon and Corlys are following a canonical trajectory of being allies in just a few months time, and likely have been allie on the small council for a good while)

Otto and Daemon meeting by themselves is a disater waiting to happen and war with Daemon is a good way to become the daughter of an overthrown king.
This isnt even taking into account that this is presumably, Show Daemon, who is extremely motivated by his familial love of his brother and to a lesser extent, us. our relationship isnt the best but he did encourage us in the past. I doubt the relationship is, kill my niece level
[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.

The chance of Daemon killing Otto and plunging the realm into a war we're more likely to lose then not in case we don't show up seems too high to me.

Plus its our castle. It behooves us to not just sit on our laurels when someone tries to take it from us.

While Caraxes and Daemon are doubtlessly the more formidable pair, hopefully we're still strong enough for Daemon to think twice about engaging us in a dragon battle. His is the more formidable dragon, but these fights can at times get unpredictable or otherwise have the smaller dragon pull an upset.
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[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.
[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Furious. Your uncle had threatened your position and insulted you and your late brother. You are not going to take this quietly. You are going there and you are going to let your pathetic excuse for an uncle know exactly how you felt.

Y'all cowards.
[] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.
[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Furious. Your uncle had threatened your position and insulted you and your late brother. You are not going to take this quietly. You are going there and you are going to let your pathetic excuse for an uncle know exactly how you felt.

Y'all cowards.

I mean if it actually comes down to a fight our uncle would probably kick our ass. The best we could hope for is probably to pull a Daemon and get a mutual kill against the larger dragon, but given Daemon has both the better dragon and the better riding stat our odds on that probably aren't too great. At worst we get to reenact Sunfyre's match with the much larger Meleys.

Coming all furious but without the power to back it up sounds like it would just make us look impotent.
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[X] Fly to Dragonstone. Calm. You just want Baelon's egg back and to put an end to this nonsense. You had been insulted, but you weren't going to indulge Daemon by letting him see you upset.