Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

I don't like cult scare, but I Really like the rest of it, and I don't see anything good to cut for a quick modification, so.
[X] Plan: Soft Power
At most, I expect them to be obstructionist at any IUN meetings, but it's not like we're completely defenseless as once again, we're actually friendly with a bunch of local powers who have it in their best interest that the GDI succeeds and will act accordingly to counter them. With Voice of the Forgotten and Eyes Everywhere, we also have the potential to influence the public in both nations to act against foreign policy hostile to us.

Honestly it's debatable if the IUN is as widespread as the IRL UN, partly this is because it didn't exist until AC7 but even within that game it's presented more as "Osea and vassals" than a true global force. Closer to NATO, really, but they already made a NATO expy with UTO. The Deep Lore is honestly so weird, there's a WWI - the Osean War - and vague references to a war in the '40s, but nothing with the impact of WWII, meaning that the entire institutional network of soft power to avoid regional conflicts probably doesn't exist. Which, honestly, tracks with how frequent and destructive wars in the setting are.
Yeah. In our world, after the insane destructiveness of World War One the major powers tried to put together a diplomatic structure to keep it from happening again, but failed because three big powers went fascist and a fourth was expelled from the Imperial Boys' Club for being communist.

After this caused World War Two and nukes were invented, everyone was even more determined to prevent future world wars, so much so that they were even willing to let a communist country back in the clubhouse.

Strangereal just doesn't seem to have that going on, even though some of its contemporary wars during the game era are clearly approaching the destructiveness of the World Wars were in our world.
I think a big part of it is that the USSR expy is just on its own continent and no one thinks too hard about it. Geography and demography don't really make too much sense here. Verusa is basically undetailed except for Yuktobania, Anea is Scandinavia, Osea is America but Belka is clearly Germany, Usea is Europe but also Japan.

The weirdness with Usea at leaat has the excuse that it was envisioned as a fictional continent in the real world, located in the Pacific Ocean, which had been colonized by both European and Asian powers, and they never bothered changing that cultural blend after inventing Strangereal.

Basically though, don't pay too much attention.
...The Brotherhood of Nod (if a less evil version of it) Ace Combat.

...That is so wonderfully fitting. They are right at home in this crazy World.

This Quest has my attention.
Of course, we may get an exaggerated sense of how big these territories are, but that's kind of inevitable when we don't have anything but this one Mercator-projection map of Strangereal to work from.
Luckily most of it just sucks, so I'm not too worried about that. Absolutely worthless land to anyone except scientists and a cabal of supervillains digging under the ice to cool their doomsday weapons.
Eh, true. But if I had nigh-unlimited energy, I'd probably try to draw a polar projection map of the continent. There's enough information there.
Vote Closed
Thank you all for practicing democratic centralism.

Scheduled vote count started by grimely on Jul 21, 2024 at 3:06 AM, finished with 27 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Soft Power
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Nod Researchers (-3 Points)
    --[X] Subterranean Construction (-3 Points)
    --[X] Eyes Everywhere (-1 Point)
    --[X] Equal Opportunity Employer (-1 Point)
    --[X] Voice of the Forgotten (-1 Point)
    --[X] High Expectations (+3 Points)
    --[X] Cult Scare (+3 Points)
    --[X] Commander Deployed (+1 Point)
    --[X] Peacekeeping Obligations (+1 Point)
    --[X] Brotherhood Study Sessions (0 Points)
    -[X] Relations:
    --[X] Osean Federation (Superpower) (Neutral) (0 points)
    --[X] Union of Yuktobanian Republics (Superpower) (Neutral) (0 points)
    --[X] Republic of Emmeria (Great Power) (Disliked) (+2 points)
    --[X] Federal Republic of Estovakia (Great Power) (Disliked) (+2 points)
    --[X] Federal Republic of Erusea (Great Power) (Hated) (+4 points)
    --[X] Federation of Central Usea (Great Power) (Hated) (+4 points)
    --[X] Kingdom of Erusea (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
    --[X] Republic of Antarctica (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
    --[X] Federal Republic of Aurelia (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
    --[X] Democratic Republic of Leasath (Local Power) (Loved) (-4 points)
    --[X] Principality of Belka (Pariah State) (Loved) (+4 points)
I've got another idea for a superweapon. We make a giant huge black bug-like tower that emits a huge gigantic fuck-off energy shield. That powers up for a limited time out of an energy reserve it depletes rapidly as it's active.

And that main tower can then have smaller emitters connecting through an energy-transferring laser along a chain, allowing us to spread along our turf and ensure defense as we make giant hubs, allowing us to cut off sectors and claim as ours, invaders dying when they hit the shield along with it blocking anything else.

In short, we become the videogame Perimeter but less mangled in translation. :p

We're probably gonna make some kinda giant laser really I imagine. Maybe like a giant cross between Kane's Wrath MCV and Specter with a huge laser. Or like the Kreon from Vanquish that's a battleship that transforms into a four legged walking fortress with a huge laser on top.

Also, kudos to GM for world-building, that was neat stuff to read.
As a heads up I'm pretty sick so I don't know when the next update will be. I have gotten enough into the groove of things that I've finally installed AC7 and started playing through it. The next vote will be superweapon design, so please do feel free to brainstorm what you want so I can make a framework broad enough to support it - the above post got me thinking on how best to model it and was very helpful.
The classic superweapons of choice in Ace Combat are either giant lasers, or giant railguns. Leasath shook it up with its Shock Cannon and SWBMs which were basically glorified fuel-air explosives ignited by meson discharges.

That, and nukes, but nukes are the boring option so I say boo to that.

As the GDI, our mission is literally in the name, so defensive options that only cover our part of the continent (like energy shields) isn't really viable. We need offense-oriented options to shoot down Ulysses, and later on, the militaries of neighboring nations.

Since we have the world's biggest heatsink, the ability to build under the ice, and Belka's laser technology, it does seem like the natural option is a static emplacement like Excalibur. Mounting it on a vehicle like a land battleship, flying fortress, or submersible aircraft carrier while very Ace Combat, means the giant laser becomes a much more complex project and doesn't take advantage of the artic as a heatsink. We should save that idea for later once we have our static laser in place.
Yeah, the entire design a superweapon system I've got cooking was built around the idea of an Excalibur II as your design goal, but if people want to do something zanier then I feel like I ought to be able to support that without ten thousand writeins.