What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I think I'm with Alectai here. I'd prefer to build the minimum possible now, so that we can revamp and spend actions to build the proper counters in 2-3 turns. Given we actually haven't lost very much capacity so far, I'm down for that. The Libras will be repaired in time to face the reinforcements.
Though that begs the question, would building defenses count as a military action? If so, I have a really Funny idea that will get Dorn to nod his head in approval.

Flyssas (Which while we don't have purpose built solutions for yet, we're wise to their bullshit and can protect our carriers accordingly.
For that, we can just keep our Aries Corvettes in the back towards them. They're undoubtedly too fragile for the frontline nowadays, but they can still pack a punch. And we saw that their armor and shields would be useless either way when it comes to the Flyssas so they'll make up for that with having enough firepower for 2 Swords.
I think it's more "There's a certain amount of Projects you need to do before you've nailed Psytech enough for it to be understood, then it enters the Research List like the rest"
More like Psytech is too esoteric for our eggheads right now since we barely understand it.
Dogshit. Utterly dogshit. Once the shields popped they were gone. Your Bombers could have nuked them if they hadn't been able to blink in and out so fast.

i mean,the psyker ships are just OP with no real inmediate counter against them and only way to stop them is brute force through numbers

wich as others put it,is fine,is something no one could have really prepared for and enemies gotta have their gimmicks

but if the sheer power of the ships came esentially as wild surprise
then why no expect another super duper secret second fleet to drop on us?
we didnt get a warning on the sheer power of them,why should we assume this are their only numbers or even their most powerful ships?

the precendent is,the enemy has agency and will have cards under their sleeves that will break the setting that you will not know untill last minute,wich is fine narrative wise

dont be surprised if we expect another card under the sleeve to appear
The only good news is that the sheer expense involved in the Flyssas should suggest they don't have that many similar "Inquisitorial Fortress Vault" stuff. The Blackstone relics are irreplaceable even dismissing the "10 billion souls per ship" cost. And Blanks are rare beyond rare, and apparently have been getting stockpiled for a very long time.
Probably. I'm curious, what you got?
We spend 5 actions in a single Turn Fortifying THE SHIT out of Echish. Just make it the most fortified system in all of Subsector Breskal, if not the Sector itself.

Of course, this would be somewhat limited and the effectiveness questionable, but I am mostly suggesting it b/c I think it would be most meme worthy for when the Duchy does their counterattack they're utterly shocked to find they have run headfirst into a bunch of fortifications that CERTAINLY WERE NOT THERE last they checked and seems completely infeasible for them to be able to get them all setup in so short a time.

And who knows? Maybe we'LL get a dynamic similar to this:
View: https://youtu.be/WBt1vqff7dE?si=CA47kTOyqzdsIGXJ
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The only good news is that the sheer expense involved in the Flyssas should suggest they don't have that many similar "Inquisitorial Fortress Vault" stuff. The Blackstone relics are irreplaceable even dismissing the "10 billion souls per ship" cost. And Blanks are rare beyond rare, and apparently have been getting stockpiled for a very long time.

700 of these if you sacrifice the whole hive world
Also the ringyards might contain something they need to build the Flyssas leaving them unable to build more until they spend the AP needed to replace it at another yard.
They seem to use a torpedo heavy force backed by lancers and pystech ships.
Does the Anti-Voidcraft Defenses - A coherent layer of overlapping firing zones for anti-voidcraft weaponry installed all across the hulls of a ship will make boarding actions that much harder and less likely to succeed. Also works against enemy missiles, tiny asteroids, and other small hostile objects.
help against torpedoes?
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Would studying AI be considered an Heretic Choice?

It's one of the few unambiguous Ultra Heresy statements baked into the very foundation of Mechanicus doctrine. "12. The Soulless Sentience of the enemy of all life"

You're god damn right it is. It's one of the few Warnings that is Utterly unambiguous. Something even a layman would realize is beyond common Heresy and straight into the unforgiveable levels.

To be clear here, by the way, they're apparently not sacrificing Human souls (for that, they're absolutely sacrificing Humans in other ways)? It's just a lot of animals... and Xenos.

Explicitly says they have to be Sapient.
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Does the Anti-Voidcraft Defenses - A coherent layer of overlapping firing zones for anti-voidcraft weaponry installed all across the hulls of a ship will make boarding actions that much harder and less likely to succeed. Also works against enemy missiles, tiny asteroids, and other small hostile objects.
help against torpedoes?
Yep, it does call out that it will target missiles and other small hostile objects. Basically, if the normal Point Defense can shoot it, these defenses will help deal with them.
It's one of the few unambiguous Ultra Heresy statements baked into the very foundation of Mechanicus doctrine.

You're god damn right it is.
I think they meant whether or not we would dip into being Heretical if we researched AI. Thankfully, we did lay out that a while ago a framework for ethical AI research and development.
[X][Flyssa Wrecks] Send Them Back For Study
(+50% to Psytech Action Progress for 3 Turns. Starlance, Phalanx Doctrine, and Micro-Warp Jump Psytech Research have been unlocked.)

I think I'd like to go for a lot of psytech, and being able to direct it is very significant if there are 6 options and most of them take more than one action.

If you ask what specifically you've unlocked; Psychic Ram Weapon, Mundane Research Micro-Warp Jump, Psychic Lance, Psyker Staffs, and Force Weapons.
Some are (Ram), some are more (Lance), others less (Force Swords).
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I think we do allow them to be created, but the AI has to go through a developmental stage like any other person and not just dump an immense amount of information and power into its hands from the get-go.

is open to interpretation

but what we oppose is artificial souls (aka,copy pasting personality and personhood on mass on a quick manner)
not artificial intelligence in principle
[X][Flyssa Wrecks] Study By All Means

Voting for this while we landed a solid victory at Voxx Prime we still need our action economy to build fleets right now given the whole Duchy is probably looking our way given their primary recruiting world just got invaded. So we need ships to push to Echish to create a chokepoint while we're busy actually securing Voxx Prime. And if that means letting the dice decide on what Psytech we get then I'm fine with that cause as is we hardly touch our own Psi-tech, so regardless this will push our Psi-tech levels up by centuries even if nothing else is done.
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