Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

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Build a comically oversized megastructure with the threadbare excuse of a world-ending asteroid threatening mankind, that will inevitably be destroyed by a lone fighter pilot.
Continent Selection


Twink Death Sufferer
October, 1994: Professor Jonathan Payek of Seals Bridge University in southern Usea discovers an asteroid approximately one mile in diameter, assigning it the designation 1994XF04. He notes it has the potential to impact Earth and alerts the International Astronomical Union of the threat.

December, 1994: Researchers at Comona University become certain beyond any reasonable doubt that 1994XF04 will impact the Earth, predicting that it will pass the Roche limit on July 3, 1999 at 3:30 PM Usea Eastern Standard Time. Responsible officials within the Federation of Central Usea are immediately informed. Citing "political and cultural considerations" the public is not immediately informed. 1994XF04 is given the name Ulysses.

Early 1995: The FCU response to the Ulysses impact is delayed by the Skully Islands Insurrection.

March 25, 1995: Belka invades the Osean Federation, international observers are stunned when the Union of Yuktobanian Republics joins their Cold War rivals in defending their territory.

June 20, 1995: Following the detonation of seven nuclear weapons by Belka within their own borders, a peace treaty is signed. Osea and Yuktobania announce mass rebuilding campaigns. FCU officials realize that they cannot rely upon either superpower to defend them against Ulysses.

April 20, 1996: Following a top secret aerospace conference on how best to prevent Ulysses from impacting the Earth, FCU President Robert Sinclair announces to the world that the asteroid threatens to strike. The collective self-defense clause of the Central Usea Treaty Organization is activated and discussions begin on the creation of a viable anti-asteroid weapons system.

It is April 21, 1996. The rest of the world begins to react. While the fragments of Ulysses are only projected to land upon the Usean continent, the coming crisis presents an opportunity.

Choose continent:

[] Anea

A northerly continent split between the Kingdom of Nordennavic, the Republic of Emmeria, and the Federal Republic of Estovakia. Dominated by Emmeria, the three nations have been discusing unification on and off for years.

Options: All.

[] Antarctica

The southernmost and largest continent, covering the South Pole, its mainland is inimical to human life, but its more northern reaches and islands are warm enough for habitation.

Options: Finally, freedom to design a frozen New Zealand and then build an improbable superweapon.

[] Osea

A large continent dominated by one of the world's superpowers, the Osean Federation, in its west. To its east are a constellation of smaller states, including the humbled Belka as well as the Nordlands, Wielvakia, Ratio, Sapin, Ustio, Recta, Gebet, and FATO.

Options: All, as well as the potential to design an Arctic micro-state in the islands located in between Osea and Wellow.

[] South Osea

A subcontinent of Osea proper, predominantly consisting of Perbla, the Federal Republic of Aurelia, and the Democratic Republic of Lesath.

Options: All, as well as the potential to fill in the empty sections of the map.

[] Usea

Wartorn and divided between a bewildering number of nations considering its small size including but far from limited to the Federation of Central Usea, North Point, San Salvacion, the Kingdom of Erusea, the Republic of Amber, Delarus, the Independent State of Ugellas, Bulgurdarest, and Selatapura. Historically the continent's powers have clustered around the Federation of Central Usea and the Kingdom of Erusea. Chaos and confusion rage even harder than usual, as the FCU and Erusea have entered a period of detente and loosely allied against increasing Osean influence over the continent's southern nations.

Options: All except for the FCU, as well as the potential to fill in the empty sections of the map.

[] Verusa

A continent near in size to Osea, it is dominated by the world's other superpower, the Union of Yuktobanian Republics. A large number of other nations dot the continent, including one also named Verusa, Sotoa, and the Republic of Kaluga.

Options: All, as well as the potential to fill in the empty sections of the map.

[] Wellow

The northernmost and smallest continent, it consists of only one country, also called Wellow.

Options: Wellow.

Hello and welcome to my first shot at a Plan Quest, we'll be going through a few rounds of voting for where we are and what megastructure we'll be building. Specifics on mechanics will depend on which country you'll be playing, but this is going to be similar to other Plan Quests with my biggest inspiration being GDI Edition by @Ithillid which has been an incredible ride. The first plan will be three years long, with each turn being one quarter. Turn 1 will take place after these initial planning rounds, on July 1, 1996 at the start of Q3. Ulysses will impact July, 1999, twelve turns later. The game will continue afterwards, but obviously the more you get done, the better. Think of this first vote as a difficulty setting, as well as the first shot at your victory condition. Obviously if you pick Usea you have to try to survive the impact event, but for everyone else they can pursue... alternative goals.

For those of you who have played the games and know the secret twist relevant to these options, I would ask you that you don't mention it for the sake of keeping it as a surprise in case it wins.

Three hour moratorium.
Current Status

Status of the Directorate for Disaster Risk Reduction​

July 1, 1996​

Secretary-General of the Global Defense Initiative

Director of the Global Defense Initiative Directorate for Disaster Risk Reduction

Ulysses Mitigation: 0%

Resources (R): 0

Chaldean Political Support (CPS): 50
Antarc Political Support (APS): 50
Kane Political Support (KPS): Satisfied

Available Dice
Free Dice: 2
Construction Dice: 4
Infrastructure 4
Heavy Industry 3
Light & Chemical Industry 3
Agriculture 3
Military 1
Research 4
Administration 3
Foreign Affairs 3

Current Economic Issues
Energy: Sufficient (stable)
Logistics: Strained (stable)
Food: Sufficient (stable)
Labor: Surplus (decreasing)
Trade: Impeded (decreasing)

Current Post-Ulysses Projections
Energy: Rolling blackouts
Logistics: Islands isolated
Food: Impending famine
Labor: Mass unemployment
Trade: Nonexistent

Plan Goals

International Relations

  • Republic of Emmeria: Disliked
  • Federal Republic of Estovakia: Disliked
  • Kingdom of Erusea: Loved
  • Republic of Antarctica: Loved
  • Osean Federation: Neutral
  • Principality of Belka: Loved
  • FATO: Disliked
  • Republic of Gebet: Disliked
  • Recta: Disliked
  • Republic of Ustio: Disliked
South Osea
  • Federal Republic of Aurelia: Loved
  • Democratic Republic of Leasath: Loved
  • Federal Republic of Erusea: Hated
  • Federation of Central Usea: Hated
  • Union of Yuktobanian Republics: Neutral
International Organizations
  • International United Nations: Disliked
  • International Astronomical Union: Disliked
  • Communist International: Neutral
  • Central Usean Treaty Organization: Disliked

All other powers: Neutral

Current Bonuses

Nod Researchers: Kane's chosen disciples are among the world's foremost experts in just about everything, but those who followed him to Antarctica are specialists in one thing above all others: lasers. With the designers of the Belkan Excalibur on staff, GDI can begin with a set of scientists and engineers well versed in the technology of peace.
  • +5 to all Research dice
  • +5 to all dice on [LASER] projects
  • These bonuses stack
Subterranean Construction: Antarctica is vast and unforgiving, but above all else it is cold. Digging underneath the surface reduces the dangers of the scouring winds and storms, but makes the temperature even lower still. This, however, is not necessarily a bad thing, and GDI has managed to acquire the expertise to build underground to take advantage of it.
  • +5 to all Infrastructure dice
  • +5 to all dice on [EXCAVATION] projects
  • These bonuses stack
Eyes Everywhere: Kane's friends and admirers circle the globe, and many of them are quite highly placed within their respective nations. While it would never do to ask them to spy on their own homes, an interesting piece of information here and there can make all the difference in the world.
  • +5 to all dice on [GOVERNMENT] projects
Equal Opportunity Employer: The Global Defense Initiative is blind to race, creed, disability, and every other paltry difference that has been used to justify man's oppression of man. By decree of Secretary-General Kane, all are welcome under the eagle's wings if they are willing and able to bring humanity salvation.
  • +1 to all dice
Voice of the Forgotten: The message of Kane is often heard most keenly by the despised and the dispossessed, and the promise of GDI bringing global salvation instead of merely caring for its own small corner of the world has only increased this adoration. With the right resources, it can be instrumentalized.
  • +5 to all Construction dice
Brotherhood Study Sessions: Providing time and resources for GDI members to study the words of Kane and immerse themselves in the philosophies of Nod doesn't violate any worker standards so long as it isn't mandatory, but tends to filter out those who aren't receptive. However, those who remain tend towards an almost fanatical loyalty.
  • At the beginning of each turn, 50% chance to gain or lose a free die for the turn
  • Bonus to all event rolls where loyalty is a factor
Commander Deployed: One of Kane's most fearsome disciples is an individual referred to only as "the Commander" without regard for name or gender. Revered as a military genius, the Commander serves wherever Kane wills, and for the moment that is very far away from Antarctica.
  • Penalty to all military event rolls
  • 5% chance to remove each turn
Peacekeeping Obligations: In exchange for the freedom and ability to raise and equip its own military forces, GDI has been appointed by both of its host nations to maintain the truce within the contested islands which they had nearly gone to war over before Ulysses was announced to the public. While not a particularly onerous task, it will be a constant drain on resources.
  • -5 to all dice on [DEPLOYMENT] projects
Cult Scare: Following the release of the documentary Kane: Messiah or Madman? public opinion of the Secretary-General and the Brotherhood of Nod has deteriorated. The religious elements of the Brotherhood are publicly viewed as more appropriate for a cult instead of any noble endeavor, and Kane as an egomaniac with a messiah complex. The PR disaster will pass in time, but you only get one first impression.
  • -5 to all dice on [INFLUENCE] projects
  • Penalty to international relations
  • 5% chance to remove each turn
High Expectations: Many promises were made to Chaldea and Antarc for them to give as much power over their economy as they did to GDI, and they expect results beyond the bare minimum against Ulysses.
  • Cannot select minimal Ulysses defense goals
  • PS loss from failing mandates is doubled
  • Must select one additional mandate whenever a mandate choice is given
Nod Researchers + Brotherhood Study Sessions ➝ Disciples of Kane: With some of Kane's closest followers active in GDI's offices and laboratories, the study sessions prove far more illuminating and energizing than anyone had imagined.
  • If a free die is gained for the turn from Brotherhood Study Sessions, double the bonus from Nod Researchers for that turn
Eyes Everywhere + Voice of the Forgotten ➝ Come All Ye People: While the high-placed and well-heeled who heed the Prophet's words may avoid doing anything so crass as to spy, their waiters and maids, their drivers and guards, have no such scruples.
  • +5 to all dice on [ESPIONAGE] projects
Cult Scare + Brotherhood Study Sessions ➝ Fear of the Faithful: Footage of the study sessions has played on almost every major network in the world since they began, increasing the PR damage caused by the defamatory documentary on the Brotherhood.
  • The dice penalty from Cult Scare is permanent
Commander Deployed + Peacekeeping Obligations ➝ Overstretched Forces: With the Commander and supporting forces doing Kane's bidding who knows where, and what forces GDI was seconded by its founding members dedicated to policing the contested zone between the two states, there is simply no free manpower to do anything more.
  • All [DEPLOYMENT] projects are locked
  • Ends automatically when Commander Deployed ends, may be ended earlier via project
Collated Bonuses and Penalties
Categories - calculations for the following include BOTH the Category related bonuses and penalties as well as universal bonuses and penalties, add Special and Tag bonuses and penalties as applicable
Infrastructure +6
Heavy Industry +1
Light & Chemical Industry +1
Agriculture +1
Military +1
Research +6 (+11 if Disciples of Kane bonus is active)
Administration +1
Foreign Affairs +1

Special - calculations for the following include ONLY the specific related bonuses and penalties, add Category and Tag bonuses and penalties as applicable
Construction -5

Tags - calculations for the following include ONLY the Tag related bonuses and penalties, tag bonuses and penalties stack with other tags as well as Category and Special bonuses and penalties as applicable
[LASER] +5 (+10 if Disciples of Kane bonus is active)
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[X] Usea

Usea is the most interesting since they'll be affected the most. It's super weapon central for a reason.
Megastructures? Come on,we all know we're going to destroy this asteroid by ordering some poor bastard to somehow fly a jet plane inside it down a very narrow yet still passable tunnel and have him shoot missiles at something important.

Anyway respecting the moratorium but also probably voting Usea.
Megastructures? Come on,we all know we're going to destroy this asteroid by ordering some poor bastard to somehow fly a jet plane inside it down a very narrow yet still passable tunnel and have him shoot missiles at something important.

Anyway respecting the moratorium but also probably voting Usea.

There will absolutely be an option to build the Tactical Laser System onto a prototype plane and wish the pilot good luck.
[X] Usea

So here's my idea. We build what is effectively a giant carousel that spins rapidly to fling rocks at the asteroid. And the only way to stop it is to fly inside the ring as it tilts and hit each individual part, maintaining speed and turning within the machine's ring to match the rotation. Add in a few whirling spikey bits they have to dodge for no real reason as they do so.
Vote's open, and I guess I'll just extend the count to the first post since everyone started voting early anyway :V
Some maps of the continents people have voted for.

Anea, this one is comprehensive, for those who can't see Khesed Island is a part of Emmeria.

Usea has just, terrible maps. I don't know why they're so bad. It's a pretty central location the games just refuse to give us too clear of an idea of it. The first one is from the Ace Combat 2 remake, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy, the second is from Ace Combat 7, and the third is fan-made. If Usea wins I'll figure out what it looks like.

Antarctica has no map, for obvious reasons. Instead let's take a look at the world map again. The small cluster of six islands below Aurelia are claimed by them, and the group of three below Leasath belong to them. All other islands and Antarctic territory are unclaimed for map-painting purposes, but I mean, most of it is useless. It's Antarctica.
QM, if the Antarctic is something you slipped in for the meme and worry you may be unable to write, I'd let people know now rather than wind up written into a corner later.

I will say, depending on what we build, there may be some serious benefits to working in the arctic. Cooling systems, for one, can be skimped on.
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QM, if the Antarctic is something you slipped in for the meme and worry you may be unable to write, I'd let people know now rather than wind up written into a corner later.

I will say, depending on what we build, there may be some serious benefits to working in the arctic. Cooling systems, for one, can be skimped on.

Antarctica was something I included specifically because you can build a giant laser or railgun complex under the ice yes.
[X] Antarctica

I really wish that one of the proposals on countering Ulysses had been just to build a megacity under the ice or a super-super submarine that could house thousands and defend itself from the remnants of the old world. Why save humanity through trying to shoot an asteroid when you can just survive instead?

I also just want an Ace Combat game where the entire level is tunnels in either a massive airship, city, or submarine
[X] Antarctica

I really wish that one of the proposals on countering Ulysses had been just to build a megacity under the ice or a super-super submarine that could house thousands and defend itself from the remnants of the old world. Why save humanity through trying to shoot an asteroid when you can just survive instead?

I also just want an Ace Combat game where the entire level is tunnels in either a massive airship, city, or submarine

I'm sorry but I can only allow this if the submarine is also an aircraft carrier, there are rules to follow.