What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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We have a trait that builds one example of every template we create, so we still get one even if we're unlikely to be able to build more until we reach Void XII
Ehh maybe I'm stuck on 'unique' in the prompt. I think designing a repeatable ship line for the Navy and making a unique Temple ship as an expression of the faith of our nation are going to be different things. I'm iffy on it but coming around. I was thinking it'd start an automation or multi action option but yeah it will probably be closer to making a heavy cruiser/freighter size ship than making the entire evacuation fleet.

Void Industry V - Kil'drabi - Design and Production Rationalization - Designing a ship line will automatically produce one example of the line, and you produce ships twice as fast. Unlocks a unique Design Aesthetic.
(Gain: Sub-Turn to create, and get access to the template of, a unique Temple Ship.)
and that's sorta of the confusion I think. Its the 'you need ( 5/6 v 1) to win given the stations and forces there but it would be lower needed or be able to push out the Dutchy from there if supplmented by the dirty actions like subverting the SDF/Fleet and the Defense Stations. The dice are unpredictable and you never know with them. That changes things a bit, anything got any other ideas for dirty tricks to pull?
Keep in mind "dirty tricks" also include subverting the Stations to our side, and they currently make up the bulk of our defenses.
When we can carve out the time I really want to see what the Lamenters do with grab chute tech. Can you imagine how crazy their drop pods might become?
Doubtful, the Imperium has had Grav-chutes forever and nothing like that was used during the Great Crusade. It's highly likely that Space Marines are just too heavy for anything other than jumpacks to be effective.

Revolution: Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World - Struggle, Fire, Humanity, Unity, Hope, Song Or maybe Let Kindred Souls Dream Of Better Days Of Cruelty Devoid - Song, Mercy, Slumber, Compassion, Humanity
Small problem with the latter Song, we have neither Mercy or Slumber so unless we put an extra action into learning those melodies, we're gonna have to sleep on that. But I do think Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World will be vital for the Revolution to get as many people fired up as possible.
Small problem with the latter Song, we have neither Mercy or Slumber so unless we put an extra action into learning those melodies, we're gonna have to sleep on that. But I do think Let Our Souls Ignite The Flames Of Kindred Minds Against The Roaring World will be vital for the Revolution to get as many people fired up as possible.

Personally I think we should get both of those songs, as both will help amplify the revolution in different ways.

The former song could work as our traditionally pro-revolution song, and unite those that at the very least share our mindset and goals and make uniting and working together easier. The latter I feel like is a more long term song, and it lets people see our vision and the results of our fight clearer and keep the spirit of our cause going.

tl;dr spending an action to get those Melodie's and have both songs would be worth it.
@HeroCooky We can't delay the discovery of our Voxx Primus infiltration anymore than we already have, right? When we got the Propaganda Office it said we could delay it by 4 turns, and we have delayed it by 4 turns already.
@HeroCooky We can't delay the discovery of our Voxx Primus infiltration anymore than we already have, right? When we got the Propaganda Office it said we could delay it by 4 turns, and we have delayed it by 4 turns already.
No, HeroCooky has confirmed that some of the actions like Ship and Defense Station Infiltration, Logistical Armor and Weapons, and some very creative write-ins could push the clock back further.
[X] Plan: Ships To Blot Out The Sun, Infiltration to Squeeze Out Their Defenses

Huh looks like that automation stuff did pay off after all well thats good since it saves us roughly two actions which is good.
I refuse to design any new ship with physical munitions until we get standardized Autoloaders.
I'm not 100% behind autoloaders but I agree in that we have several research actions that should improve/open up options for our ships and its wasteful to go through another round of design/refit until we have them all. We just did that around 700.M42.

Also I really frickin hope missile cognition improvements is baseline and not equipment, missile modules are already so expensive.

-[] Creative Anti-Gravity Military Utilization
(Gain: Prototype Grav-Chute Infantry)
If this is a New Dawn find I'd want a couple lucky upgrades before we pick it. Maybe if it affects mechanized/tanks/knights. Looks sweet but lots of infantry research options for how often we use them. Should be a lot more action coming with conquering Van Zandt though.
No, HeroCooky has confirmed that some of the actions like Ship and Defense Station Infiltration, Logistical Armor and Weapons, and some very creative write-ins could push the clock back further.
Maybe the Ship infiltration but I'm not sure more station infiltration or the logistical research will count anymore. Her language seems stricter and I'm not sure all the stuff that counted as 'additional effort' previously will make the cut. I think we need to be super careful with write ins.

Likely, but requires some very thought out Write-Ins.
Wait didn't we already do that? like before we did the Office of propaganda but after the explanation of everything and the coloring of the option Trigger the revolution? the infiltrating the Arbites and paying them off or the like? I could have swore we did that already.

We have *never* done a focused infiltration/bribing action of the Arbites and other low-level enforcement forces on Voxx Primus. I've brought up the idea multiple times and the GM confirmed that it would help push back the timer but people never went for it.

We seriously need to actually do that like. We should have been infiltrating/compromising the Arbites and other enforcement arms of Voxx Primus from the very beginning of the infiltration.
We have *never* done a focused infiltration/bribing action of the Arbites and other low-level enforcement forces on Voxx Primus. I've brought up the idea multiple times and the GM confirmed that it would help push back the timer but people never went for it.

We seriously need to actually do that like. We should have been infiltrating/compromising the Arbites and other enforcement arms of Voxx Primus from the very beginning of the infiltration.
Oh okay then, and yah in hindsight we really should have. All I can say is take this experience for other quests. So we got another way to get another turn and two actions then that we really should take.
We have *never* done a focused infiltration/bribing action of the Arbites and other low-level enforcement forces on Voxx Primus. I've brought up the idea multiple times and the GM confirmed that it would help push back the timer but people never went for it.

We seriously need to actually do that like. We should have been infiltrating/compromising the Arbites and other enforcement arms of Voxx Primus from the very beginning of the infiltration.
At this point, we have two types of Voxx infiltration actions. Standard ones that push the timer, often achieving some other effect. But they can only push back the timer so far, for a total of +50 years. The infiltration of the stations is a good example of this. But I think this is the last one of those we get. We have 60 years and that's it.

The last thing you quoted is saying that we've pushed the timer as far as possible with normal actions. Good ones too. Now only really good write-in have the possibility of pushing it back further.

And bribing the arbites might be an example of that. It might not. If you can make the write-in and get QM confirmation that it would still push the timer back, the thread will probably go for it. But if it won't, I think we'd all rather have another 40% of a battlefeet.

Though that being said, I'm also ready for this to kick off. We are on a longer-range timer with Cadia's fall & the 13th black crusade in... What, 180 years from now? Oof. I didn't realize it was so soon.

Might want to get as big as we can get and finish up the faith stuff before then.

Edit: Ahaha lol nevermind that was at the start of the quest. I'm in the wrong millennium!
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We are on a longer-range timer with Cadia's fall & the 13th black crusade in... What, 180 years from now? Oof. I didn't realize it was so soon.

Might want to get as big as we can get and finish up the faith stuff before then.

I love hate to be the one to tell you this, but that ship sailed a long time ago. Cadia fell in 999.M41. It is currently 820.M42.
-[X] Switch from Lupus-Class Destroyers for the Automatic Destroyer Production, to Rustbuckets
Yeah, that's what I was thinking we might be able to do, which is why I am switching our Automatic building to Rustbuckets for a turn. To edge closer to that half-point as much as we are able.
Does this still serve a purpose given it only needs 4 actions now? Those mine-layers might be niche but they could be useful after the first big fight over the Voxxes.
Though that being said, I'm also ready for this to kick off. We are on a longer-range timer with Cadia's fall & the 13th black crusade in... What, 180 years from now? Oof. I didn't realize it was so soon.
My dude, Cadia's been shattered for most of the millennium by now. The reason why there's so much abandoned Imperial Space with a crap ton of splinter states is b/c we're in the Imperium Nihlus.
I love hate to be the one to tell you this, but that ship sailed a long time ago. Cadia fell in 999.M41. It is currently 820.M42.
Lol! That's hilarious. I had this worry hovering in the back of my head about everything going to shit and us running out the timer screwing around with Voxx.

But this makes me feel a lot better ultimately. Van Zandt is our next big scary enemy and we're going to pull off one hell of a sucker punch here that might not have worked if we'd left them alone while we dealt with something else.
I'm not 100% behind autoloaders but I agree in that we have several research actions that should improve/open up options for our ships

This is what I can do with Standardized Autoloaders with what we have available now:

Aries-Tertium Class Corvette (16 DP)
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-Armor - Thin Double Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - 1x Rotary Light Macrocannon Turret, 1x Medium Lance Turret, 1x Small Mine Layer (-6)
-Equipment - Autoloaders/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Armored Lifepods/Ship Shrines/Advanced Alloying/Emergency Maneuver Thrusters (-10)

Crux-Tertium (T) Class Heavy Frigate (20 DP)
-Length - 1.900m (+1)
-Width - 550m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities (+2)
-Armor - Medium Double Hull (-1)
-Shields - Two Arrays
-Weapons - 4x80m Torpedos/2x Medium Missile Batteries (-6)
-Equipment - Autoloaders/Missile Swarms/Macross Missile Massacre/Lattice Hulls/Armored Life Pods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Ship Shrines/BESH Missile Stores/Internal Security Systems/Tuned Shields/Enhanced Supply Generation (-16)

Scorpio-Secundus Class Light Cruiser (25 DP)
-Length - 4.200m
-Width - 550m
-Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1)
-Armor - Thick Double Hull (-1)
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 6x100m Torpedoes/2x Heavy Missile Batteries/Medium Bomber Hangar (Total: 24x Bombers and 12x Fighters) (-10)
-Equipment - Autoloaders/Missile Swarms/Armored Lifepods/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Improved Internal Security Systems/Ship Shrines/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lattice Hulls/ BESH Missile Store/ (-13)
I had a stressy day, so it slipped my mind. Fixed.
Modifiers: +~20 Years to Discover thanks to Void Station Subversion Efforts and Templars.

Nice! Another 10 years thanks to our Templars!

[X] Plan: Speeding Up The Slow Rolling
-[X] [Voxx Primus Defense Fleet] With the draw down wrapping up, now would be an excellent time to slip in our own people as candidates for replacements for lost crew who were taken with the redirected fleets and start getting our people into a position to get positions within the mobile fleet assets still in system. And who knows, maybe we can learn something about those Cutting Ships with our extended access?
-[X] [Voxx Primus and Voxx Secondus Food Transport Fleet] As the clock ticks down further and further, we need to get a move on for embedding assets and getting ready to do what's needed to prevent hundreds of billions from dying. The word is go for starting our infiltration of the Food Ships that handle the deliveries for Primus.
-[X] [Voxx Primus] The Defense Stations are not the only threat we face, but they are definitely one of the major threats, and so we need to concentrate our efforts on thoroughly infiltrating every aspect of the Defense Station. Janitors and duct-workers, coders and guards, all of them matter to the chance to do either significant damage or seize the stations outright, and in either case open the door to the Lamenters' or others.
-[X] Switch from Lupus-Class Destroyers for the Automatic Destroyer Production, to Rustbuckets

My write ins aren't the best imo, but they're there. The Fleet Infiltration will get us another decade, continuing to push the Defense Stations will help make the invasion supremely unfair for the Duchy, and getting started on the Transport Ships now will give them more time to safely build up to higher positions of influence and power.

After that we should be able to let things build up for a little while we do other things like create Fleets and Army Groups (grabbing the Logistics boosters like that one person keeps advocating for is honestly a good idea I think, between the timeline extension and the ability to create more Army Groups per action).
Reorganized and updated timeline.

- Terraforming worlds give +252B pop., Agriworlds give +15B = 267 B. total housing accounted for.
- Missing 30-80 B. housing​
- Could do +6 Habitats for 72B housing and +2 VI (taking 1 VI action before), giving 339B housing total and VI 12 (1 away from Grand Cruisers), 2 more VI actions for 9 total actions to get housing + Grand Cruisers

- Could do Terraform Litra + Ivah (33B) + 3 Hab (36B) = 336B housing, 1 VI action before and 4 after to reach VI 13, for 9 total actions to get housing and Grand Cruisers

Evacuation Fleet - 1/4 actions
SBGs - 2/5 actions
Infiltrate Mass Converyor Freighters - 0/1 action

Not including current Turn or Turn 890 or extensions, we likely have 18 actions, 7 needed to complete the bare minimum fleets and infiltration

Research Servo-Skull, Infiltrate Secundus, Research Production Lines
800Terraform, SBG, Evac Fleet Design
810Terraform, Research Workforce Reduction, Station Infil.

820 – SBG, Station Infil, Evac Fleet <------ You Are Here
- all 4 'additional effort' actions completed, +10 years from Templars
830 – 3 actions
- (Chapter Fleet auto-complete)
840 – 3 actions
- (Blazing Sun auto-complete)
850 – 3 actions
860 – 3 actions
870 – 3 actions
880 – 3 actions
- War likely to start now or next turn, QM says Propaganda Office will give us notice 1 Turn before it starts.
- (Howling Gale [50B] completes on 886)
890 - War? Trigger Voxx Revolution, Military Action Plan
- likely possible to push back with "very thought out Write-ins".
960 - Git and Nushar [58B]
970 - Nurn and Ixcat [43B]
980 - Maphara [101B]

Will we take a Development hit when the Voxx Primus/Secundus ground wars are ongoing? I'm wondering if we finish building Space Habitats during the war if we will lose the Development we are building.

Wish I could schedule this for the morning so more people read it.
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This is what I can do with Standardized Autoloaders with what we have available now:
I'm aware that Autoloaders are good and I want them, I just don't think 2 actions to minmax a few ships are the right thing to take at this point in time. I like Autoloaders more than some other people in that I do want to minmax ships and they help that on ships where our Fleet Doctrine doesn't assist us, but thats 2 actions to make a fleet a bit better vs making 4/5ths of an new SBG or opening up psykana/faith options we don't have.

Those are good ships and clear big upgrades but I'll offer brief criticism. Just my opinion, not saying I know better and I have my biases/pet peeves, plenty of people will disagreed with me.

Aries: Its about the same damage? as Secundus on a better frame. I think Ship Shrines and Alloying don't do much with our Chaos resistance trait and how cheap destroyers are for us to replace, I'd get 1-2x more rotary cannon. I don't think mines add much, better to focus on doing gunship things as best as possible.

Crux: 2x Missile Batteries seem low. Theres Autoloaders and 8 DP of Missile Equip invested to support 4 DP of weapons. I think Ship Shrines are next to useless and we should have a resupply/repair freighter so we don't need crap like on-board supply or manufactoriums on mainline battle ships.

Scorpio: Again 2x Missile Batteries seems low. I would take Macross Missiles before I fit in BESH. You know my opinion on Ship Shrines now. It could really use Emergency Maneuver Engines and Tuned Shields since its a frontliner but Pilot Training/Gene-lines keep the strikecraft from being a throwaway which is a strong choice. The carrier tax is a little rough now that I tried designing a couple ships.

Also as an overall pet peeve, I prefer Armoured Bridges over Lifepods for Cruisers and maybe Frigates, seems like keeping the ship functional longer and maybe survive is better than keeping a larger fraction of the crew that make it to lifepods alive. I know this goes against tradition.

Hopefully this is helpful criticism and doesn't come off as crapping on the tradeoffs you chose to make.
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I refuse to design any new ship with physical munitions until we get standardized Autoloaders.
I given up on getting those before the war and with 2 to 3 SBG build before the war and hints that the dutcy will redeploy more forces our way once the war begins resulting in us having to build more(as high as one per turn for the entire 5 turn emergency) that is a lot of Cruxes and Andromeda that will be build using the old model.

The ship intended to support the capture of the bulk haulers, with improved defenses so it can get close enough, double boarding shuttles to deploy the first wave, a Teleportarium to send more once the shields fail and a small Troop Compartment for the third wave when the destroyer attempt to dock and unload troops
Once designed we can build them with our 3x destroyers autobuild we have every turn.

[] [Destroyer] boarding (16DP)
-[] Length - 1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull +1
-[] Shields - One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
--[] Medium Hangars - [boarding] x2 (2), Anti-Voidcraft Defenses(2)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
--[] Large Teleportarium - These Teleporters can send ten roughly Ogryn-sized objects through the Warp in a straight line every second, often blocked by more than ten meters of solid matter. Yet, the versatility of surprise boarding troops outweighs the drawbacks.(5)
--[] Small Troop Compartment - Enough space and Life Support Systems to transport four ground military units through the Warp.(2)
--[] Lattice Hulls - An improvement of a ship's hull. By combining several armor-shaping techniques from the past with up-scaled proven practices from vehicles, the armor of the ship will be able to withstand even more punishment.(2)
--[] Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations - Like a leaf through the wind, a tear within the rain. (1)
--[] Tuned Shields - Proper tuning to the ship's reactor output allows downed shields to be returned online quicker than without.(1)
--[] Strict Pilot Training - Sweat now replaces blood later. Pilots and Fighters/Bombers are more likely to survive a battle.(1)

A variant of our stealth ship with boarding+ Teleportarium can be done in the same action:

[Frigate] Shadow-Class Infiltration Carrier
-Length - 1.600m
-Width - 350m
-Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-Armor - Single Hull
-Shields - One Array
-Weapons - Medium Hangars - [boarding]
-Equipment - Light Teleportarium/Refractive Hull Coating/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Emergency Transition Warp Breakers/Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations
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