Even with the most charitable reading of Judges 1:19 means a tribe in the direct service of God could not overwhelm a people with iron chariots that happened to live on Hills. In the least charitable it says he is incapable of removing the people because they have iron chariots. Which even in the most charitable interpretations still means God was foiled by iron chariots.
Your point about the cabinet doesn't make sense in context neither the Demiurges that make the Alchemicals or Lytek know how exaltation works. The only people that do maybe are Sol and Autocthon. Cleaning the soul crust off the edge of a shell doesn't actually tell you how the thing functions which considering Lytek could tell something was wrong with them but had no ability to fix it whatsoever you should tell you exactly how much he knew about the internal workings of exaltation. Never mind the fact even Auto was confused and surprised by how well they function and he's the one who fucking made the things.
Yes. And? The exact quote at the beginning of the chapter is:
Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the Lord, saying, Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first, to fight against them?
2 And the Lord said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand.
The phrasing used there is not: you shall wipe out everyone.
And they didnt. There's multiple peoples in the chapter that they either lived with, or subjugated as tributaries.
Coming back to the Dresdenverse?
Knights bearing Swords have regularly lost to Denarians in this series.
On screen, even; Harry had to carry Michael's body when he ran away from their first encounter.
Same with the second encounter, when Michael's body was carried off by helicopter where, as he was retreating with Marcone and the Archive, Tessa shows up and empties an AK mag into his torso.
It wasnt until the events of Skin Game that the Denarians have been the ones to retreat from a major confrontation.
Nicodemus has literally killed every Knight that has come after him besides Michael and Sanya.
Noone has seriously made the claim that it means the White God is impotent because mortals he blessed to act have failed or been killed.
Your point about the cabinet doesn't make sense in context neither the Demiurges that make the Alchemicals or Lytek know how exaltation works. The only people that do maybe are Sol and Autocthon. Cleaning the soul crust off the edge of a shell doesn't actually tell you how the thing functions which considering Lytek could tell something was wrong with them but had no ability to fix it whatsoever you should tell you exactly how much he knew about the internal workings of exaltation. Never mind the fact even Auto was confused and surprised by how well they function and he's the one who fucking made the things.
That has nothing to do with this.
The claim made, with no evidence, was that Exaltations were the most dangerous/deadly things to sense.
I proceed to point out that, regardless of their complexity and sensitivity, people of all tiers of power, from Incarna to high rank Gods to mortals regularly perceive them without harm in Creation.
They might not understand them, or know how to replicate them, but they perceive them just fine.
Autochton puppeting specifically bred soul and body mutants used to build and activate Alchemical Exalts, and even he couldn't (or didn't) fit all mutations into one gene and soul line.
Autochton EXPLICITLY does not puppet people.
The Design, Autochton's Loom selects qualified people who it bestows the Alchemical Demiurge mutation on, and its a mind and soul thing. But it doesnt control them.
But none of the other people who are there have any trouble looking at the work being done.
Nor do any people who design the Charms(yes, anyone with Craft 3 can design an Alchemical Charm) have any trouble with that either.
Exaltations just dont work that way on most people's perceptions.
Assuming that Merlin's magic touched Molly-the-Primordial, and not Molly the avatar. Molly being her world soul has already been established, her greater self is a thing.
There is no evidence that Molly the Primordial is (currently) a thing.
She is an Infernal Exalt. And Arthur Langtry got a close enough look at her to describe her as fundamentally human; I quote:
Fortunately Harry does not notice the look his superior had given him which keeps the embarrassment to manageable levels as Langtry proclaims: "Well you are certainly human in a fundamental sense Ms Carpenter, the power you bear feels like sponsored magic only you are sponsoring yourself, odd as the notion sounds, a shard of fractured divinity orbiting a human soul..."
Molly owning a Hell doesnt make her a Primordial.
Molly's soul(s) getting funky doesnt make her a Primordial.
I specifically provided citations where it says that witnessing Molly's Becoming had consequences. He has Crown-gathered knowledge on how to make Sight safer - that's as much safety as knowledge can grant him, Crown is a perfect effect this way. He had experience with Source Code Compliance Protocol, Molly's exaltation, Molly's Soul, Tiffany, etc. He is much more knowledgeable in relevant areas than he was in canon, and not just at this point of time, I would argue.
And I have pointed out that Molly Became an Exalt. Not a Primordial.
Molly is not the first, or only heavy hitter to make his acquaintance.
None of the previous automatically changed him either.
Even the Safer Sight technique is a mortal thing we copied from memories of other wizards teaching the same thing to each other; its not some fundamentally unique technique we created, nor is there any suggestion that it removes risk.
As of this point in canon and in this AU, Dresden has seen the Stone Table, the fundamental fulcrum of change between the Fae Courts. He's met the Mothers in their home, and every other serving Queen. He's perceived Summer and Winter in conflict. He's met a Walker. Twice. Lived with a Shadow in his head for more than a year and half.
He has seen all three Swords unsheathed in anger. Visited Winter's Heart, and wielded Summer's Fire.
He has read the Darkhallow and understands it, and he was at the epicenter of the last attempt to use it.
None of those events translates to enlightenment, or knowledge.
You are significantly overrating the impact of one Celestial Exalt on his development, and worse, forgetting how wizards work.
They arent sorcerers or Exalts. They dont gain power by moments of insight or because they were sitting next to people of Power, else Elaine Mallory who was apparently adopted by Summer Lady Aurora would be a vastly stronger mage than Harry, instead of just his peer as she has been since childhood.
They are people of knowledge. They study. They gain experience.
Harry's gotten more of some knowledge than he has in canon, but he does not have the broadbased foundation that takes years and decades to build.
And he learns at a
human rate. Not at Exalted rates.
Except when plot dictates otherwise, of course