You are probably the third (fourth?) person who found me from Remnant of Arcadia. Doesn't mean much, just thought that was an interesting coincidence.
Anyways, welcome aboard! Anti-hero Female Kamen Rider FTW. Don't forget to put a "Summer" rating on my Summerfest entry so more people can read this Quest.
February 8, 2080
Akihabara, Japan
Late in the day.
Unfortunately, there's not that many places for a girl to run in Akihabara. While you take as many routes as you can that aren't heavily monitored, you still don't know if the police saw you after you detransformed.
You take a zigzagging route through the alleyways, making sure to dodge any potential pursuers.
You stop in a quieter area of the province, with less otakus and less advertisements. You sit down on a bench, before looking around and finally taking off your hat.
After five minutes or so of just standing there and catching your breath, you put the hat back on and decide to go to the safest place you know that isn't your home. After about 30 more minutes of stealthing, running past and behind maid cafes and Don Quixote (the department store) you manage to get there.
???, Okachmachi
What you're in front of is a double sized wooden door, absolutely nothing special about it. Well, except for the sign showing where it goes.
After the hell that your legs just went through, getting here is a welcome change of pace.
The door swings open, and you see probably your second favorite woman in the world.
Who's the first?
"Oh, stop making fun of me!".
"Rei, are you ok?"
Kazuo Aoi (This image was made with a Picrew by @hellosunnycore!)
The old bartender (she's at least 45) of the Sunshine Bar, a bar famous for having no "regulars" (read: drunkards and perverts). While that could be chalked up to the bar's strict rules, the real ones know that it's her impromptu therapy that's created that peaceful environment.
Despite having helped you and probably hundreds of others with some serious emotional problems, she keeps herself very reserved and calm.
You blink, trying to play it off as nothing.
"Sorry, I was just on call with somebody."
Aoi seems a bit surprised, but she just nods her head after a few seconds. "Alright, Glyph AirPods? I hear they're all the rage nowadays. C'mon in, I've only got so much time before my last order."
…Damn. She saw right through you, didn't she?
You walk up the stairs, show your ID, and take a seat. The bar is nearly empty at this time of day. Just some average patrons who will likely be out in thirty minutes.
A few minutes pass, and you just order a Bloody Mary to pass the time in silence. The bar is decorated with mostly wooden furniture and some paintings.
Aoi just silently passes the Bloody Mary over to you the second she's done mixing. Unfortunately, the Bloody Mary doesn't even taste good enough to distract you.
Aoi just silently raises an eyebrow. "I'd recommend not trying to look so "cool". You'll just be making yourself feel worse."
Your head just falls into your hands. Dammit, she's reading you again!
Aoi just gives you a headpat. "Kid, it'll be fine. No matter what happened, it can't possibly get worse from here."
And then the door to the bar opens again.
Mai rolls… (Physical Check, DC 90)
[Total: 93]
And behind that door stands a very annoyed HumaGear.
Mai just silently walks up to the bar, and sits down next to you. She gets some strange looks, considering she can't drink due to not having a stomach.
"Rei… I'd like you to explain."
As she says that, one of the waiters working the tables turns on the tv.
Mai just silently nudges you and stares.
(Social Check, DC 65)
[Total: 84+17=101]
You just sigh, and look at Mai with your most pathetic looking eyes.
"I'm sorry, Mai. I know that I can be illogical sometimes, and what I did to you and Arata wasn't cool at all. I was acting all calm and collected as a defense mechanism, when I should have stayed."
That looks like the exact thing that Mai was looking for. Her mechanical expression softens. "Fine then, Rei. But we're discussing this later. That's a promise."
Eventually, a bell rings from the grandfather clock in the corner. Time to go.
Aoi taps you on the shoulder. "That'll be a couple hundred yen."
You start to reach for your wallet, but you must have dropped it back in Akihabara. You swap to using your phone's cashless instead.
"Oh, and one last thing, Rei: The way you're acting now, the world's going to eat you up and spit you out. I'd recommend finding some more friends to confide in, though you were probably already thinking about that."
Social Check (DC 90)
[Total: 18+17=35]
You attempt to figure out what Aoi means by that. Your brain attempts to analyze her tone of voice, her inscrutable face, anything!
No dice. You've never been able to figure her out, assassin training be damned. You sigh, and hold up your phone to pay her touchless.
Aoi simply looks at you and Mai. She shakes her head, and polishes another glass. "All you kids, just make sure you all stay safe out there. You won't be able to make it through what I think is coming otherwise, assuming I'm correct."
With that terrifying thought in mind, you say your goodbyes to Aoi and Mai (you make up another flimsy excuse to run away) and take the train to go home.
Eventually, you end up at your small apartment back in the center of Tokyo. (You stole it from another assassin who was sent to kill you, long story) It's never uncomfortable here, but you've never really spent too much time decorating it. You go to sleep.
And as you do, you start to dream of what comes next…
Week One: February 5-10
Current Objective: Find Kaneko.
Current Amount of Capital: 6
Tutorial: Capital
Your amount of Capital is equivalent to how much money you have. Don't worry about living costs— this is just the money that Rei feels like she can spend short term.
In your head, you can equate 1 unit of Capital as equal to $100 for now.
Major Actions
Tutorial: Action
You have a certain amount of Major and Minor actions each turn, usually three each, though that may change depending on what's been happening in the story so far. You may replace a Major Action with a Minor action, but not the other way around.
You can also take up to twomore actions in each category, Major and Minor, but I will leave the consequences of doing so up to you to discover.
In case you're getting Deja vu, that's because part of this system actually comes from another VERY well known quest. "Persona HEAVEN", by @afreaknamedpete. Don't worry, I got permission from him to use this.
You currently have THREE of these.
[ ] Search for Akemi. (DC 100, Mental) -Well, you already said you were going to do it. She's hidden herself very well, though…
-DC lowers when you get close by 35 or more, but don't expect the DC to just be halved.
[ ] Pay off a contact from the criminal underworld. -Costs FOUR Capital.
-Reopens contact with the Black Market and Underworld. You'll know what they're doing, but they won't notice you.
-… unless you buy too many things.
-As a free favor, your contact will give you some leads, lowering the DC to Search for Akemi next week.
[ ] Try to look for other local heroes. (DC ???, Mental) -Does not attempt to look for either Secret Society— that is pretty much impossible at the moment.
-At the moment, success is not likely in the slightest due to Monstrous Composition,but you might be able to get the DC down.
[ ] Try and find somebody that you can trust who can fix up your weapons. -Introduce yourself to a new NPC, and the Tech Treesystem.
[ ] Attempt to get some professional insight into your new hand, which is inscribed with a strange Glyph. -Introduce yourself to a new NPC, and the Magicsystem.
Minor Actions
You currently have THREE of these.
Physical Actions
[ ] Fight and interrogate a group of Skull Faces. -Will trigger small combat encounter.
-On success, you might get some more info about your new pursuer… [ ] Go to your local dojo. -You've already paid the subscription fee for this month, so don't worry about Capital.
-this is an version of the other Physical action that was going to be here, so it will give a pretty good amount of EXP.
Mental Actions
[ ] Try and narrow down your first leads on Akemi. -You'll need to fail first in order to try and fix your mistakes. [ ] Take a break at the library. Learn something. -Increases EXP, dice type for increase depending on how high a Mental roll goes. [ ] Attempt to research the history of Kamen Riders and Magical Girls. They're not just some urban legend. (DC 50/70) -Might make certain later checks a bit easier.
Social Actions
[ ] Work the cashier at Animate. -Yeah, this one won't be happening.
-This would give you 2-3 Capital… but Mai's still somewhat mad at you, so it'll only give 2. [ ] Have a responsible talk with Arata and Mai and give them a suitable explanation for what you did. -??? [ ] Try and socialize with Aoi, make sure the bar's ok. (DC 75) -Might grant access to a new part-time job.
-Even if check fails, you'll still get to socialize with Aoi. [ ] Think of a name for yourself. (FREE ACTION) -Will make Rei officially decide on the name she wants to be known as while she's a Kamen Rider, (Roze) and also the name of her equipment.
-Doesn't need to be taken right away.
Magical Actions
[ ] Try and channel the powers of the Void Glyph. (DC 85) -??? [ ] Talk with the strange spirits you've just met. -Get some insight into the lives and ideas of Atry and Gargoyle.
-??? [ ] Try and do some research on your new (spirits/Glyph) (DC ???) -Incredibly likely to get you nothing at the moment.
-Maybe once Akemi's mysterious benefactor comes in, you might have a better idea of what's going on.
Technical Actions
[ ] Look for something new to defend yourself with. -Three items that can be used in daily life or in combat will pop up for purchase, and will remain there if not chosen. (prices may fluctuate)
-You will not know how much something will cost until you see it. [ ] Make sure your internet security is good. (DC 45) -May meet ???
-Other benefits unknown.
-At least your face won't be showing up on Google for a while.
[ ] Anything else? (Write in, please @QM)
Gargoyle II's Advice: [THIS] [REASON] [NO] [RUN]
Atry's Advice:
If this is what you're going for, I'll support you. But honestly, you're stupid for thinking that you could outrun Mai or Aoi. Author's Note:
Say hello to Aoi. Her last name, Kazuo, comes from the real life Japanese bartender, Kazuo Uyeda, inventor of the Japanese Hard Shake. Similarly, Okachimachi is fairly close to Akihabara in real life, though Sunshine is fictional.
And yes @Zetakille, you should be scared of those DCs. Aoi is running her own quest, AU VA-11 Hall-A Quest, and she's been power leveling the FUCK out of Social.
While we're talking about Sunshine, Mai was absolutely not supposed to find you that fast. The DC was 90, for fuck's sake. With no modifiers. Unfortunately, the dice seemed to be spiting me today.
So that pretty much drops the next week's monster of the week plot. (Insert the sounds of words being put into the trash in my planning document.)
Also, one more note. Remember that entry that I put up on the Summerfest Showdown? Well, turns out you've got to put the "Summer" Ratings on there, not here, to count as votes for the next stage.
In case you're feeling dumb, because you only put your rating on the last chapter, don't. It was my mistake. So please vote for my entry if you haven't already, and you like this story.
Happy voting, heroes.
Plan Template
[ ] Cool Plan Name
-[ ] Major Action (Can be replaced with Minor)
-[ ] Major Action (Can be replaced with Minor)
-[ ] Major Action (Can be replaced with Minor)
-[ ] Minor Action
-[ ] Minor Action
-[ ] Minor Action
Do we want to regain our underground contact or should we make a push to unlock both the Tech Tree and the Magic system now? (I think we can all agree one Major action is going to be the search for Akemi)
Do we want to regain our underground contact or should we make a push to unlock both the Tech Tree and the Magic system now? (I think we can all agree one Major action is going to be the search for Akemi)
[X] Plan Making Sense of an Upturned Life
-[X] Search for Akemi. (DC 100, Mental)
-[X] Try and find somebody that you can trust who can fix up your weapons.
-[X] Attempt to get some professional insight into your new hand, which is inscribed with a strange Glyph.
-[X] Work the cashier at Animate.
-[X] Have a responsible talk with Arata and Mai and give them a suitable explanation for what you did.
-[X] Make sure your internet security is good. (DC 45)
Worked out a plan. Opinions are welcome (not taking the name free action just yet because in case we get some equipment soon, but if people want we can take it now)
After thinking about it, I think that is a pretty good plan. Rei got to search for Kaneko, she unlocked both systems, went to her job again, apologized to her co-workers, and checked if her internet security was good.
O-O.... our friends are scarily competent... or are we that predictable? Anywho...
[X] Plan Making Sense of an Upturned Life
Im homestly womdering how that convo is gonna go if the manager saw us tramsform, kill a group a thugs, dip and STILL chased us who knows how many miles. Im half expecting her to just shrug when we tell her of our old job.... is this because shes a otaku? Has anime and manga dissestenzise her to BS? Or is this a OMG WTF moment after the adredaline wears off?
Anyway, good job MrKermie!
I personally think we should get the underworld contact before starting the search. It would make the search easier, and also give us an "ear to the ground" of sorts on stuff that might be related to Umbra. My only other difference would have been to do some training at the dojo, as our Physical is our weakest stat at the moment. However the current plan is something I can go with.
I personally think we should get the underworld contact before starting the search. It would make the search easier, and also give us an "ear to the ground" of sorts on stuff that might be related to Umbra. My only other difference would have been to do some training at the dojo, as our Physical is our weakest stat at the moment.
Ashen has voice the opinion that it would be more prudent to get access to both systems sooner rather than later, but I'm willing to make an alternate plan and see which one people find better. What would should I drop in the alternate version of the plan to be able to get the Contact major action and the minor Dojo training action?
Ashen has voice the opinion that it would be more prudent to get access to both systems sooner rather than later, but I'm willing to make an alternate plan and see which one people find better. What would should I drop in the alternate version of the plan to be able to get the Contact major action and the minor Dojo training action?
I would have dropped the search action for the underworld contact, and either the cashier or internet security for the dojo training. Dojo training can definitely wait until next vote, though, as we don't really anticipate getting into any physical fights anytime soon.
Clearing the air with Mai and Arata is very much a necessity, and I agree that opening up our tech trees and magic systems as early as possible is a good idea.
I am loathe to drop the search action since it is possible we roll high enough to finish the search in one action (83 or higher to be more specific; I believe we need a 48 or higher to get a DC reduction to the action if I understood things correctly). Also, I'm not sure if the DC drop from the contact action is permanent or only for the next search instance (which could mean that we want to save it for when we have put some effort into the search to maximize our chances, but it could also be possible that pulling up the contact now would be better for the search. As for dojo, I can drop the cashier action to take it now.
[] Plan Making Sense of an Upturned Life, Alternate Version
-[] Pay off a contact from the criminal underworld.
-[] Try and find somebody that you can trust who can fix up your weapons.
-[] Attempt to get some professional insight into your new hand, which is inscribed with a strange Glyph.
-[] Go to your local dojo.
-[] Have a responsible talk with Arata and Mai and give them a suitable explanation for what you did.
-[] Make sure your internet security is good. (DC 45)
Ok, made the alternate version. I'll leave it for a bit to see which one the people in-thread prefer.
There's also the alternate version of my plan which does the same change (and also replaces the cashier action with the dojo training; that said, given you made another variant to my plan, you likely believe none of the minor actions should be replaced with dojo training...)