Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

i dont believe in mortal authorities. at all. a wellmeaning teenager superpowers in administration taking over the world would be the best thing ever. i am not being sarcastic.
And if you are for the authoritarian rule of the goddess Empress Molly, then ok. I am personally against the sole seizure of power. It is too complicated and I am not particularly interested in it. But ok. I understand your position. I just do not want this in the quest.
And if you are for the authoritarian rule of the goddess Empress Molly, then ok. I am personally against the sole seizure of power. It is too complicated and I am not particularly interested in it. But ok. I understand your position. I just do not want this in the quest.
thats fine. i understand your position.

i want to take over the world and make it better. not "better", actually better. which would be impossible without superpowers.

but i understand. we will vote and let the majority decide, like always.

edit: boss, to clarify:
yes. you are right.
how much do administrative charms cost and how much does it cost to make some?

we have the power to gain superpowers. including administrative ones.

which longterm is the same thing.

edit2: also,im not saying we would be perfect.far from it.
but we would be better then the current mess.
especially with all the evil magic stuff around.
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It would definitely not be what I would call fair. It would just be another supernatural lynching. Molly is not a court system that has jurisdiction. If it were fairies or ghosts, people would probably want to stop them. But if we do that, it's okay.
I definitely agree with the first part of your statement but it wouldn't be a supernatural lynching a lynching implies that he did nothing to deserve what was coming for him. I find it a rather natural consequence of killing people that someone eventually will try to kill you for doing that.
I mean either he gets away with it, he rots in prison, or he gets executed. Us kidnapping him is pretty close to factually more moral we aren't even judging him directly ourselves our denizens would and there would be peer review and conditions met. Our hell is one of the few places that doesn't do prisons solely for punishment.
[X] Vanish him into Sanctuary, they have plenty of jail cells to keep him

This has the highest chance of him achieving redemption.
I get what you guys are getting at but we do need to tell the police so the family of this woman that he definitely killed and stuffed in his trunk can get closure for that and he can go to prison and has all of his possession searched so any other murders that he's possibly committed can also be found and those families can get their closure because well people like that usually don't stop at one even if she was his most recent. I get the urge to send him to the hell for a proper trial but he's killing people in the UK he's also a UK citizen and we are not his legal administrators at all.
Yeah, let's screw the mortals. Their autonomy. Queen Molly knows better than the pathetic mortal authorities of Britain. We decide what will happen. That's how I see it. And it's terrible. I'd rather respect the sovereignty of the mundane power when possible.

It would definitely not be what I would call fair. It would just be another supernatural lynching. Molly is not a court system that has jurisdiction. If it were fairies or ghosts, people would probably want to stop them. But if we do that, it's okay.
We can probably guarantee someone's innocence or guilt and our hell has a court system which focuses on rehabilitation over punishment. That's fairer than 99% of the real world so yes it's very much fair.
You do not have superpowers in administration, no finance, no politics no law, what you have is super charisma and extreme amounts of magical violence as well as a planet-sized that considers you god queen.
And that's because Molly wasn't built as a god emperor. But rather as a wandering hero of legend and monster hunter.

I definitely agree with the first part of your statement but it wouldn't be a supernatural lynching a lynching implies that he did nothing to deserve what was coming for him. I find it a rather natural consequence of killing people that someone eventually will try to kill you for doing that.
Maybe lynching is too strong a word. I meant the unlawful execution of an actual or suspected criminal without recourse to state authorities. And from a UK perspective, that's exactly it, if you leave aside all the international political aspects. I was simply following what the dictionaries suggested translating the closest equivalent in my language. Maybe I didn't take the connotations into account.
[X] Tiffany's plan, get a confession to hand to the police

The victims' families deserve closure for their missing loved ones. Wondering for decades if your daughter/sister/niece is dead or might come back is a kind of hell.
And let me say that it's not that I'm against vigilantism. Many of my characters would just kill a guy on the spot instead of dancing with the cops. But this is Molly and she has from an early age of her second birth politically positioned herself as a child of the new century with at least some respect for conventional authority. She pays taxes to the USA! Not to mention working with the library and how Molly tried to create a normal relationship with Lieutenant Murphy. I honestly think that this is a rather shaky decision from a political point of view that could negatively affect relations with allies. Not much. But it could soil Molly's reputation.

And finally the last thing I didn't think of. This isn't some crime where the cops are almost powerless or corrupt and can't do anything like murder with an expired statute of limitations or juvenile camps in the US where teenagers are tortured because of loopholes in US laws.
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I definitely agree with the first part of your statement but it wouldn't be a supernatural lynching a lynching implies that he did nothing to deserve what was coming for him. I find it a rather natural consequence of killing people that someone eventually will try to kill you for doing that.
I get what you guys are getting at but we do need to tell the police so the family of this woman that he definitely killed and stuffed in his trunk can get closure for that and he can go to prison and has all of his possession searched so any other murders that he's possibly committed can also be found and those families can get their closure because well people like that usually don't stop at one even if she was his most recent. I get the urge to send him to the hell for a proper trial but he's killing people in the UK he's also a UK citizen and we are not his legal administrators at all.
The victims' families deserve closure for their missing loved ones. Wondering for decades if your daughter/sister/niece is dead or might come back is a kind of hell.

Basically this.

I'd vote to just kill him and be done with it but we aren't in a rush and I want the families involved to get closure if possible which is more likely if he's alive and we give them good evidence. Still that does have a chance of failing anyway depending on how court goes. Dead bodies get investigated which means they'll likely figure out that he killed people if there's any evidence which most of the time there is as murders who get away with it typically do because they stay beneath notice and avoid scrutiny not because they are very good at getting rid of all traces of evidence.

[X] Tiffany's plan, get a confession to hand to the police

[X] Lydia's Plan, Hunter's Bolt through the window to induce stroke like symptoms

This conversation should open Daniel's eyes a bit to who he's dating and what we actually get up to when we are on the job. It's not all glamorous.
Oh also we really shouldn't get into the habit of dragging random criminals into Sanctuary on a whim. The Five Courts is not a dumping ground for earth criminals and id very much not want to see it become one. The crimes committed were on earth so let him be tried on earth. I imagine that they treat life and death differently anyway since death isn't typically permanent there and their court systems probably look very alien.
Daniel, if you're relationship can't survive it's first murder, you'll never make it in this setting.

[X] Lydia's Plan, Hunter's Bolt through the window to induce stroke like symptoms
To be clear I think Tiffany's plan is the sound decision. I just think from an ultimate moral standpoint not necessarily Molly standpoint kidnapping is weirdly the most moral option here. Which makes me chuckle ngl.
[X] Tiffany's plan, get a confession to hand to the police

If not for the fact that the victim's familes are likely to benefit from closure, I'd vote for throwing him into Sanctuary.
As it is I value their emotional wellbeing over a better outcome for this murderer.

Edit: to an extent. If he was going to be murdered in turn by the state or tortured like someone in Gitmo then I'd vote for Sanctuary.
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[X] Tiffany's plan, get a confession to hand to the police

[X] Lydia's Plan, Hunter's Bolt through the window to induce stroke like symptoms

Dragging him to our hell to be punished for earthly crimes is very Yomi Wan coded. I'm uncomfortable with it, and it could prove to be very alarming to other people in the know.

If that was the only way to stop the killing I still do it, but using the authorities will also do that and provide closure to the families to boot. Killing him ourselves isn't as sure a thing (in terms of the families learning what he did), but it still offers more to the community than our kidnapping him would.
[X] Plan legality
-[X] Use the crown on the Halliwell's ID to learn what evidence of his crimes exist
-[X] Anonymously forward said evidence to the police, specifically people working on the related murders

This is the most law-abiding and non-disruptive plan I can think of.

Also, remember, this might be a White God issued test of character. We are on our way to meet a saint for a favor in regards to spirits of death. I sense mysterious ways in play.