What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[X] Plan Shipping, Logistics, and Research
-[X] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
--[X] Civilian Warp Fleets
--[X] Logistical Production Analytica
--[X] *Mad Binary Screeching*

[X] Cyberpunk Warship Corporation
-[X] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
--[X] Civilian Warp Fleets
--[X] Widespread Augmetic Production
--[X] Logistical Production Analytica
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[Note: This is assuming a least one of the 3-trait options wins.]
My own revised take on a possible outline for the upcoming turns. Dropped my personal push to make auto-loaders standard equipment, and mostly shuffled things around to accommodate some civilian side improvements, such as the Mausoleum and the infiltrator school @The Laurent is pushing for. I also pushed forward some lance boats to help crack the orbital defenses at Lethysian using our new rad-lances to debuff enemy shields.

Made my own variant of the production Leo, the Leo(B). Its less versatile than its prototype, having moved the revolver macrocannons to batteries rather than turrets, but it should be much more tanky and now resistant to boarders as well with the new anti-voidcraft defenses and internal security. I'm willing to work with @Alectai on this one since this is their personal baby and they're much more experienced at this boat building business than I am.

Put in an (another) upgrade for the Crux, and copied&pasted the proposed Taurus-S from earlier. Also, put in my own proposals for the stealth destroyer as well as a light missile cruiser.

Forty years isn't the best timewise to wait before we move on Chaos, but it feels like we'll have to greatly improve our Navy first before we can crack into 621. Though honestly, we could probably cut the buildup down to 3 turns if we really have to hustle.
[Turn 1]
[] Plan: Spreading the Light of the Star Child (Through Heavy Ordinance)
-[] [General] 'Missionary/Revolutionary School/Department'?

-[] [Military] 2x Design New Voidship Classes [12FP]
--[] Leo(B) Heavy Cruiser [8FP]
---[] Length - 4.800m
---[] Width - 700m
---[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities (-1)
---[] Armor - Thin Bulwark Hull (-1)
---[] Shields - One Lattice
---[] Weapons - 1x Medium Boarding Hangar/2x Heavy Rotary Macrocannon Batteries/1x Anti-Voidcraft Defenses (Total: 36 Boarding Craft) (-11)
---[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Auto-Loaders/Lattice Hulls/Strict Pilot Training/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Harsh Crew Training/Yeeni Auxiliary Engineer Division/Internal Security Systems/Armored Bridges(-14)

--[] Corona Light Lance Cruiser (v.1.4) [4FP]
---[] Length - 3.800 Meters (+1)
---[] Width - 400 Meters (+2)
---[] Acceleration - 4.5 Gravities
---[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
---[] Shields - Three Arrays
---[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hanger/1x Rad-Lance/2x Large Lance Turrets (Total: 48 Fighters)(-12)
---[] Equipment - Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Lattice Hulls/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Emergency Maneuver Engines/Armored Lifepods/Armored Prow/Tuned Shields/Harsh Crew Training (-15)
[Turn 2]
[] Plan: Frigate About It
-[] [Military] Design New Void Ships [6FP]
--[] Sagittarius-Secundus (Sagittarius-S) Class Lance Frigate [2FP]
---[] 1.700 Meters (+2)
---[] Width - 400 Meters (+2)
---[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
---[] Armor - Thick Single Hull
---[] Shields - One Array
---[] Weapons - 1x Light Prow Lance/2x Medium Lance Turrets (-9)
---[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Lattice Hulls/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lense Cogitation Matrix Lattice/Hardened Prow/Refractive Hull Coating/Tuned Shields (-13)

--[] Taurus-secundus (Taurus-S) Class Troopship [2FP]
---[] Length - 2.000 Meters (-1 DP)
---[] Width - 550 Meters (-1 DP)
---[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
---[] Armor - Thin Double Hull (-2 DP)
---[] Shields - One Array
---[] Weapons - 2x Medium Mixed Hangar/1x Medium Boarding Hangar (-3 DP)
---[] Equipment - Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-lines/Ship Shrines/Dedicated Ortillery/Dedicated Heavy Ortillery/Large Troop Compartment (-12 DP)

--[] Crux-Tertium (Crux-T) Class Heavy Frigate [2FP]
---[] Length - 1.800m (+1)
---[] Width - 450m (+1)
---[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
---[] Armor - Medium Double Hull (-2)
---[] Shields - Two Array (-1)
---[] Weapons - 4x80m Torpedos/2x Medium Missile Batteries/1x Anti-Voidcraft Defenses (-8)
---[] Equipment - Missile Swarms/Lattice Hulls/Armored Life Pods/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Macross Missile Massacres/Internal Security Systems/Anti-Radiation Hardening (-9)

-[] [Military] Construct A Fleet [36FP]
--[] 2x Corona Light Lance Cruiser [16FP]
--[] 1x Leo(B) Class Heavy Cruiser [18FP]
--[] 1x Lupus Class Torpedo Destroyer [2FP]

-[] [Faith] Mausoleum of the Prophet
[Turn 3]
[] Plan: Frigate Spam Is A Perfectly Legitimate Strategy
-[] [Military] Construct a Fleet [36FP]
--[] 5x Crux-T Class Frigates [20FP]
--[] 4x Taurus-S Class Troopships [16FP]

-[] [Military] Construct a Fleet [36FP]
--[] 4x Sagittarius-S Lance Frigate [16FP]
--[] 2x Andromeda Class Command Ship [16FP]
--[] 1x Crux-T Class Frigate [8FP]

-[] [Military] Design New Void Ships [6FP]
--[] Canis Minor Light Missile Cruiser (v.1.2) [4FP]
---[] Length - 3.800 Meters (+1)
---[] Width - 450 Meters (+1)
---[] Acceleration - 5 Gravities (-1)
---[] Armor - Thin Double Hull
---[] Shields - Three Arrays
---[] Weapons - 1x Medium Fighter Hanger/1x Heavy Missile Battery/2x Medium Missiles Batteries/1x Anti-Voidcraft Defenses (Total: 48 Fighters) (-9)
---[] Equipment - Armored Life Pods/Strict Pilot Training/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines/Swarm Missiles/Internal Security Systems/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Lattice Hulls/Auto-Loader/Anti-Radiation Hardening/Macross Missile Massacres (-14)

--[]Dorado Stealth Scout Destroyer (v.1.2) [2FP]
---[] Length 1.200m (+3)
---[] Width - 200m (+3)
---[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities
---[] Armor - Thick Single Hull
---[] Shields - Three Emitters
---[] Weapons - 1x 2x60m Torpedos/1x Light Missile Batteries (-2)
---[] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Emergency Maneuver Engines/Missile Swarms/On-Board Supply Generation/Refractive Hull Coating/Stealth Engine Dampeners/Ghosts Amidts The Stellar Winds(-20)
[Turn 4]
[] Plan: Here to Kill Chaos
-[] [Research] Hive Crops and other Agricultural Wonders

-[] [Military] Construct a Fleet [36FP]
--[] 2x Canis Minor Light Missile Cruiser [16FP]
--[] 1x Andromeda Class Command Ship [8FP]
--[] 6x Dorado Stealth Scout Destroyer [8FP]

-[] [Military] 621 Offensive
With a whole new chaos sector,im really tempted in upgrading our chaos resistance trait

[X] A Beacon Unto The Future
Forty years isn't the best timewise to wait before we move on Chaos,

I am probably going to argue to attack chaos this upcoming turn. Waiting 40 years to attack them hands them an enormous gift of time to prepare and grind down their enemies.

We had our grace period after Neon, we used it to absorb Neon's old territory, deal with some faith stuff and get all-V.

Additionally, I think until we see what all-V unlocks it's hard to make plans. I'm probably going to argue for something like:
Action 1: Raid chaos, blow up their shipyards.
Action 2: design new ships
Action 3: either missionary school or build more ships.
With a whole new chaos sector,im really tempted in upgrading our chaos resistance trait

[X] A Beacon Unto The Future

But our anti-chaos trait is already pretty good and already did well enough against Chaos when dealing with cleaning up Neon? And that was before we upgraded it last turn.

Right now we need things that'll make our actions more impactful and efficient.
I am probably going to argue to attack chaos this upcoming turn. Waiting 40 years to attack them hands them an enormous gift of time to prepare and grind down their enemies.

We had our grace period after Neon, we used it to absorb Neon's old territory, deal with some faith stuff and get all-V.

Additionally, I think until we see what all-V unlocks it's hard to make plans. I'm probably going to argue for something like:
Action 1: Raid chaos, blow up their shipyards.
Action 2: design new ships
Action 3: either missionary school or build more ships.
Yeah, that's an option, but I'm just unsure we can punch through their defensive line with what we immediately have on hand. We really don't have any anti-void installation seige craft since the first Sagittarus, so there is a chance we blunt our offensive on their first line of defense and be delayed even more while reconstituting.
This is becoming a lot closer than I would prefer.

If anyone who voted for 3 traits but not for the leading 3 trait plan, [] Cyberpunk Warship Corporation, would be willing to change their vote so we at least get Civilian Warp Fleets and Fleet Logistics, it would be greatly appreciated.
[X] Cyberpunk Warship Corporation
-[X] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
--[X] Civilian Warp Fleets
--[X] Widespread Augmetic Production
--[X] Logistical Production Analytica
[X] Plan: Cyberpunk Warship Corporation
So, anyone think that the Emperor choose the 25 action reward to kick of the Great Crusade when he managed to get Terra to All-5s?
I mean, if anything, Imperium would just be an even more bloated and corrupted mess without the upgrade to Anti-Chaos trait.

Also, if anything, it shows even our current Faith trait may not be enough if we want to mess with Chaos on high level.

Light corruption immunity may not be enough if we want to, say, make a big anti Chaos ritual and really earn their ire and focused, corruptive efforts.
I think it's more...

"He took a Trait that gave resistance to Chaos, but didn't take any of the Faith actions that propagated it, so almost nobody actually adheres to that belief."

He just assumed people would Rationally Understand that there were no such things as Daemons and Chaos Gods and that would be enough.

Remember that there's a caveat attached to our Faith Trait that says "This only applies to people who share your beliefs". Which means that the Emperor's utter inability to compel the hearts and minds of people outside of simply imposing his thonks on them means he failed to spread the trait.
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