What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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And the Civilian Fleet stuff that gives flexible bonuses that we can change whenever we need to turn by turn? Even accepting that this (a Faith Trait bonus being more important than anything else combined) is the absolute only thing we need to give a shit about.
I mean… yeah? It's a good bonus. Really good, even. I just don't think it'll be as good as the faith trait in Fuck Chaos attributes given that we're offered three traits like that vs one trait like this. Are you saying Beacon is a trap and won't be able to match up to one of three picks?
To clarify here:

[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [24 Fleet Points]

This just automatically becomes 36 ship points, and it will increase as the base 24 does as well. We go from being barely able to make one Heavy Cruiser and then have a few points left in an action... to being able to ALMOST do TWO in an action. It's a massive, truly vital increase without which we're going to be fucked trying to spin up to beat 621 and then Voxx Primus.


The systems of the Candle Keepers grow stronger through closer cultural and economic ties. ISCs are unlocked, and patronage of them will positively impact your economy. Can be Upgraded/Chosen Again.)

I think people are sitting on how actually interesting that is (beyond the ISC actions) as opposed to just endlessly hitting the Faith+ button.
Beating 621 and Voxx Primus I feel would become a lot easier if we had the trait specialised in fucking over Chaos. Our ships are not that garbage that we need to increase their size by half again just to fight a couple of their early systems.

Also, like, I do see what that trait could do, but I think it's more interesting to follow through on the flavourful trait of our faction that's defined the quest since it started. We get far less of the cultural minutiae of every single one of the candle keeper's systems, and even if we did get a far stronger focus on cultural ties, I don't care as much about it. I want the Faith+ vote because I think it's cool, interesting, and has shown to be a vital tool in no-selling the kind of stuff that lost Neon a ship midbattle when Chaos wasn't focusing on it.
[X] Cyberpunk Warship Corporation

Fine fine I'll change my vote but getting more boosts to that trait ain't gonna be easy.

To be fair, there's literally no way to get any of these "V" traits without taking them at "X" when we'll presumably have follow-ups on all the "V" traits that will be more tempting because they're follow-ups.

I mean… yeah? It's a good bonus. Really good, even. I just don't think it'll be as good as the faith trait in Fuck Chaos attributes given that we're offered three traits like that vs one trait like this. Are you saying Beacon is a trap and won't be able to match up to one of three picks?

Beating 621 and Voxx Primus I feel would become a lot easier if we had the trait specialised in fucking over Chaos. Our ships are not that garbage that we need to increase their size by half again just to fight a couple of their early systems.

Also, like, I do see what that trait could do, but I think it's more interesting to follow through on the flavourful trait of our faction that's defined the quest since it started. We get far less of the cultural minutiae of every single one of the candle keeper's systems, and even if we did get a far stronger focus on cultural ties, I don't care as much about it. I want the Faith+ vote because I think it's cool, interesting, and has shown to be a vital tool in no-selling the kind of stuff that lost Neon a ship midbattle when Chaos wasn't focusing on it.

We do have a Trait specializing in fucking up Chaos. We literally just improved it last turn! 555, remember?
We do have a Trait specializing in fucking up Chaos. We literally just improved it last turn! 555, remember?
Yes, and when I see this:
Far darker news comes for the innocents choked by Chaos' Yoke of Holy Herastis and Holy Herastus, dozens of fat-bellied ships entering their atmospheres with empty holds and slavering maws, leaving with bursting cages and wailing souls, their destinations deeper within the Sub-Sector and then further onto planets or staying within the ships outright yet sent against the fronts Terraward and Anti-Terraward alike.

And it is with the cold rage of those beyond wrath that our analysts watch as a Chaos Fleet sludges into Lethysan...and sets up defenses. It is not a base for an offensive, nor a set of warehouses to support logistics, but static defense stations, minefields, hardened bunkers on moons and asteroids, and small shipyards likely intended for maintenance and repair.
And see mass transport of sacrifices to prepared defensive positions or coreworlds, I feel we can reasonably expect ritual spam in enemy territory. And, if you take a look at our current fuck chaos trait, you might note that it defends against light chaos corruption. Not, say, extended engagements against summoned demons like was noted to exist in the same turn, or rituals to enhance corruption. If Beacon just defends against that, that's more than enough, but given the trait description, it will almost certainly give us the tools to massively weaken if not shut out the primary tool our top enemy is preparing.
[X] Cyberpunk Warship Corporation
-[X] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
--[X] Civilian Warp Fleets
--[X] Widespread Augmetic Production
--[X] Logistical Production Analytica
[X] Plan: Cyberpunk Warship Corporation
-[X] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
--[X] Civilian Warp Fleets
--[X] Widespread Augmetic Production
--[X] Logistical Production Analytica
massed daemon spam is neither easy or cheap, and even then, our dudes can still engage them.

We're not looking at "Someone sees a Nurgling and becomes a Nurgle Cultist". It's "Someone sees a Nurgling, goes 'That is one ugly boi'" and shoots it. There's potential problems if you actually touch the silly thing, but we've got good resistance going, especially since as you've been noticing, I've been making Ship Shrines universal as we've been progressing through the Third Generation, as that's our best defense.

It's not all-or-nothing. As best as I can tell, Corruption is on a scale, and even a rando can absorb a few points and be perfectly fine, if a little shaken. Immunity is just our straight up No Sell threshold.
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im not searching though 20 pages of discussion for the trait plans can someone link or copy em so i van vote for em and stop the 25 actions
im not searching though 20 pages of discussion for the trait plans can someone link or copy em so i van vote for em and stop the 25 actions

25 actions is not in consideration, the fight is between this spread

[ ] Cyberpunk Warship Corporation
-[ ] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
--[ ] Civilian Warp Fleets
--[ ] Widespread Augmetic Production
--[ ] Logistical Production Analytica

And the Faith Trait Boost. Though everything's all fucked up because it wasn't initially prefaced with Plan, so it looks a lot closer than it is.

(Which isn't to say the Faith Trait boost is bad, it's just not really what I consider what we need right now)
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Gonna be honest here the only reason I changed my vote was cause the civi warp fleet trait can also be upgraded.
Fine I guess I might as well approval vote for the leading trait plan
[X] Plan Boosting the Void
[X] Cyberpunk Warship Corporation
-[X] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
--[X] Civilian Warp Fleets
--[X] Widespread Augmetic Production
--[X] Logistical Production Analytica
[X] Plan Shipping, Logistics, and Research

I want that damm research automation. And it also has Civilian Warp Fleets.

[X] A Beacon Unto The Future

We're not getting this offered again.
massed daemon spam is neither easy or cheap, and even then, our dudes can still engage them.

We're not looking at "Someone sees a Nurgling and becomes a Nurgle Cultist". It's "Someone sees a Nurgling, goes 'That is one ugly boi'" and shoots it. There's potential problems if you actually touch the silly thing, but we've got good resistance going, especially since as you've been noticing, I've been making Ship Shrines universal as we've been progressing through the Third Generation, as that's our best defense.

It's not all-or-nothing. As best as I can tell, Corruption is on a scale, and even a rando can absorb a few points and be perfectly fine, if a little shaken. Immunity is just our straight up No Sell threshold.
I mean, it doesn't really matter if it's easy or not, it's just what's happening:
Warships fly from moorings with war in heart and battle at their thrum, daemons of Slaanesh and Khorne march as one on the worlds where they fight against humans holding desperately for centuries against onslaughts eternal. At the same time, banners of Rot and Sorcery are raised high, joined by screaming standards moaning under pleasures beyond the souls of the sane, their vessels gathering unto the worlds that belonged once to them but are now being cleansed by the Mashan.
There are Khornate and Slaanesh daemons attacking worlds in numbers large enough to be noted as an active, independent force. And this is for a chaos polity who, at minimum, has a nigh endless supply of sacrifices for the next several turns. We're not talking about a couple of Nurglings, we're talking about squads, maybe full platoons worth of the corruption specialists and the murder specialists. Sure, they'll be mostly lesser if not all so, but that isn't really what our trait covers outside of light and brief contact.

And, I really feel this needs to be emphasised, they're not going to be stretching themselves funding this. This is a sane chaos lord with as many sacrifices as can be carried by their fleets. We won't have time to spool up for a while because they'll probably be spooling up faster. We need a way to break through what is probably going to be ritual and daemon spam asap, and while I think the leading plan has options available… I mean, this is what Beacon is specialised in.
We need a way to break through what is probably going to be ritual and daemon spam asap,
And we already have a way to deal with them. It's called 'Bomb the shit out them before they can enact the ritual'

Our fighters pilots are probably the best barring centuries old Eldar. Once we have the new bombers researched we will be able to blow sizeable holes into any chaos ship we want.
And we already have a way to deal with them. It's called 'Bomb the shit out them before they can enact the ritual'

Our fighters pilots are probably the best barring centuries old Eldar. Once we have the new bombers researched we will be able to blow sizeable holes into any chaos ship we want.
'Bombing the shit out of prepared bunkers to break through before they cast their ritual' is definitely a plan we can use. I'm not sure it's the one we'd want to use if we had other options. Like, again, they're already reinforcing their front against an assault from us. I would not put money on being quick enough to stop them given the last time we saw a ritual being cast it was outright prebattle. Especially if we have to first spend a turn researching new bombers and thus giving them more time to reinforce the front.
I cant understand why Widespread Augmetic Production is preferred over *Mad Binary Screeching*.
*Mad Binary Screeching* means our nation has an functioning R&D sector and we know we cant replicate the auto Action part of it.
Widespread Augmetic Production effect is probably a lot easier to replicate as it is just an investment in the mass production of an existing thing.
Won't lie, I actually want the plan with the 'deep space beacons' trait to win for that sweet strategetic infrastructure, but I'll settle for at least getting 2 out of the 3 of the traits I want since vote splitting is a thing for this vote.