Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Doesn't knowing Old Realm confer a difficulty reduction to rituals per that discussion on the teaching it to a baby?
Source Code Compliance Protocol is not Old Realm. Molly knows that without SCCP. SCCP is full-on primordial language, the one that Primordials talked to each other in. Old Realm is a neutered mortalized version of it.

On the bonuses, we have these two separate rulings:
@DragonParadox a question about possible charm synergy - if we buy Source Code Compliance Protocol, and use actual Primordial speech, instead of mortal Old Realm to make magic, would it have any effect on the results of our magic / craft?
It would have significant synergy though only for those projects made of materials resilient enough to endure being carved with concepts older than time, so of the stuff you have now just the gossamer.
And the baby discussion, where we discussed what an effect of babysitting little Amanda and teaching her Primordial would do:
Seriously though I cannot tell you guys what training Charms would do since Molly does not have any of them, but as for Source Code Compilation
*rolls dice*

It would do several things:
  1. Make them more capable of magic in whatever direction they are inclined. Mechanically you can buy Numia for 1 XP less /level
  2. Allow them to craft rituals more efficiently, -2 DC to making a ritual, that is a natural part of knowing the language no matter what age you learned it at and...
  3. Gives them a chance to Enlightening their Essence, chance being the operative word, the mortal would be far more likely to immolate oneself in the flames of one's own soul, but some chance is still more than no chance

So, yeah, we definitely should use SCCP for this. It would make things even grander.
If you think hope can't be the most painful and damaging emotion a being can have then I have a bridge to sell you. Make no mistake, unleashing this plague is going to cause untold suffering.
It can be painful, but that's not the same as harmful. Setting a dislocated shoulder is painful, as is rebreaking a limb so it can heal straight, and chemo is a real bitch.

But compared to the alternative is it even a contest?
Source Code Compliance Protocol is not Old Realm. Molly knows that without SCCP. SCCP is full-on primordial language, the one that Primordials talked to each other in. Old Realm is a neutered mortalized version of it.

On the bonuses, we have these two separate rulings:

And the baby discussion, where we discussed what an effect of babysitting little Amanda and teaching her Primordial would do:

So, yeah, we definitely should use SCCP for this. It would make things even grander.
So that takes us into the 28 dice range then, given the difficulty floor ruling.
[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill

I agree with both the sentiment that enough is enough and there is a point where we should stop (and it is somewhere behind us already), and the person who pointed out that trying to involve the swords in this is just begging for the Fallen to try and act about it.
I can think of few things more harmful than false hope.
I do understand what you're saying but it's not really false. What are they going to do torture the souls even more they're already doing as best they can so they can squeeze them out of existence for power. What are they going to do kill them and release them from their suffering, oh no. I dislike using the phrase because of the movements it's been attached to but all they have to lose is their chains. They can't lose their lives they can't be tortured any more than they already are so if the hope is introduced and it isn't true then all it does is make the torturers work for their prey rather than endlessly exploiting them. I feel and I suspect anyone who has any level of success in their fight will feel that even if the hope is false the benefits they reap from it is greater than any pain possibly spared.
The cynic in me says that Mikaboshi's Hell is already all about hope, because it's the hope for advancement/relief/escape that keeps his thralls fighting to clamber up the greasy poll. Ambition to better your position is the driving force that powers his hell. It's the foundation on which the Wicked City is built.

If he survives the initial shock it could easily become something that significantly empowers him, as it stops the inhabitants of his hell giving into despair and giving up, it keeps them spinning their inside their (metaphorical and literal) prayer wheels and generating power for him, so he can exploit them even harder.

Mikaboshi is a modern, efficient Yama King. He makes his subjects torture themselves in the hope that it will profit them, wardens of a prison largely of their own making, and their hope is the walls of that prison.
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explain. "a concoction

End of a sentence, A should be capital.

could get in there aren't any

Repeats without punctuation.

Should be either 1 or 3, not 2.
--[X] If it is, contact Sanya, and pay for his air tickets (first class) to get to Chicago, if he's not on a mission right now
I guess that Sanya will be either extremely busy, or already on his way, depending on Heaven's mood.
Which could be taken as a message from them to us.
But we will go and do it anyways.

[X] Yog
I'd like to have him involved as I don't think the Fallen interfering with the Sword of the Cross is very likely but if we are taking three days to make this thing and he'll probably need to take a plane over here I'm not sure there is even time to have him contribute. Better to just leave it I think.

[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill
I'd like to have him involved as I don't think the Fallen interfering with the Sword of the Cross is very likely but if we are taking three days to make this thing and he'll probably need to take a plane over here I'm not sure there is even time to have him contribute. Better to just leave it I think.

[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill
eh technically we could go to him via our travel by water charm. We don't plan to kill anyone with the sword after all.
[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill

Let's not get the Game involved in this so that Lucy and friends have the opportunity to make a countermove. We're already hitting the point of diminishing returns anyway, you can only wreck a hell so thoroughly.
[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill

I agree with both the sentiment that enough is enough and there is a point where we should stop (and it is somewhere behind us already), and the person who pointed out that trying to involve the swords in this is just begging for the Fallen to try and act about it.
[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill

Yeah, I don't want the Denarians in on this.

I can think of few things more harmful than false hope.
I don't really consider it false just because it's artificially induced.

The cynic in me says that Mikaboshi's Hell is already all about hope, because it's the hope for advancement/relief/escape that keeps his thralls fighting to clamber up the greasy poll. Ambition to better your position is the driving force that powers his hell. It's the foundation on which the Wicked City is built.

If he survives the initial shock it could easily become something that significantly empowers him, as it stops the inhabitants of his hell giving into despair and giving up, it keeps them spinning their inside their (metaphorical and literal) prayer wheels and generating power for him, so he can exploit them even harder.

Mikaboshi is a modern, efficient Yama King. He makes his subjects torture themselves in the hope that it will profit them, wardens of a prison largely of their own making, and their hope is the walls of that prison.
I don't think an artifact tuned the way this would be is a trivial thing to subvert. We've also got enough people involved that I'd think someone would mention it if "surprise, Yama Kings are so amazing that purpose built FU artifacts will only make them stronger" was a serious concern in any serious timescale.

I expect Mikaboshi to try that and claim it's working, but in the same way Lanka is. Ravana has made something of his misfortune, but it took a long time and he very much hasn't recovered everything he's lost even now.

I don't want to leave him alone forever anyway. If it takes him a century to get stable again he'd be doing well by immortals cursed by major powers standards but still give us time to finish the job.

@DragonParadox could we get Molly and the gang's estimate of Mikaboshi's ability to profit from this?
Ok, then

[X] Plan all together now
-[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill
-[X] Talk to Michael about if it's allowed for Sanya, the wielder of the Sword of Hope, to contribute to the making of the "hope bomb" to strike at a heart of hell.
--[X] If it is, contact Sanya, and pay for his air tickets (first class) to get to Chicago, if he's not on a mission right now
This opens us to too much interference from third parties and potentially the white God's rules. Better to keep it to less constrained powers.
[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill

Yeah, I don't want the Denarians in on this.

I don't really consider it false just because it's artificially induced.

I don't think an artifact tuned the way this would be is a trivial thing to subvert. We've also got enough people involved that I'd think someone would mention it if "surprise, Yama Kings are so amazing that purpose built FU artifacts will only make them stronger" was a serious concern in any serious timescale.

I expect Mikaboshi to try that and claim it's working, but in the same way Lanka is. Ravana has made something of his misfortune, but it took a long time and he very much hasn't recovered everything he's lost even now.

I don't want to leave him alone forever anyway. If it takes him a century to get stable again he'd be doing well by immortals cursed by major powers standards but still give us time to finish the job.

@DragonParadox could we get Molly and the gang's estimate of Mikaboshi's ability to profit from this?

This opens us to too much interference from third parties and potentially the white God's rules. Better to keep it to less constrained powers.
I'mma note I doubt many denarians would poke us without an insane plan. Just grabbing the sword seems unlikely. Also, you know they wouldn't touch us directly because they should probably know in a straight fight we dominate.
I don't want to leave him alone forever anyway. If it takes him a century to get stable again he'd be doing well by immortals cursed by major powers standards but still give us time to finish the job.
Yeah, our main advantage is that by the standards of the setting we are moving way too quickly. In the land of century-long plots, we measure time in months.
@DragonParadox could we get Molly and the gang's estimate of Mikaboshi's ability to profit from this?

This opens us to too much interference from third parties and potentially the white God's rules. Better to keep it to less constrained powers.

It is hard to tell since you would have to know what kind of social control mechanisms he has and how adaptable he is personally, but Molly thinks it would not be easy. This is not carefully measured hope when it is useful, this is unpredictable rampant and infectious hope.
We should not invoke a swordbearer. If we invoke a swordbearer then the Fallen will get involved if for no other reason than to complicate things for a swordbearer.

[X] Spread the word only to his closest allies, those he is reasonably sure will not take it ill
The Fallen feel like a lesser problem then the Yama kings. They are tough and using a very strong splat, but they are stuck in coins and there are only 30 of them.

But I doubt that they will be so accommodating as to attack us right now.
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