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[Warhammer Fantasy: Colony Quest] Your Prize is Responsibility.
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A CK2 inspired - in some parts- Quest to plant the Empire's flag on Lustrian shores, securing a foothold for Imperial Humanity. Delve into the secrets of the interior and risk scaly wrath, Look outward to secure the waves against chaotic marauders, look along the coast to secure the new world's wealth via trade with other colonial efforts.
Yet All Importantly, secure Prestige for yourself and for your family.
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Character Creation I - Basic Information and Base Attributes.
The Year is 2395 IC, and an imperial auction has ended! Rejoice, for your family has purchased the Writ and Responsibility, along with the potential Prestige, of establishing an Imperial Colony in the New World. Go Forth, honorable servant, bring Faith, Steel and Gunpowder to distant shores!

The slatted windows of your armoured carriage rest against your cheek as your convoy traverses from Altdorf to the grand port of Marienburg, travelling under the auspicious watch of Reiksguard and outriders from the 12th Imperial Pistolkorps. Today you have gone from a mere scion of your family to an imperial governor; tasked, burdened and privileged to plant a flag upon the shore of distant Lustria, establishing an official Imperial Foothold in the new world.
Your name is
[][Name][Write in], You are a

[][Standing]High Nobility. Your family hails from imperial blood or from among the family of an Elector Count, or from amongst the family of a Magister-Lord; with deep connections to the seats of imperial power and an an ability to bend the ears of those within high seats. Your family's patriarch or matriarch deigned to bid for this governorship on a whim, and your mildly disposable nature as the 5th son/daughter has left this incredibly dangerous task in your hands. Your old family's purse-strings are held tight, but their high status has guaranteed that you will not be without favours to call in.
Begins with Low Funds, Medium Building Resources, Medium Food, High Favours.
Unique Colony Trait: Friends in High Places - Purchases made with Favour (From Imperial & Imperial Allied Sources) are 10% cheaper.
Unique Personal Trait: Protected Person - You begin with the Bodyguard trait (Beginning the story with a small squad of dedicated protectors)

[][Standing]Low Nobility. Your family hails from lower nobility; the grafs, barons, counts and other titled nobles which make up the empire's vastly varied governance and the bulk of their military command. You are the scion of one family amongst these dozens, a 3rd son/daughter whose success or failure will have vast implications on your family's coming fortunes. Not able to generate the high favours of a more powerful dynasty or the huge funds of a merchant empire, your family's holdings are still large enough to endow your colonial efforts with enough to promise a steady start, and connections to a trading house of sprawling connections.
Begins with Medium Funds, Medium Building Resources, Medium Food, Medium Favours.
Unique Colony Trait: Horse Trading - +1 slot when searching for colonial advisors, advisor upkeep is 5% cheaper.
Unique Personal Trait: Guiding Servant - You begin with the Family Friend trait (Beginning the story with an Advisor already hired)

[][Standing]The Gentry. Your family hails not from old blood and the established families of power, but from the newly ennobled among the empire's upper-middle ranks of citizens. Whether you are the scion of an estate manager or a landed knight the point is that your family is new to the ranks of entitled power, hungry for power or prestige. Your family got lucky in success at the imperial auction, purchasing your governorship at a price some might find suspicious, given your family's middling favour in the eyes of longer-established dynasties. Regardless, you are the 2nd son or daughter of your line, only one below the heir, and as such no expense has been spared in your personal preparation or securing prospective colonists, though this has left the expedition poorer for construction materials.
Begins with Medium Funds, Low Building Resources, High Food, Medum Favour.
Unique Colony Trait: Advertised Establishment - Your colony begins with 1 additional Manpower, the cost to import skilled colonists is 10% cheaper.
Unique Personal Trait: Educated Scion - You begin with the Crafter trait (Beginning the Story with a trade skill, unlocking access to related blueprints.)

[][Standing]A Merchant Dynasty. Your family is a noble house or blue-blooded in any way beyond distant or unprovable relatives, though it could be argued that your vitae has a certain gilded tint. Your governorship was secured by the sheer wealth your family can bring to bear, their connections at markets across the old-world being enough to earn them a seat at an auction typically reserved for those with blood in the imperial game of state. This huge wealth has required a certain appreciation among your family for the lurid and darkened underbelly of the Empire's markets, whether or not you choose to embrace it, and an upstart family of merchants has certainly soured the mouth of some in the courts of imperial power.
Begins with High Funds, Medium Building Resources, Medium Food, Low Favour.
Unique Colony Trait: Friends in Low Places - Begin the story with access to the Imperial Grey Market, Purchases made from the Grey Market are 10% cheaper.
Unique Personal Trait: Commercial Knack - You begin with the Merchant trait (Beginning the Story with the Mercantile skill, unlocking access to the Trade Docks and Counting House blueprints.)
And your future approaches.

Base Attributes: Decided via point-buy from a pool of 21 pts. Maximum starting value is 8 in any given attribute.
The attributes are: Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning
Example Attribute Array [][Attributes] Dip: 4, Mar: 5, Ste: 4, Int: 4, Lea: 4

The system of Attribute Rolls will be a simple Roll-under d100, with each point in an attribute contributing 4% to a base 40% to succeed (before difficulty & maluses)
This system is subject to change based on suggestions or discovered difficulty

To keep Spreadsheeting down to a manageable level for this quest, all resources have been collated into four simple pools -Money (MO), Building Resources (BR), Food (FD) & Favour (FV)- and two tracking 'health bars' -Population (Pop) & Prestige (Pre)- to keep an eye on, with the number of Actions per week decided by the manpower derived from Population (100 Pop = 1 Manpower)
Please Vote By Plan
Example Plan
[]Plan Doofenschmirtz
-[][Name] Lord Doofenschmirtz of the Tristate Baronry
-[][Standing] The Gentry
-[][Attributes] Dip: 4, Mar: 1, Ste: 4, Int: 5, Lea: 8
Next Step: Traits & Ancestry.

Apologies if this thread posts incorrectly, this is my first time.
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Character Sheet. - Flynn Ryder.
You are Flynn Ryder , A man of the Low Nobility. Your family hails from the grafs, barons, counts and other titled nobles which make up the empire's vastly varied governance and the bulk of their military command. You are the scion of one family amongst these dozens, a 3rd son whose success or failure will have vast implications on your family's coming fortunes. Not able to generate the high favours of a more powerful dynasty or the huge funds of a merchant empire, your family's holdings are still large enough to endow your colonial efforts with enough to promise a steady start, and connections to a trading house of sprawling connections.
Your attributes are:
Diplomacy 5 ,
Martial 8 ,
Stewardship 4 ,
Intrigue 1
Learning 3

Ancestry Is Half Foreign, One of your parents hailed originally from Bretonnia.
Your traits are:
  • Elf-Friend. You have made a friend of a truly non-human ally of the empire and learned from them the secrets of not immediately shoving your boot into your tonsils when dealing with them. You take only a 5% outsider malus when performing Diplomatic actions with with their kind, and trade with them nets 5% additional profit. Unlocks access to the Ambassador's home blueprint.
  • Lucky/Unlucky: You have the most strange luck in the world. Messes way over your head occur like summer storms around you, but by faith in as many imperial gods as you can pray to, you manage to overcome them by sheer luck. Or perhaps Providence? Random Events occur Weekly instead of Every Fortnight, and you receive a 5% bonus to Success chance when rolling to avoid whatever bad things happen during them.
  • Just can't seem to get the nose right: For some reason, no one seems to be able to draw your face to an exacting degree, making it hard to attribute dubious acts back to your person. Reduces Prestige loss from illegal acts being discovered by 10%. This however does come with the mild mallus of a 5% penalty to Prestige rewards from legal acts when your involvement is not in writing. Unlocks access to the Colonial Pamphleteer upgrade for the Docks.
  • This Way, To Adventure!: You wanted to be an adventurer yourself, you know? Then you took a governorship to the face. Expeditions you personally -ill advisedly- lead, or at least personally plan, have a 10% higher success chance and a 5% lower duration. Unlocks access to the Adventurer's Booths upgrade for the Tavern.
  • Explorer: Your thirst for knowledge drives you to explore the uncharted lands surrounding your colony. You lead expeditions with unparalleled enthusiasm. Increases the chance of discovering rare artifacts or resources during expeditions by 10%. Unlocks access to the Explorer's Map-Room upgrade for the Colony Library.
  • Sixth Sense: You possess an uncanny intuition, sensing imminent dangers and penetrating masks and illusions with your gaze. Increases the ability to notice lies, see through disguises or magical illusions, and dodge attacks in combat by 10%. Unlocks the Witchseeker Office blueprint.
  • Family Friend: You have friends everywhere, or at least your family does, and one even agreed to come on this glorious venture! Begin the story with an Advisor already hired. Unlocks access to the Colony Council blueprint.
  • Unique Colony Trait: Horse Trading: +1 slot when searching for colonial advisors, advisor upkeep is 5% cheaper.
Your Personal History: Skilled at arms and almost as clever as he thought he was, yet charming enough to make up the difference, Flynn made friends easily; both among the knights of Bretonnia and -after a memorable series of drunken duels- with a scion of minor elven nobility from the Marienburg enclave. It is advice oft repeated that men should not meddle in the affairs of the elder races, one Flynn did not heed as was his wont with all warnings.
He eventually came to hear of and fall in love with an elven maiden of surpassing wit and beauty, one still curious of the world after being caught in tragic circumstances within a cursed tower for many years, though unworldly for her seeming age.
Here too his luck held more than it had any right to as in the process of attempting to woo themaiden he defeated some manner of wicked elf (the Asur do not speak of such things lightly) so instead of being mocked for his affections or worse he gained a somewhat tragic but heroic reputation among the elves of Marienburg and the minstrels of Bretonnia. Now off to far off lands and new advantures richer in wisdom, if not truly in caution.
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Colony Sheet.
The Imperial Colony of Preisdorf.
Colony Governor: Flynn Ryder.
Colony Advisory Board:
  • Diplomacy - Imilar Entelfrin - Dip 6
    Unique Trait: Speak for the Trees
    - Imilar recieves a +10% bonus to rolls during actions interacting with elven factions, and with factions Close-Knit or better with the Spirits of the Forests. She however will take a -15% malus on rolls interacting with dwarven factions. Imilar also reduces the time taken by Diplomatic actions, though only those interacting with Factions Allied with the Spirits of the Forests, by 1 week (to a minimum of 1)
  • Martial - Gus 'Rockchewer' Stonegut - Mar 6
    Unique Trait: An Ogress, milord -
    Requires an additional 1 Mo as upkeep, Assassination attempts against Gus and other Advisors sleeping in the same building take a 20% Penalty. Gus adds a 20% success chance to 'Personal Challenge' actions that she takes, and gives a 10% discount to hiring ogre Mercenaries. However Gus reduces prestige from military victories by 5%,
  • Stewardship - Porito De Lucci - Ste 8
    Unique Trait: Botanical Specialist -
    Porito passively increases the harvests of food by 10% (by a minimum of 1) and of Exotic Plants by 20%
  • Intrigue - Else von Stein - Int 6
    Unique Trait: Visionary Guidance
    - Else's visions -which she insists are merely 'hunches'- grant her flashes of foresight, providing a +10% bonus to Intrigue rolls when countering the efforts of Cults and enemy agents (heroes). Additionally, her uncanny awareness grants a passive -10% penalty to enemy assassination and sabotage attempts.
  • Learning - Rapunzel Desonne - Lea: 8
    Unique Colony Trait: Student of Magic -
    A learned elf in many respects, Rapunzel possesses the spark of magic yet not the training, her draining and Isolation by the evil Gothel leaving her stunted in comparison to even an elven apprentice. She can perform small ghyrannic incantations and cantrips, but even a journeyman human from the imperial colleges would outmatch Rapunzel in many aspects except Theory. Unlocks the Arcane Study upgrade for the Governor's Manse.
  • Wizarding - Johanna Kepler - Lea 8
    Unique Trait: Observer of the Heavens -
    As a celestial journeyman Johanna can read premonitions of the future events and weather from the sky. Once per fortnight you may choose to reroll the Random Event rolled, based only on the name and a three word description.Unlocks the Celestial Viewing Tower blueprint and Celestial Observatory upgrade for it.
    Summary of initial Population
Total Upkeep - 19 Mo/Month

Summary of population.
  • 875 Humans
  • 50 Halflings
  • 75 Dwarves
Summary of Important Folk (Group Leaders.)
Bauer Haydn, Aufseherin Moira, Holzfäller Garrick, Kornmeister Tullius, Hauptmann Thorne, Feldwebel Reed, Hafenmeister Quinn, Archivar Emily, Vorarbeiter Brock, Flussschiffer Clayton, Schoffe Luffen, Jaeger Polk, Siltgraf Tillerman, Froca the Fat, Matron Klare Wasquelle, Bundi the Exile, Maire Fromo, Prospector Copperhead, Lesser Administrator Xiao Yun

Averland Agriculturals, Wasteland Drainage Engineers, Nordland Dockworker , Hochland Preservers, Ostland Builders, Wissenland Engineers, Talabecland Builders, Stirland Scholars Guild, Middenland Lumberers Ostermark Borderers, Drakwald Refugees, Manaanites, Mootian Herders, The Shallyan Dove, Cathayan Entourage, Fallen Raj Indish Honest Mousillioners, Copperhead's Prospector Company

Summary of Unlocks
  • Forester's Lodge
  • Shrine of Manaan
  • Giant Goat Field
  • Shallyan Clinic
  • Jade Rice Paddy
  • Smithy
  • Farms
  • Drainage Pump
  • Lumber-yard
  • Granary
  • Palisade Wall
  • Watchtower
  • Colonial Barrack
  • Docks
  • Tavern
  • Colonial Library
  • Colonial Bunkhouse.
  • Governor's Manse
  • Council Chambers
  • Ambassador's Home
  • Witchseeker Office
  • Celestial Viewing Tower

  • Mastiff Kennel (Watchtowers)
  • Storm-watcher (Docks)
  • Giant Guard-Ram (Giant Goat Field)
  • Dispute Mediator (Colonial Bunkhouses)
  • Indish Raised Farm (Farms)
  • Longbow Militia (Colonial Barracks)
  • Dwarven Smelter (Smithy)
  • Adventurer's Booths (Tavern)
  • Colonial Pamphleteer (Docks)
  • Explorer's Maproom (Colonial Library)
  • Celestial Observatory (Celestial Viewing Tower)
  • Arcane Study (Governor's Manse)
  • Chilli Vines (Farms, Indish Raised Farms)

  • Built Buildings.
    • 2x Rice Paddies
    • 2x Colonial Bunkhouses
    • Lumber Yard
    • Docks
    • Smithy
    • Colonial Barracks
      • Longbow Militia

Adventurer Stable.
  • Arda Kohring (Empire, Amber Wizard, Learning): An assertive Amber Wizard, Arda seeks fame and wealth in Lustria. Noble-born, she supports the lower classes as long as she receives her due respect.
  • Bullo Brambledown (Halfling, Knight, Martial): A famed ram rider from Mootland, Bullo seeks adventure in Lustria. Long of eyebrow and fond of drink, he gets along well with dwarfs.
  • Pandora the Pioneer (Estalian, Trailblazer, Diplomacy): An experienced explorer, Pandora returns to Lustria seeking more success. Charismatic and multilingual, she excels at enlisting adventurers and securing sponsors.
  • Johann Klinger (Empire, Dung Collector/Sewer Jack, Martial): Once a peasant dung collector, Johann now excels at waste and pest disposal. Known as the "Shovel Knight," he relocates after a run-in with large rodents and a dead Witch Hunter.
  • Klaus Steinberger (Empire, Former Sewer Guard, Intrigue): A tough, seasoned veteran of the Middenheim sewers, Klaus now seeks new challenges in Lustria. Accompanied by his tiny but incredibly vicious terrier, Rufus, he hunts down the most dangerous pests.
  • Anwen Starshade (Asrai, Waywatcher, Martial): A skilled archer and scout, has ventured from Athel Loren to explore the wilds of Lustria. She aims to uncover its secrets and protect its natural beauty.
  • Elena Volker (Empire, Cartographer, Learning): A skilled cartographer from Altdorf, seeks to map the uncharted regions of Lustria. Her meticulous nature and keen eye for detail aid her in uncovering hidden paths and lost ruins.
  • Briala Silverleaf (Eonir, Healer, Learning): A skilled healer with unusual elven heritage, seeks rare herbs and healing techniques in Lustria. Her compassion and knowledge of medicine are renowned.
  • Amina bint Malik (Arabyan, Caravan Guard, Martial): A skilled warrior from Araby, now serves as a guard for expeditions in Lustria. Her combat prowess and unwavering loyalty ensure the safety of her charges.
  • Branwen MacLeod (Albish, Painted Warrior, Martial): A Painted Warrior from Albion, strikes a distracting pose in her topless armour, her skin coated with intricate and enchanted Woad Tattoos. Her experience in fighting with the mists and marshy terrain of Albion serves her well in Lustria.

Researchable Treasures.
The Map of the Forgotten City.
The Luminous Orchid Bloom.
An Amber Arrow.

Tradeable Treasures.
2 Asrai Artworks
'Blessed Cold One Eggs.'
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Just to add a bit more information regarding the creation process, I'm intending for there to be two steps to the initial creation, then a few Prologue posts where your character will be loading up their colony ships with people, resources, advisors and unique 'quest hook' characters (Example; A former noble of Arabya and their group of former slaves, smuggled out of Copher and desperate for a new life.) followed by another big vote to establish the actual colony.
Huh... I don't usually find quests this early, neat.

As for the vote, sane sensible, reasonable people do not do not look at the jungle-covered, tropical-disease-ridden nightmare that is Lustria and think 'yes this is where I want to live'. This calls for a bit of an adventurer and in the spirit of silly names that are so common in warhammer.

[X] Plan Daring Do
-[X] Name: Flynn Ryder
-[X][Gender] Man
-[X][Standing] Low Nobility
-[X] [Attributes] Dip 5: , Mar 8: , Ste 4: , Int 1: , Lea 3:

  1. We are going to live and die on our advisers, we need experts to deal with the things out there, getting one 'free' reliable advisor to start with is going to be very helpful, not to mention it would just be cool to have someone for Flynn to play off of.
  2. I know I know min intrigue, but it helps to dump something, it allows you to have other stats high and... we are going to the Lost World dinosaurs and all, intrigue is the least likely thing for us to need right away and by the same metric martial is the thing we are most likely to need
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[x]Plan Doofenschmirtz: slight change
-[x][Name] Lord Heinz von Doofenschmirtz
-[x][Standing] The Gentry
-[x][Attributes] Dip: 3, Mar: 3, Ste: 4, Int: 5, Lea: 7
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[X] Plan Daring Do

[X] Plan Midas Come Again

Oh boy, I've always wanted the opportunity to be a Failson!
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[X] Plan Daring Do

Honestly low intrigue for the lizards might be ok in the beginning. They are… simple thinking with strong emotions. Being tricked in any manor could set them off.
Baronette Ryder, presumably: "Dearest! You're not a failure, You're just... Not quite right for the Baronry. I'm sure you'll do just fine in Lustria, your own governorship is a big challenge that I'm sure you'll match. Now hurry up and get on the carriage. We've already sent your things ahead to Marienburg."
Flynn, hypothetically: "But... Wasn't the Auction only yesterday? I've only just go-"
Baronette Ryder, perhaps: "On the carriage, no time for questions! You'll be late."
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[X] Plan Midas Come Again
-[X] Name: Helmut Becker
-[X] [Gender] Man
-[X] [Standing] A Merchant Dynasty
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 2 Mar: 2 Ste: 8 Int: 2 Lea: 7

Some explanations. In Lustria, fighting is something we actively want to avoid, IMO. The Lizardmen are people we'd be best served by trying to avoid fights with rather then winning fights with. They're also people who you generally can't really diplomance, not having any interest in such, or the available languages, to begin with. However there's probably a real potential for great profits in Lustria whether by finding untapped ore veins or recognizing unique vegetables that can be sent back to the old world and a learned enough person might have actually read something about a history of interactions with Lizardmen or be able to better understand that these are not just your ordinary Beastmen.

And also to be honest, the vast majority of Warhammer quests are ones with an explosive martial stat where the character is this amazing great warrior. Now this is Warhammer, a setting based on a wargame, so fair enough, but given that we're playing a squishy human anyway, one whose mission is to build up a city, then I'd be interested in seeing if an administrator based quest could be made to work.
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[x] Plan Daring Do

Seems fun

[x] Plan I Jane, You Slann
-[x] [Name]: Jane Porter
-[x] [Gender]: Woman
-[x] [Standing]: High Nobility
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 5, Mar: 3, Ste: 4, Int: 2, Lea: 7

Scientist here to enthusiastically study the jungle, perhaps with a hulking bodyguard in tow.
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[X]Plan Doofenschmirtz
-[X][Name] Lord Doofenschmirtz of the Tristate Baronry
-[X][Standing] The Gentry
-[X][Attributes] Dip: 4, Mar: 1, Ste: 4, Int: 5, Lea: 8

[X] Plan Midas Come Again
-[X] Name: Helmut Becker
-[X] [Gender] Man
-[X] [Standing] A Merchant Dynasty
-[X] [Attributes] Dip: 2 Mar: 2 Ste: 8 Int: 2 Lea: 7

Some explanations. In Lustria, fighting is something we actively want to avoid, IMO. The Lizardmen are people we'd be best served by trying to avoid fights with rather then winning fights with. They're also people who you generally can't really diplomance, not having any interest in such, or the available languages, to begin with. However there's probably a real potential for great profits in Lustria whether by finding untapped ore veins or recognizing unique vegetables that can be sent back to the old world and a learned enough person might have actually read something about a history of interactions with Lizardmen or be able to better understand that these are not just your ordinary Beastmen.

And also to be honest, the vast majority of Warhammer quests are ones with an explosive martial stat where the character is this amazing great warrior. Now this is Warhammer, a setting based on a wargame, so fair enough, but given that we're playing a squishy human anyway, one whose mission is to build up a city, then I'd be interested in seeing if an administrator based quest could be made to work.

That is a fair point but on the other hand... there are dinosaurs that hunt dragons out there. Of all the places in warhammer to be a primary administrator this is probably not the most fitting.