[X] Snowblossom as the whole of the central watercourse, (Fewer and less personal blessings easier development along river)
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Heizhui is at the sect, and Cui is in the Thousand Lakes. Neither will ever be a part of Snowblossom in a meaningful way.We already have possible candidates to take over the lower and upper river (Heizhui and Cui), so...
[X] Snowblossom as the lake and god of Shenglu(More frequent and focused blessings on Shenglu, more difficult development up and downriver)
A calm and kind lake spirit is a rarity, and can easily get changed from the kind and pure nature."Fortune favors you, to find such a calm and kind lake, in these harsh lands," Meng Duyi said. "Even the spring melt is but a lapping ripple to this one, in these lands where the ice never vanishes fully."
"I have been most honored that she has accepted us so kindly on these shores, and raised bounty from the depths for our benefit," Ling Qi said. "And so I want to ensure that she is properly honored in turn."
"Your sincerity is felt," Meng Duyi said, reopening his eyes. "I have the shape of this spirit in my mind now. She is content as things are, but there are many things a settlement could do to change that. This purity and kindness could easily grow tainted," he said slowly. "You said you were laying the plans for rituals? A temple?"
We're adding mountain rivers to the lake, which includes rough, swift, ice cold waters, along with waterfalls and rapids. Which includes seasonal river surges as meltwaters rise and fall."The river, upper nor lower, have developed a separate sense of self. So it is," Meng Duyi said. "However… There would be a cost to this, as a central god of Shenglu itself Shenglu your city on its shore will receive many ebenefits and blessings, if devotion and right action remain in good stead. However, the second method's more impersonal and larger spirit would not be so sensitive to human behavior."