What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: I Desire Ships!

[X] Plan: What's that Hammerfor?

[X] Plan: Sanctification, Medication, and Buildification!
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Assuming our fleet remains otherwise the same, how much confidence do our folks have of winning the fight with 9x more Cruxes @HeroCooky?
Reasonable confidence? They just need metal to hold the line as your doctrine depends on such to keep your carriers safe. And the Aries-S may ve able to dish out a lot of hurt, but they can be squished rather quickly if a fleet focuses on them.
. . . I know that the post is for our SAGs and Knights, but where are the Lamenters?
They are (not yet) part of your military, and thus not shown.
@HeroCooky uuuuuooooohhhh i need to know. Do felinids have.....TOE BEANS!?
[X] Plan: Sanctification, Medication, and Buildification!
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Medical Services I
-[X] Sanctified Chaos Investigations
-[X] [Construct] A Warp Ship
--[X] 3x Crux

this is my plan, get started on sanctifying the chaos ships for the lamenators, along with constructing more crux warships...as well as keep up with medical services...we also need to adress anything else...man we really need to get another AP.

hopefully things work well, and the more research we do the more likely we can get the standardization (+2 DP!) once we get around 2 more research actions done after this.
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Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.

Known Imperial World Types:
Gathin - Armoury World
Kriegar - Penal/Mining World
Semumrum - Aboreal+Lumber World
Quintura Diablo - Civ+Civ Worlds
Brigach - Archive World
Malras Zeta - Battery World
Saget - Cemetery World
Qualach's Forge - Industrial World
Anybody here who hasn't reacted to this post yet and could give it an 8?
[X] Plan: Pirate Prep!
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Medical Services I
-[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - [3x Crux-Class Missile Frigate]
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
I'm not sure we should take the QM literally when they said that 10 Crux's is what we need to break End of Line.

From my PoV, the Crux is one of the shittiest ships we have. It's a solid block of metal, but a redesign would be 50% more efficient. I can't help but think there's a better solution than slavishly follow the QM's off-the-cuff suggestion.

The Crux is a necessary design for our fleet. Its entire point is to be the wall and guards for the Libras and Andromedas. They are the armored brick bullet sponges that can draw fire and hold the enemy in place for the Libras to do their work.

The only problem is we never built enough of them. Now, we could upgrade them, but the Crux will remain a armored brick missile destroyer because we need line holders like them for our fleet doctrine to actually work.
with our current 12 Frigate DP we can build a good upgrade for the crux:

Crux-Class Missile Frigate(8?DP) current
-Length - 1.700m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Single Hull -1 DP
-Shields - Three Emitters
-Weapons - 2x Medium Missile Batteries -4 DP
-Equipment - Missile Swarms/Advanced Alloying/Armored Life Pods -3 DP

Crux-A-Class Missile Frigate(12DP)
-Length - 1.700m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Single Hull -1 DP
-Shields - One Array -1 DP
-Weapons - 3x Medium Missile Batteries -6 DP
-Equipment - Missile Swarms/Advanced Alloying/Armored Life Pods/Tuned Shields -4 DP

So the new one adds:
A third Medium Missile Batteries, one step stronger shields and tuned shields
Tuned Shields - Proper tuning to the ship's reactor output allows downed shields to be returned online quicker than without.
[X] Plan: long term preparations
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Ship Design Improvements (0/2) x2
-[X] [General] Colonize (Planet)
--[X]Silista - Silista X (Temperate Continent)

one of the ways of getting more ships per action is having more systems under our control and Silista will not give us borders with someone new that would cause trouble
The research adds 2 DP to all ship designs allowing a new generation of better ships as we plan to build a lot to counter Neon and the Chaos forces we fought
Ooof, well, I'm not reversing that tide in the time we have left.

Just have to cross our fingers and hope that it's not too late to hit End of Line in three turns. Since we're not going to have the sheer mass we need to hit it until then.
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Just have to cross our fingers and hope that it's not too late to hit End of Line in three turns. Since we're not going to have the sheer mass we need to hit it until then.
Next turn we can raise medical , build 3 more crux and have a free action to either build another 3 or do some research on sanctifying chaos, cause all the glimmerings hate Chaos.

The turn after that we can hit the pirate station, maybe even speed build some more ships before the fight
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