What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[X] Angel Medium Walker

[X] Catacomb Medium tank

[X] Archer Self-propelled Artillery

[X] Gallant Heavy Tank

[X] Anansi-type Light Walker
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Honestly, the pain of having to decide between tracks and hovering is painful.

Hover tanks are so useful considering our multi-planetary military but our Military Industry is at 2, it's gonna have the worst fucking tech/maintenance support in the entire Imperium.

On the topic of urban tanks, we already have Astartes, that's basically their entire job.

Is this directed at me? Cause none of my designs are explicitly made for urban combat-the Assault Gun is the closest, but it can work outside urban environments just as well. And 'obliterating bunkers with plasma' is a very different role than Astartes take up.
...why would you want to waste our medium-tank slot on a vehicle with the weapons and mission profile of a light tank/tank destroyer/Mortar Carrier?
To be strong enough to carry MOAR dakka ya git! Plus more armor to not blow up if it gets knocked around by that first hit.
Or, you could use the Alliance AAC-1 Hovertank from old-school Battlefront which has two missile pods and what looks like two autocannons
Those auto cannons are line of sight looks like. If my ideal harasser tank is drawing line of sight then it has already failed.
It should always be out of range, out of sight, and constantly on the move. Sporadically launching attacks to destroy and distract enemies in behalf of the main attack force.
[X] Catacomb Medium tank

A nice little compact tank.

[X] Anansi-type Light Walker

A good skirmisher and I like the idea of our aesthetic involving a lot of walkers. On that note

[X] Angel Medium Walker

[X] Padfoot Heavy Urban walker

[X] Archer Self-propelled Artillery

Having good artillery is always good.

[X]Morrigan Heavy Tank

Tossing this In because it's a cool idea.
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Notice to everyone that voted for my designs:

I've fixed the vote up and changed the images into links instead of image inserts. Please modify your own votes or just erase the subvotes under the main design name votes to help the vote tally get it right.


Sterbelicht - One Sacrifice At A Time Against The Galaxy (40K) Mature - Sci-Fi

Okay, so here's my three designs. One is a all-terrain spider tank that basically takes the role of the Sentinel walker, and the other is a Malcador/Macharius equivalent. The last is a self-propelled artillery [X] Anansi-type Light Walker -[X] Anansi Image Link -[x] Role: Light Tank -[X]...
Different idea: please just vote for the name of the tank if you aren't the first poster? Then I don't have to count 4+ spread out votes for the same one. :V
I honestly wonder, if not for this, whether we could make more use of the Webber as a nonlethal thing. Like if we did wind up involved in any sort of Hive thing, we'd probably want ways to not murder people. That's not enough to make a tank on that... though I do feel like a spider-leg tank SHOULD have Webbers...
[X] Firefly Light Hovertank
[X] Medium Tank: Venerable Guardian Mk. 1 (Guardian for short)
[X] Heavy Tank: Steadfast Bulwark Mk. 1 (Bullwark for short)
[X] Special Tank: Stelar Radiance Mk 1 Assault Gun (Radiance for short)
@szymonmolitoris2 @blankmask please modify your votes to remove everything under the main name vote of the designs you a voting for.

i.e. Instead of having your vore like this:

[] Anansi-type Light Walker
-[] Anansi Image Link
-[] Role: Light Tank
-[] Propulsion: Spider-limbs
-[] Weapons: 1x Lascannon, 2x Light Multilas
-[] Lore: The Anansi is the Federation's answer for the need for mobile skirmishers, urban combat, and recon vehicles. A squat, spider-like vehicle with four limbs, the Anansi's closest Imperial counterpart would be the Heavy Sentinel walker. Equipped to be able to have limited supply needs, the Anansi is equipped with laser weaponry to allow it to be ammo independent. Its limbs can allow climbing on steep surfaces and for vertical movement, the Anansi has a pair of wire anchors to allow it to grapple its way up to higher locations to flank heavier opponents in rough or urban terrain. Its speed and mobility is its main protection, with its armor being thin compared to medium tanks.

Have it just be this:

[] Anansi-type Light Walker

THe vote tally is messing up because of the subvotes under the main vote.
[X] Anansi-type Light Walker
[X] Medium Tank: Venerable Guardian Mk. 1 (Guardian for short)
[X] Heavy Tank: Steadfast Bulwark Mk. 1 (Bullwark for short)
[X] Special Tank: Stelar Radiance Mk 1 Assault Gun (Radiance for short)
sad people don't like the Crusader, since it's my favorite, but 3/4 ain't bad.

Edit: just tried to run a tally-this vote is gonna be a shitshow lol
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Oh god the vote tally is a mess... We might have been better voting by plan, But that would probably end with like a hundred mix and match plans so I'm not sure what better lmao
Oh god the vote tally is a mess... We might have been better voting by plan, But that would probably end with like a hundred mix and match plans so I'm not sure what better lmao

Honestly I think the images in the block-votes are messing everything up, I removed the Xs from everything on my original design votes but the name of the machine and it consolidated my vote in with the other people who just voted for the name, so I'd advise everyone to just vote with the name of the tanks you want.
Oh god the vote tally is a mess... We might have been better voting by plan, But that would probably end with like a hundred mix and match plans so I'm not sure what better lmao

I'm sure we can all put our heads together and figure it out.

Yeah no…tried to type that with smiling.
Didn't work.

So this voting period is going to be a dang MESS…can't wait to see what will happen later on!

Anyway I do want standardization and to work on armored life-pods next for research purposes…

Though I also want to update our current old ships so they can stand against the eventual imperial attack.

And once we get VI X and medical V…we should be golden for getting the cruiser to either be "get stuck in with the boys" or "drag everyone to the invasion-point offense/defense".

Still though, looking forward to seeing if the lamenators end up losing their curse eventually thanks to our anti-chaos fuckery…which we really should get to upgrading when we can because screw the warp tumors.
[X] Anansi-type Light Walker
[X]Morrigan Heavy Tank
These are the only designs I really care about.
Don't expect the shielded heavy tank to win, but it's an interesting enough design I want to see it happen. The spider walker is because I like walkers.
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[X] Anansi-type Light Walker
[X] Medium Tank: Venerable Guardian Mk. 1 (Guardian for short)
[X] Heavy Tank: Steadfast Bulwark Mk. 1 (Bullwark for short)
[X] Special Tank: Stelar Radiance Mk 1 Assault Gun (Radiance for short)

[X] Candlelight Medium tank

[X] Crab Heavy tank
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[X] Light Tank: Candlelight Crusader Mk. 1 (Crusader for short)

[X] Medium Tank: Venerable Guardian Mk. 1 (Guardian for short)

[X] Heavy Tank: Steadfast Bulwark Mk. 1 (Bullwark for short)

[X] Special Tank: Stelar Radiance Mk 1 Assault Gun (Radiance for short)

[X] Candlelight Medium tank

[X] Crab Heavy tank
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Adhoc vote count started by RaptorusMaximus on Apr 4, 2024 at 8:13 PM, finished with 88 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Anansi-type Light Walker
    [X] Medium Tank: Venerable Guardian Mk. 1 (Guardian for short)
    [X] Heavy Tank: Steadfast Bulwark Mk. 1 (Bullwark for short)
    [X] Special Tank: Stelar Radiance Mk 1 Assault Gun (Radiance for short)
    [X] Angel Medium Walker
    [X] Archer Self-propelled Artillery
    [X] Firefly Light Hovertank
    [X] Gallant Heavy Tank
    [X]Morrigan Heavy Tank
    [X] Light Tank: Candlelight Crusader Mk. 1 (Crusader for short)
    [X] Catacomb Medium tank
    -[X] Image
    -[X] Role: Medium Tank
    -[X] Propulsion: Tracks
    -[X] Weapons: 1xBattle Cannon, 3xHeavy bolters
    -[X] Lore: Designed in the spirit of the venerable Malcador, The Catacomb is heavily based on the ancient tank, a Small force of which happened to be located on the station during the uprising after a warband sent them for repairs that they were unable to do. While lacking the STC to make more tanks like the malcador, The tech priests have taken many lessons on what, and what not, to do from the venerable tank. While outwardly presentinglike a castle wall on treads, the Catacomb's decrative stone facade armour belies its durability, providing a large amount of rokm in the front of the tank. this extra space renders the catacomb a rather versatile tank, enabling production of a similar variety of patterns as the original leman russ. During its first deployment, the catacomb of course lacks this backlog of flexable variants, and was deployed with the venerable combo of Battle cannons and heavy bolters, Forgoing the Heavy stubber of its typical imperial counter part through the use of its ample internal space.
    [X] Angel Medium Walker
    -[X] Image
    -[X] Role: Specialist AA Tank
    -[X] Propulsion: Spider Legs
    -[X] Weaponry: 4x Autocannons
    -[X] Lore: Designed as an all terrain solution to the problem of Anti-air, The Angel was designed under the premise that it would never match the near dirt-cheap nature of the Chimera based Hydra, As such, the Angel is designed to fulfil a pair of Different niches. It does this Through its Automaton legs allowing it an even wider amount of terrain traversal compared to the chimera, already noted for its also terrain nature, Allowing it to go in some of the few places that the Hydra cannot. In addition, The Angel mounts heavier armour, Allowing it to serve as both as anti-air, and Turn its Autocannons upon Infantry and heavy infantry targets, Serving to Help clear hordes upon hordes with its Dangerous autocannons when enemy air support is not in desperate need for killing.
    [X] Catacomb Medium tank
    [X] Padfoot Heavy Urban walker
    [X] Firefly Light Hovertank
    -[X] Role: Light Tank
    -[X] Propulsion: Hover
    -[X] Armanents: x1 Autocannon, x3 Multilaser turrets
    -[X] The Firefly is meant to be a skirmishing IFV and what it lacks in armor, it makes up for with the ability to turn infantry and light armor to mulch.
    [X]Morrigan Heavy Tank
    -[X] Image + Image, Body and profile of the Ginger, with the turret having a similar riveted Pauldron to the Morrigu
    -[X] Role: Heavy Tank
    -[X] Propulsion: Tracks
    -[X] Weapons:1xBattlecannon, Armiger single direction Ion shield 1xTwin linked Heavy bolter
    -[X] Lore: Designed as a Centerpiece Tank, The Morrigan is the first attempt to mount the Karnivores Single Directional Ion Shield on a new, non-bipedal Platform. To make space for the Ion shield, The heavy morrigan Wields a Weapon set more in common with the MBT of the Imperium, The leman russ. Instead, The Heavy tank while not a true super heavy, Makes up for this lesser Weapon load out with heavy armour and a Space marine-esque paldron on its turret, Which in truth is the Ion emitter for the shield. This heavy Defensive load out allows the Morrigan to serve as the cornerstone of a defensive line, or the armoured fist of a Armour column, protecting those around it by virtue of its large presence and Insanely durable nature, forcing the enemy to Surmount it, or continue to allow it to act as a mobile Armoured wall for its allies to shelter behind.
    [X]Morrigan Heavy Tank
    -[X] Image + Image, Body and profile of the Ginger, with the turret having a similar riveted Pauldron to the Morrigu
    -[X] Role: Heavy Tank
    -[X] Propulsion: Tracks
    -[X] Weapons:1xBattlecannon, Armiger single direction Ion shield 1xTwin linked Heavy bolter
    -[X] Lore: Designed as a Centerpiece Tank, The Morrigan is the first attempt to mount the Karnivores Single Directional Ion Shield on a new, non-bipedal Platform. To make space for the Ion shield, The heavy morrigan Wields a Weapon set more in common with the MBT of the Imperium, The leman russ. Instead, The Heavy tank While not a true super heavy, Makes up for this lesser Weapon load out with heavy armour and a Space marine-esque paldron on its turret, Which in truth is the Ion emitter for the shield. this heavy Defensive load out allows the Morrigan to serve as the cornerstone of a defensive line, or the armoured fist of a Armour column, protecting those around it by virtue of its large presence and
    [X] Anansi-type Light Walker
    -[X] Image Link
    -[X] Role: Light Tank
    -[X] Propulsion: Spider-limbs
    -[X] Weapons: 1x Lascannon, 2x Light Multilas
    -[X] Lore: The Anansi is the Federation's answer for the need for mobile skirmishers, urban combat, and recon vehicles. A squat, spider-like vehicle with four limbs, the Anansi's closest Imperial counterpart would be the Heavy Sentinel walker. Equipped to be able to have limited supply needs, the Anansi is equipped with laser weaponry to allow it to be ammo independent. Its limbs can allow climbing on steep surfaces and for vertical movement, the Anansi has a pair of wire anchors to allow it to grapple its way up to higher locations to flank heavier opponents in rough or urban terrain. Its speed and mobility is its main protection, with its armor being thin compared to medium tanks.
    [X] Gallant Heavy Tank
    -[X] Role: Heavy Tank
    -[X] Propulsion: Tracks
    -[X] Weaponry: Battlecannon, Co-axial Multi-las, 1x Heavy stubber (pintle mount) 1x Heavy Flamer (front), 2x Heavy Bolters (side-mounted), Smoke launchers
    -[X] Lore: Designed to be the main heavy tank of the Federation, the Gallant Heavy Tank is a large tracked vehicle with strong armor and a number of weapons. Its main gun is the venerable Battlecannon, a powerful anti-vehicle weapon. Backing this up is a number of various lighter weapons such as the coaxial multilas meant for shredding infantry and light vehicles. The Gallant is the heavy, sturdy spearhead for its compatriots. It is also equipped with smoke dispensers to provide line-of-sight cover against enemy targeting.
    [X] Archer Self-propelled Artillery
    -[X] Role: Specialist Mobile Artillery
    -[X] Propulsion: Tracks
    -[X] Weaponry: Earthshaker Artillery Cannon, 3x Multi-las turrets
    -[X] Lore: A heavy-tracked mobile artillery unit, the Archer is a vehicle meant to provide the fearsome power of the Earthshaker cannon in a mobile, protected package. The design is dominated by the main artillery cannon, but it also possesses three independent multi-las gun turrets to protect itself against infantry and light vehicles.
    [X] Golem - Heavy Tank

So, currently, the tally after getting the various votes that aren;t being tallied right is:

Light Tank: Anasi Light Walker (10 votes)
Medium Tank: Venerable Guardian Mk. I (5 Votes)
Heavy Tank: Steadfast Bulwalk vs Morrigan Heavy Tank (5 votes each)
Specialist: Angel Medium Walker (7 Votes) (the Archer self-propelled artillery is close behind at 6 votes)

Honestly, not a bad spread of designs I think. Though aesthetics wise I don't like using the WW2 Soviet tanks as the design basis. But eh.