They will need to live with using either slower warp travel (like we did before getting this powerup/like we will for all fleets that don't have the Choir powerup) or organize help from a Choir.[X] Let The Spirits Of The Machine Aid Our Voices
...I do worry about what this means for our eventual civilian merchant ships. Will the need for psyker equipment heavily bottleneck them?
If it's any consolation, we won't have nearly as severe a need for mechant ships as the Imperium. The federation doesn't have single-purpose worlds and won't have any use for them for a long, long time, so all of our worlds are to my understanding more or less self sufficient and exceptionally built up. We'd be more likely to find and recruit Navigators before we were in that desperate a need for mass merchant ships.[X] Let The Spirits Of The Machine Aid Our Voices
...I do worry about what this means for our eventual civilian merchant ships. Will the need for psyker equipment heavily bottleneck them?
We also don't have any known foes with power projection except the pirates (Who are ignoring this neck of the woods for whatever reason)
There are Renegade Houses that are just not loyal to the Imperium at all.Navigators are totally fine working for pirates, as long as they get their cut and aren't expected to go down with the ship.
There are Renegade Houses that are just not loyal to the Imperium at all.
So getting Navigators is not completely off the table, it is going to be very expensive though.
I mean, Lexicanum says that a Renegade Navigator employed psykers to help guide his pirate fleet. So it seems like they feel like psykers do not truly threaten their monopoly as they are worse than them.that and they will be beligelent...and the fact the navigator gene requires them to inbreed when it can cause a shit-ton of problems? as well a constant mutation? yeah...that tends to be very, very, very terrible in the long run for mental health issues. Plus they would outright try to kill our psykers and machine spirits, and the void abacus if we ever found it...
- Warp Witches, are human breed of psykers that are able to replace Navigators in their position, albeit in a crude manner, and never truly approaching Navigator's gift, they nonetheless allow a piloted jump, when no other means is available. One of renegade Navigators was known to employ a whole coterie of those, to guide his pirate fleet.
Lmao, Minor? Try Local.
They'd get wrecked by a moderately trained fighter pilot. 40k Fighter/Bomber Craft are around 40~100m long and pack ship killer ordnance for the latter. Space Mech would get eaten in moments.hey cant we make the Karnivores space worthy so we can pull a full on "SPACE MECHA" bullshit like in the age old GUNDAM!
They aren't reliant on it, it is just that having a giant bonfire in the Warp to triangulate your position/target location is really helpful. And no, they can't.Can Navigators even be trained to use our Psykana (assuming we ever manage to nab a Navigator house of our own or something) or would they be reliant on the Astronomican?
You mean grab a Navigator House? Sure, said so already.
Is the Navigator Gene compatible with consumption of chocolate?
No.Is the Navigator Gene compatible with consumption of chocolate?