I know it is a bit late (I had work), but I've been thinking about the rules to elect new councilmembers. We want to have those that have enough wisdom, experience, and knowledge to make good decisions for the community. These people need to uphold the values and beliefs of the people at the same time. If these requirements are lax, unqualified people will become part of the Council. If they are too stringent, not enough of the common people will become part of the council. Knowing this, I've tried to strike a balance.
[] [Council] Age : New members of the Council must be 25 years or older.
Looking at other countries, they mostly put the required age of an elected official at the age of majority. This means many can be elected as early as 18 or 21, which I think is too early. I'd like councilmembers to have some experience as an adult before joining.
[] [Council] Accomplishment : New members to the Council must have done at least two of the following (with evidence):
-[] Survived Two Winters
-[] Emancipated 15 Slaves to Union
-[] Helped save the lives of 10 allies of Union
-[] Captured an enemy Vessel for Union
I've been thinking of what a person that shared Unions values would have gone through or would do. Surviving Winter twice insures that they know its dangers. Emancipating slaves, both those of other countries and the Tribute-Takers, means that they are friends to the Unchained and Winter Walkers. Saving the lives of Union's allies makes them our allies. Capturing enemy vessels is a way to future proof for privateering and insure the current Unchained can become councilmembers.
[] [Council] Oath : New members of the Council must swear an oath before God, Saints and the Ancestors to serve impartially and advise wisely, without care for their own advancement. Those that betray this oath will be punished by :
-[] Expulsion from the Council and lose of the rights to be member of the Assembly, without possibility of joining them again
--[] For knowingly making any decision that unfairly benefits themselves, their associates, or their family
--[] For knowingly making any decision purely to the detriment of Union
-[] Expulsion from the Council, with the ability to be re-elected after 2 years
--[] If two third of the Council find that they have repeatedly making unwise and irresponsible decisions in their actions as a Councilmember
-[] Death by hanging, beheading, firing squad, or any swift method of death
--[] For knowingly aiding the enemies of Union and its allies to the severe detriment of the people
---[] If for any reason they are unable to be put to death, they will instead be permanently exiled
--[] If over one half of the Council and over one half of the Assembly decide to spare them, they will instead by banished within a week for no less then 10 years
This is mostly about the punishments for those that break whatever Oath we decide, since I'm not quite sure about this one. There are many different scenarios for why someone might break their oath, and that means that there should be different levels of punishment. Being unfit to be on the Council just means you get thrown off with the possibility of rejoining. Betraying your oath for your own benefit or to only harm others gets you thrown out of government permanently. If they commit treason after making the Oath, they must have fitting punishment.
[] [Council] Expulsion : If two-third of the Assembly or Council, or half of both, vote for it, a Councilmember may be expelled from its seat.
-[] The reason for expulsion must be made publicly known one session before the vote is held
This is just for any cases of expulsion outside of breaking the Oath. To ensure there isn't any sudden closed door expulsion without a given reason and that people have time to decide.
[] [Council] Separation of Power: A person may not be a member of the Council and Assembly at the same time. The Captain may not be a member of the Council or Assembly while in that position.
Preventing a person from having power in all parts of the government is important for preventing someone from taking absolute power. I don't want to be a mini dictatorship.
Those are my ideas. I'd love to get some feedback or suggestions.