A Beacon of Hope in the Darkness: Warhammer 40,000 Xeno Civ Quest

A lot of unpack here. All I will say after a first glance is:

Build Automated Farming Complexes
Mass-scale Bioreplication Facilities

These are absolute musts. Our low population is going to be a killer if we don't speed it up.
[X]Small Expansion
-[X]Naval Actions
-[X]Infrastructure Actions
--[X]Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1)
--[X]Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains
--[X]Build mineral processing facilities
-[X]Archaeology Actions
--[X]Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01
--[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01
--[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02
-[X]Research Actions
--[X]Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral
--[X]Basic Arcology Designs
--[X]Orbital Engineering Methods

Can someone calculate the amount of minerals that will be spend with this plan?

Regular Materiels/Minerals 716 M
Nanomaterials 245.8 M

I am in favor of this plan. It's a little pricey on the minerals side, but takes steps to address that so it's all good for me.
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[X]Small Expansion
-[X]Naval Actions
-[X]Infrastructure Actions
--[X]Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1)
--[X]Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains
--[X]Build mineral processing facilities
-[X]Archaeology Actions
--[X]Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01
--[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01
--[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02
-[X]Research Actions
--[X]Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral
--[X]Basic Arcology Designs
--[X]Orbital Engineering Methods

Can someone calculate the amount of minerals that will be spend with this plan?

Mortarium is still going.
Regular Materiels/Minerals 716 M
Nanomaterials 245.8 M

I am in favor of this plan. It's a little pricey on the minerals side, but takes steps to address that so it's all good for me.
Ok I didn't overspend the minerals. The reason I took steps to increase production instead of population is quite simple. Overpopulation: basically our small population is our greatest advantage early on so right now, we need to get production up to 500%. Once we do, then we can get started on population
Love quests but I'm not really the plan making type so I'm just gonna be on a look out for options I wanna see win.


Expand the aerodrome in the Teq'naris Archipelago

Expand the dockyards in the Teq'naris Archipelago

Are my two choices for Infra actions. Given the flavor text states they're the ones in danger of having the colonists killed
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For everyone's information, a turn is one year long.

A Drak'xarri year has 24 months.

And one Drak'xarri year is equal to four standard Imperial years.

Also, I edited the time needed for all the actions.

@Archon7 @Ancient One and everyone else who are making plans, please take note.
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24 months Per year

Naval Options: will take 6 Months

Major Projects: will take 19 Months in total

Minor Projects: will take 4 Months in total

All infrastructure projects: 23 Months in total

Archaeology Projects: 1 year for the language, 21 for exploration

Research Projects: 30 Months in total (9 Months for Oribtals, 11 for Arcology, and 10 for Crystal)

@Archon7 here you go

@Zolarian01 Does stuff like research and Archaeology have the multiple actions occurring at the same time, or is it one after the other? Same for infrastructure.
Action Slot Mechanics - Part 1
Ok, let me explain how the action slots will work.

If an action takes more than 1 year to finish, it will continue on to the the next turn as of now.

For Naval Actions, your ship can start another survey action after a 3 month resting period.

For the remaining sections, I should make one thing clear - the actions are happening simultaneously and independent of the others.

Like, if you build the mining facility, it will progress unhindered by the fact that you are building an underground maglev rail link at the same time.

Also, if an action finishes and you have some time left in the turn, you can queue up another action depending on the resources and the situation.

As for minor Infra Actions, they are repeatable, and the queue mechanic applies to it as well.

@Archon7 @thatone_dude
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Can actions with requirements be done on the same turn as its requirements? Or do they have to be taken after the requirements were already done?

Also, have a draft plan:
[] Plan: Build Build Build
-[]Naval Actions
--[] Kel'taor
—[] Resolution
-[]Infrastructure Actions
--[] Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1)
--[] Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains
--[] Build mineral processing facilities
-[]Archaeology Actions
--[] Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01
--[] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01
--[] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02
-[]Research Actions
--[] Orbital Engineering Methods
--[] Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral
--[] Improved Nanoscale Assembly

You have to complete the prerequisite requirements and conditions first in order to do any action with requirements.

Yes, you can do so in the same turn if the timing permits.

Also, look up the Action Slot Mechanics to make a better plan.
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Are plans with conditionals allowed, for example do action X if it fails try again else do action Y

You have to complete the prerequisite requirements and conditions first in order to do any action with requirements.

Yes, you can do so in the same turn if the timing permits.

Also, look up the Action Slot Mechanics to make a better plan.
So... Is a turn like 1 year or so? So we could do like Action juggling.

So like, time itself is a resource. Now I have to track it alongside all the costs and gains I'm thinking of tracking.

Improved plan! I don't think I'm doing it right. Anyway, I'm sleepy.
[] Plan: Build Build Build
-[]Naval Actions
--[] Kel'taor (6/6 months)
---[] Resolution
--[] Kel'taor (6/6 months)
---[] Resolution
--[] Aiuran (6/16 months)
---[] Resolution
-[]Infrastructure Actions
--[] Major Slot 1
---[] Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1) (14/14 months) -500 M minerals, -150 M nanomaterials
---[] Expand the aerodrome in the Teq'naris Archipelago (5/5 months) -200 M minerals, -60 M nanomaterials
--[] Major Slot 2
---[] Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains (5/5 months) -200 M minerals, -60 M nanomaterials
--[] Minor Slot
---[] Build mineral processing facilities (4/4 months) -15 M minerals, -4.5 M nanomaterials, +5 M minerals/year
---[] Build nanomaterial production plants (5/5 months) -20 M minerals, -6 M nanomaterials, +2.5 M nanomaterials/year\
---[] Build mineral processing facilities (4/4 months) -15 M minerals, -4.5 M nanomaterials, +5 M minerals/year
---[] Build nanomaterial production plants (5/5 months) -20 M minerals, -6 M nanomaterials, +2.5 M nanomaterials/year
-[]Archaeology Actions
--[] Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01 (24/24 months)
--[] Action Slot 2
---[] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01 (10/10 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
---[] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-03 (10/10 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
--[] Action Slot 3
---[] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02 (11/11 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
---[] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-04 (9/9 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
-[]Research Actions
--[] Action Slot 1
---[] Orbital Engineering Methods (9/9 months) -6 M nanomaterials
---[] Orbital Shipbuilding Facilities (10/10 months) -7 M nanomaterials
--[] Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral (10/10 months) -10 M nanomaterials
--[] Improved Nanoscale Assembly (24/24 months) -30 M nanomaterials

-923 M minerals
-338.6 M nanomaterials
New Income:
+10 M minerals
+5 M nanomaterials
Net Expenditures:
-847.5 M minerals
-263.6 M nanomaterials
New Stockpile:
1302.5 M minerals
861.4 M nanomaterials
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[X] Plan: Build Build Build

i was not aware we could do all the things, so i shall now do all the things
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[X]Small Expansion
-[X]Naval Actions
-[X]Infrastructure Actions
--[X]Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1)
--[X]Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains
--[X]Build mineral processing facilities
-[X]Archaeology Actions
--[X]Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01
--[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01
--[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02
-[X]Research Actions
--[X]Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral
--[X]Basic Arcology Designs
--[X]Orbital Engineering Methods
State of the Primarchs - Part 1
(While you all wait for the vote to end, here is some food for thought.)

A little account of what the Primarchs are doing at this stage in M42.

  • Roboute Guilliman - The Lord Commander of the Imperium and the revenant Primarch of the Ultramarines is currently on Macragge, making efforts to better secure Ultramar from Chaos incursions in the wake of the Plague Wars.
  • Lion El'Jonson - The revenant Primarch of the Dark Angels is currently on the Rock, having reunited with his gene-children during the Arks of Omen Campaign. He is planning to pay his resurrected brother, Guilliman, a visit.
  • Corvus Corax - The shadowy Primarch of the Raven Guard is currently in the Eye of Terror, on his self-declared mission to hunt down his corrupted former brothers, even as he prepares to pursue and hunt down Lorgar.

  • Angron - The Red Angel has recovered from the paltry injuries inflicted upon him by the Lion in the Arks of Omen Campaign, and is preparing for a new Blood Crusade.
  • Mortarion - Smarting from the failure to bring Ultramar to its knees, the Death Lord is stewing in thoughts of vengeance, even as some of the Death Guard's warbands make preparations for a new expedition.
  • Fulgrim - The Phoenician has, for the most part, not engaged in any serious action so far. Actually, any action at all, so far.
  • Magnus the Red - The Crimson Cyclops has occupied himself with weaving an intricate network of plans and traps, all designed to weaken and cripple the Ultramarines. Rumors abound in the Planet of Sorcerers that he might lead a force to attack Macragge in the future.
  • Perturabo - The Lord of Iron is currently leading his warbands on a vicious Iron Crusade across the Segmentum Obscurus, and already several worlds have fallen to his forces.
  • Lorgar Aurelian - The Urizen has not engaged in any significant action other than amassing his Word Bearers and spreading the dark words of Chaos. He is expecting the third duel with his former brother, Corvus Corax, to happen sometime in the near future.
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