A Beacon of Hope in the Darkness: Warhammer 40,000 Xeno Civ Quest


I did a calculation for your plan...and I have bad news.

It will be better if you cut out the 15 mineral processing facilities.
Turn 4 overview
The fourth year of our ascension to the cosmos ends with our economy starting to get back on track, even as our vessels make strides in exploring the planets making up our star system.

Overview: Naval Actions
Bel'xarok - The second planet from our star and the closest planet to our homeworld, Bel'xarok is nothing less than a spherical cauldron. Surrounded by a thick, noxious atmosphere, the surface has proven difficult to survey, and we can only guess at the condition of the surface based on the atmospheric composition. This will be quite the test for the ship's sensors.
Survey level: 7/10 (Considerably surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Challenging
Estimated survey duration: 1 year
Travel time: 3 months
Rolls: 2d100 = 154 (Success)

The Curiosity and the Farsight are reporting that they are finished with the surveying of Bel'xarok for the time being.

The improvements to the drone and probe armor did indeed help to further the survey, and from what we have seen, they were able to penetrate deeper into the acrid atmosphere, giving us valuable readings and data, before their eventual demise.

All it has done is confirm what we previously suspected. Bel'xarok is a toxic ball of rock, acidified over the years by torrential showers of acid rain. The surface has such high levels of acidity that even trying to walk on it would be lethal.

We have been unable to send probes into the crust, due to said acidity. In order to proceed further, the recommendation is that our equipment receives a very substantial upgrade, which is most likely beyond our capabilities for now.

Lan'karis - The fifth planet from our star, Lan'karis is a gas giant of colossal proportions. The atmosphere is colored a rather bright shade of red, most likely due to the presence of exotic gasses as per probe data analysis. Descending into its atmosphere for a survey is out of the question. However, with our probes, a relatively thorough survey can still be done. Of interest to us are its several satellites.
Survey level: 8/10 (Considerably surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Moderately challenging
Estimated survey duration: 8-10 months
Travel time: 7 months
Rolls: 2d100 = 168 (Notable success)

The Resolution has finished with the present survey of Lan'karis, and its crew is ready to file their report.

According to them, most of the gasses in the atmosphere of Lan'karis are isotopes of the exotic gasses present back on Xan'qarras. Due to the fact that they have never been encountered before, we made the mistaken assumption that they were new elements. However, one of the gasses, which is present to a very considerable degree in the atmosphere, is indeed a new element.

The properties exhibited by this new element are nothing short of astonishing. It can react with some metals, creating compounds that are incredibly resilient to external phenomena and forces, to start with. That is just the beginning of what it is capable of, though. The crew has prepared samples of it for the Sci-Res-Dev Secretariat to look at.
Obtained: Samples of an unknown gaseous element.
Unlocked: Analysis - Unknown Gaseous Element (Lan'karis) (Research Option)

Trav'kon - The sixth planet from our star, Trav'kon is a gas giant of massive proportions. With an atmosphere colored a bright shade of purple, obviously due to the presence of exotic gasses, it merits further analysis, not the least due to the unusual readings gathered by our probes when they scanned it.
Survey level: 10/10 (Fully surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Moderately challenging
Estimated survey duration: 9-11 months
Travel time: 10 months
Rolls: 2d100 = 162 (Notable success)

The Steadfast has completed surveying Trav'kon, and has finished compiling a report on the same.

While we are still in the dark as to how these microscopic lifeforms came to be in Trav'kon's atmosphere, the fact remains that they are there. Countless analyses of the gasses show nothing that is capable of supporting life as we know it. How, then, did these microorganisms come to be in the atmosphere of this gas giant?

Something tells us that a far more detailed analysis of the atmospheric gasses might reveal a clue or two about this mystery. Considering that one of the gasses is completely unknown to us, this had better be done post-haste.
Obtained: Samples of an unknown gaseous element.
Unlocked: Analysis - Unknown Gaseous Element (Trav'kon) (Research Option)

Caf'xilin - The closest planet to our star, Caf'xilin has been shown to be a barren ball of rock from the data gathered by deep space probes. The proximity to the sun has most likely stripped it of any atmosphere whatsoever. We can go there, if only to check how much heat our ship can take.
Survey level: 7/10 (Considerably surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Mildly challenging
Estimated survey duration: 11 months
Travel time: 6 months
Progress: 3/11 months

The Farsight has made appreciable headway in its survey of Caf'xilin.

For the most part, it is rather unremarkable as a planet, with significant geological similarity to our satellite, Kel'taor. The large number of craters on the surface imply a consistent bombardment by asteroids and comets over the course of time, which have left behind sizeable deposits of minerals.

At present, our probes are carrying out underground surveys, analysing the layers of the crust.

Hal'jerran - The seventh planet from our star, Hal'jerran is a rocky world which is unique due to the fact that it appears to be shattered. Close to two-fifths of the planet are apparently gone…or rather, surrounding it in the form of a ring of rocky debris. For this fact alone, a detailed survey is a must.
Survey level: 0/10 (Not surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Challenging
Estimated survey duration: 28 months
Travel time: 13 months
Progress: 6/28 months

The Resolution has commenced a preliminary survey of Hal'jerran, and the initial reports are…confusing.

For starters, the ring of debris has left our cosmonauts stumped at first. They are trying to work out exactly how was it that two-fifths of the planet was broken up and now surrounding the rest of it in the form of a ring.

They will have to do this alone for a while, until the Curiosity reaches there to assist them.

Nas'tanak - The eighth and farthest planet from our star, Nas'tanak is a frozen ball of ice and rock. Not much is known about this distant member of our stellar system. A survey would help understand it better.
Survey level: 0/10 (Not surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Unknown
Estimated survey duration: Unable to estimate
Travel time: 16 months

The Steadfast is currently en route to Nas'tanak. ETA: 12 months.

Overview: Infrastructure Actions
Build mining facilities in the Kar'talom Valley

Description: From the looks of it, the Kar'talom Valley is rather unassuming, other than its natural beauty. However as they say, looks can be deceiving, as this valley falls in the way of one of the migration routes used by the infamous Nak'tar Storm Drakes, which are very difficult to take on, thanks to a metallic carapace that serves the role of plate armor, and the ability to launch thunderbolts of considerable power. And in this very place, we have discovered an exceptionally rich mineral vein. Developing it will be quite difficult, but it is believed that the challenge will be worth it.
Cost: 200 M minerals, 60 M nanomaterials
Time: 2.8 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 135 (Success)

So far, this has proven to be the toughest project undertaken by our engineers. The Nak'tar Storm Drakes could not be touched by our weapons for obvious reasons, so there was only one to tackle them.

By building shrines dedicated to Geygantaris, we were able to ensure that the Storm Drakes did not try to harm us while we were carrying out construction efforts, themselves being rather difficult due to the location of the vein.

Those efforts have finally paid off, as the mines are now operational.
Rewards: +235 M additional minerals production per year

Build nanomaterial production plants × 6

Cost: 86.4 M minerals, 25.92 M nanomaterials

The new nanomaterial production plants have been brought online and are already contributing to our economy.

Overview: Archaeology Actions
Explore unknown alien ruins XA-04 (Level 3)

Cost: 900K minerals, 270K nanomaterials
Time: 9 months
Chance of success: 77.5%
Rolls: 2d100 = 154 (Success)

Our teams descended into the third level of the site XA-04 with a considerable feeling of foreboding. It was not without reason, as in the levels below them, a highly dangerous substance was sealed away. And taking risks was one thing, but not at the cost of millions of lives.

So, clad in NBC suits, they proceeded with the utmost caution through the corridors, armed with the experience of the first two levels. This served us well, as less traps and defenses were triggered, and the ones that we ended up activating were not able to inflict fatal casualties.

The efforts of the teams were rewarded with the discovery of a suite of labs, dedicated to the purpose of….genetic engineering, it seems? On the other hand, there is a decent body of work on cybernetics present here as well, including…cybernetic implants. What were the aliens trying to do here with all this?

Nevertheless, we got down to work, pulling the data from the computers and servers on site and transferring them to storage drives. Samples of the implants were collected as well.

We saw a door that was very, very heavily reinforced and sealed. Considering the large number of warnings we saw about the fact that levels 4 and 5 have been sealed off, we can only assume that this door leads further down below to the aforementioned levels.

None of our team members feel that it is prudent to even try to open it. They have come up with a suggestion to seal off the entire site, though there is disagreement as to how severe the lockdown will be.
Obtained: Data on genetic engineering, cybernetic implants, data on cybernetics.
Unlocked: Analysis - Unknown Alien Genetic Engineering Data (Research Option), Analysis - Unknown Alien Cybernetic Implants (Research Option), Analysis - Unknown Alien Cybernetics Data (Research Option)

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-05 (Level 1)

Cost: 1.5 M minerals, 450K nanomaterials
Time: 11 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 176 (Major success)

After discovering that the site XA-05 was larger than anticipated, several large teams were sent to carry out the expedition.

The Aeronautics and Advanced Materials labs were but the beginning. There is a grouping of labs working on highly advanced computing methods. The data and machinery here will be useful to our computation experts and researchers.

In another group of labs, labeled "Advanced Locomotion", we discovered the schematics for some sort of contraption, described as an "anti-gravity levitation drive". What this is we are not entirely sure.

Another set of labs, labeled "Heavy Weapons" is of interest to us. There we found some weapons that would most likely need a very strong operator, and some that can only be crew-operated. We have also found data on weapons for combat vehicles, aircraft and even cosmocraft.

A very large grouping of land at the end drew our attention. It is labeled "Spacecraft", and within, are computers with data on various cosmocraft designs, both civilian and military.

This is a scientific treasure trove that we have stumbled upon, and the teams are crying for joy.
Obtained: Data on quantum and optical computation, data on "anti-gravity levitation drive", heavy weapons (both personal and crew-operated, as well as vehicular, aerial and cosmic), data on cosmocraft designs.
Unlocked: Analysis - Quantum Computation Data (Research Option), Analysis - Optical Computation Data (Research Option), Analysis - Anti-Gravity Levitation Drive (Research Option), Analysis - Unknown Alien Heavy Weaponry (Research Option), Analysis - Unknown Alien Cosmocraft Designs (Research Option)

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-06

Cost: 1.5 M minerals, 450K nanomaterials
Time: 12 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 90 (Failure)

Even with the allocation of the additional resources, the teams at XA-06 have not succeeded in making much progress.

Much of the time was consumed by trying to get the lay of the land, demining and trying to pinpoint where the defenses were. Once that was done, initial attempts were made to hack into the security systems, but we were unsuccessful. It doesn't look like we will be entering this one any time soon.
Status: XA-06 chance of success increased by 1.5%

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-07

Cost: 750K minerals, 250K nanomaterials
Time: 14 months
Chance of success: 67.5%
Rolls: 2d100 = 86 (Failure)

The level of the security algorithms at XA-07 is exceptionally high, as per our cybersecurity experts. They have worked themselves to the bone, and have again been unsuccessful, but they are not willing to admit defeat. They feel that if they keep trying a few times more, they just might be able to crack it.
Status: XA-07 chance of success increased by 2.5%

Decryption - Encrypted files from XA-02

Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 172 (Major success)

Thanks to the considerable time spent by our cybersecurity experts before on attempting to hack into the security systems of the XA-category sites (and some luck), it was not particularly troublesome to decrypt the files obtained from XA-02. Their contents left us quite surprised, however.

These files contain information about additional facilities built by these aliens in the past across our homeworld. By the looks of it, there are at least….10 more sites here! The All-Union Archaeological Survey is going to have their hands full for a while with them.
Obtained: Data on 10 additional XA-category sites.

Overview: Research Actions
Preliminary Quantum Computation

Description: As processors get smaller in size and more powerful in processing power, one wonders- what if we built a computer that relies on the principles of quantum mechanics to operate? Right now, it may seem like the dream of an overimaginative writer, but then again, don't we have a knack for dealing with difficult situations?
Category: Computation
Cost: 25 M nanomaterials
Time: 51 months
Chance of success: 65%
Unlocks: Quantum Computation - Basic Hardware (Research Option)
Rolls: 2d100 = 127 (Success)

Quantum computation is a field of immense possibilities and potential. Even the most basic of quantum computers can provide computing power that exceeds the supercomputers we use currently. As a first step in that direction, we have been able to develop basic qubit-based electronics and circuitry. Considering that we were in a sense starting with little, this is a considerable achievement.
Unlocked: Quantum Computation - Storage Devices (Research Option)

Analysis - Unknown Alien Robots

Description: The robots discovered at the site XA-02 have been brought back to the capital for a thorough inspection. While they may look crude on the outside, our robotics experts want to have a go at studying them….if only to satiate their academic curiosity.
Category: Robotics
Cost: 15 M nanomaterials
Time: 15 months
Chance of success: 85%
Progress: 1/15 months

The analysis of the alien robots is in a very early stage at the moment.

Analysis - Unknown Alien Robotics Data

Description: Besides the robots, we came across data for more robot designs in the computers at XA-02. Going through it will help our robotics experts understand the robots in hand….and maybe provide some interesting insights.
Category: Robotics
Cost: 20 M nanomaterials
Time: 20 months
Chance of success: 80%
Rolls: 2d100 = 171 (Major success)

The data recovered from the computers at XA-02 has left our robotics experts ecstatic with delight.

Apparently, the robots we discovered were but the preliminary versions in a line of designs of its class. There are schematics for the more advanced versions available here, which, needless to say, are very well designed from a functional viewpoint, though they are not as aesthetically pleasing. This seems to be a common characteristic of the robots designed by this alien race, forsaking aesthetics for functionality.

Based on the designs we found, they came up with schematics for two new robot variants. They have been uploaded to our servers.
  • CAR-6 "Mal'karr" civilian assistance robot
  • BWR-3 "Faj'narl" battlefield warrior robot

Overview: Faith Actions
The Spirits of the Flame

Description: Fire is an element with a dual nature - it can be used constructively, to cook food and work metals; and destructively, as a weapon of war. The fire goddess, Tar'sanas, herself manifests this duality. Her strength can be a blessing or a curse, depending on the perspective of who is being asked. There are plenty of written works telling her story. They should be collected and organized, in order to benefit her priesthood and her worshippers.
Time: 12 months
Chance of success: 90%
Unlocks: Lore of Fire
Rolls: 2d100 = 176 (Major success)

Over the months, our priests and priestesses worked hard, collecting and collating all the available lore on the Goddess of Fire. The fruit of their labor is the Tar'sanorim Codex.
Unlocked: Lore of Fire; new Faith Actions available.

The Souls of the Metals

Description: As we know, fire can destroy…and it can help forge tools and weapons out of metals, after having helped refine said metals from their ores. The goddess Tar'sanas, is thus held in high regard by blacksmiths and metalworkers, in the form of her Metalworking Aspect, Tar'sankras. There is no shortage of lore regarding this form of hers, which should be collated in the form of a unified codex.
Time: 12 months
Chance of success: 90%
Unlocks: Lore of Metal
Rolls: 2d100 = 173 (Major success)

The meticulous efforts of our priests and priestesses has led to the compilation of the Tar'senkrim Codex, a unified work containing all the known lore about the Goddess of the Forge.
Unlocked: Lore of Metal; new Faith Actions available.

The Spirits of Coldness

Description: During the times of winter, the waters in the rivers and lakes become colder, sometimes freezing over. This is the time when Astaryok's twin sister, Astaryani manifests herself. Unlike her brother, she is as frigid as the element she rules over, and is indiscriminate as to who and what suffers from the chills left in her wake. There is quite some written lore about her, which must be collected and streamlined.
Time: 12 months
Chance of success: 90%
Unlocks: Lore of Ice
Rolls: 2d100 = 173 (Major success)

The meticulous efforts of our priesthood has seen the disparate scriptures concerning the Goddess of Ice collated into a unified work, the Astaryannrim Codex.
Unlocked: Lore of Ice; new Faith Actions available.

The Storms of the Heavens

Description: The storms on our homeworld are a sobering demonstration of the fury that nature, and the deities, can wield. Our ancestors have attributed them to the goddess Geygantaris, twin sister of the god of air, Geyganor. Unlike her brother, who is lively most of the time, she has a ferocious temper. The bright flashes of lightning and the ear-splitting claps of thunder are considered to be manifestations of her anger. There is by no means a shortage of lore about her, which we should collect and compile in the form of a Codex.
Time: 12 months
Chance of success: 90%
Unlocks: Lore of Thunder
Rolls: 2d100 = 174 (Major success)

Our priests got down to work quickly enough, collecting and combining all the texts on the Goddess of Thunder that they could come across. Due to their efforts, we now have the Geygannarim Codex.
Unlocked: Lore of Thunder; new Faith Actions available.

Psiolyte Training Programs (Can be repeated)

Description: There is a very old saying, "Practice makes perfect.". This is a universal truth, and has never been disproved. The new field of psionics cannot be an exception to this rule. We must start some initial training programs to not only hone the skills of our existing psiolytes, but also gain new recruits.
Cost: Negligible
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 119 (Close success)

Over the course of the year, we kept a close eye on the psiolytes that we already had, as well as the thousand-odd recruits that turned up at the doors of the Federal Research Center for Psionics. There have been some positive developments as we gain an increased understanding of how their powers work.
Rewards: 1023 new psiolytes recruited.
  • Grade 1 psiolytes = 450
  • Grade 2 psiolytes = 419
  • Grade 3 psiolytes = 148
  • Grade 4 psiolytes = 0
  • Grade 5 psiolytes = 0

Basic Wardcrafting Methods

Description: During the years of the Voidspawn Wars, our ancestors utilized many methods to hold back the tides of ruin. Among them was the art of making wards. The wards made by our Wardcrafters went a long way in supporting our forces, or debilitating the enemy. Those methods of old must be rediscovered and if possible, improved upon, if we are to stand against the horrors of the Void.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 87 (Failure)

It seems that we underestimated the difficulty of the task at hand, as well as the level to which we were disconnected from the ancient texts. It is all we can do to comprehend the basic concepts. We must prepare ourselves for a highly laborious undertaking.

  • Previous stockpile: 330.4 M
  • Previous production (Total): 560.5 M
  • New production (Total): 560.5 M + 235 M = 795.5 M
  • Previous upkeep: 135 M
  • New upkeep: 135 M + 15 M = 150 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 425.5 M
  • New production (Actual): 795.5 M - 150 M = 645.5 M
  • Expenditure: 291.05 M
  • Calculated stockpile: 330.4 M - 291.05 M + 425.5 M + 207.58 M - 15 M = 657.43 M

Exotic gasses
  • Previous stockpile: 584.5 M
  • Previous production (Total): 25.5 M
  • New production (Total): 25.5 M
  • Previous upkeep: 14 M
  • New upkeep: 14 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 11.5 M
  • New production (Actual): 11.5 M
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 584.5 M + 11.5 M = 596 M

Radioactive materials
  • Previous stockpile: 13.7 M
  • Previous production (Total): 750,000
  • New production (Total): 750,000
  • Previous upkeep: 350,000
  • New upkeep: 350,000
  • Previous production (Actual): 400,000
  • New production (Actual): 400,000
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 13.7 M + 400,000 = 14.1 M

  • Previous stockpile: 534.095 M
  • Previous production (Total): 407 M
  • New production (Total): 407 M + 19.8 M = 426.8 M
  • Previous upkeep: 146 M
  • New upkeep: 146 M + 5 M = 151 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 261 M
  • New production (Actual): 426.8 M - 151 M = 275.8 M
  • Expenditure: 147.34 M
  • Calculated stockpile: 534.095 M - 147.34 M + 261 M + 2.805 M + 2.31 M + 1.815 M + 1.32 M + 0.825 M + 0.33 M - 5 M = 652.16 M

  • Previous stockpile: 1.62 M
  • Previous production (Total): 550,000
  • New production (Total): 550,000
  • Previous upkeep: 0
  • New upkeep: 15,000
  • Previous production (Actual): 550,000
  • New production (Actual): 550,000 - 15,000 = 535,000
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 1.62 M + 535,000 = 2.155 M

A/N: You really hit it big, you filthy animals!

Time to cook up Turn 5.
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Over the months, our priests and priestesses worked hard, collecting and collating all the available lore on the God of Life. The fruit of their labor is the Tar'sanorim Codex.
Unlocked: Lore of Fire; new Faith Actions available.
God of fire, right?
Explore unknown alien ruins XA-06

Cost: 1.5 M minerals, 450K nanomaterials
Time: 12 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 90 (Failure)
What? The 70th percentile on 2d100 should be 78, so 90 should be enough.
Explore unknown alien ruins XA-07

Cost: 750K minerals, 250K nanomaterials
Time: 14 months
Chance of success: 67.5%
Rolls: 2d100 = 86 (Failure)
67.5% should be 82 as the minimum
Psiolyte Training Programs (Can be repeated)

Description: There is a very old saying, "Practice makes perfect.". This is a universal truth, and has never been disproved. The new field of psionics cannot be an exception to this rule. We must start some initial training programs to not only hone the skills of our existing psiolytes, but also gain new recruits.
Cost: Negligible
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 119 (Close success)
119 is 34th percentile, which is significantly higher than 70th, and 41 points above 78 if we're measuring by number rather than liklihood.
Basic Wardcrafting Methods

Description: During the years of the Voidspawn Wars, our ancestors utilized many methods to hold back the tides of ruin. Among them was the art of making wards. The wards made by our Wardcrafters went a long way in supporting our forces, or debilitating the enemy. Those methods of old must be rediscovered and if possible, improved upon, if we are to stand against the horrors of the Void.
Time: 2 years
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 87 (Failure)
Once again, the threshold should have been 78.
I have better things to do than argue with you for the rest of my life about the rolls. 😤

There is no percentage modifier being added. And keep your ultracomplicated logic out of this. This quest is tough enough to formulate with me deciding to be a bit more detailed with things. You are simply adding to and worsening my headaches regarding the quest.

PS - I have a massive hatred of frogs, by the way.
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Interested in playing, but...

I'm actually also confused about how "chance of success" affects anything.

For example, if we choose an action that's something impossible, say we want to find an eldar craftworld hiding in the system and the chance of success is 1%.

Is 2-100 still failure and 101-200 still success?

Or is something being done with the dice roll so that there's a greater chance of hitting a failure? Like are you setting the first die equal to the chance of success and only rolling the second dice? Because that would make sense and be kinda clever.

Edit: In any case, I think I'll start playing, but the answer to the chance of success question will affect the kinds of plan I'd go for, is all.
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Interested in playing, but...

I'm actually also confused about how "chance of success" affects anything.

For example, if we choose an action that's something impossible, say we want to find an eldar craftworld hiding in the system and the chance of success is 1%.

Is 2-100 still failure and 101-200 still success?

Or is something being done with the dice roll so that there's a greater chance of hitting a failure? Like are you setting the first die equal to the chance of success and only rolling the second dice? Because that would make sense and be kinda clever.

Edit: In any case, I think I'll start playing, but the answer to the chance of success question will affect the kinds of plan I'd go for, is all.
Here you have:
That simply gives one the chances of rolling a good roll. What kind of roll you get is entirely random, however.

You turned this quest into a maths class.😤

In the situation you mentioned, the dice will keep giving you bad rolls for practically all the time.

Also, the example you gave is exceedingly bad, as a lower species can never find an Eldar Craftworld on their own.

(If you are thinking that probability theorems are going to work in this quest, well, they won't. They are all going for a toss.)

PS: I started this quest with an intent to see a Xenos species ascend to greatness, not to tutor kids in maths.
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