A Beacon of Hope in the Darkness: Warhammer 40,000 Xeno Civ Quest

A message to everybody.

It seems the poll has stagnated.

I will wait for some more time, and if no more votes come in, I will call the vote early.
Turn 1 planning vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by Zolarian01 on Mar 8, 2024 at 1:57 AM, finished with 30 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Build Build Build
    -[X]Naval Actions
    --[X] Kel'taor (6/6 months)
    --[X] Aiuran (6/16 months)
    -[X]Infrastructure Actions
    --[X] Major Slot 1
    ---[X] Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1) (14/14 months) -500 M minerals, -150 M nanomaterials
    ---[X] Expand the aerodrome in the Teq'naris Archipelago (5/5 months) -200 M minerals, -60 M nanomaterials
    --[X] Major Slot 2
    ---[X] Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains (5/5 months) -200 M minerals, -60 M nanomaterials
    --[X] Minor Slot
    ---[X] Build mineral processing facilities (4/4 months) -15 M minerals, -4.5 M nanomaterials, +5 M minerals/year
    ---[X] Build nanomaterial production plants (5/5 months) -20 M minerals, -6 M nanomaterials, +2.5 M nanomaterials/year\
    -[X]Archaeology Actions
    --[X] Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01 (24/24 months)
    --[X] Action Slot 2
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01 (10/10 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-03 (10/10 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    --[X] Action Slot 3
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02 (11/11 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-04 (9/9 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    -[X]Research Actions
    --[X] Action Slot 1
    ---[X] Orbital Engineering Methods (9/9 months) -6 M nanomaterials
    ---[X] Orbital Shipbuilding Facilities (10/10 months) -7 M nanomaterials
    --[X] Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral (10/10 months) -10 M nanomaterials
    --[X] Improved Nanoscale Assembly (24/24 months) -30 M nanomaterials
    [X]Small Expansion
    -[X]Naval Actions
    -[X]Infrastructure Actions
    --[X]Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1)
    --[X]Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains
    --[X]Build mineral processing facilities
    -[X]Archaeology Actions
    --[X]Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01
    --[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01
    --[X]Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02
    -[X]Research Actions
    --[X]Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral
    --[X]Basic Arcology Designs
    --[X]Orbital Engineering Methods
    [X] Plan: Build Build Build expanded(24 month turn)
    -[X]Naval Actions
    ---[X] Kel'taor (6/6 months)
    ---[X] rest (3/3)
    ---[X] Aiuran (15/16 months)
    -[X]Infrastructure Actions
    --[X] Infrastructure Major Slot 1
    ---[X] Expand the aerodrome in the Teq'naris Archipelago (5/5 months) -200 M minerals, -60 M nanomaterials
    ---[X] Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1) (14/14 months) -500 M minerals, -150 M nanomaterials
    --[X] Infrastructure Major Slot 2
    ---[X] Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains (5/5 months) -200 M minerals, -60 M nanomaterials
    ---[X] retry the aerodrome if the first attempt failed.
    ---[X] retry the aerodrome if the second attempt failed.
    ---[X] retry the aerodrome if the third attempt failed.
    --[X] Infrastructure Minor Slot
    ---[X] Build mineral processing facilities (4/4 months) -15 M minerals, -4.5 M nanomaterials, +5 M minerals/year
    ---[X] Build nanomaterial production plants (5/5 months) -20 M minerals, -6 M nanomaterials, +2.5 M nanomaterials/year\
    ---[X] Build automated farming complexes (4/4 months) -15 M minerals, -4.5 M nanomaterials, Population growth rate increased
    ---[X] Build exotic gas refineries (4/4 months) -15 M minerals, -4.5 M nanomaterials, +750K exotic gas production per year
    ---[X] Build nuclear breeder reactors (5/5 months) 20 M minerals, 6 M nanomaterials, +25K radioactive material production per year
    -[X]Archaeology Actions
    --[X] Archaeology Action Slot 1
    --[X] Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01 (24/24 months)
    --[X] Archaeology Action Slot 2
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01 (10/10 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-03 (10/10 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-05 (4/9 months) -650K minerals, -195K nanomaterials
    --[X] Archaeology Action Slot 3
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02 (11/11 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-04 (9/9 months) -500k minerals, -150k nanomaterials
    ---[X] Explore unknown alien ruins XA-06 (4/12 months) -650K minerals, -195K nanomaterials
    -[X]Research Actions
    --[X] Research Action Slot 1
    ---[X] Orbital Engineering Methods (9/9 months) -6 M nanomaterials
    ---[X] Orbital Shipbuilding Facilities (10/10 months) -7 M nanomaterials
    ---[X] Repeat any of the above if failed
    ---[X] Biogenetic Modification (Phase 1) (10/20) months -20 M nanomaterials
    --[X] Research Action Slot 2
    ---[X] Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral (10/10 months) -10 M nanomaterials
    ---[X] Repeat above if failed
    ---[X] Preliminary Optical Computation (14/51 months) -25 M nanomaterials
    --[X] Research Action Slot 3
    --[X] Improved Nanoscale Assembly (24/24 months) -30 M nanomaterials

Okay, I decided to call the vote early.

Build Build Build it is then.
Am currently working on the Turn 1 overview.

All I can say is....those infra projects will give you some neat little rewards.
Turn 1 overview
Our first year as a spacefaring power (if we can call ourselves that) has gone quite well. We are building, developing, exploring and researching as we take our first steps towards something greater.

Overview: Naval Actions
Kel'taor - The satellite or moon of our homeworld and the inspiration for many poets and artists, Kel'taor has seen some activity from our people prior to this flight. It was 25 years ago that the first Drak'xarim landed on its surface. Since then, some work has been done in scanning its surface, collecting samples and analyzing them. Our technology has improved since then, and the dark side of the satellite had yet to be properly surveyed. Now might be just the time to do so.
Survey level:10/10 (Completely surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Easy
Rolls: 2d100 = 179 (Brilliant success)

In the course of two expeditions, our cosmonauts have returned with a treasure trove of information about our satellite. According to their reports, while the surface of Kel'taor cannot support life, there is a way to circumvent that, by means of a closed arcology with simulated living conditions. Also of note is the fact that below the surface of the moon are rich mineral veins. Some mineral nodes have been discovered above the surface in the dark side of the moon, and samples have been collected. While most of the minerals are familiar to us, some are not. They will require a thorough analysis in our laboratories.
Rewards: Unknown minerals discovered, mineral veins discovered
Unlocked: Analysis - Unknown Lunar Minerals (Research Option)

Aiuran - The fourth planet from our star, Aiuran seems to have been capable of supporting life sometime in the past, as has been deduced from the images sent by our probes, which show what appear to be the remains of a river system. Also visible are what appear to be some sort of structures. This calls for a thorough survey. The same must apply to its two moons.
Survey level: 0/5 (Not surveyed)
Survey difficulty: Easy
Estimated survey duration: 16 months
Progress: 4/16 months

Our cosmonauts are busy exploring the surface of Aiuran at the moment. So far they have made some insightful discoveries, but they iterate that there is a lot more for them to look at.

Overview: Infrastructure Actions
Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 1)

Description: The Ler'kaas Desert is a sprawling expanse of arid, burning sands, broken in places by life-giving oases. These bodies of water have provided the local fauna with sustenance for several years, and now our people have settled down near them. While the cities are relatively self-sufficient, the lack of a proper transportation network between them is a matter of concern. We must rectify this by building underground rail lines to link the cities, as prior surveys have deemed that it would be an arduous task to defend the lines if they were built above the ground. This project will be done in two phases: in the first, the larger cities will be linked. The second phase will see the smaller cities being linked.
Cost: 500 M minerals, 150 M nanomaterials
Time: 14 months
Chance of success: 75%
Rolls: 2d100 = 138 (Moderate success)

It did not prove to be easy. With Striker Drakes attacking in unprecedented frequency at first, followed up by an increase in Bronze Panther attacks, getting the equipment to the construction sites proved to be quite the challenge. However, once the tunnel boring began, that was when things really began to escalate, as the Panthers and the Red Karmals went berserk. The situation was so bad, the construction teams had to call for Druid assistance. Calling in the Druids did the trick, as the wildlife was held at bay and the rail links were successfully built.
Rewards: Additional minerals and nanomaterials production (+25 M minerals, +12.5 M nanomaterials per year)
Unlocked: Build underground high-speed maglev rail network in the Ler'kaas Desert (Phase 2) (Major Project)

Expand the aerodrome in the Teq'naris Archipelago

Description: The Teq'naris Archipelago is a group of islands located in the eastern region of the Tar'kaathi Ocean and are as deadly as they are beautiful. The islands were colonized with great difficulty owing to the presence of dangerous fauna. The colonists there are doing alright for now, but without adequate infrastructure, they will perish. Let us begin by upgrading the existing aerodrome, so that the island chain is better connected to the nearest continent.
Cost: 200 M minerals, 60 M nanomaterials
Time: 5 months
Chance of success: 80%
Rolls: 2d100 = 159 (Success)

In contrast to the significant difficulties experienced by our engineers in the Ler'kaas Desert, the teams in the Teq'naris Archipelago had a rather easy time expanding the local aerodromes.
Rewards: Additional minerals and nanomaterials production (+5 M minerals, +2.5 M nanomaterials per year)

Build mining facilities in the Karr'saron Mountains

Description: A mountain range located in the eastern regions of the Ler'kaas Desert, the Karr'saron are a place of unparalleled beauty and considerable resources. Several rich mineral veins have been found here by our surveyors. By building the necessary infrastructure for mining operations, we can begin to tap into this treasure trove of natural wealth.
Cost: 200 M minerals, 60 M nanomaterials
Time: 5 months
Chance of success: 90%
Rolls: 2d100 = 192 (Near-perfect success)

The hard work of our engineers has paid off splendidly, as the miners and machines start tapping into the first of the mineral veins.
Rewards: Additional minerals production (+40 M minerals per year)

Build mineral processing facilities × 2
Build nanomaterial production plants × 2

Cost: 70 M minerals, 21 M nanomaterials
Time: 18 months

The newly built mineral processing facilities will come in handy as the new mines in Karr'saron become operational. The nanomaterial plants will be of great help in providing more nanomaterials as our industrial capabilities expand.
Rewards: Additional minerals and nanomaterials production (+10 M minerals, +5 M nanomaterials per year)

Overview: Archaeology Actions
Decipher unknown alien language XA-L-01

Description: Our archaeologists have found what appears to be writing in a language of some sort. Attempts have been made in the past to make sense of it, but they have all met with failure. However, our linguistic experts refuse to admit defeat, and are ready to try umpteen more times.
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls : 2d100 = 94 (Close failure)

Unfortunately, the recent efforts of our archaeologists and linguists to decipher the language have yet again come up short. Yet all is not bleak, as they say that they have made some progress, and if they try a few more times, they will be able to crack it.

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-01

Cost: 500K minerals, 150K nanomaterials
Time: 10 months
Chance of success: 70%
Rolls: 2d100 = 148 (Success)

Our team has succeeded in entering the ruins designated XA-01. It seems to be an armory of some sort, with sealed racks of firearms and crates of munitions within. Our people who are on site have opened the racks with welding tools and have collected samples of the weapons and ammunition. They have been carefully sealed in special containment chests and are about to be shipped back to Var'kalas for a thorough analysis.
Obtained: A cache of firearms and munitions of unknown alien origin.
Unlocked: Analysis - Unknown Alien Firearms and Munitions (Research Option)

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-02

Cost: 500K minerals, 150K nanomaterials
Time: 11 months
Chance of success: 75%
Rolls: 2d100 = 86 (Failure)

Our team has not had much luck with the site XA-02. It has some rather intricate defenses, which are apparently still functioning after all this time.

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-03

Cost: 500K minerals, 150K nanomaterials
Time: 10 months
Chance of success: 75%
Rolls: 2d100 = 76 (Failure)

The site XA-03 is protected by a sophisticated cybersecurity system. To bring it offline, we will need to hack into the system and insert codes in a programming language it recognises.

Explore unknown alien ruins XA-04

Cost: 500K minerals, 150K nanomaterials
Time: 9 months
Chance of success: 75%
Rolls: 2d100 = 93 (Close failure)

Despite the best efforts of our team, the site XA-04 has not been entered yet. The defenses are still functioning, though not everywhere, and the doors are too strong for our welding tools, implying there may be something of worth in here.

Overview: Research Actions
Orbital Engineering Methods

Description: If we are to reach out to the stars, we must look into ways to build infrastructure in the orbits of planets.
Category: Cosmocraft
Cost: 6 M nanomaterials
Time: 9 months
Chance of success: 90%
Unlocks: Orbital Shipbuilding Facilities (Research Option), Orbital Defense Installations (Research Option)
Rolls: 2d100 = 195 (Near-perfect success)

Our research into orbital construction techniques has paid off and borne rich fruits. We have been able to establish the feasibility of building structures in space. Now all we need to do is put what we have learnt to practice.
Unlocked: Orbital Shipbuilding Facilities (Research Option), Orbital Defense Installations (Research Option)

Orbital Shipbuilding Facilities

Description: Now that we are capable of building structures in space, the first thing to do must be to draw up schematics for a shipyard in the planetary orbit, where cosmocraft can be assembled.
Category: Cosmocraft
Requirement: Orbital Engineering Methods
Cost: 7 M nanomaterials
Time: 10 months
Chance of success: 95%
Unlocks: Orbital Shipyard (Infrastructure Option)
Rolls: 2d100 = 193 (Near-perfect success)

Our scientists and engineers got to work immediately after the feasibility of orbital engineering was proven. Their efforts have borne fruit, giving us schematics for a basic shipyard which can be built in the planetary orbit.
Unlocked: Orbital Shipyard (Infrastructure Option)

Analysis - Unknown Crystalline Mineral

Description: Our miners have discovered a strange crystalline mineral, while mining a mineral vein in the Wen'kraal Mountains. It is green in color, and from the looks of it, is unlike anything we have seen before. Our mineralogists are asking for resources to help study it.
Category: Advanced Materials
Cost: 10 M nanomaterials
Time: 10 months
Chance of success: 85%
Unlocks: New rare mineral resource
Rolls: 2d100 = 186 (Brilliant success)

The new mineral discovered from the Wen'kraal is….to say the least, phenomenal. We used it as a gain medium for a laser device…and the power output was, at the very least, two and a half times as strong as that of our best gain media at present. Also of note is a highly unusual property that it exhibits when charged with electricity. An invisible force barrier is created around it in such circumstances. Tests have shown it to be capable of resisting kinetic munitions with considerable ease, however this barrier is of no use against directed energy weaponry. When tested for hardness, the mineral proved capable of cutting several known minerals with ease. Further tests are ongoing, but from what we have seen, this mineral holds enormous potential. We have named it Dan'xenal.
Rewards: Dan'xenal available as new resource, initial production set at 555,000 per year.

Improved Nanoscale Assembly

Description: Our forays into the science of matter at the subatomic level have provided several promising and interesting insights. By means of nanoscale manipulation of matter, we have developed new construction techniques and materials. However, there is always room for improvement, even in the case of such sophisticated disciplines.
Category: Nanotechnology
Cost: 30 M nanomaterials
Time: 1 year
Chance of success: 80%
Rolls: 2d100 = 181 (Brilliant success)

Our efforts at tinkering with the nanoscale structures of matter with atomic force microscopes has paid off, helping us to make improvements to our construction methods, as well as improve the output at our nanomaterial plants.
Rewards: -10% construction time and costs, +10% nanomaterials production

  • Previous stockpile: 2.15 B
  • Previous production (Total): 185.5 M
  • New production (Total): 185.5 M + 10 M + 25 M + 5 M + 40 M = 265.5 M
  • Previous upkeep: 90 M
  • New upkeep: 90 M + 12.5 M = 102.5 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 95.5 M
  • New production (Actual): 265.5 M - 102.5 M = 163 M
  • Expenditure: 972 M
  • Calculated stockpile: 2.15 B - 972 M + 95.5 M + 10.4 M + 1 M + 31.7 M + 4.2 M + 2.3 M - 12.5 M = 1.3211 B

Exotic gasses
  • Previous stockpile: 550 M
  • Previous production (Total): 25.5 M
  • New production (Total): 25.5 M
  • Previous upkeep: 14 M
  • New upkeep: 14 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 11.5 M
  • New production (Actual): 11.5 M
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 550 M + 11.5 M = 561.5 M

Radioactive materials
  • Previous stockpile: 12.5 M
  • Previous production (Total): 750,000
  • New production (Total): 750,000
  • Previous upkeep: 350,000
  • New upkeep: 350,000
  • Previous production (Actual): 400,000
  • New production (Actual): 400,000
  • Expenditure: Nil
  • Calculated stockpile: 12.5 M + 400,000 = 12.9 M

  • Previous stockpile: 1.125 B
  • Previous production (Total): 200 M
  • New production (Total): 200 M + 12.5 M + 2.5 M + 5 M = 220 M × 110% = 242 M
  • Previous upkeep: 125 M
  • New upkeep: 125 M + 6 M = 131 M
  • Previous production (Actual): 75 M
  • New production (Actual): 242 M - 131 M = 111 M
  • Expenditure: 344.5 M
  • Calculated stockpile: 1.125 B - 344.5 M + 75 M + 5.2 M + 0.5 M + 1.6 M + 0.6 M = 863.4 M

A/N: For those who are thinking that this was a great turn, I would say....enjoy it while it lasts, because after all, YOLO.
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damn, tech and infrastructure did real well this turn. very impressed with the efforts of our scientists and engineers. next turn i'm of the opinion that we should focus on getting some agriculture up and running, in addition to orbital infrastructure. researching at least one of the unearthed techs would be beneficial as well.
Sucks that we failed the Decipher action in archaeology. Would've been interesting to get more insight on this planet and the DAOT humans that set up shop here.

Other than that I also agree that we need to do some farming next turn, now that we upgraded the Areodome we'll need the food and resources to supply it.
While we couldn't learn the unknown language we did learn more about the two ruins and have some of their weapons.

Next turn we should focused on building the shipyard so we could get at least one or two more ships to explore the rest of the system. Then we should on getting the smaller cities linked and then building up our populations. Finally, we need to research the alien weapons and deciphering the alien language so we could get into some of the other ruins.
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Sucks about the bad rolls but overall we did great.
We have a jump off point on the moon once we build it.
I suspect we would fail some rolls in vault, after all dark age of tech hardly give his secret for free, if anything is good our scientist return back, if this was GW most if not all would suffer ether death or fate worst than death...and then death.

overall it was a good turn
It's kinda phenomenal how we had so many high rolls. The only part where we had terrible rolls are in the archaeology department.
Hey @Zolarian01 what was the population of our species in Turn 1 and how much can our cities hold said population before we built the underground high-speed maglev rail network?

Our starting population was 400 million.

Our cities are not yet overcrowded, due to newly built settlements in the desert.
how do the rolls work? I'm confused because I don't really get how the rolls and the probabilities match up with the results.

Chance of success: 75%
Rolls: 2d100 = 93 (Close failure)
For instance on this roll, a 75% success chance on 2d100 has a threshold of ~70. 93 is well above that so I'm puzzled.

If anyone wants to see the distributions, you can go to anydice.com and put in the appropriate dice.
Select "at least" to see what we have to roll above for an action.

On a scale of 200, 2-99 is the failure range. The success range is 100-200.

The probability mentioned is the probability of getting a positive roll. What numbers you end up getting, is entirely up to chance.